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Hedgerows with intercropping systems were established at the ICIMOD test and demonstration site at Godawari to assess the effective-ness of Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) in reducing run-o...  相似文献   
In the spring of 2012, symptoms of a disease resembling citrus blast and citrus black pit were observed in some orchards in Tunisia. The epidemic spread rapidly in the following years. Twenty‐four commercial citrus orchards from four Tunisian regions showing characteristic symptoms of bacterial diseases were surveyed during a 3‐year study. Eighty‐eight Pseudomonas‐like bacterial isolates were successfully obtained from the northeast and west of Tunisia. No isolates were recovered from the central region. Overall, 46 isolates were identified as Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and most of them showed similar phenotypic and genetic profiles. The virulence of three selected isolates differed from one plant cultivar to another as well as from the type of plant organ used for the inoculation. In a bioassay test, all isolates produced syringomycin, which was confirmed by molecular detection based on the syrB and syrD genes. Only EC122 possessed syrD but not syrB. DNA fingerprints, based on repetitive sequence‐based polymerase chain reaction (rep‐PCR) and PCR melting profile (PCR MP), were used to determine the potential genetic diversity among strains. Clustering of PCR MP fingerprinting data matched with rep‐PCR fingerprinting data. The generated distribution tree showed that Tunisian isolates were closely related to the citrus reference strain LMG5496. In contrast, EC112, isolated from citrus, and the almond isolate EC122 were distantly related to the type strain LMG1247T isolated from lilac. Such studies have not been reported until now for P. syringae from citrus.  相似文献   
Managing urban population and environment has been one of the most important challenges recently. This paper attempts to assess the existing practices, people's perception, gaps and ways forward for participatory urban forestry and aims to help promote UF through identifying the current status, future prospects for and peoples’ perception about UF in two cities of Nepal. The study was conducted in Pokhara sub-metropolitan city and Bharatpur municipality of Nepal. Total numbers of plants in the effective green spaces are estimated as 285,500 in Pokhara and 213,250 in Bharatpur, and the number of tree species was 62 and 52 respectively. The religious tree species – Ficus bengalensis and Ficus religiosa are the most common and hazardous in both cities. The urban people have preferred small, less branchy and attractive tree species. However, the choice of existing species is inappropriate and not according to the people's interest. Therefore, urban people are unsatisfied with the existing species and their frequencies. The municipal authorities and other related organizations do not have any specific plan, programs and activities nor is there any public involvement to promote urban forestry. Regular coordination, cooperation and monitoring are required for the involvement of various stakeholders such as municipality, government office, community organizations and urban people. Analysis further shows that people's perception on urban forestry is encouraging as most of them agreed that the urban forests are useful for addressing the challenging urban environment. Adequate institutions and financial resources coupled with effective cooperation and coordination among concerned organizations could ameliorate the urban environment as urban community forestry.  相似文献   
This paper describes the development of an indirect immunoperoxidase assay (IIP) and an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detecting antibodies to chicken anemia virus (VAC). The IIP assay developed used CAV-infected MDCC-MSB1 cells for detecting antibody to CAV, whereas the ELISA utilized gradient-purified immunoadsorbed CAV as the target antigen. The IIP and ELISA were compared with the standard indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) assay, which is more conventionally used to screen chicken serum for antibodies against CAV. Comparative test results of 185 field samples of chicken serum by these three methods were in agreement 84% of the time. Both IFA and IIP assays yielded fewer positive tests than did the ELISA. IFA and IIP assays were in agreement 93% of the time, as compared with 91% agreement of IIP and ELISA results, or 84% agreement for comparative IFA and ELISA results.  相似文献   
Wheat yellow rust (WYR), caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST), is a major disease of wheat, and deployment of a single cultivar often leads to disease epidemics. Effect of inoculum level, foliar fungicide spray, and wheat cultivar mixtures were evaluated on disease development in the field and greenhouse in Nepal. Treatments were arranged in a split–split plot design with three replications in both experiments. Two inoculum levels of PST (low and high) were main plot factors; nontreated control and foliar spray of fungicides (Mancozeb and Bayleton) were subplot factors; and two-component cultivar mixtures, composed of different ratios of a susceptible (S) and a resistant (R) cultivars (90:10, 80:20, and 50:50, 100:0, and 0:100) were sub–subplot factors. WYR severity was assessed at different time intervals, and disease development was calculated as area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). Inoculum level did not cause significant differences in AUDPC in the field but did in the greenhouse. Foliar spray of fungicides reduced the AUDPC in the greenhouse and field. In both experiments, AUDPC values were low in cultivar mixtures compared with a pure stand of a susceptible cultivar. As the proportion of resistant cultivar increased compared with the susceptible cultivar in the S:R mixture component, disease severity decreased with a consequent increase in grain yield. The greater yield obtained with cultivar mixtures compared with only the susceptible cultivar, independent of inoculum level and fungicide spray in the field, revealed a promising strategy to manage WYR in Nepal.  相似文献   
