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During the Galileo probe's descent through Jupiter's atmosphere, under the ionosphere, the lightning and radio emission detector measured radio frequency signals at levels significantly above the probe's electromagnetic noise. The signal strengths at 3 and 15 kilohertz were relatively large at the beginning of the descent, decreased with depth to a pressure level of about 5 bars, and then increased slowly until the end of the mission. The 15-kilohertz signals show arrival direction anisotropies. Measurements of radio frequency wave forms show that the probe passed through an atmospheric region that did not support lightning within at least 100 kilometers and more likely a few thousand kilometers of the descent trajectory. The apparent opacity of the jovian atmosphere increases sharply at pressures greater than about 4 bars.  相似文献   
Comparison of test characteristics allows a clinician to choose the optimal diagnostic test method for an individual patient. This study assessed the comparative test characteristics of noninvasive (NI) blood pressure measurement methods (oscillometric and Doppler) and used this information to develop optimal cutoff values for diagnosis of systolic hypertension in dogs by these NI methods. Simultaneous NI (oscillometric or Doppler methods) and invasive (arterial puncture [AP]) systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurements were obtained prospectively from normal dogs and dogs suspected of having systemic hypertension based on clinical signs. Oscillometric SBP readings were obtained from the distal hind limb (Osc-L, n = 54) or the proximal tail (T. n = 27). Doppler BP measurements were obtained using a forelimb cuff (n = 57). AP-SBP was categorized as hypertensive if > or = 160 mmHg, and sensitivity (Se). specificity (Sp), and likelihood ratios (LR) were calculated for diagnostic cutoff values ranging from 130 to 220 mmHg. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves were analyzed to determine optimal cutoff values for diagnosis of AP-SBP > or = 160 mmHg. Optimal NI SBP cutoff values considered to reflect AP values > or = 160 mmHg were: Osc-L = 160 mmHg (Se: 65%, Sp: 85%. LR = 4.33: 1), Osc-T = 150 mmHg (Se: 84%, Sp: 75%, LR = 3.36: 1), and Doppler = 160 mmHg (Se: 71%,  相似文献   
Clinical and anatomical features of lymphosarcoma in 118 cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To determine patients' characteristics and anatomical distribution of lesions in cats with lymphosarcoma. Design Prospective multi-institutional study of naturally occurring feline lymphosarcoma. Methods Veterinarians in Sydney were provided with free diagnostic laboratory services for suspect cases of feline lym-phosarcoma. Lymphosarcoma was diagnosed based on physical findings, radiographic and/or ultrasonographic images and results of cytological or histopathological examination. When owners were not interested in pursuing an antemortem diagnosis, suspect cases were collected for necropsy. Patients' characteristics and physical findings were recorded. A modified scheme for anatomical classification of lesions was devised including a ‘mixed’ category for cases which involved two or more anatomical forms. Results One hundred and eighteen cases were accrued over an 18 month period. The median age was 120 months and range 5 to 212 months. Age distribution was bimodal, with a small peak for cats less than 24 months, and a normal distribution centred on 97 to 120 months. Eighty cats were domestic crossbreds, 22 were Siamese or Oriental cats (including crosses), 6 were Burmese, 5 were purebred longhairs and the remaining 5 were one of a number of purebred shorthaired breeds. In comparison to 1017 consecutive cases admitted to our hospital for conditions other than lymphosarcoma, Siamese/Oriental cats were over-represented amongst lymphosarcoma cases (P = 0.0006). Male cats were also over-represented, accounting for 72 of 118 cases (P = 0.05). Abdominal lymphosarcoma was the most common anatomical form (43 cats), followed by mixed (39), nodal (20), mediastinal (9) and atypical (involving non-lymphoid organs, 7) forms. When analysed for specific organ involvement, 29 (25%) had mediastinal involvement, 71 (60%) had abdominal involvement including 60 (51%) with involvement of the intestinal tract and/or mesenteric lymph nodes and 36 (31%) with bilateral renal involvement, and 47 (40%) had peripheral lymph node involvement. No case of primary lymphoid leukaemia was identified. A noticeable subgroup of cats younger than 24 months had involvement of the anterior mediastinum with or without concurrent enlargement of cervical or axillary lymph nodes; Siamese/Oriental cats were over-represented in this subgroup. Among cases with nodal involvement, lymph nodes of the head and neck were frequently involved, mandibular nodes most commonly, followed by superficial cervical nodes. In seven cases a solitary node was affected. Conclusions Compared with similar surveys overseas, our cats were older and male cats were over-represented. There was a notable subgroup of young cats with mediastinal involvement. Siamese/Oriental cats were over-represented in this subgroup as well as in the larger population of cats with lymphosarcoma. Compared with overseas surveys, renal involvement, mixed cases and atypical cases (including nasal lymphosarcoma) were more common. A new subcategory of nodal lymphosarcoma, with involvement restricted to node(s) of head and neck, was identified.  相似文献   
Objective To measure the prevalence of megabacteria in budgerigar-breeding colonies and to evaluate possible methods to reduce the prevalence.
