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Waste water coming from two factories, namely Manquabad (fertilizer) and Bani Qura (detergents and oils) factory and Arab El-Madabegh sewage effluents were determined for their phytotoxicities and physicochemical properties. The effect of the waters on the growth, chlorophyll content, transpiration rate and leaf relative water content of sunflower plants was undertaken in pots. In addition, the phytotoxicity present in the waste waters on embryonic radicle growth was also studied. The experiments were repeated each month from January to June, 1992. The three waste waters exhibited significant phytotoxic effects on the radicle growth of sunflower. The phytotoxicity varied with monthly sampling. The waste water from the fertilizer factory (Manquabad) collected in February, May and June showed almost 100% inhibition on the radicle growth, while January and April sampling had a stimulatory effect. Most of the tested water exhibited significant inhibition on shoot growth. Root growth was significantly enhanced by Arab El-Madabegh sewage water collected in February, March and April and was suppressed in the other three months. The three waste waters showed inhibitory effect on chlorophyll content. The inhibition was very high in the January sampling. Chlorophyll stability to heat was significantly lower in February and March and higher in May and June water-treated plants. Generally waste water-treated plants showed a lower transpiration rate than the control (tap water). Leaf relative water content of plants grown in the waste waters was significantly lower in May and June collected water than in the other four months collections. The physicochemical analysis of the waste waters revealed that the amount of Na+, K+, Ca+2 Zn+2, Cu+2, Iron, Cl?, SO4 ?2 and the degree of electrical conductivity were often above the limits of the standard for irrigation water for agricultural land, and some of these properties would be severely detrimental to crop growth. Generally waste water coming from the Manquabad fertilizer factory consistently revealed the highest inhibition, Bani Qura detergents and oils factory the second and Arab El-Madabegh sewage the least.  相似文献   
Safflower shoots were sprayed with either HNO3,HCl and H2SO4 acid solutions of pH 2.0 ordistilled water as a control and then sprayed with 0and 100 mg L-1 ascorbic acid solutions. In theabsence of ascorbic acid, membranes of leaf discsexcised from acid misted plants were more injured bydehydration (40% polyethylene glycol, P.E.G.) andheat (51 °C) stress than those taken fromunmisted plants. Safflower plants sprayed with HCl andH2SO4 solutions had lower contents ofchlorophyll (Chl.), soluble sugars (S.S.),hydrolysable carbohydrates (H.C.), soluble proteins(S.P.); total free amino acids (T.A.A.) and producedless biomass in their shoot and root systems than theunacidified control. The reverse held true in theplants received HNO3 solution. Proline contentincreased with exposure to an HCl acid mist of pH 2.0.An acid spray of pH 2.0 did not affect shoot Na+,K+ and Mg2+ content but reduced theircontents in the root. Shoot and root Ca2+contents were substantially lower in acid sprayedplants than in the unsprayed analogues. Ascorbic acidtreatment counteracted the deleterious effects of acidmist on the parameters tested, effectively protectingthe plant membranes from dehydration and heat stressinjury. Ascorbic acid protection was more pronouncedin plants that received HCl solution (e.g. chlorophyllcontent was about three-fold higher than that ofascorbic acid untreated analogues) in contrast toeither HNO3 or H2SO4 treated plants.The effects of single factors, acid mist (pH),ascorbic acid (A.A.) and their interaction (pH × A.A)on the parameters tested were statisticallysignificant. The coefficient of determination(η2) indicated that: (1) acid mist (pH) hada dominant role in affecting the stability of leafmembrane to dehydration stress, Chl content, shootlength and dry mass production, shoot S.P. and H.C.,and root S.S., S.P., T.A.A., Ca2+, and Mg2+contents. (2) The effect of ascorbic acid (A.A.) wasdominant for shoot Na+, K+, Ca2+ andproline contents as well as for root H.C. (3) Theshare of pH × AA. interaction was dominant for thestability of leaf membrane to heat stress, root dryweight, shoot S.S., T.A.A. and root Na+ content.(4) The role of pH and A.A. was equally dominant inaffecting root length.  相似文献   
For 79 isolates from the tonsils of healthy cattle identified as Erysipelothrix by cultivation, biochemical and serological tests, genotypic identification was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using four species-specific sets of oligonucleotide primers (ER1F-ER1R, ER2F-ER2R, ER3F-ER3R and ER4F-ER4R). The results of PCR for 79 bovine isolates were compared with those of serological typing. For 19 isolates, serotyping and genotyping results were the same. PCR allowed for the identification of 36 untypable isolates as Erysipelothrix species, strain 1. Serotyping and genotyping results of the remaining 24 isolates were different. Supplemental tests are frequently needed for Erysipelothrix identification.  相似文献   
