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The use of chloramphenicol in the horse is now prohibited as horses are classified as food-producing animals. However, chloramphenicol has until recently been widely available for oral, intramuscular or intravenous administration. A critical appraisal of the published literature on the use of chloramphenicol in the horse clearly demonstrates that there are sound pharmacokinetic and microbiological reasons for concluding that chloramphenicol is not an appropriate antibiotic for systemic use. The short half-life of chloramphenicol in the horse, together with the broad range of minimum inhibitory concentrations of target pathogens, preclude the use of practical dosage regimens. It can be concluded that the withdrawal of chloramphenicol will have no adverse effects on chemotherapy in the horse.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect on wool growth of physiological changes associated with experimental flystrike in superfine Merino wethers. DESIGN: An animal house study comparing experimentally fly struck sheep with non-infected control groups that were pair fed or fed ad libitum. PROCEDURE: Sheep in the blow fly larval challenge group were each artificially infected with 500 first instar larvae per day for 8 days. Infections were terminated with insecticide on day 10. For all sheep, live weight change, feed intake and body temperature were monitored and blood collected for analysis of haematology, cortisol, serum haptoglobin, serum amyloid A and the pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNFa, IL-1 b, IL-6 and IL-8. Wool growth and staple strength were examined 4 months after infection. RESULTS: Experimental fly strike included moderate fever, depressed feed intake, and elevated cortisol, IL-6, serum amyloid A and haptoglobin. Staple strength was significantly decreased in struck sheep and did not differ between wool from sites adjacent to and remote from strike lesions. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that depression in feed intake alone is not sufficient to account for the decline in staple strength seen during fly strike. Cortisol, IL-6 and metabolic consequences of the acute phase response are likely to be major contributors to the systemic effects of blowfly strike on wool.  相似文献   
This study aimed to quantify production loss due to larval challenge in sheep administered a controlled release albendazole capsule (CRC) and thus determine the suitability of CRC treated sheep as a proxy for worm-free sheep in grazing experiments. The experiment used an incomplete 2 × 3 latin square design with 81 Merino wethers. Sheep were either infected (INF) with mixed oral infection of albendazole-susceptible Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, and Teladorsagia circumcincta (initial bolus then thrice weekly maintenance) or remained uninfected (UINF). Worm control treatments were with a CRC (CRCT), threshold treatment with a short-acting anthelmintic when worm egg count (WEC) exceeded 1500 epg (TT) or untreated (UT). The experiment was conducted in two 63-day periods (separated by a 14 day washout period) with infection treatments swapped between periods. A subset of animals was killed at the end of each period for worm counts and tissue sampling. Faecal worm egg count in UINF-UT reached 10,204 and 6078 epg at day 63 in periods 1 and 2, respectively, and remained 0 throughout in the CRT treatments. There was no difference in live weight gain or wool growth of INF-CRCT sheep (67 and 70 g/d) relative to UINF-CRCT (67 and 76 g/d). Live weight gain was significantly lower in INF-UT (27 g/d) and INF-TT (55 g/d) than UINF-UT (88 g/d) or UINF-TT (81 g/d) treatments. During the first infection period, greasy fleece weight growth was significantly lower in INF-UT (6.33 g/d) and INF-TT (6.37 g/d) than UINF-UT (7.80 g/d) or UINF-TT (7.32 g/d) treatments. The effects of infection on production persisted in INF-UT, but not INF-TT sheep for several weeks after termination of infection. Eosinophil counts were elevated in all infected groups and the antibody response to T. colubriformis was greater in INF-CRCT and INF-TT groups compared to uninfected sheep. Together, these results indicate that larval challenge in sheep with a CRC is mildly immunogenic but is not associated with production loss. The results also showed that the CRC itself reduced live weight gain and that anthelmintic treatment at a WEC threshold of 1500 epg reduces production loss during infections and prevents persistence of adverse effects following infection.  相似文献   