Design A monitoring study over several years.
Sample population Two budgerigar ( Melopsittacus undulatus ) colonies with over 300 birds each.
Procedure The prevalence of megabacteria in the faeces in two budgerigar breeding colonies, colony 1 and 2, was determined by faecal examination of each bird. Following an initial survey (1990), most of the birds that were scored 2+ or more were culled and a management practice was implemented to discriminate against positive birds. Consecutive yearly surveys (1991, 1992) were conducted on the young birds bred in these colonies. The prevalence of megabacteria in colony 2 was also evaluated in 1994 and 1996 after all the birds were treated with amphotericin B administered in drinking water.
Results The prevalence of megabacteria in the two colonies was significantly (P < 0.001) different. Overall the prevalence of megabacteria adjusted for colony differences was significantly higher (P < 0.025) in males compared to females. Age was not an influencing factor. After the initial survey, the prevalence in the offspring did not significantly (P > 0.05) decrease in the following two annual breeding seasons but by inference it did significantly decrease after amphotericin B treatment.
Conclusion The practice of culling most birds with more megabacteria in faeces and discriminating against positive birds when selecting birds for breeding or culling birds on show quality does not decrease megabacteria prevalence in the offspring. However, a reduction in prevalence does occur with administration of amphotericin B. Birds may have amphotericin B-resistant organisms and these birds need to be identified and culled.  相似文献   
SUMMARY An aqueous suspension of air-dried, hammer-milled leaf of Terminalla oblongata (yellow-wood) was administered to sheep by gavage, as a single dose of 5 to 20 g (dry weight)/kg body weight. Doses of 15 g/kg, or more, caused depression, Inappetence, abdominal pain and reduced ruminal movements within 24 to 48 h and some sheep also showed dyspnoea, oplsthotonus and champing of the Jaws. Haematology and blood gas and acid-base measurements were unaffected. In sheep given a dose of 12.5 g/kg, or more, plasma osmolality, aspartate aminotransferase activity and potassium and bilirubin concentrations Increased while plasma total protein markedly decreased and plasma sodium concentration and alkaline phosphatase activity remained normal. Most sheep were necropsled 48 h after dosing. The liver showed zonal hepatocellular necrosis, the pattern of which varied with the dose given. No renal lesions were observed, although one sheep given a very high dose became azotaemic and hyperkalaemic. Hydrothorax, hydroperlcardlum and ascltes developed In sheep given doses of 15 or 20 g/kg.  相似文献   
Objective   Validation of a stimulation test for determining the steroidogenic capacity of the parrot testis. The major aim was to characterise testosterone secretion after injection of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa), then use the test to investigate seasonal reproduction in the male cockatiel.
Procedure   A synthetic GnRHa (buserelin; 8.0 µg of peptide/kg bodyweight) was injected IM into male cockatiels (n = 7) and sulphur-crested cockatoos (n = 3) and serial blood samples collected at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after administration. Once validated, the technique was subsequently used to examine seasonal changes (23 months) in the testosterone profile of a captive cockatiel population.
