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[目的] 禾豆间作可兼顾生产和生态效益,提高氮素利用效率并减少氮肥污染。目前对不同水分条件下禾豆间作体系氮素利用吸收及转移分配过程尚不清晰。[方法] 通过设置2时段总水量相同但间隔3,5天的不同频次水处理,结合根系分隔(不分隔、尼龙网分隔、塑料板分隔)和氮同位素标记方法,研究间作禾豆牧草的地上生物量、氮素的吸收利用、固氮率和氮转移率。[结果] 间作披碱草的地上生物量、氮含量和氮素累积量相较单作披碱草显著提升,而苜蓿间作相比单作均降低。在总水量持平的情况下,高频水分处理使牧草的地上生物量比中低频水分处理分别提高6.28%,17.32%,苜蓿的固氮率也在高频水处理下比中低频水处理分别提高39.82%,44.81%,但部分中低频水分处理下氮含量和氮素累积量显著高于高频水分处理(p<0.05),且促进氮素的转移。根系分隔使禾豆相互作用减弱,表现为根系分隔增加间作苜蓿的地上生物量、各部位氮含量及地上部氮素累积量,减小间作披碱草的对应指标。间作苜蓿的固氮和氮转移率表现为不分隔>尼龙网分隔>塑料板分隔。[结论] 适度的水分调控可以提高禾豆间作的优势,且根系互作是促进豆科牧草生物固氮和氮转移的关键。  相似文献   
以黄土丘陵区2、6、10、15龄旱作枣林(Ziziphus jujube cv.Junzao)为研究对象,采用根钻法,距树干0.5、1、1.5 m处、分层(0.2 m)钻取土样,分析了旱作枣林细根随树龄的变化特征。结果表明:随着枣林树龄增大,枣林细根根长密度增加,比根长减小;2龄枣树细根主要分布于径向1.5 m以内和垂向1.6 m以上,10、15龄枣树细根分布超过径向1.5 m和垂向3 m以上,并在株间形成根系高密度区,6龄枣树细根径向分布范围大于2龄,垂向分布与10龄和15龄接近;不同树龄枣林细根根长密度均随土层深度增加而减小,且主要集中在0~0.6 m土层中;随着树龄增加,细根根长密度径向分布无差异(10、15龄)。研究表明:2、6龄枣林应靠近树干地表处施肥,而理论上成熟期10、15龄枣林可在林内任意位置施肥;同时为防止枣林减产和退化,需增加枣林管理措施以有效降低枣树自身奢侈性耗水和非生产性耗水。  相似文献   
土壤改良剂研究已是近年来国内外广泛关注的热点,在对土壤改良剂发展及其种类进行简要回顾的基础上,对土壤改良剂的改土培肥效应(物理结构、化学特性、生化特性)、作物增产效应及其施用技术进行了较为全面的分析和评述,并提出了目前存在的问题和展望了土壤改良剂的研究趋势。  相似文献   
Estimating spatial mean soil water contents from point-scale measurements is important to improve soil water management in sloping land of semiarid areas. Temporal stability analysis, as a statistical technique to estimate soil water content, is an effective tool in terms of facilitating the upscaling estimation of mean values. The objective of this study was to examine temporal stability of soil water profiles (0–20, 20–40, 40–60 and 0–60 cm) in sloping jujube (Zizyphus jujuba) orchards and to estimate field mean root-zone soil water based on temporal stability analysis in the Yuanzegou catchment of the Chinese Loess Plateau, using soil water observations under both dry and wet soil conditions. The results showed that different time-stable locations were identified for different depths and the temporal stability of soil water content in 20–40 cm was significantly (P < 0.05) weaker than that in other depths. Moreover, these time-stable locations had relatively high clay contents, relatively mild slopes and relatively planar surfaces compared to the corresponding field means. Statistical analysis revealed that the temporal stability of root zone soil water (0–60 cm) was higher in either dry or wet season than that including both, and soil water exhibited very low temporal stability during the transition period from dry to wet. Based on the temporal stability analysis, field mean soil water contents were estimated reasonably (R2 from 0.9560 to 0.9873) from the point measurements of these time-stable locations. Since the terrains in this study are typical in the hilly regions of the Loess Plateau, the results presented here should improve soil water management in sloping orchards in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
黄土高原肥水坑施技术下苹果树根系及土壤水分布   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了解黄土丘陵区雨养条件下山地老果园布设肥水坑(water-wertilizer pit,WFP)技术对红富士老果树(Malus pumila Mill)根系及土壤水分空间分布特征的影响,以无肥水坑处理为对照(CK),利用管式TDR系统监测0~300 cm土层土壤含水率,利用根钻法获得21a生旱地果园0~300 cm土层的根系干质量密度。结果表明:WFP能够显著增加果园含水率低值区间(≥40~80 cm土层)土壤含水率,WFP60(60 cm坑深)处理土壤平均含水率增量(145.4%)最显著。WFP40(40 cm坑深)根际土壤湿润区主要集中在≥40~100cm土层,WFP60在≥20~140 cm土层,WFP80(80 cm坑深)主要集中在深层土壤≥140 cm土层。在0~200cm试验土层,WFP60处理土壤多次平均含水率值都最高,为11.02%,依次为WFP40(10.67%)和WFP80(9.80%)。总根系质量密度WFP60处理最大(594.76 g/m3),WFP40(579.08 g/m3)和WFP80(491.82 g/m3)次之,CK最小(372.12 g/m3)。根系在0~100、≥100~200和≥200~300 cm土层中的分配比例为:CK(69.88%、13.74%和16.38)、WFP40(66.04%、14.26%和19.70%)、WFP60(70.35%、24.08%和5.58%)和WFP80(46.54%、15.04%和38.42%),其根系分布与水分分布正相关。该研究表明WFP能够显著改变土壤水分在不同土层深度的分布,坑深越大向下湿润的土体范围也越深;从而显著促进果树根系的生长和根系在不同湿润土层的分配比例关系。总体而言,WFP60处理效果显著好于WFP40和WFP80处理。研究结果将对黄土高原旱地果园集雨和灌溉制度的制定和肥水坑技术的推广提供参考。  相似文献   
