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Solanum glaucophyllum (SG) contains 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25‐(OH)2D3) glycosides. We investigated the effect of SG on hypocalcemia in cows. Serum levels of 1,25‐(OH)2D3, total calcium and phosphorus dose‐relatedly increased after feeding with SG, while serum magnesium and chloride levels fell (P < 0.05). We also performed an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) infusion to induce artificial hypocalcemia. Cows that had been fed 4.0 mg/kg body weight of SG daily for 2 weeks had a higher serum concentration of total calcium at the end of EDTA infusion than those not fed SG (P < 0.05). In a field trial, multiparous cows were assigned to one of four groups: (1) no SG, (2) 1.3 g or (3) 2.6 g of SG daily from 14 days before the estimated calving day until 3 days after calving, or (4) a single feed of 35.75 g SG at 3 days before the estimated calving day. The concentrations of serum total calcium after the calving in each treatment group were (1) 7.4, (2) 7.9, (3) 8.0 and (4) 8.9 mg/dL and higher for (4) than for (1) (P < 0.05). The data suggests that feeding a high dose of SG before the calving may maintain higher concentrations of serum calcium after the calving.  相似文献   
Paragonimiasis is a zoonotic trematode infection caused by Paragonimus spp. To determine the recent status of Paragonimus infections in wild animals, this study investigated Paragonimus spp. in 39 raccoon dogs and 54 Japanese badgers from March 2019 to January 2021 in Miyazaki Prefecture, and examined metacercariae in freshwater crabs. Triploid P. westermani was found in one raccoon dog (2.6%), and metacercariae were recovered from Eriocheir japonica captured near the infected animal collected. One Japanese badger (1.9%) harbored P. skrjabini miyazakii; this prevalence was lower than the approximately 30% that was reported in the 1970s. Results indicated that zoonotic Paragonimus was sporadically prevalent in wild animals. Further investigation in various animals is awaited to elucidate current wildlife reservoirs for those Paragonimus.  相似文献   
In order to characterize the rice cultivation in the Mediterranean countries, climate and physiography of rice growing areas in Italy, Spain, and Portugal were studied. In northern Italy rice is extensively cultivated on terraces and fluvial plains of the Po and its tributaries, making use of the supply of water from Alpine glaciers in addition to the relatively abundant rainfalls of the area. In the Iberian peninsula summer climate is so dry that rice is cultivable only where the ratio of catchment area to rice land area is sufficiently large, thus rice lands are practically limited to the floodplains and deltas of the big rivers, such as the Sado and the Tejo in Portugal and the Guadalquivir and the Ebro in Spain.

In order to characterize the rice cultivation in the Mediterranean countries, climate and physiography of rice growing areas in Italy, Spain, and Portugal were studied. In northern Italy rice is extensively cultivated on terraces and fluvial plains of the Po and its tributaries, making use of the supply of water from Alpine glaciers in addition to the relatively abundant rainfalls of the area. In the Iberian peninsula summer climate is so dry that rice is cultivable only where the ratio of catchment area to rice land area is sufficiently large, thus rice lands are practically limited to the floodplains and deltas of the big rivers, such as the Sado and the Tejo in Portugal and the Guadalquivir and the Ebro in Spain.  相似文献   
Resource recycling and the proper treatment of animal waste to reduce its environmental impact are currently important issues for the livestock industry. A microbial fuel cell (MFC), a new type of bioreactor, is expected to play roles in both waste‐water purification and energy recovery. However, the generation of electricity from cow waste has not yet been examined. In this study, using an MFC, we examined the possibility of generating electricity from dairy‐cow waste slurry, and analyzed the properties of the treated slurry as liquid manure for resource recycling. The MFC treatment of the slurry generated electricity in a dose‐dependent manner, and the maximum power output by the MFC from a 1 g of chemical oxygen demand/L slurry was 0.34 mW/m2. After the MFC treatment, 84% of the biological oxygen demand in the slurry was removed and three essential fertilizer elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) were retained at 84, 70, and 91% levels, respectively. The amount of ammonia nitrogen in the slurry, as an element of fast‐release fertilizer, was increased by 1.9‐fold. Although the treated slurry displayed properties that made it preferable as liquid manure, further studies to improve the electrical power output by the MFC are required for practical use.  相似文献   
