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Mycobacterium fortuitum was isolated in a sample of bronchial fluid collected by transtracheal aspiration from a 1-year-old Corgi dog with a productive cough of 10 days' duration and with radiographic and cytological features of acute suppurative bronchopneumonia. The dog responded favourably to intravenous gentamicin and cephalexin for three days and a six week course of oral ciprofloxacin. Saprophytic mycobacterial pneumonia should be considered in cases of severe pulmonary consolidation in young dogs.  相似文献   
Samples for microbiological culture were collected from the uterus of bitches using transcervical uterine cannulation (31 samples, 23 bitches) and from the uterus, cervix and vagina post mortem (19 bitches) at all stages of the reproductive cycle. Samples were cultured for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and for aerobic mycoplasmas. Bacteria were always found in the uterus during prooestrus and oestrus (12 positive in 12 cultures) and rarely at other stages of the reproductive cycle: during anoestrus (one in 14) and other stages (none in 24). When microorganisms were detected at three sites post mortem, those found in the cervix and vagina were always of the same species as those found in the uterus. In six out of 13 instances, microorganisms were found in the cervix or vagina when none were found in the uterus. The mean number of isolates, number of bacteria seen in uterine cytology and bacterial growth were greater (P < 0–005) during oestrus and pro-oestrus than at other stages. Bacteria isolated from the uterus, in order of frequency, were Escherichia coli, Haemophilus species, α-haemo-lytic streptococci, Corynebacterium species, Streptococcus canis, Alcaligenes faecalis, Bac-teroides species, Pasteurella species and Proteus mirabilis. No mycoplasmas were cultured from the samples. This study indicates that the uterus of the normal bitch has a uterine microflora during pro-oestrus and oestrus that is similar to that of the vagina and cervix.  相似文献   
The immunogenicity of the ts-11 vaccine strain of Mycoplasma gallisepticum was assessed following eye drop or coarse aerosol administration in chickens of various ages. Protection was evalualted following intra-abdominal (IA) or fine droplet aerosol administration of virulent M. gallisepticum, usually the Ap3AS strain and was measured mainly by the scoring of gross air sac lesions or by egg production. Vaccination of chickens with ts-11 did not elicit a substantial serum antibody response as measured by rapid serum agglutination test, or ELISA. Protection was never demonstrated when no M. gallisepticum serum antibody response was detected in a vaccinated group of chickens. Failure to protect occurred usually, although not invariably, following aerosol administration of the vaccine. Vaccination by eye drop usually, although not invariably provided protection against challenge. In one experiment, chickens vaccinated by eye drop at 8-weeks were as susceptible as non vaccinated controls when challenged by IA inoculation at 13-weeks-of-age. Yet other birds from the same vaccinated group were resistant when challenged in an identical way at 23-weeks. No measurable increase in M. gallisepticum specific serum antibody concentrations occurred in the intervening period. Equally surprising was the response of another group of birds in the same experiment that had been vaccinated with a higher dose of ts-11. An antibody response was detected in this group, but they were susceptible to challenge at 23-weeks. Interestingly, a drop in egg production commenced 4 weeks after challenge, 2 weeks later than that observed in a non vaccinated group challenged at the same time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A temperature sensitive (ts) vaccine strain designated ts-11 was selected after exposure of a low passage culture of the immunogenic Australian field isolate (strain 80083) of Mycoplasma gallisepticum to 100 mg/ml of N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Viable counts (assayed as colour changing units (CCU)/25 microliters) of a thawed stock culture of ts-11 were typically log10 3 to log10 5 higher when incubated at 33 degrees C (the permissive temperature) than duplicate viable counts incubated at 39.5 degrees C (the restrictive temperature). Doses of approximately 2 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 caused no gross lesions or loss of egg production when inoculated into the air sacs of susceptible chickens and no clinical or pathological signs of sinusitis when inoculated into the infraorbital sinuses of susceptible turkey poults, whereas the parent strain 80083 was demonstrably pathogenic. However, 1 of 10 poults inoculated intra-abdominally with approximately 2 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 did show signs of mild airsacculitis. Eight-week-old pullets were vaccinated by eye drop with up to 1.4 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 and simultaneously subjected to several stressful management practices, without apparent ill effects. Administration by coarse aerosol of 5 ml of ts-11 vaccine/25 day-old broilers, with or without 25 doses of infectious bronchitis virus vaccine caused no obvious signs of respiratory disease. The non virulent ts phenotype was maintained after 3 passages of strain ts-11 in chickens. Chickens vaccinated 3 weeks previously with ts-11 or with strain 80083 were placed in contact with susceptible chickens for a period of 2 weeks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Akabane disease in sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Perinatal lamb mortality, associated with malformations of the CNS due to Akabane viral infection, occurred in 4 of 9 flocks of ewes lambing on 3 farms between 26 May and 14 November, 1976. Cases were restricted to ewes conceiving prior to the second week of March and lambing between 26 May and 19 July. As judged by seroconversion in sentinel flocks on 2 of the farms, field infection with Akabane virus occurred mainly between mid-February and mid-April. Malformations of the