Results   Injection of buserelin resulted in a significant increase in the testosterone concentration of cockatiel plasma, with maximal concentrations occurring at approximately 60 (1.33 ± 0.08 ng/mL) to 90 min (1.22 ± 0.08 ng/mL) after injection. Although no clear pattern of seasonal variation in testosterone secretion was detected in cockatiel plasma, samples taken 60 and 90 min after administration showed a significant increase in all seasons. Injection of buserelin in the sulphur-crested cockatoo also resulted in increased testosterone secretion, with maximal concentrations obtained after 90 min.
Conclusion   Buserelin can be used to obtain a reliable index of the prevailing testosterone capacity of the cockatiel and cockatoo testis. With further studies, this test may be incorporated into clinical assessment of reproductive status.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of positive allergen reactions in cats with small-airway disease (i.e. 'feline asthma', 'feline allergic bronchitis', 'feline bronchial disease'). Intradermal skin tests (IDT) and serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) tests were performed in 10 cats with idiopathic small-airway disease and in 10 normal cats without a history of respiratory disease. None of the cats had a history of skin disease or clinical signs of skin disease at the time of testing. Significantly more individual positive allergen reactions were found on serum IgE tests than on IDT in both groups of cats. Affected cats had significantly more individual positive allergen reactions on both tests than unaffected cats. Both IDT and serum IgE tests resulted in more individual positive allergen reactions to weeds, trees, grasses, and/or moulds in affected cats than in normal cats. Significantly more positive allergen reactions to house dust mites were found in affected compared to non-affected cats by IDT but not by serum IgE testing. One unexpected obstacle to inclusion of more affected cats in the study was the concurrent presence or history of suspect or known allergic skin disease. Concurrent allergic skin disease has not been reported in association with small-airway disease in cats. The increased prevalence of individual positive allergen reactions in affected cats may be due to increased immunological reactivity in these cats. Further studies are needed to answer this question and to determine what role, if any, aeroallergens have in the pathogenesis of this complex feline disease.  相似文献   
Noninvasive blood pressure measurement is now a standard diagnostic test in small animal practice. Factors such as patient selection, environment, technical support staff, and necessary equipment and supplies will be discussed. Step by step techniques for obtaining reliable blood pressure measurements in both cats and dogs are presented.  相似文献   
Objective To survey finches in pet shops for Cochlosoma infection and evaluate the efficacy of antiprotozoal therapy with metronidazole or ronidazole.
Design A survey of pet shop finches and drug efficacy trials.
Procedure Finches in pet shops were randomly selected and their faeces examined microscopically for motile Cochlosoma sp trophozoites. Drug trials were carried out on 60 adult finches with naturally occurring infections. Body weight was measured and the faeces of each bird was examined for trophozoites at the beginning and 7 days after the end of treatment. In some birds, additional daily faecal examinations were done until three consecutive negative results were obtained. Metronidazole was administered at various dose rates by crop gavage or in drinking water to eight groups of five to ten finches each. Ronidazole was given in water for 7 days to ten finches. In addition, six finches whose faeces tested positive were necropsied and their tissues collected for histological examination.
Results Motile flagellates in the faeces were identified as C anatis -like protozoa. Red-headed parrot-finches, Bengalese and Lady Gould finches were found to be most commonly infected. Cochlosoma sp was also found in the blue-faced parrot-finch, zebra finch, painted finch, nutmeg mannikin and double-barred finch. Metronidazole and ronidazole were found to be effective against Cochlosoma sp. Histological findings on infected adult finches were normal, except for the presence of numerous flagellates between the colorectal villi and cloacal mucosal folds.
Conclusions Cochlosoma anatis -like organisms can infect several species of finches and in adult finches are confined to the colorectum and cloaca. Infection in adult finches was mostly subclinical and could be treated effectively with metronidazole or ronidazole.  相似文献   
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