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The aim of this study was to determine the spermatological characteristics in male L. abu during the spawning season. Semen was collected weekly by abdominal massage from 26 males in March. In collected semen, volume, motility, duration of motility, concentration and pH were determined. In the L. abu sperm, volume (μl), motility (%), duration of motility (s), concentration (×109/ml), and pH values were found 45.76 ± 3.55, 54.25 ± 2.93, 330.15 ± 37.92, 4.27 ± 0.40 and 7.87 ± 0.05, respectively. A correlation was found between semen volume and semen pH. Semen volume and the duration of sperm motility were higher in the 2nd and 3rd sampling dates than in the 1st and 4th sampling dates (P < 0.05; P < 0.01, respectively). Neither sperm motility nor sperm concentration was affected by sampling dates. Major changes in semen pH were observed in the 4th sampling date (P < 0.001). The Pearson correlation test presented significant relationships with the duration of motility, semen volume, and motility. Semen pH values were significantly correlated with the sperm concentration and semen volume. Sperm concentration was inversely correlated with semen volume. Sperm motility and duration significantly correlated with total weight. Total length significantly correlated with the duration of motility and total weight. In conclusion, these characteristics represent a valuable baseline dataset for establishing a semen quality standard and provide background information that may be useful for assisted breeding programs in this species.  相似文献   
The effects of calcium and humic acid on seed germination, growth and macro- and micro-nutrient contents of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) seedlings in saline soil conditions were evaluated. Different levels of humic acid (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg kg?1) and calcium (0, 100, 200 and 400 mg kg?1) were applied to growth media treated with 50 mg NaCl kg?1 before sowing seeds. Seed germination, hypocotyl length, cotyledon width and length, root size, shoot length, leaf number, shoot and root fresh weights, and shoot and root dry weights of the plant seedlings were determined. Macro- and micro-nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) contents of shoot and root of seedlings were also measured. Humic acid applied to the plant growth medium at 1000 mg kg?1 concentration increased seedling growth and nutrient contents of plants. Humic acid not only increased macro-nutrient contents, but also enhanced micro-nutrient contents of plant organs. However, high levels of humic acid arrested plant growth or decreased nutrient contents. Levels of 100 and 200 mg kg?1 Ca2+ application significantly increased N, Ca and S contents of shoot, and N and K contents of root.  相似文献   
Mast seeding causes strong fluctuations in populations of forest animals. Thus, this phenomenon can be used as a natural experiment to examine how variation in host abundance affects parasite loads. We investigated fleas infesting yellow-necked mice in beech forest after 2 mast and 2 non-mast years. We tested 2 mutually exclusive scenarios: (1) as predicted by classical models of density-dependent transmission, an increase in host density will cause an increase in ectoparasite abundance (defined as the number of parasites per host), versus (2) an increase in host density will cause a decline in flea abundance (“dilution,” which is thought to occur when parasite population growth is slower than that of the host). In addition, we assessed whether masting alters the relationship between host traits (sex and body mass) and flea abundance. We found a hump-shaped relationship between host and flea abundance. Thus, the most basic predictions are too simple to describe ectoparasite dynamics in this system. In addition, masting modified seasonal dynamics of flea abundance, but did not affect the relationship between host traits and flea abundance (individuals with the highest body mass hosted the most fleas; after controlling for body mass, parasite abundance did not vary between sexes). Our results demonstrate that pulses of tree reproduction can indirectly, through changes in host densities, drive patterns of ectoparasite infestation.  相似文献   
Grape growers may occasionally face difficulties in grape skin coloration and low total soluble solids content in growing of early ripening table grape cultivars. In order to overcome these difficulties, it can be utilized from foliar biostimulants treatments. The purpose of this study, carried out 2015 growing season in Tekirda?, Turkey, was to compare the effects of doses of two different biostimulants, enhancing table grape quality characteristics of cv. Tarsus Beyaz?, cv. Trakya Ilkeren and cv. Yalova Incisi. For this aim, it was focused on three different doses for both biostimulants, including 0, 1750 and 3500?ppm (respectively, Control, BSt A-1 and BSt A-2) for first biostimulant and 0, 3500 and 4500?ppm (respectively, Control, BSt B-1 and BSt B-2) for second biostimulant. As a result, present research demonstrated that BSt B-2 and BSt A-2 treatments especially enhanced most of table grape quality characteristics in cv. Tarsus Beyaz?, cv. Trakya Ilkeren and cv. Yalova Incisi.  相似文献   
In this study the mulberry population in the Mediterranean and Eastern Anatolia Turkey was examined with regard to fruit properties. The research material consisted of uncultivated mulberry (Morus spp.) trees. Thirty five mulberry genotypes for table, 6 genotypes for fruit juice, 11 genotypes for syrup (pekmez) and 9 genotypes for drying, were selected, 32 of which belonged to Morus alba, 12 to Morus rubra and 8 genotypes to Morus nigra. Continued and more detailed selection studies with this population of genotypes are necessary to provide material that is suitable for future breeding efforts. It may also be possible to select some of this native material that has sufficient commercial value to justify its release to growers.  相似文献   
