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Ninety crossbred beef heifers averaging 260 kg were blocked by weight and allotted randomly to 15 pens of six heifers each, with three replicates per treatment. The treatments were spayed heifers (S); intact heifers (I); S + Synovex-H7 (SH); I + Synovex-H (IH); and S + Synovex-S7 (SS). The heifers were spayed vaginally with a Willis instrument; intact heifers were rectally palpated for reproductive soundness. Heifers were fed a growing diet (55 d), re-implanted and subsequently fed a finishing ration (73 or 101 d). All heifers were observed for estrus daily at approximately 0600 and 2000 until d 69. A jugular vein blood sample was obtained from each heifer on d 48, 55, 62 and 69 for blood progesterone analysis. Results of blood progesterone analysis and reproductive tract examination indicated that two spayed heifers were incompletely spayed, a 96% success rate. The SH and SS heifers continued to exhibit estrous behavior despite being successfully spayed. Heifers implanted with Synovex-H had greater (P less than .01) ADG and were more efficient (P less than .03) than nonimplanted heifers. The SS heifers had greater ADG (P less than .05) during the finishing phase than SH heifers, but no advantage of SS over SH was apparent during the growing phase. The overall ADG response to implantation was fourfold greater (P less than .07) in the spayed heifers than in the intact heifers (32 vs 8%). Heifers implanted with Synovex-H had greater adjusted hot carcass weight (P less than .02) and ribeye area (P less than .002) than nonimplanted heifers. For adjusted live weight and ribeye area, the response to implantation was approximately threefold greater in the spayed heifer than the intact heifer. These results demonstrate that spaying and implanting heifers can increase rates and efficiency of gain even though behavioral estrus is not eliminated.  相似文献   
Abstract.— The aquaculture performance of mutton snapper Lutjanus analis raised in floating net cages was assessed by measuring their growth, survival, and feed conversion rates during a growout trial conducted in a 3.2‐ha saltwater lake in the Florida Keys, Florida, USA. Approximately 10,500 hatchery‐reared finger‐lings were stocked in two circular, high‐density polyethylene (HDPE) net cages of 7‐m diameter × 7‐m deep (300 m2) and 10‐m diameter × 7‐m deep (600 m3) dimensions. Cages were stocked at 25 fish/m3 (3.2 kg/m3) and 5 fish/m3 (0.72 kg/m3), respectively. Fish grew from a mean of 16.5 g to 302.8 g (25.6 cm TL) in 246 days in the former cage and from a mean of 42.3 g to 245.6 g (23.8 cm TL) in 178 d in the latter cage. Growth rates in weight were best expressed by the following exponential equations: cage 1 (high stocking density): W = 20.716 e0.0112x (r2= 0.83); cage 2 (low stocking density): W = 38.848 e0.0118x (r2= 0.81). Length‐weight data indicate that hatcheryraised, cage‐cultured mutton snapper are heavier per unit length than their wild counterparts. There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) between the slopes of the two lines, indicating that fish in the two cages grew at the same rate. The length‐weight relationships for mutton snapper stocked in cages 1 and 2 are expressed, respectively, by the equations W = 0.000009 L 3.11 (r2= 0.99) and W = 0.000005 L 3.22 (r2= 0.97). Overall feed conversion rate for both cages combined was 1.4. Approximately 10% of the fish sampled exhibited some degree of deformity, particularly scoliosis. Overall survival rate was 70%. Results suggest that L. analis has potential for aquaculture development in net cage systems.  相似文献   
Two strains of St. Louis encephalitis virus were isolated from overwintering mosquitoes collected in Maryland and Pennsylvania during January and February 1977. There isolations from Culex pipiens constitute evidence that a mosquito-borne flavivirus can persist in a vector mosquito in temperate climates during the winter season.  相似文献   
Use of DNA from museum samples is a powerful tool to directly establish historical ESU boundaries in areas where populations of a species have been extirpated. The brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) has suffered extensive reductions in range and population size since European settlement in Australia. Populations of this species have been grouped into three putative evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) which were likely once contiguous along the south-east coast of Australia. However, there is currently a gap of ∼320 km between extant populations of the southern and central ESUs. Conservation plans for the brush-tailed rock-wallaby include re-introductions of animals to locations within their former range. In order to preserve the historic geographic integrity of the genetic lineages within the species, it is necessary to map the boundary between the southern ESU and central ESU to allow more informed management decisions about which lineages should be used to re-stock specific geographic locations. We have extracted DNA from samples from museum specimens that come from locations between the southernmost extant colony of the central ESU and the remaining wild colony of the southern ESU. We sequenced a 177 bp interval of the left domain of the mitochondrial DNA control region and used phylogenetic analysis to group obtained sequences with previously published sequences belonging to the three ESUs. We have extended the range of the central ESU southwards and the range of the southern ESU northwards such that the gap between the ESUs is now approximately 160 km. We recommend that, where suitable historical museum collections exist, this technique be incorporated into re-introduction plans for other threatened species.  相似文献   