Reforestation is one of the most important and efficient measures of water and soil conservation. Based on field investigations in the Shangyang Soil Conservation and Reforestation Station in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, China, we studied the variation in vegetation development, vegetation succession processes and soil erosion. The regional vegetation consists mainly of monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forests (MEBF). The area was deforested and became a denuded hill area with extremely high soil erosion in the 1960s and 1970s. Then, the area was closed in order to allow recovery of the vegetation. Under natural conditions the vegetation development and succession processes were slow during which soil erosion and strong sunshine and evaporation slowed down the development of the vegetation. About 25 years later, the vegetation cover was still merely 35% or so. The dominant vegetation types were heliophilous herbage and shrubs which formed a poorly developed shrub-herbage community and erosion remained high. In contrast, reforestation with selected tree species dramatically speeded up the vegetation succession process. About 12 years after reforestation, vegetation cover of the Acacia auriculiformis plantations in the Shangyang Station was 90% and erosion was under control. After 23 years, understory vegetation, consisting of indigenous species, had developed in the plantations. The planted trees and naturally developing herbage, shrubs, bamboo, local trees and liana formed a complex vegetation community in three layers. It will take 60 years for the vegetation to succeed from bare land to a secondary growth forest under natural conditions. Reforestation may speed up the vegetation succession process. The time may be reduced to 20 years. Reforestation is the most effective measure of vegetation restoration and erosion control in this area. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(8): 2558–2565 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   
通过野外模拟降雨试验,研究了施用SP对黄土坡面产流、产沙的影响,并对实验数据进行数学模拟,建立了SP施用量与产流、产沙强度间的关系模型.结果表明:SP施用量与产流时间、平均产流强度呈二次函数相关关系,与产沙强度呈线性负相关关系.SP用量在0~2.42 g/m\+2之间时,能够延缓坡面产流,用量为1.21 g/m\+2时延缓产流效果最明显;用量介于0~3.31 g/m2之间时,能够增加土壤入渗,减少坡面产流量,用量1.65 g/m2的增渗减流效果最佳;施用SP后,能够减少坡面输沙强度,且用量越大,减沙效果越明显.SP可影响坡面产流过程,用量1.8 g/m2时,能够减小产流初期径流强度增幅,用量为3.6 g/m2时,其产流过程线与对照极接近,而施用量增加到5.4 g/m2时,产流强度明显增大.SP对坡面产沙过程的影响表现为:随施用量增大,产沙强度峰值呈逐步减小的变化趋势.  相似文献   
为评定引入青海省湟源县良种肉羊繁育基地的陶赛特羊和小尾寒羊两个绵羊品种的生态适应性,对其18个生理生化指标进行了系统测定分析,结果表明:①引入的陶赛特羊和小尾寒羊两个绵羊品种大多数生理生化指标在品种内或不同品种间的不同性别、不同年龄个体间以及同性别、同年龄个体间差异不显著(P〉0.05)。②两绵羊品种所测血浆CO2结合力远超出本地藏绵羊水平;体温(T)、呼吸频率(R)、脉搏(P)和瘤胃蠕动频率以及白细胞数(WBC)、红细胞数(RBC)、血红蛋白含量(HGB)的测定结果均大致在本地藏绵羊的各生理指标测定范围之内。③与已引入青海牧区的小尾寒羊大多数生理生化指标相比,本次引进的小尾寒羊在经过一段时间的适应性饲养后,其大多数生理生化指标已与其基本接近或一致;同时,引入的陶赛特羊和小尾寒羊与原产地相应品种在基础生理指标上相比较接近。  相似文献   
The C++ program: Hapseeker was developed to analyze DNA or RNA sequence, besides, Hapseeker could be used to identify haplotype, calculate frequency of each haplotype as well as find variable site quickly. Moreover, Hapseeker had many advantages such as simple operation, rapid running speed and high accuracy.  相似文献   
模拟垄沟灌溉土壤水分入渗特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用土箱进行模拟垄沟灌溉入渗试验,探索垄沟灌溉条件下土壤水分的入渗特性.研究结果表明:垄沟灌溉入渗时,湿润锋水平方向与垂直方向的运移距离与入渗时间呈幂函数正相关,其垂向运移距离明显大干一般沟灌;灌水时沟中与垄坡剖面的含水率迅速增加,再分布过程中在水平向水势梯度的作用下垄上剖面的含水率也不断增加,适当减小垄宽可以减少灌溉...  相似文献   
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