While rotational grazing methods have an accepted role in the management of gastrointestinal nematodosis (GIN) of small ruminants in humid tropical regions, their efficacy and application in cool temperate regions is more controversial. This study evaluated GIN over 2 years in three classes of fine wool Merino sheep (lambs, hoggets and ewes) under three different sheep management systems in a cool tableland environment near Armidale NSW Australia (950m altitude, 30 degrees 31'S, 151 degrees 39'E). The management systems were High input (HI) with high fertiliser inputs, a target of 100% sown pasture, high stocking rate (13.4 dry sheep equivalents/ha) and relatively long grazing periods; Typical (TYP) New England management system with moderate fertiliser inputs and stocking rate (9.3DSE/ha) and relatively long grazing periods; and Intensive rotational grazing (IRG) with moderate fertiliser inputs and stocking rate (8.8DSE/ha) but very short (mean 5 days) grazing periods and long (mean 103 days) rest periods. Twenty sheep of each class in each management treatment were sampled monthly for faecal worm egg counts (WEC, followed by larval differentiation), and body weights with a blood sample taken for haematology every second month. The proportion of sheep with WEC above zero did not differ between management systems but the magnitude of WEC did, with sheep under IRG displaying lower mean WEC than those on the other treatments (IRG: 326, HI: 594, TYP: 536, eggs/g P<0.0001). This was despite a significantly longer mean interval between anthelmintic treatments (IRG: 144 days, HI: 77 days, TYP: 78 days, P<0.0001). The IRG management system also influenced the composition of the infections with sheep on this treatment having a significantly lower proportion of Haemonchus contortus in their faecal cultures (IRG: 59.7%, HI: 79.4%, TYP: 80.9%, P<0.05) and a significantly higher proportion of Trichostrongylus spp. Sheep on the IRG treatment also had a significantly higher haematocrit (HCT) than those on the other management systems. Despite the lower WEC and higher HCT, sheep under IRG also had significantly lower bodyweights and fleece weights overall, although this was only evident in sheep raised to adulthood prior to the experiment, not those raised during the 2-year experimental period. The results demonstrate that IRG systems with short grazing periods and long rest periods between grazing events can assist with control of GIN in cool temperate climates where H. contortus is the dominant parasite.  相似文献   
A factorial experiment (3 x 4 x 2 x 3) was conducted in programmable incubators to investigate interaction between the effects of rainfall amount, rainfall distribution and evaporation rate on development of Haemonchus contortus to L3. Sheep faeces containing H. contortus eggs were incubated on sterilised soil under variable temperatures typical of summer in the Northern Tablelands of NSW, Australia. Simulated rainfall was applied in 1 of 3 amounts (12, 24 or 32 mm) and 4 distributions (a single event on the day after deposition, or the same total amount split in 2, 3 or 4 equal events over 2, 3 or 4 days, respectively). Samples were incubated at either a Low or High rate of evaporation (Low: 2.1-3.4 mm/day and High: 3.8-6.1 mm/day), and faeces and soil were destructively sampled at 4, 7 and 14 days post-deposition. Recovery of L3 from the soil (extra-pellet L3) increased over time (up to 0.52% at day 14) and with each increment of rainfall (12 mm: <0.01%; 24 mm: 0.10%; 32 mm: 0.45%) but was reduced under the High evaporation rate (0.01%) compared with the Low evaporation rate (0.31%). All rainfall amounts yielded significantly different recoveries of L3 under Low evaporation rates but there was no difference between the 12 and 24 mm treatments under the High evaporation rate. The distribution of simulated rainfall did not significantly affect recovery of infective larvae. Faecal moisture content was positively associated with L3 recovery, as was the ratio of cumulative precipitation and cumulative evaporation (P/E), particularly when measured in the first 4 days post-deposition. The results show that evaporation rate plays a significant role in regulating the influence of rainfall amount on the success of L3 transmission.  相似文献   
The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) z-axis accelerometer has obtained over 200 vertical structures of thermospheric density, temperature, and pressure, ranging from 110 to 170 kilometers, compared to only three previous such vertical structures. In November 1997, a regional dust storm in the Southern Hemisphere triggered an unexpectedly large thermospheric response at mid-northern latitudes, increasing the altitude of thermospheric pressure surfaces there by as much as 8 kilometers and indicating a strong global thermospheric response to a regional dust storm. Throughout the MGS mission, thermospheric density bulges have been detected on opposite sides of the planet near 90 degreesE and 90 degreesW, in the