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The lipid class and fatty acid (FA) composition of juvenile Artemia fed continuously on four diets—the microalga Tetraselmis suecica , a mix of oat bran-wheat germ-lecithin (OWL), OwL-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and OWL-EPA-arachidonic acid (AA)—were examined over a 9-d experiment in an attempt to approximate the FA profile of phyllosoma larvae of wild southern rock lobster Jasus edwardrii . The main difference in lipid class composition of Artemia fed the four diets was the relative level of polar lipid (PL) and triacylglycerol (TAG). By day 9, the algal-fed Artemia were highest in PL (95% of total lipid) and lowest in TAG (2%), whereas the remaining diets resulted in Artemia with 16–30% PL and 41–82% TAG. After 2 d, the relative FA composition of all Artemia treatments closely reflected those of the diets, with no marked change after further feeding (to day 9). In terms of the content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), by day 5 Artemia fed: 1) with the algal diet contained 7 mg/g FA dry mass (0.3% DHA, 6.3% EPA, 3.4% AA of total FA); 2) with the OWL diet contained 3 mg/g (0.3% DHA, 0.9% EPA, 0.7% AA); 3) with the OWL-EPA diet contained 55 mg/g (6.2% DHA, 11.6% EPA, 1.1% AA); and 4) with the OWL-EPA-AA contained 83 mg/g (3.8% DHA, 7.5% EPA, 17.4% AA). The PUFA profiles of Artemia using the OWL-oil diets were similar to wild rock lobster phyllmmata, although levels of doco-sahexaenoic acid (DHA) were lower (10% DHA) than in J. edwardsii larvae. On the basis of PUFA composition data alone, the results suggest the suitability of the OWL-oil mixed diets for consideration for feeding to Artemia used in the culture of southern rock lobster larvae, particularly if the level of DHA can be further enhanced.  相似文献   
Papillomaviruses are non-enveloped, DNA viruses that infect skin and mucosa of a wide variety of vertebrates, causing neoplasias or simply persisting asymptomatically. Avian papillomaviruses, with six fully sequenced genomes, are the second most studied group after mammalian papillomaviruses. In this study, we describe the first oral avian papillomavirus, detected in the tongue of a dead Yorkshire canary (Serinus canaria) and in oral swabs of the same bird and other two live canaries from an aviary in Madrid, Spain. Its genome is 8,071 bp and presents the canonical papillomavirus architecture with six early (E6, E7, E1, E9, E2, E4) and two late open reading frames (L1 and L2) and a long control region between L1 and E6. This new avian papillomavirus L1 gene shares a 64% pairwise identity with FcPV1 L1, so it has been classified as a new species (ScPV1) within the Ethapapillomavirus genus. Although the canary died after showing breathing problems, there is no evidence that the papillomavirus caused those symptoms so it could be part of the oral microbiota of the birds. Hence, future investigations are needed to evaluate the clinical relevance of the virus.  相似文献   
The white-eyed river-martin (Pseudochelidon sirintarae), first discovered in 1968 at Bung Boraphet in central Thailand by professional bird-netters, was seen for the first time in the wild by an ornithologist in 1977. This species clearly overwinters in Thailand, and it is possible that it nests somewhere in Thailand or China. The species is in a precarious situation, and trapping could eliminate it unless drastic measures are taken. It is suggested that bird-netting should be reduced, and that a sanctuary should be set aside for the bird.  相似文献   
以经过栽培的木耳菌棒为试验材料,在万能试验机上对不同含水率的菌棒试样进行剪切、压缩的力学性能试验。试验结果表明:含水率是影响菌棒剪切强度、抗压强度的重要自然因素。平均含水率分别为11.75%,21.16%,27.68%的菌棒其平均剪切强度分别为29.4k Pa、20k Pa、14.5k Pa。平均含水率分别为14.3%,24%的菌棒,其平均抗压强度分别为144.7k Pa、77.7k Pa。菌棒的含水率与剪切强度,抗压强度均呈幂指数关系。这些都为研制菌棒粉碎机械、选择粉碎参数提供了设计依据。  相似文献   
