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The brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus californiensis (Holmes), is a species native to north‐west Mexico, where its culture potential is presently being addressed. Because of the climatic conditions prevailing in the region, salinities over 40 g L?1 is a commonly encountered problem. In the present study, the effect of salinity on the growth and mortality of juvenile F. californiensis is described. The change in short‐term routine metabolism at different salinities was also evaluated in order to define the adaptive capacity of the shrimp and to provide insight into the changes in the pathways of energy distribution. Groups of shrimp were exposed to increasing salinity (25, 35, 45 and 55 g L?1), and growth and survival rates after 75 days were determined in duplicate 1.8‐m3 tanks for each salinity level. Significant differences were found in final weight, growth rate and mortality of shrimp as a result of salinity level. Final mean shrimp weights at increasing salinity levels were 10.0, 9.4, 8.6 and 7.8 g. Corresponding mortality was 24.4%, 15.1%, 33.6% and 55.7%. Oxygen consumption was found to depend significantly on salinity and was equivalent to 0.0027, 0.0037, 0.0043 and 0.0053 mg g?1 min?1 respectively for the increasing salinities. The increased rate of oxygen consumption at high salinities reflects the response of the organism to osmoregulatory and ionic imbalances. Increased energy requirements to fulfil basic metabolic function as salinity increased resulted in a reduction in the energy that could be diverted to growth. Consequently, the culture of the brown shrimp at salinities over 35 g L?1 would probably result in reduced yields.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the performance of Litopenaeus vannamei in an intensive photo‐heterotrophic hypersaline system with minimal seawater replacement, and establish relationships between parameters of a stochastic production model and relevant water quality variables. Six experimental 1000 m2 lined ponds were stocked at a density of 120 shrimp m?2 for a 105‐day trial. Salinity increased from 37 to 45 ± 2 g/L, and the water level was maintained with the weekly addition of filtered seawater, equivalent to 1.6% per day. The stochastic model predicted that, at harvest, there is 95% confidence that the system produces between 12.1 and 14.7 t/ha with a mean final individual weight of 13.1 g and a mean survival of 84.2%. Sensitivity analyses showed that dissolved oxygen and individual final weight of shrimp were the main variables influencing yield variance. Nitrogenous compounds were maintained between optimal cultivation levels (NH3–NH4+ = 0.73 ± 0.43 mg/L, N–NO2? = 0.09 ± 0.05 mg/L, N–NO3? = 3.22 ± 0.11 mg/L). Heterotrophic bacteria (6.6 ± 3.4 × 105 CFU/ml) and chlorophyll‐α concentration (108.5 ± 80.2 μg/L) showed a similar development pattern, indicating a strong relationship between bacteria and microalgae during cultivation. Vibrio spp. concentrations were low (1.24 ± 1.42 × 103 CFU/ml). It was shown that the photo‐heterotrophic system could be used in hypersaline conditions, typical of semi‐arid regions, to consistently produce between 12.1 and 14.7 t/ha in 15 weeks.  相似文献   
Preliminary technical baseline information for the inland culture of juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in a freshwater fish hatchery is presented. Three initial stocking densities (d1 = 83, d2 = 167, and d3 = 250 fish/m3) were tested in a semirecirculation system for 575 days using a commercially available feed (48.1% protein, 25% lipids, and 0.13% fiber). Initial and final mean fish weight were 7.11 ± 0.02 g and 287.6 ± 27 g. As carrying capacity appeared to have been reached, only data from Days 1–333 were analyzed. One‐way ANOVA analyses indicated that the survival rate of the smaller density (d1 =40 ± 3.7%) was significantly different from the other two densities (d3 = 21 ± 1.1% and d2 = 23 ± 1.0%), which did not differ between them. Absolute growth rate (0.87 ± 0.02 g/day) was not significantly different between densities (F = 0.23. p = .801). Neither was weight significantly different between treatments. There were significant differences in the feed conversion rate (FCR) between densities (F = 8.54; p = .02). FCR for d1 was significantly lower than for the two other densities, which did not differ from each other. A von Bertalanffy growth model was adjusted (R2 = 0.95), and weight–length relationship presented negative allometric values (b = 2.85, R2 = 0.98).  相似文献   
This research considers the applicability of different vegetation indices at 30 m resolution for mapping and monitoring desert wetland (cienega) health and spatial extent through time at Cienega Creek in southeastern Arizona, USA. Multiple stressors including the risk of decadal-scale drought, the effects of current and predicted global warming, and continued anthropogenic pressures threaten aquatic habitats in the southwest and cienegas are recognized as important sites for conservation and restoration efforts. However, cienegas present a challenge to satellite-imagery based analysis due to their small size and mixed surface cover of open water, exposed soils, and vegetation. We created time series of five well-known vegetation indices using annual Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images retrieved during the April–June dry season, from 1984 to 2011 to map landscape-level distribution of wetlands and monitor the temporal dynamics of individual sites. Indices included the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and the Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII). One topographic index, the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), was analyzed to examine the utility of topography in mapping distribution of cienegas. Our results indicate that the NDII, calculated using Landsat TM band 5, outperforms the other indices at differentiating cienegas from riparian and upland sites, and was the best means to analyze change. As such, it offers a critical baseline for future studies that seek to extend the analysis of cienegas to other regions and time scales, and has broader applicability to the remote sensing of wetland features in arid landscapes.  相似文献   
