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Several structural components of the type III secretion systems (T3SS) encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI)-1 and SPI-2 are exposed to the host's immune system prior to/during the infection/invasion process, making them potential vaccine candidates. In this study we evaluated whether chickens vaccinated with SPI-2 T3SS components could mount a significant humoral immune response (as measured by serum IgG titres) and whether these antibodies could be transferred to progeny (as measured by egg yolk IgG titres), and whether vaccinates and progeny of vaccinates could be protected against challenge with SE. The results of our studies show that vaccinated chickens do produce high levels of SPI-2 T3SS specific serum IgG that they are able to transfer to their progeny. It was demonstrated that vaccinates and progeny of vaccinates had lower overall countable recovered Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) per bird in most situations.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic utility of parathyroid ultrasonography to differentiate causes of hypercalcemia in dogs. We analyzed qualitative and quantitative ultrasound imaging findings and clinical pathology data from 33 dogs that underwent parathyroid ultrasound examination as part of the diagnostic evaluation for hypercalcemia. Diagnoses of the diseases causing hypercalcemia included parathyroid carcinoma (n = S), parathyroid adenoma (n = 15), parathyroid adenomatous hyperplasia (n = 6), chronic renal insufficiency (n = 3), and hypercalcemia of malignancy (n = 4). All parathyroid lesions were round or oval and hypoechoic compared with surrounding thyroid parenchyma. Adenomatous and adenocarcinomatous glands were 4 mm or larger in longest linear measurement on US examination and were statistically significantly larger than hyperplastic glands. (p < 0.001) Linear measurements of parathyroid glands acquired at the time of ultrasound examination correlated well with direct siz determination after surgical excision. (r2= 0.9, p < 0.0001) Parathyroid lesions <4 mm are highly suspicious for parathyroid adenoma or carcinoma, while US lesions <4 mm most likely represent primary adenomatous hyperplasia or secondary parathyroid hyperplasia. Parathyroid size estimation from ultrasound examination is an accurate predictor of true size.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of intracranial granular cell tumors (GCTs) have been previously reported in three dogs. The goal of this retrospective study was to examine a larger number of dogs and determine whether distinctive MR characteristics of intracranial GCTs could be identified. Six dogs with histologically confirmed intracranial GCTs and MR imaging were included. Tumor location, size, mass effect, T1‐ and T2‐weighted signal intensity, and peritumoral edema MR characteristics were recorded. In all dogs, GCTs appeared as well‐defined, extra‐axial masses with a plaque‐form, sessile distribution involving the meninges. All tumors were located along the convexity of the cerebrum, the falx cerebri, or the ventral floor of the cranial vault. All tumors were mildly hyperintense on T1‐weighted images, and iso‐ to hyperintense on T2‐weighted images. A moderate‐to‐severe degree of peritumoral edema and mass effect were evident in all dogs. Findings indicated that, while several MR imaging characteristics were consistently identified in canine cerebral GCTs, none of these characteristics were unique or distinctive for this tumor type alone.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to describe a developmental defect of the caudal cervical and cranial thoracic vertebrae in 11 purebred Colombia lambs. The lambs were either affected at birth, or developed the condition within the first 18 days of age. Cervicothoracic kyphosis, with a compensatory cervical lordosis and ataxia were common; 8 lambs had abnormal head posture, characterized by inability to lift the head from the ground. One lamb had rigid head and neck, and had to move the entire body to look to the left or right. Neurological signs included ataxia, tetraparesis, diminished conscious proprioception, and increased patellar and triceps reflexes. One lamb had inspiratory stridor because of compression of the trachea in the area overlying the abnormal vertebrae (cervical vertebrae 6 [C6] and 7 [C7]). Radiographic and pathological abnormalities included malalignment and malarticulation of the caudal cervical and cranial thoracic spine, rounded cranioventral margins in the bodies of vertebrae C7 and T1, wedging of the intervertebral disc spaces between C6 and T1 vertebrae, and hypoplasia of the dens. Pathological changes in the soft tissues included hypoplasia of the cervical epaxial and hypaxial musculature, with associated focal areas of myodegeneration. Mild Wallerian axonal degeneration, compatible with a mild cord compression syndrome, was found in 3 lambs in the cervicothoracic spinal cord adjacent to the vertebral anomalies. The concentrations of copper and selenium in blood, plasma, or tissues were normal in 10 of 11 lambs. All but one of the lambs in which pedigree information was provided were genetically related. Siblings born as twins to 5 of the affected lambs were normal, but both lambs from one twin pregnancy were affected. Owners reported that breeding stock had been shared among the ranches. Because of the close familial relationships of the affected lambs, the condition is suspected to have a hereditary basis.  相似文献   
Serum feline trypsinogen-like immunoreactivity (fTLI) concentrations and abdominal ultrasound have facilitated the noninvasive diagnosis of pancreatitis in cats, but low sensitivities (33% and 20–35%, respectively) have been reported. A radioimmunoassay has been validated to measure feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (fPLI), but the assay's sensitivity and specificity have not been established. In human beings, the sensitivity of computed tomography (CT) is high (75–90%), but in a study of 10 cats, only 2 had CT changes suggestive of pancreatitis. We prospectively evaluated these diagnostic tests in cats with and without pancreatitis. In all cats, serum was obtained for fTLI and fPLI concentrations, and pancreatic ultrasound images and biopsies were acquired. Serum fPLI concentrations ( P <.0001) and ultrasound findings ( P = .0073) were significantly different between healthy cats and cats with pancreatitis. Serum fTLI concentrations ( P = .15) and CT measurements ( P = .18) were not significantly different between the groups. The sensitivity of fTLI in cats with moderate to severe pancreatitis was 80%, and the specificity in healthy cats was 75%. Feline PLI concentrations were both sensitive in cats with moderate to severe pancreatitis (100%) and specific in the healthy cats (100%). Abdominal ultrasound was both sensitive in cats with moderate to severe pancreatitis (80%) and specific in healthy cats (88%). The high sensitivities of fPLI and abdominal ultrasound suggest that these tests should play an important role in the noninvasive diagnosis of feline pancreatitis. As suggested by a previous study, pancreatic CT is not a useful diagnostic test for feline pancreatitis.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare radioulnar incongruence (RUI) of normal canine elbows and elbows with arthroscopically confirmed medial compartment disease in vivo using systematic computed tomography (CT) measurements. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective comparison of RUI measurements in normal and dysplastic canine elbows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Right elbows of 25 medium-large breed, adult dogs with medial compartment disease and 9 medium-large breed, adult dogs with no elbow disease. METHODS: Transverse CT images of proximal radioulnar articulation were reformatted to dorsal and sagittal planes. RUI in 3 locations of the forelimb's medial coronoid was measured. Arthroscopy confirmed diagnosis of medial compartment disease in the diseased group. RUI measurements of the diseased and normal elbows were compared. RESULTS: Cumulative statistical analysis of RUI in all planes revealed no significant difference between the normal and abnormal elbows (P = .61). The abnormal elbows had negative mean RUI at the mid (P = .56) and cranial (P = .24) coronoid regions that were not significantly different from normal elbows and mean positive RUI at the base coronoid that was significantly greater than in normal elbows (P = .00082). CONCLUSION: Canine elbows with established medial compartment disease do not have significant RUI at the medial coronoid region at the time of diagnosis when compared with normal elbows. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: If RUI is a significant factor in the pathophysiology of medial compartment elbow disease in the dog, it does not appear to be present at the time of diagnosis of disease. Ulnar or radial osteotomies do not appear to be indicated for restoration of normal radioulnar articular surface alignment.  相似文献   
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