Abstract— Two Pugs and two Miniature Schnauzers with multiple pigmented epidermal nevi were investigated. The four dogs had pigmented cutaneous maculae and plaques. Histopathological evaluation showed papillated or digitated epidermal hyperplasia with hypermelanosis and giant keratohyalin granules in the stratum granulosum. Immunohistochemical staining revealed papillomavirus group-specific antigen in the skin specimens from all four dogs. Electron microscopic study of the specimens from two dogs revealed numerous round viral particles within the nuclei of the keratinocytes in the upper stratum granulosum. It was suspected that papillomavirus was the etiologic agent of the lesions, and that Pugs and Miniature Schnauzers might be predisposed to infection. These findings indicate this canine dermatosis resembles epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) of humans, a rare chronic disease caused by human papillomavirus. The potential for transformation of the lesions to squamous cell carcinoma is also suspected and discussed. Résumé— Deux Carlins et deux Schnauzers nains présentant de multiples naevi épidermiques pigmentés sont examinés. Les quatre chiens présentent des macules et des plaques pigmentées. Les lésions histopathologiques montrent une hyperplasie épidermique papillaire ou digitée avec une hypermélanose et la présence de grains de kératohyaline dans le stratum corneum. Les colorations immunohistochimiques révèlent des antigènes spécifiques du groupe des papillomas virus dans les biopsies des quatre chiens. L'étude ultrastructurale à partir des biopsies de deux chiens montrent de nombreuses particules virales rondes dans les noyaux des kératinocytes des couches supérieures du stratum granulosum. II a été suspecté que le papilloma virus était l'agent causal des lésions et que les Carlins et les Schnauzers nains pouvaient être prédisposés à cette infection. Ces éléments font que cette dermatose observée chez le chien ressemble à l'épidermodysplasie verruciforme de l'homme, une dermatose chronique rare causée par un papilloma virus humain. La potentialité de transformation des lésions en épithélioma spinocellulaire est aussi suspectée et discutée. [Nagata, M., Nanko, H., Moriyama, A., Washizu, T., Ishida, T. Pigmented plaques associated with papilloma virus infection in dogs: Is this epidermodysplasia verruciformis? (Plaques hyperpigmentées associées à une infection à papilloma virus chez le chien: est-ce épidermodysplasie verruciforme?). Resumen— Se investigó dos perros de raza Pug y dos de raza Schnauzer Miniatura con múltiples nevos epidérmicos pigmentados. Los cuatro perros presentaban máculas y placas cutáneas pigmentadas. El estudio histológico mostró hiperplasia epitelial con papilas y digitaciones, así como hipermelanosis y gránules de queratohialina gigantes en el estrato granuloso. Las tinciones immunohistoquimicas detectaron antígeno grupo-específico de papilomavirus en las muestras de los cuatro animales. Mediante estudios de microscopía electrónica en muestras de dos de los perros se observaron numerosas particulas virales redondas en el núcleo de los queratinocitos más superficiales del estrato granuloso. Se sospechó que Papilomavirus era el agente etiológico de estas lesiones y que los Pugs y los Schnauzer Miniatura podrian estar predispuestos a la infección. Estos hallazgos indican que esta dermatosis canina es parecida a la Epidermodisplasia Verruciforme (EV) de la especie humana, una enfermedad crónica rara causada por el Papilomavirus Humano. Se sospecha y discute la posible transformación de estas lesiones a carcinoma de células planas. [Nagata, M., Nanko, H., Moriyama, A., Washizu, T., Ishida, T. Pigmented plaques associated with papilloma virus infection in dogs: Is this epidermodysplasia verruciformis? (Placas pigmentadas asociadas con infección por papillomavirus en el perro: se trata de epidermodisplasia verruciforme?)  相似文献   