vicinity of maximum terrain heights. This wave 2 pattern may be caused by topographically-forced planetary waves propagating up from the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of protein supplementation and genetic selection to enhance the resistance of periparturient Merino ewes to infection from gastrointestinal parasites was tested in a replicated grazing experiment. One hundred and twenty ewes from lines selected for increased resistance (R) to Haemonchus contortus or at random (C) were subjected to one of the three supplement groups that provided 0 or 250 g per day cottonseed meal for 5 weeks prior to, or for 6 weeks after the start of lambing. Faecal egg counts (FEC) of R ewes were consistently lower than those of C ewes but both groups exhibited a periparturient rise in FEC. Supplementation during the pre-partum period reduced FEC and increased ewe body weight gain. The benefits of pre-partum supplementation in reducing FEC continued to be apparent up to 10 weeks after supplementation ceased. There was a strong suggestion that the benefits to parasite resistance from protein supplementation were greatest in C ewes. Wool growth rates (15%) and birth weights (5%) were greater for C ewes but differences between the lines for lamb body weight had disappeared by day 97. The greatest benefit to resistance from protein supplementation was observed when ewes were experiencing a loss of maternal body weight. Conversely, no benefits to resistance were observed when ewes had moderate (78-107 g per day) rates of maternal weight gain. These results suggest that increased resistance as a result of protein supplementation is dependent on the prevailing supply and demand for scarce nutrients such as metabolisable protein (MP). Both genetic selection and protein nutrition are effective strategies to enhance host resistance to nematode infection during the periparturient period.  相似文献   
Animals used in sport should be treated as required to ensure animal welfare but any such use of medication should also be controlled to ensure integrity. Pharmacokinetic studies on groups of six greyhounds were performed to measure plasma and urine levels of carprofen and firocoxib to inform medication control advice. Using the standard methodology for medication control the Irrelevant Plasma Concentration was determined as 20 and 2 ng/mL for carprofen and firocoxib, respectively. The Irrelevant Urine Concentration was also determined as 0.3 and 2 ng/mL for carprofen and firocoxib, respectively. These Irrelevant Plasma and Urine Concentrations will allow laboratory Screening Limits, Detection Times and Withdrawal Time advice to be determined and publicised by regulators of greyhound racing. The Screening Limits will also inform Recommended Limits of Detection if meat-containing residues of these medications are fed to greyhounds.  相似文献   
The key influence of moisture availability on development of the free-living stages of Haemonchus contortus is well-documented, although quantitative relationships between moisture variables and development are poorly defined. A factorial experiment (3x2x2) was conducted in programmable incubators to determine the effects of amount and distribution of simulated rainfall on H. contortus development at low evaporation rates (approximately 2 mm/day) under temperatures typical of summers on the Northern Tablelands of NSW, Australia. Sheep faeces containing H. contortus eggs were placed in experimental units containing sterile soil and had one of the three amounts (12, 24 and 32 mm) of simulated rainfall applied, in either a single event on the day after deposition (d 1) or three split events over 6 days (d 1, 3 and 6). Treatments were applied either in week 1 only, or in weeks 1 and 2. Recovery of infective larvae (L3) at 4, 7 and 14 days post-contamination increased with each incremental amount of simulated rainfall over the range of 12-32 mm and was significantly higher under the single "rain" event (2.8%), compared with the three smaller, split events (1.9%). The second application of simulated rainfall in week 2 had only a very small influence on L3 recovery, suggesting that the majority of development to L3 occurred in response to simulated rainfall events in the first 7 days. Both faecal moisture content and the cumulative ratio of precipitation and evaporation (P/E) were strongly and positively correlated with recovery of L3. Recovery of L3 from treatments, which received simulated rainfall in week 1 only was best described by P/E at d 5. Whether the relationships observed in this study hold under field conditions, where macroclimatic conditions such as evaporation rate are substantially more limiting to free-living development, is yet to be determined.  相似文献   
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