Eldridge  David J.  Zaady  Eli  Shachak  Moshe 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(6):587-597
Human-made contour banks are a central component of theShikim water harvesting system in Israels Negev Desert.Efficient water capture depends on the presence of a stable microphytic crustwhich directs surplus surface runoff into the banks where it is stored. We usedsimulated rainfall to examine the impact of soil surface disturbance on runoffand sediment transport, and the effect of this on the efficiency of resourcecapture within the Shikim system. Two disturbance regimes:1) removal of the microphytic crust only, and 2) removal of the crust and shrubpatches by cultivation, were compared with an undisturbed control. In theundisturbed state, 32% of rainfall was redistributed as runoff. This runoffpenetrated approximately 27% deeper under the shrub patches compared with themicrophytic crust. When the microphytic crust was destroyed by simulatedtrampling, the runoff coefficient declined to 13%, and there was no significantdifference in water penetration between shrub and crust patches. Completedestruction of the shrub hummocks and crust by cultivation resulted in adeclinein the runoff coefficient to 6%. The result of sustained disturbance in thesepatchy Negev shrublands is a breakdown in spatial heterogeneity, a loss ofecosystem function, a reduction in ecosystem goods and services such as plantdiversity and production, and ultimately a reduction in pastoral productivity.These results reinforce the view that microphytic crusts are critical for theefficient operation of the Shikim water harvesting system.Given that practices such as cultivation and trampling which disturbmicrophyticcrusts result in enhanced infiltration, crusts should be left intact tomaximisethe water harvesting efficiency in these desert landscapes.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
辐射松(PinusradiataD.Don)原产于加利弗尼亚海岸,被引种到世界各地,现在是南半球主要的人工林造林树种。1990年以来辐射松被引种到长江上游四川省阿坝州的干旱河谷地区,幼树的成活和早期生长表现良好。本文的主要内容包括:辐射松在原产地和引种地的生长情况,种源和遗传上的差异,环境限制因子和辐射松的气候生境,病虫害,引种不成功的经验教训以及辐射松在生态恢复中的应用。文中还简述了辐射松在阿坝干旱河谷地区的早期生长情况,列举了在长江上游干旱河谷地区引种辐射松可能遇到的问题以及所需开展的研究。图4表5参90。  相似文献   
Feral (wild) horses present significant challenges for landscape managers. A major effect of horses is trampling, which erodes soil and alters vegetation cover, which is often critical habitat for threatened animals. We examined the direct and indirect impacts of horses, kangaroos, and rabbits on the broad-toothed rat (Mastacomys fuscus), a threatened rodent in subalpine grasslands in Kosciusko National Park, which contains a large wild horse population. Our objective was to examine the relationship between the activity of different herbivores and 1) structural attributes of the vegetation (cover and density of different plant groups) and 2) length of broad-toothed rat runways and the presence of scat along these runways as proxies of broad-toothed rat activity. We assessed herbivore activity and measured vegetation cover, structure, and richness and total length of runways used by broad-toothed rats as a measure of activity. We used structural equation modeling to test the hypothesis that horse activity would lead to reductions in rat habitat directly, by increasing disturbance, and indirectly, by altering vegetation structure. Quadrats showing no evidence of horse activity had longer broad-toothed rat runways, taller but fewer grasses, double the shrub cover, and lower plant richness than quadrats showing evidence of horse activity. Structural equation modeling showed that there were no significant direct associations between horse activity and rat activity. However, increasing horse activity was associated with an indirect negative effect on broad-toothed rat activity by suppressing the positive relationship between grass height and rat activity. There were no significant effects of rabbits on any environmental variables, and kangaroo grazing was associated with an increase in shrub cover only. Disturbance by horses likely alters vegetation structure, by reducing grass height, making it less suitable for broad-toothed rats, thereby reducing their populations. Horses should be restricted from accessing critical broad-toothed rat habitat.  相似文献   
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