A recombinant phage library harbouring Mycoplasma meleagridis (MM) genomic DNA fragments was generated in the bacteriophage lambda gt11 expression vector. The library was screened for expression of MM specific antigens with a polyclonal antiserum that had been preadsorbed with antigens of the most common unrelated avian mycoplasma species. A 49-amino acid antigenic domain unique to MM was isolated, expressed in Escherichia coli, and its serodiagnostic potential was demonstrated. An antiserum raised against this MM-specific antigenic domain recognized a cluster of seven membrane-associated MM proteins with molecular masses ranging from 34 to 75 kDa. Overall, this study resulted in the identification of a potent serodiagnostic tool and revealed the complex antigenic nature of MM.  相似文献   
In most cases, when calculating soil water availability, only thewater content is considered. The effect of salinity on the wiltingpoint is neglected. The objective of this work is to use asimulation model (CERES-maize) in order to predict cornyields as a function of water salinity under severalenvironmental, agrotechnical, and plant characteristics. A modelis presented in which the wilting point is a function of the soilsalt content. At high salinity, the water content at wilting pointis higher than at low salinity, resulting in an insufficient amountof available water and, therefore, a reduced yield. The modelwas used to simulate several theoretical and experimentalsituations for forage corn and grain corn. Simulation resultsshowed that nitrogen fertilization increases the salinity thresholdvalue and the yield sensitivity (rate of yield reduction per unitof salinity). The also showed that forage corn is more sensitiveto salinity than grain corn. If the soil is not leached, a heaviersoil texture has a higher salinity threshold value. On the otherhand, if the soil is leached, the soil texture has no influence onthe salinity threshold value and the yield is less sensitive tosalinity in sandy soils. The determination coefficient (r2= 0.75) indicated that the results of the simulations were in goodagreement with the field data.  相似文献   
目前我国微生物农药原药生产技术已达到甚至超过发达国家水平,但制剂技术却存在较大差距,主要体现在剂型结构不合理、制剂质量差、农药助剂种类及品种少、剂型加工工艺总体水平还比较落后等方面。苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bt)等功能微生物产品的市场容量及应用效果与剂型是密切相关的。为了明确新型生物杀线剂NBIN-863的最佳施用剂型,特开展此试验。通过对防腐剂、分散剂、悬浮剂等不同助剂的选择,研制了一种高含量Bt悬浮剂(5.2×109~7.9×109 CFU/mL)。配方优化试验表明,在Bt发酵液中加入0.4%防腐剂山梨酸钾、1.0%分散剂硅酸镁铝、4.0%悬浮剂木质素磺酸钙,用盐酸调节p H至4.5,54℃热储前芽胞数最高为7.9×109 CFU/mL,对秀丽隐杆线虫活性最高,LC50为2.83 mg/L,对黄瓜根结线虫田间防效达68.64%。综合各指标,尤其是对秀丽隐杆线虫的半致死浓度,杀线虫NBIN-863悬浮剂(7.9×109CFU/mL)效果最好,不仅流动性好,而且耐贮藏,是防治作物根结线...  相似文献   
Fish contribute a significant amount of animal protein to the diets of people in Bangladesh, about 63% of which comes from aquatic animals. In Bangladesh, fish is mainly derived from two sources: capture and culture. Aquaculture has shown tremendous growth in the last two decades, exhibiting by about 10% average annual growth in production. Capture fisheries, although still the major source of supply of fish, have become static or are in decline due to over‐fishing and environmental degradation, and it is now believed that aquaculture has the greatest potential to meet the growing demand for fish from the increasing population. At present, aquaculture production accounts for about one‐third of the total fish production in Bangladesh. This paper examines the impact of an aquaculture development project in Bangladesh on food security, with particular emphasis on the poor. The analysis shows a positive impact of aquaculture development on employment, income and consumption. A number of implications for policy in areas that might strengthen these outcomes are discussed and recommendations are presented.  相似文献   
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