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A Schnitzler  F Essl 《Weed Research》2015,55(3):221-225
Species of the genus Miscanthus (Poaceae) have recently become widely planted for ornamental and industrial uses. Yet these large perennial grasses have several traits that suggest a high invasion potential. To inform the debate on the benefits and risks of introducing these new biofuel crops, this publication summarises the invasion of Miscanthus species in Europe and the USA. Databases from North America were interrogated, and occurrence data from a variety of European sources were examined. In both continents, M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus have recently spread rapidly, although invasion started earlier in the USA and both species are more widespread there. Both species mostly colonise grasslands and ruderal habitats. In addition, some escapes of the hybrid M. × giganteus, which has a particularly strong invasion potential because of its vigorous growth and greater capacity to establish in cool climates, have already been recorded. We conclude that the invasion potential of Miscanthus species needs to be thoroughly tested, the incipient invasions in Europe and the USA monitored and, if required, planting restrictions should be adopted.  相似文献   
Globalisation and increasing trade have led to the introduction of alien plants that are highly competitive and difficult to control in agriculture in central Europe. Our study set out to analyse the invasion process and agricultural impact of the six emerging alien plants Abutilon theophrasti, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Cyperus esculentus, Datura stramonium, Panicum schinzii and Sorghum halepense in Austria, based on a large distribution data set (694 occurrence records in crop fields). We found that all study species have increased in abundance and range, especially after the year 2000. The rate of spread was highest for A. artemisiifolia and lowest for C. esculentus. At present, records of the study species were largely associated with areas of high summer crop concentration in eastern, southern and north‐western Austria. Based on the CORINE land‐cover data set, we found that the agricultural area at risk of being invaded increased over time. At present, it ranges between 45 500 and 168 000 ha (approximately 2.4% and 8.7% of the total agricultural area) depending on the species. The invasion success of the study species is probably associated with frequent human‐mediated dispersal, specific crop‐dominated rotations and herbicide use. Our results suggest that the study species will successfully spread further. We conclude that these emerging alien species will cause substantial impacts on crops in Austria and probably in other countries of central Europe.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: The behaviour of the genetic correlation between purebred and crossbred performance (rpc) was studied under a model with two loci, in populations with varying gene frequencies, degrees of dominance, and (additive by additive) epistasis. The value of rpc depends not only on dominance and epistasis, but also on gene-frequency differences between the parental populations. The value of rpc is unity if neither epistasis nor dominance exist, or if there are the same gene frequencies in both purebred populations. Special ratios of the assumed genotypic effects and gene-frequency differences between the parental populations may also cause a rpc of unity. Therefore, a high rpc is possible with small gene-frequency differences, small non-additive gene effects, or certain ratios of the assumed genotypic effects and gene frequencies. Further, overdominance is not necessary for a negative rpc. The correlation becomes negative in the case of partial dominance in combination with epistasis and certain gene frequencies. In general, rpc decreases with increasing gene-frequency difference or increasing dominance and/or epistatic effects. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: orrelation zwischen den Leistungen von Reinzucht- und Kreuzungstieren unter einem Zwei-Locus Modell mit Additiv mal Additiv Interaktion Das Verhalten der genetischen Korrelation zwischen den Leistungen von Reinzucht- und Kreuzungstieren (r(pc) ) wurde anhand eines Zwei-Locus Modelles in Abh?ngigkeit von Genfrequenzen, Dominanzgrad und Epistasie (additiv mal additiv) untersucht. Die Gr??e von r(pc) h?ngt nicht nur von Dominanzgrad und Epistasie, sondern auch von der Genfrequenzdifferenz zwischen den elterlichen Populationen ab. Der Wert von r(pc) betr?gt immer eins, wenn weder Dominanz noch Epistasie wirken oder die gleichen Genfrequenzen in beiden Elternpopulationen vorliegen. Bestimmte Verh?ltnisse der unterstellten genotypischen Effekte und Genfrequenzdifferenzen zwischen den Elternpopulationen k?nnen ebenfalls zu einem r(pc) -Wert von eins führen. Daher ist es nicht m?glich zu unterscheiden, ob ein hoher Wert für r(pc) durch geringe Genfrequenzdifferenzen, geringe nichtadditive Geneffekte oder bestimmte Verh?ltnisse der vorliegenden genotypischen Effekte und Genfrequenzdifferenzen zueinander verursacht wird. Weiters konnte gezeigt werden, da? keine überdominanz für das Auftreten von nagativen Korrelationen notwendig ist. Die Korrelation wird auch dann negativ, wenn partielle Dominanz in Kombination mit Epistasie und bestimmten Genfrequenzen vorliegt. Im allegemeinen nimmt die genetische Korrlelation zwischen den Leistungen von Reinzucht- und Kreuzungstieren mit steigenden Genfrequenzdifferenzen oder steigenden Dominanz- und/oder Epistasieeffekten ab.  相似文献   