The effect of three waste waters from two factories, Manquabad (fertilizer) and Bani Quara (detergents and oils), and a sewage effluent from Arab El‐Madabegh (sewage effluent) on the soluble nitrogen and carbon fractions in sunflower plants was studied. In addition, tissue concentrations of sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chloride (Cl), sulfur (S), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) were determined. Plants analyzed monthly that were grown in waste waters were found to have significantly higher soluble sugar, hydrolysable carbohydrate, and soluble protein in both their shoots and roots than plants grown in tap water (control). No definite pattern was noted for amino acid responses to the waste water treatment. Element concentrations in the plants were variable, affected by the pollution source differences and monthly sampling. Waste waters significantly enhanced the accumulation of most elements in both shoots and roots. The most notable effect was the increase in the Na, Cl, and Zn concentrations. In addition, waste waters significantly decreased the K content in both shoots and roots. Plants growing in Manquabad waste waters have the highest concentration of Zn, Mn, and Fe. The internal concentration for the mineral elements in the plant tissue was postively and negatively correlated with that found in the waste waters. The negative correlations existed with most elements in the plant tissue and waste waters, indicating the presence of an active regulation system that influenced the element uptake from the waste waters.  相似文献   
Management-oriented models of cattle habitat use often treat grazing pressure as a single variable summarizing all cattle activities. This paper addresses the following questions: How does the spatial pattern of cattle effects vary between cattle activities in a highly heterogeneous landscape? Do these patterns change over the grazing season as forage availability decreases? What are the respective roles of natural and management-introduced structures? We estimated the intensity of herbage removal, dung deposition and trampling after each of three grazing periods on a grid of 25 m ×25 m cells covering an entire paddock in the Swiss Jura Mountains. We found no significant positive correlations between cattle effects. Spatial patterns weakened through the season for grazing and trampling, whereas dunging patterns changed little between grazing periods. Redundancy analysis showed that different cattle effects were correlated with different environmental variables and that the importance of management-introduced variables was highest for herbage removal. Autocorrelograms and partial redundancy analyses using principal coordinates of neighbour matrices suggested that dunging patterns were more coarse-grained than the others. Systematic differences in the spatial and seasonal patterns of cattle effects may result in complex interactions with vegetation involving feedback effects through nutrient shift, with strong implications for ecosystem management. In heterogeneous environments, such as pasture-woodland landscapes, spatially explicit models of vegetation dynamics need to model cattle effects separately.  相似文献   
The pathogenicity of 79 Erysipelothrix isolates from bovine tonsils for mice and swine was determined. Five (6.3%) isolates were lethal for mice. These isolates belonged to serovars 1b (one isolate), 2 (2), 19 (1) and 21 (1). The 50% lethal dose values of the isolates ranged from 0.33 to 5x10(2) CFUs in mice. Twenty Erysipelothrix isolates (25.3%) were weakly virulent inducing only emaciation while 12 (15.2%) inducing emaciation and ruffled hair. In swine, clinical signs of varying severity were observed. Four isolates were virulent, capable of inducing localized or generalized urticarial lesions accompanied with a rise in body temperature after intradermal inoculation. One isolate each of serovars 1b, 2 and 19 was highly virulent, capable of inducing generalized urticarial lesions while another Erysipelothrix isolate of serovar 2 induced only a localized urticarial lesion at the site of inoculation. Another isolate of serovar 1b induced itching and irritation without obvious urticarial lesion at the site of inoculation. On the other hand, one isolate of serovar 21 and two other isolates of serovar 2 could not induce experimentally any clinical sign of erysipelas other than rise in body temperature. There was a rise in growth agglutination (GA) titer of serum in all the inoculated swine. These observations suggest that Erysipelothrix isolates from cattle are pathogenic for mouse and swine, and may also be pathogenic for other animals and humans.  相似文献   
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