An international provenance trial of Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) was established in July 1996 at Butwal Research Station of western Terai region of Nepal. It comprised the seed sources of 23 provenances collected from 10 countries including Nepal. A randomized complete block design was used for the experiment with two replications in an area of 1.5 hectares. The objectives of this trail were similar to that of other provenance trials under the International Neem Network. The assessments were made for survival rate, diameter at breast height (DBH), height, crown diameter and straightness of stem at age 5 and age 10. Average survival rates of the provenances in the two assessments were 69.74 and 63.5% respectively. The survival rate ranged from 33% for Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka to 92% for Ramannagudu, India. The four provenances Ramannagudu, Sagar, Sunyani, and Lamahi showed ≥80% survival rate. Similarly, Sunyani, Ban Bo, Yezin, Ramannagudu and Doitao showed best performance for DBH. The mean DBH of provenances was 8.74 cm (SD = 2.07). The five provenances namely, Sunyani, Yezin, Ban Bo, Ghaati and Bandia were the best performer for height. The mean height and SD of provenances were 6.29 m and 0.79 respectively. Sunyani had the widest crown diameter at both ages. Ban Nong showed the highest score for the straightness of main stem. Out of the two local provenances of Nepal, Lamahi showed better performance than Geta in many characteristics.  相似文献   
Twelve-day-old broiler-type chickens had hemorrhagic necrotic wing tips. After 10 blind subcultures in an MDCC-MSB1 cell line, a virus (so-called chick anemia agent [CAA]) was isolated and designated CL-1 CAA. Five-day-old specific-pathogen-free chicken embryos from a commercial breeder flock that were found not to possess antibody against CAA were infected with CL-1 virus via yolk-sac injection. Many (49%) infected embryos were small and apparently had died from severe systemic hemorrhage. Hatched chicks were small and had pale feathers, skin, skeletal muscles, bone marrow, and viscera. All infected chicks had small thymuses. These thymuses often were so small that they could not be found grossly (P = 0.002). Anemia occurred within 4 days post-hatch. Microscopically, all hematopoietic organs were markedly atrophic. Septic necrotizing lesions were seen only in organs from CL-1-injected chicks. Physicochemical and pathological characteristics of this virus indicate that it is similar to other isolates of CAA found in Europe and Japan.  相似文献   
This review presents an overview of bacterial blight, the predominant and emerging hazelnut disease worldwide. Here, disease symptomatologies, disease cycle, epidemiology, detection and identification methods are thoroughly discussed. It also focuses on plant health regulations and control strategies. The information reported throughout the review could help to give a better understanding of the hazelnut–bacterial blight pathosystem. A thorough knowledge of this pathosystem is important for the effective management of bacterial blight across the hazelnut orchards of the world.  相似文献   
A multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) was performed on five housekeeping genes (fusA, gapA, gltA, lacF and lepA) of 22 Xanthomonas euvesicatoria strains recently isolated from alfalfa, pepper and tomato plants in Iran. In addition, 161 strains isolated worldwide from pepper, poinsettia, rose and tomato plants were included in the analysis. All X. euvesicatoria pv. perforans isolates from tomato plants in Iran clustered in a monophyletic group, although five MLSA haplotypes were detected among them. The Iranian tomato strains presented 10 nucleotide differences in the lepA gene sequences compared to the known worldwide population of X. euvesicatoria pv. perforans. Statistical analyses revealed a recombination event that had occurred in the lepA gene of the strains isolated from tomato in Iran. BOX‐PCR analysis confirmed the inclusion of Iranian tomato strains within X. euvesicatoria pv. perforans. Furthermore, X. euvesicatoria pv. euvesicatoria strains isolated from pepper in Iran differed in one nucleotide in the lepA gene sequence from the known worldwide population of the pathovar, and clustered in a group containing strains isolated in Nigeria. The strains isolated from alfalfa in Iran clustered with the type strain of X. euvesicatoria pv. alfalfae. Altogether, the results reveal the existence of a phylogenetically novel population of X. euvesicatoria pv. perforans in Iran which needs further in‐depth analysis to pinpoint the epidemiological impact of these strains.  相似文献   
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