Des 1980, la résistance aux imides cycliques (I. C.) s'est généralisée dans les populations de Botrytis cinerea sur fraisiers remontants, traités de 3 à 10 fois de juillet à septembre avec des I. C., le taux moyen de fraises présentant des conidies résistantes étant de 72%. Une diminution progressive du taux de résistance est observée après l'arrêt des traitements, mais est suivie d'une forte augmentation 5 à 6 semaines apres la reprise des traitements l'année suivante. L'efficacité des traitements à la vinchlozoline (500 g ha?1) est passée de 94%, pour les essais de 1973 à 1978, à 48% pour ceux établis de 1979 à 1984. Durant cette derniére période, le mélange vinchlozoline (500 g ha?1)+ thirame (1600 g ha?1) a présenté une efficacité de 78% et le tolylfluanide a donné une efficacité de 67%. Sur fraisiers de saison, traités 1 à 6 fois au moment de la floraison, une résistance aux I. C. a été observée en 1980 dans sept des 10 champs analysés, avec un taux moyen de 22%. La résistance ne s'y développe que tardivement et principalement dans les cultures de 2 ans, traitées déjà l'année précédente avec des I. C. Dans les essais, l'efficacité de la vinchlozoline s'est maintenue á 92% entre 1973 et 1984.  相似文献   
The effects of calf age and dam breeds of different milk yield potential on turnover of energy and nutrients were followed in 16 Simmental and 16 Angus beef cows with Angus-sired calves. Calf ages investigated were 1, 4, 7, and 10 mo. The forage offered for ad libitum access consisted of hay for the calves and of a constant mixture of grass silage, meadow hay, and straw (1:0.7:0.3 on a DM basis) for the cows. Calves of 10 mo of age received an additional 2.6 kg DM/d of crushed barley. The animals were kept in groups of four cows and four calves except in the respiration chambers, where only one cow (tethered) and her calf (loose) were grouped together. Indicator techniques were applied to obtain individual data on feces and urine volumes during group housing. In the Simmental cows, heavier on average by 22 kg, voluntary DMI was higher than in the Angus cows (14.0 vs 12.3 kg/d). In calves, DMI from supplementary feeds was 1.6, 3.9, and 6.3 kg/d, on average, at 4, 7, and 10 mo of age, respectively. Dam breed had no significant effect on DMI and ADG of calves and on BW changes of cows. System retention of energy, N, and P showed a curvilinear development with calf age. System energy expenditure, which linearly increased with calf age, was higher with Simmental than with Angus dams (11%), even when adjusted for metabolic BW (8%). Energy loss through methane linearly increased with NDF intake and, consequently, with calf age from 18 to 30 MJ/d (446 to 751 L/d) for cows and calves together. Similarly, fecal and urinary N excretion and fecal P excretion steadily increased with calf age. In calves, the easily volatile N percentage of manure N rapidly decreased from very high levels in young calves. The resulting changes in inclination to gaseous N loss during manure storage for 8 wk were more than compensated by alterations in N intake of the calves, resulting in an increased total system N loss with progressing lactation. Overall, the present results indicate a difference between Angus and Simmental in efficiency of nutrient and energy utilization that might be explained by the difference in amount of delivery of nutrients to the calves via milk vs forage. Suggestions are made as to how the emissions of N, P, and methane, which were excessive in relation to productivity, could be reduced by nutritional means.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To use threshold concentrations of acetone and beta-hydroxybutyrate in milk and serum, respectively; identify risk for ketosis and endometritis; and assess analyses of blood and milk samples as predictors of risk for ketosis in high-yielding dairy cows. ANIMALS: 90 multiparous Holstein cows. PROCEDURE: At intervals before and after parturition, blood samples were obtained for determination of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, leptin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, and beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. Samples of milk were obtained at similar intervals after parturition for determination of fat content and concentrations of acetone, protein, and lactose. Reproductive examination of each cow was performed weekly. RESULTS: For each cow, threshold concentrations of acetone and beta-hydroxybutyrate were calculated as 75th and 90th percentiles of maximum postpartum concentrations of acetone in milk (0.40 and 0.87 mmol/L) and beta-hydroxybutyrate in serum (2.30 and 3.51 mmol/L). Significant decrease in milk production (442 to 654 kg of energy-corrected milk/305-day period per cow) was associated with acetone or beta-hydroxybutyrate in excess of threshold values. Milk acetone concentrations > 0.40 mmol/L were associated with 3.2 times higher risk for endometritis. Low plasma glucose, high serum beta-hydroxybutyrate, and high milk acetone concentrations during week 1 after parturition were indicators of increased risk for ketosis later during lactation. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Determination of milk acetone concentration during the week after parturition may identify cows at risk for ketosis and endometritis; with appropriate interventions, development of disease and production losses may be reduced.  相似文献   
Abstract. A non-lymphocystis type disease associated with virus particles has been documented in winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), taken from a small estuary in Conception Bay, Newfoundland. The papillomatosis-type lesions found on the dorsal surface of the fish contained numerous electron-dense particles, approximately 30 nm in diameter. A number of lines of evidence, including cytochemical studies, indicated that the particles were not glycogen but virions. Sensitivity to deoxyribonuclease enzyme treatment and the presence of crystalline viral'factories' in the nuclei of infected cells further suggested that the particles were small DNA virions. Characteristics including nucleic acid composition, particle size, site of multiplication and the lack of an envelope indicate that this fish virus is similar to the Papovaviridae and Parvoviridae families of mammalian viruses. Lymphocystis is common in flatfish populations along the Newfoundland and Labrador coasts of the N.W. Atlantic, but this is the first record of flatfish infection with a small DNA virus.  相似文献   
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