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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) shedding patterns were investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of PCV2 DNA, and the diagnostic suitability of a sample for the PCR was examined by using different types of samples. In the experimental infection, sixteen pigs were inoculated intranasally with PCV2. The samples, including oropharyngeal and nasal swabs, feces, whole blood and serum became positive for PCV2 DNA by PCR immediately after the inoculation, and almost all samples remained positive during the observation period, post-inoculation-day 70. Field samples were collected from 313 pigs in five different age groups. The overall percentages of positive samples in the whole blood, nasal swabs, and feces detected by PCR were 30.4%, 19.2%, and 20.4%, respectively. The frequency of positive samples increased after the nursery stages and reached a peak in the 3 to 4-month-old pigs. These results indicate that PCV2 infection may occur after weaning, that PCV2 DNA may be present in whole blood for a long period after infection, and that whole blood and serum are the most suitable sample types for the PCR analysis of PCV2.  相似文献   
The protective effect of immunoglobulins derived from chicken egg yolk (IgY) against infection by Canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) was evaluated in 10 beagle dogs orally challenged with a strain of the virus. The 2-mo-old dogs were divided into 3 groups and treated with powders containing CPV-2 IgY or normal egg yolk for 7 d after the challenge. The 4 dogs receiving normal egg yolk (control group) demonstrated mild symptoms typical of CPV-2 infection, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. No symptoms were observed by 16 d after challenge in the 3 dogs receiving 2 g of IgY powder. Of the 3 dogs receiving 0.5 g of IgY powder, 2 had clinical CPV-2 disease; however, the manifestations were less severe than in the control group. Furthermore, the IgY-treated groups had significantly greater weight gain and shorter duration of virus shedding than the control group. These results indicate that IgY is useful in protecting dogs from CPV-2-induced clinical disease.  相似文献   
Six ruminally cannulated Wagyu (Japanese Black) steers (average initial bodyweight (BW) 387 ± 29 kg) were used in a split‐plot design experiment, comprising a 3 × 3 Latin square design (whole plot) and a randomized block design (subplot). The whole plot treatments were three different feeding levels of supplemental diet, fed at 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% of BW, on a dry matter (DM) basis. Subplot treatments were two different supplemental diets: a potato pulp silage‐based diet (PPS) and a grain‐based diet (GRAIN). Chopped, medium‐quality cool‐season grass hay (predominately Timothy, Phleum pratense L) was fed daily at 0.7% BW (on a DM basis) as the basal diet. Each period consisted of 21 d, which included 11 d of adaptation to the diets and 10 d of the collection period. Chromium oxide was used as an indigestible marker. In situ forage degradation was measured using the nylon bag technique. The dry matter intake increased (linear; P < 0.01) as the feeding level increased and was not affected by the diet. Digestibility was not affected by any treatments. The GRAIN diet tended to decrease the rate of in situ forage degradation as the feeding level increased, but this trend was not found in the steers fed the PPS diet. Steers fed the GRAIN diet had a lower (P < 0.1) ruminal pH compared with steers fed the PPS diet. Ruminal pH was not significantly affected by feeding level; however, it was numerically higher for steers supplemented at 0.2% per BW than that for the steers supplemented above 0.4% per BW due probably to the higher starch intake. The total volatile fatty acids concentration numerically increased as the feeding level increased and was not affected by the diet. Increasing the feeding level decreased (linear, P < 0.01) the proportion of acetate. Neither diet nor the feeding level had any effects on the proportion of ruminal propionate. The results suggested that, for steers fed the PPS diet, there are not adverse effects on forage digestion in the rumen that occur as the feeding level is increased.  相似文献   
Several species of fish exhibit strong homing ability and distinct site fidelity to their original habitats and spawning sites. We have studied the homing ability, site fidelity, and diel movement patterns of three nocturnal black rockfish Sebastes inermis. The patterns were studied by radio-linked acoustic positioning system (VRAP) and fixed monitoring receivers (VR2) in Maizuru Bay, Japan from June to July 2004. All tagged fish were displaced by 80–120 m, but they returned to their respective captured sites at dusk, regardless of the time of release. The fish tagged with a depth sensor transmitter displayed active vertical movement just after the release, and subsequently swam near the bottom depth around the captured site. After homing, they displayed small home ranges [average 815 ± 265 m2 (SD)] around a single rocky area with one or two core areas (average 64 ± 30 m2). One core area was utilized during the daylight and dark periods, whereas the other was used primarily during the dark period. The depth-tagged fish primarily used the depth of the rock crevice during the daylight, and it spent its dark period between the surface and the deeper bottom depth.  相似文献   
Water‐holding capacity (WHC) of heat‐induced pork gels was examined. The heat‐induced gels were obtained from meat homogenates prepared by adding nine volumes of 0.3–0.5 mol/L NaCl solutions containing 9–36 mmol/L disodium inosine‐5′‐monophosphate (IMP) or 9 mmol/L tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (KPP) to minced pork. IMP at 36 mmol/L enhanced the WHC to the same level as attained by KPP. Physical and sensory properties of heat‐induced gels were also examined. The heat‐induced gels were prepared from porcine meat homogenates containing 0.3 mol/L NaCl and 9–36 mmol/L IMP or 9 mmol/L KPP. IMP at 36 mmol/L enhanced the values of hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and springiness, measured with a Tensipresser, and several organoleptic scores to the same level as the score attained by KPP. Thus, it is concluded that IMP is expected to be a practical substitute for pyrophosphates to improve the quality of sausages.  相似文献   
Eighteen canine herpesvirus (CHV) isolates from Japan and two reference strains were compared by restriction endonuclease analysis technique using total DNA extracts from cells infected with the viruses. In order to select the suitable restriction endonucleases for differentiation of CHV isolates, ten enzymes were used and three of them, HindIII, XbaI, and PvuII, were found to be useful for strain differentiation. With these enzymes, CHV isolates from unrelated individuals were readily differentiated from each other. In contrast, all the isolates derived from the same litter were not distinguishable on the basis of restriction cleavage patterns. However, slight mobility shifts were observed among the isolates from the same litter or the same individual. The results showed that this method provides a powerful tool for epidemiological surveys of CHV infection.  相似文献   
We cloned a cDNA fragment encoding a feline homologue of L-selectin (CD62L). The extracellular region of the feline CD62L fragment contained a calcium-dependent (C-type) lectin domain, an epidermal growth factor-like domain, and two Sushi/CCP/SCR domains. The flow cytometric analysis confirmed that the feline CD62L molecule, which was expressed 293T cells, retained an epitope recognized by an anti-human CD62L monoclonal antibody (Leu-8).  相似文献   
Two field isolates of feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) designated as 00-015 and 00-035, were obtained from cats diagnosed as feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) in Japan. To analyze the character of recent FHV-1, these two isolates and our laboratory strain C7301 were inoculated experimentally to specific-pathogen-free cats. Although all cats showed typical FVR symptoms, more severe clinical symptoms were observed on cats infected with the isolates 00-015 and 00-035 compared with those of C7301-infected cats. Severe ocular lesions including conjunctivitis were found in the cats infected with the isolates, indicating that the recent FHV-1 has a potential to induce severe FVR symptoms including ocular lesions.  相似文献   
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