Landscape Ecology - Large near-natural rivers have become rare in Europe, a fact reflected in the high conservation status of many riverine ecosystems. While the Balkan still harbors several intact...  相似文献   
Over a period of 34 years (1954–1987), a total of 11.9 million glass eels were stocked all over Austria to improve the yields of commercial fishermen and to make the lakes more attractive for anglers. Nearly half (48%) of the imported glass eels were introduced into natural, previously eel‐free Alpine lakes until stocking ceased in 1988. Twenty‐five years later, their occurrence could be verified in 56% (N = 22) of the Austrian Alpine lakes larger than 50 ha and mean body length had increased to 66 cm. Eels from seven selected Austrian Alpine lakes exhibited a yearly mean increase in length between 0.6 and 1.5 cm, indicating a comparatively poor growth compared with the majority of eel populations from within their natural distribution range. At the same time, high expectations in developing a flourishing eel fishery were not met. In all but one lake, the harvest remained below 3% of the total yearly catch and salmonids remained the dominant target species. During peak harvest in the 1980s, it exceeded 8% in mesotrophic Wallersee (2600 kg). Simulations of stock development indicated that the yield could have been improved, but contrary to earlier expectations eels never became important for local cuisine and catches remained too low for the development of a profitable export business. On the other hand, eels may have contributed to the loss of small‐bodied fish taxa.  相似文献   
Endemic species are not a uniform group in terms of range size, habitat preferences, and ecological plasticity. Based on a recent inventory of endemic vascular plant species in Austria, we analysed distribution patterns, altitudinal distribution and habitat preferences of endemic species and analysed the correlation of range size and niche breadth. The inventory includes 103 vascular plant taxa (species and subspecies) endemic to Austria.Grid cells (cell size ca. 35 km2) with highest taxon numbers (max. 25 taxa) are limited to the Northeastern Calcareous Alps, whereas highest numbers of acidophilous endemics occur in the easternmost high-mountain chains of the Central Alps. The majority of endemics (61 taxa; 59.2%) are found on calcareous bedrock, 6 taxa (5.8%) on intermediate substrates, and 29 (28.2%) on siliceous bedrock. The range size of endemic vascular plant taxa is strongly skewed towards very narrow distributions – 45 taxa are restricted to <20 grid cells. Average range sizes differ markedly between endemics of different broad habitat types, endemics of habitats with limited and patchy distribution (serpentine vegetation, dry grassland) having the smallest ranges.The altitudinal distribution of endemic plant taxa peaks at high altitudes, in the subalpine and lower alpine altitude belt. Below the tree line, endemics predominantly colonize extra- and azonal dry or wet habitats, whereas above the tree line, zonal alpine grassland and azonal vegetation types (scree, rocks, snowbeds) are equally essential to the endemic flora. Niche breadth of endemics is positively, however moderately, correlated with range size. This correlation is stronger for the altitudinal distribution than for the number of habitats colonized.The distribution patterns and ecology of endemics differ considerably from overall biodiversity patterns and must be addressed appropriately in conservation strategies. Small niche-breadths and the specific habitat requirements of endemics of very localized distribution render these taxa highly vulnerable to climate change.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: A two-locus genetic model was used to simulate different levels of additive, dominance, and additive-by-additive genetic effects. The character under phenotypic selection was controlled by 30 pairs of diallelic loci, located on different chromosomes. Initial gene frequencies were set to 0.5 for all loci and the recombination probability was 0.20 between adjacent loci. The broad-sense heritability was varied at levels of 0.03, 0.30, and 0.60. After building up a random mating population with 200 males and 400 females, the phenotypic best individuals per year were selected over 200 years (approx. 35 overlapping generations), keeping the population size constant. The results of the simulations showed extreme differences between eight models with the same initial heritability, but different amounts of additive, dominance, and additive-by-additive variance components. A model with additive, dominance, and additive-by-additive variance at the same initial magnitude, and negative dominance and positive additive-by-additive effect, led to the highest genetic response in the long term for all heritabilities simulated. The additive model showed the best selection advance in the short term. Some of the initial dominance and additive-by-additive variance was converted to additive genetic variance during the selection period, which in turn contributed to the selection response. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Auswirkungen von Dominanz and Epistasie auf den genetischen Aufbau von simulierten Populationen unter Selektion: Eine Modellentwicklung Ein 2-Locus-Genmodell wurde zur Simulation verschiedener Auspr?gungen von additiven, Dominanz und additiv mal additiv genetischen Effekten verwendet. Das Merkmal under ph?notypischer Selektion wurde von 30 diallelen Locuspaaren auf verschiedenen Chromosomen kontrolliert. Die Anfangsgenfrequenz wurde für alle Loci mit 0.5 angenommen und die Rekombinationsrate betrug 0.20 zwischen benachbarten Loci. Die Heritabilit?t im weiteren Sinn wurde zwischen 0.03, 0.30 und 0.60 variiert. Nach dem Aufbau einer Population durch Zufallspaarung von 200 m?nnlichen und 400 weiblichen Individuen wurden die ph?notypisch besten Individuen pro Jahr unter Konstanthaltung der Populationsgr??e über einen Zeitraum von 200 Jahren (ca. 35 überlappende Generationen) selektiert. Die Ergebnisse der Simulationen zeigten extreme Unterschiede zwischen den acht Modellen mit der gleichen Anfangsheritabilit?t aber verschiedenen Anteilen von additiven, Dominanz und additiv mal additiven Varianzkomponenten. Ein Modell mit zu Beginn gleich hoher additiver, Dominanz und additiv mal additiver Varianz und negativem Dominanz- und positivem additiv mal additiven Effekt führte bei allen simulierten Heritabilit?ten langfristig zum h?chsten Selektionserfolg. Kurzfristig zeigte das additive Modell den h?chsten Selektionsfortschritt. Ein Teil der Anfangs-Dominanz- und -Additiv mal additiv-Varianz wurde w?hrend der Selektionsperiode in additive Varianz umgewandelt, die wiederum zum Selektionserfolg beitrug.  相似文献   
S Follak  U Aldrian  D Moser  F Essl 《Weed Research》2015,55(3):289-297
Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge) is a serious weed in agriculture worldwide and observational data suggest that it has recently started to spread rapidly in Central Europe. We studied its spatiotemporal invasion pattern, rate of spread and habitat affiliation in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, using retrospective distribution data from various sources and a method that accounts for sampling bias. In total, we found 265 records of C. esculentus since 1900. Multiple accidental introductions, coupled with subsequent regional radial expansion, describe the spatiotemporal range expansion of C. esculentus in the study area. Cumulative number of records and of the number of invaded grid cells showed a continuous increase, but spread has become more pronounced recently (>2005). Invasion hotspots were located in the warmest regions of the study area, as well as in regions with an oceanic climate. On average, the rate of spread within these invasion hotspots ranged between 3.1 and 5.7 km per year. Cyperus esculentus was primarily found on arable land, while other habitats have been rarely invaded. The integration of different data sources improved the cover of distribution data and was useful for reconstructing the incipient and recent invasion phase of C. esculentus. The data suggest that control may be best achieved by preventing long‐range dispersal and containing or eradicating incipient infestations of C. esculentus.  相似文献   
This study presents a list of invasive alien plants that are found along roadsides in seven selected European countries – Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, Slovenia and Sweden – and an overview on the role of roadsides as a habitat for invasive alien plants. This compilation is based on national lists of invasive alien plants, a literature search and expert consultation. Comprising 89 species from 31 plant families, species introduced for horticulture dominate the list (65%). Thirteen species (14%) are widespread (occur in four or more countries) and include well‐known invasive plants such as Fallopia japonica, Heracleum mantegazzianum, Solidago canadensis and Solidago gigantea. Seventeen species are listed either on the EPPO List of Invasive Alien Plants or on the EPPO A2 List of pests recommended for regulation as quarantine pests. Five species are on the List of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern (EU Regulation 1143/2014). The compiled list provides a snap‐shot of invasive alien plants currently found along roadsides in the selected countries. It allows for a more targeted approach to monitoring, containment and control of the most problematic invasive alien plants identified in each country. Moreover, the list may also be used to identify emerging (potentially) invasive alien plants along roadsides in other European countries that warrant monitoring and/or management.  相似文献   
The concept of green infrastructure has been recently taken up by the European Commission for ensuring the provision of ecosystem services (ESS). It aims at the supply of multiple ESS in a given landscape, however, the effects of a full suite of management options on multiple ESS and landscape multifunctionality have rarely been assessed. In this paper we use European floodplain landscapes as example to develop an expert based qualitative conceptual model for the assessment of impacts of landscape scale interventions on multifunctionality. European floodplain landscapes are particularly useful for such approach as they originally provided a high variety and quantity of ESS that has declined due to the strong human impact these landscapes have experienced. We provide an overview of the effects of floodplain management options on landscape multifunctionality by assessing the effects of 38 floodplain management interventions on 21 relevant ESS, as well as on overall ESS supply. We found that restoration and rehabilitation consistently increased the multifunctionality of the landscape by enhancing supply of provisioning, regulation/maintenance, and cultural services. In contrast, conventional technical regulation measures and interventions related to extraction, infrastructure and intensive land use cause decrease in multifunctionality and negative effects for the supply of all three aspects of ESS. The overview of the effects of interventions shall provide guidance for decision makers at multiple governance levels. The presented conceptual model could be effectively applied for other landscapes that have potential for a supply of a high diversity of ESS.  相似文献   
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