We investigated the concentration of the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the blood, ovarian follicular fluid and uterine fluid of a clinical case of bovine metritis. A 2-year-old lactating Holstein cow exhibited continuous fever >39.5°C for more than 2 weeks after normal calving. The cow produced a fetid, watery, red-brown uterine discharge from the vagina and was diagnosed with metritis. The LPS concentrations in plasma and uterine fluid were 0.94 and 6.34 endotoxin units (EU)/ml, respectively. One of seven follicles showed an extremely high level of LPS (12.40 EU/ml) compared to the other follicles (0.62–0.97 EU/ml). These results might suggest the presence of high concentration of LPS in follicles in cows with postpartum metritis.  相似文献   
Localization of leptin and leptin receptor in the bovine adenohypophysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study was carried out to detail the cellular localization of leptin (Lep) and the leptin receptor (LepR) in the bovine adenohypophysis. Lep immunoreactivity (Lep-ir) was found in about 30% of adenohypophysial cells in the gland. Immunochemistry of Lep and specific hormones using serial sections revealed that Lep-ir was present in 60.4% of somatotrophs, 15.9% of gonadotrophs, 6.5% of mammotrophs, 6.5% of thyrotrophs and 2.4% of corticotrophs. Both the common short isoform (OBRa) and the long isoform (OBRb) of LepR mRNA were expressed in the bovine adenohypophysis. LepR immunoreactivity (LepR-ir) was found in only 2.8% of the adenohypophysial cells and over 50% of LepR-ir cells were gonadotrophs, in which most of the cells were distributed in the zona tuberalis. The findings on Lep and LepR in the adenohypophysial cells indicate that Lep may regulate gonadotroph function through autocrine/paracrine pathway in the bovine adenohypophysis.  相似文献   
We observed a significant difference in the organic acid profile of diarrheal feces between pigs infected with and free from pathogenic spirochetes. Diarrhea and loose feces were collected from growing pigs, held at 15 different commercial farms. A total of 106 samples were measured for organic acid concentration by HPLC and were checked for the presence of B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli by PCR. B. hyodysenteriae was detected in 3 samples collected from one farm. B. pilosicoli was detected in 5 samples collected from another farm. Lower concentrations of iso-butyrate and iso-valerate were likely associated with development of pathogenic spirochete infection.  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide (CO2) flux was measured above the forest at the Fujiyoshida site on the northern slope of Mount Fuji in Japan in 2000?C2008 using an eddy covariance technique. The forest mainly consists of Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) and Japanese holly (Ilex pedunculosa). The 9-year average of monthly mean net ecosystem production (NEP) ranged from ?0.1?g?C?m?2?day?1 in January to 2.5?g?C?m?2?day?1 in May. The maximum net uptake was observed in May, although gross primary production (GPP) was highest in July. Variation in the leaf amount did not notably affect seasonal variation in GPP. This site was characterized by carbon uptake even in winter, if the meteorological conditions were conducive for photosynthesis and a resulting long period of carbon uptake. The 9-year averages of annual NEP, GPP, and ecosystem respiration (RE) were 388, 1,802, and 1,413?g?C?m?2?year?1, respectively. The annual NEP was lowest in 2003 and highest in 2004 over the 9?years. Year-to-year variability of NEP mainly depended on air temperature and photosynthetically active radiation in summer, and the dependence of the deviation of annual NEP on that of GPP was greater than that of RE. Long-term observational data indicated that the carbon uptake ability at the study site was at a moderate level in comparison with other temperate humid evergreen forests around the world. These data also indicated that the site had a high carbon uptake ability compared with other deciduous forests in Japan because of the duration of carbon uptake.  相似文献   
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