Rotaviruses are the main agents responsible for diarrhea in different animal species and for infantile gastroenteritis. These viruses have been isolated from various avian species and have often been associated with poult enteritis and mortality syndrome. Nevertheless, the knowledge of rotavirus infection in turkeys is scarce. Six group A rotavirus strains obtained from pooled enteric contents of diarrheic turkeys were isolated in MA-104 cell culture and typed as G(6)P(1), a typical bovine rotavirus genotype. Additionally, the electropherotypes showed a migration pattern identical to the Nebraska calf diarrhea virus, and the complete NSP4 gene phylogeny showed that all six strains segregated in the genotype E2. Taken together, these results point toward a cattle-to-turkey rotavirus transmission. As a conclusion, bovine-origin rotavirus can be found in turkeys, and this transmission route must now be considered for the improvement of the health status in turkey farms.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial resistance is a public health emergency, placing veterinary antimicrobial use under growing scrutiny. Antimicrobial stewardship, through appropriate use of antimicrobials, is a response to this threat. The need for antimicrobial stewardship in Australian veterinary practices has had limited investigation. A 2016 survey undertaken to investigate antimicrobial usage patterns by Australian veterinarians found that antimicrobial dose rates were varied and often inappropriate. Doses of procaine penicillin in horses and cattle were often low, with 68% and 90% of respondents, respectively, reporting doses that were unlikely to result in plasma concentrations above minimum inhibitory concentrations for common equine and bovine pathogens. Frequency of penicillin administration was also often inappropriate. Gentamicin doses in horses were largely appropriate (89% of dose rates appropriate), but 9% of respondents reported twice daily dosing. Amoxycillin and amoxycillin‐clavulanate were administered at the appropriate doses, or above, to dogs and cats by 54% and 70% of respondents, respectively. Here, we explore the potential reasons for inappropriate antimicrobial dose regimens and report that antimicrobial labels often recommend incorrect dose rates and thus may be contributing to poor prescribing practices. Changes to legislation are needed to ensure that antimicrobial drug labels are regularly updated to reflect the dose needed to effectively and safely treat common veterinary pathogens. This will be especially true if changes in legislation restrict antimicrobial use by veterinarians to the uses and doses specified on the label, thus hampering the current momentum towards improved antimicrobial stewardship.  相似文献   
The effect of eight diets with different protein‐to‐energy ratios (P–E ratio=10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 mg kJ?1) on reproduction of female redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus was tested under laboratory conditions. After 75 days, there was a significant effect of the P–E ratio on final weight, spawning females and the number of juveniles per female. Using the broken‐line and quadratic equations, optimal values for the P–E ratio were: 16.0, 17.1 and 16.0 mg kJ?1. The P–E ratio significantly affected protein and carbohydrate content and energy in the hepatopancreas. The broken‐line model indicated that the respective recommended values of the P–E ratio for these parameters were: 21.8, 16.7 and 18.6 mg kJ?1. The concentration of carbohydrates and energy in muscle tended to significantly diminish as the P–E ratio increased. From broken‐line regression analysis, the recommended P–E ratio was 16.6 and 20.2 mg kJ?1 respectively. No significant differences were found in survival, fecundity, vitellin content in eggs, protein and lipid content in muscle and lipids in the hepatopancreas. We concluded that, overall, a P–E ratio of 18±2 mg kJ?1 is optimal for reproductive activity of female redclaw crayfish.  相似文献   
Decades of intensive off‐road vehicle use for border security, immigration, smuggling, recreation, and military training along the USA–Mexico border have prompted concerns about long‐term human impacts on sensitive desert ecosystems. To help managers identify areas susceptible to soil erosion from anthropogenic activities, we developed a series of erosion potential models based on factors from the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). To better express the vulnerability of soils to human disturbances, we refined two factors whose categorical and spatial representations limit the application of the USLE for non‐agricultural landscapes: the C‐factor (vegetation cover) and the P‐factor (support practice/management). A soil compaction index (P‐factor) was calculated as the difference in saturated hydrologic conductivity (Ks) between disturbed and undisturbed soils, which was then scaled up to maps of vehicle disturbances digitized from aerial photography. The C‐factor was improved using a satellite‐based vegetation index, which was better correlated with estimated ground cover (r2 = 0·77) than data derived from land cover (r2 = 0·06). We identified 9,780 km of unauthorized off‐road tracks in the 2,800‐km2 study area. Maps of these disturbances, when integrated with soil compaction data using the USLE, provided landscape‐scale information on areas vulnerable to erosion from both natural processes and human activities and are detailed enough for adaptive management and restoration planning. The models revealed erosion potential hotspots adjacent to the border and within areas managed as critical habitat for the threatened flat‐tailed horned lizard and endangered Sonoran pronghorn. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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