CNS occurred in 42.5%, 51.2%, 100% and 31.0% of the dead lambs examined in the affected flocks respectively. Prevalence in the 4 affected flocks, expressed as the proportion of ewes lambing which delivered at least one malformed foetus, was 6.1%, 8.4%, 88.9% and 5.7% respectively. Lamb mortality due to malformations of the CNS was 7.1%, 5.5%, 92.3% and 5.7% of lambs born. Age-specific prevalence was calculated for 3 of the 4 flocks and 2-year-old ewes accounted for 71.4% and 76.9% of total cases respectively in 2 flocks, whereas in one flock malformations occurred at equivalent frequencies throughout several older age groups. Birthweights of affected lambs were usually significantly lighter than those of unaffected lambs of similar sex and birth-type, and their mean duration of gestation was slightly, and significantly, prolonged. Micrencephaly (88.1% of cases) and hydrocephalus (68.7% of cases) were the outstanding pathological features of the malformations with hydranencephaly, microgyria, porencephaly and attenuation of the spinal cord occurring at much lower frequencies.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
CASE HISTORY: A 14-year-old neutered male Bearded Collie was presented with a history of recurrent, intermittent urinary incontinence of 7 years duration.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: A large, firm, non-painful mass was found in the mid-abdominal region on palpation. Ultrasonography of the mass revealed a compartmentalised structure with mixed echogenicity, and which did not appear to be associated with any of the abdominal organs. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirates contained several clusters of epithelial cells with cytological features of hepatocytes. At exploratory laparotomy, the mass was found in the gastrosplenic ligament within the greater omentum.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSIS: Histopathologically, the mass consisted of sheets of hepatocytes, but without the characteristic hepatic architecture. The cells showed moderate variation in nuclear size and were sometimes binucle- ate. A diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the mesentery was made.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The presence of ectopic hepatic tissue has been reported rarely in man and cats, but not in the dog. Neoplastic transformation of ectopic hepatic tissue is seen in man. This is the first report of the presentation, clinical findings and treatment of a dog with ectopic HCC.  相似文献   
Molecular epidemiology of Salmonella Heidelberg in an equine hospital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From 1992 to 1997, multi-drug resistant (MDR) Salmonella Heidelberg isolates were cultured from a number of horses hospitalised in a veterinary hospital in Victoria, Australia. To examine the relationships between the cases, 28 isolates from the hospital were compared by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), IS200 element profiles, antimicrobial resistance patterns, plasmid profiles and phage typing. The PFGE patterns following digestion with XbaI and BlnI restriction endonucleases showed that the isolates from the veterinary hospital originated from a common source. These isolates also had indistinguishable IS200 profiles. However, PFGE was more discriminatory than IS200 profiles. All the veterinary hospital isolates and one independent isolate had the same antimicrobial resistance pattern and had at least one plasmid in common. Localisation of antimicrobial resistance genes indicated that the veterinary hospital isolates had more than one plasmid carrying resistance genes and that the genes encoding sulphathiazole and trimethoprim resistance were not on these plasmids. Phage typing was ineffective as 22 of the 28 isolates were untypeable. In conclusion, the combination of different methods used for epidemiological studies suggested that a single strain of MDR S. Heidelberg was isolated from horses admitted to the hospital for 6 years and caused salmonellosis in susceptible horses within that period with no apparent correlation between the antimicrobials used and retention of its MDR phenotype.  相似文献   
A live attenuated Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine, ts-11, has been used for control of M gallisepticum in several countries. The rapid serum agglutination test is usually used as an indicator of flock response to vaccination; however, in some flocks, the detected response may be weak or absent. We investigated whether the low level, or lack, of systemic antibodies in ts-11-vaccinated flocks is correlated with susceptibility to infection after challenge with a virulent M. gallisepticum strain. Birds from 2 separate ts-11-vaccinated commercial flocks with no, or weak, rapid serum agglutination responses (at 11 or 14 wk postvaccination) were randomly selected and subjected to aerosol challenge with either M gallisepticum strain Ap3AS or sterile mycoplasma broth. A group of nonvaccinated specific-pathogen-free chickens at similar age were also exposed to aerosolization with M. gallisepticum strain Ap3AS and used as positive controls. Postmortem examination of the birds, performed 2 wk after challenge, revealed no significant difference in microscopic tracheal lesions or mucosal thicknesses between the ts-11-vaccinated field birds irrespective of their aerosolization treatment. However, both microscopic tracheal lesions and tracheal mucosal thicknesses of nonvaccinated challenged birds were significantly greater than those of ts-11 vaccinates. Hence, broiler breeders vaccinated in the field showed significant protection against virulent M. gallisepticum challenge even when no serum antibody was detected by rapid serum agglutination test. These results reveal that seroconversion detected by rapid serum agglutination test after ts-11 vaccination is not a reliable predictor of protection against M. gallisepticum infection. The possible significance of local antibody response and cell-mediated immunity against M. gallisepticum infection is discussed.  相似文献   
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