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Marine biofouling is an epibiotic biological process that affects almost any kind of submerged surface, causing globally significant economic problems mainly for the shipping industry and aquaculture companies, and its prevention so far has been associated with adverse environmental effects for non-target organisms. Previously, we have identified bromosphaerol (1), a brominated diterpene isolated from the red alga Sphaerococcus coronopifolius, as a promising agent with significant antifouling activity, exerting strong anti-settlement activity against larvae of Amphibalanus (Balanus) amphitrite and very low toxicity. The significant antifouling activity and low toxicity of bromosphaerol (1) motivated us to explore its chemistry, aiming to optimize its antifouling potential through the preparation of a number of analogs. Following different synthetic routes, we successfully synthesized 15 structural analogs (2–16) of bromosphaerol (1), decorated with different functional groups. The anti-settlement activity (EC50) and the degree of toxicity (LC50) of the bromosphaerol derivatives were evaluated using cyprids and nauplii of the cirriped crustacean A. amphitrite as a model organism. Derivatives 2, 4, and 6–16 showed diverse levels of antifouling activity. Among them, compounds 9 and 13 can be considered as well-performing antifoulants, exerting their activity through a non-toxic mechanism.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of improving the synchronisation of lambing after oestrus synchronisation and artificial insemination (AI). To this end, low doses of dexamethasone 21-isonicotinate (DEX) alone or in combination with prostaglandin F2a (PG) were used in five treated groups (n = 20 each) and one control group (n = 136) of Chios ewes. On day 143 of pregnancy 1.5 mg DEX was given in Group 5, while on day 146 the following treatments were applied: 0.0375 mg PG in Groups 4 and 5, and 1, 1.5 and 2 mg of DEX in ewes of Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The control ewes received no treatment. The 1.5 and 2 mg dose of DEX was more effective in synchronising labour as regards the treatment to lambing interval and the proportion of ewes that gave birth within 3 days. However, obstetrical manipulations were needed, and dead lambs were born when 2 mg DEX was used. It was concluded that lambing can be safely synchronised in Chios ewes with 1.5 mg DEX given on day 146, without affecting the viability of lambs and without parturition complications.  相似文献   
Although Ni has been officially recognized as an essential micronutrient for all higher plants since 2004, research on assessing its sufficiency critical levels with different soil tests is missing in the literature. The objective of the study was to determine Ni critical levels in unpolluted cultivated soils utilizing four methods, employing three commonly used calibration techniques. Ten soils with different physical–chemical properties and low Ni content were treated with Ni at rates of 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg kg?1. After equilibration for one month, the soils were analyzed for extractable Ni by four methods, namely DTPA, AB‐DTPA, AAAc‐EDTA, and Mehlich‐3. Response to soil‐applied Ni was assessed by a greenhouse pot experiment, with the untreated and Ni‐treated soils in three replications, using ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The aboveground biomass of ryegrass was harvested two months after sowing, dry weight of biomass was measured and relative biomass yield was calculated. Nickel's critical levels were determined employing the: (a) graphical technique of Brown and co‐workers, (b) Mitscherlich–Bray equation, and (c) Cate and Nelson graphical technique. According to the first technique, Ni critical levels were ≈ 2 mg kg?1 for the DTPA and AB‐DTPA methods, and 6.0 and 5.3 mg kg?1 for the AAAc‐EDTA and Mehlich‐3 methods, respectively. Similar levels were obtained by the Mitscherlich–Bray equation. However, the critical levels assessed by the Cate and Nelson technique were lower and ranged from 0.5 to 1.3 mg kg?1 for all four methods. Conclusively, Ni sufficiency critical levels for all four methods are expected to range at levels of a few mg Ni kg?1 of soil. As far as the three calibration techniques are concerned, a distinct boundary between Ni response and non‐response was accomplished by none. However, the fact that 60–74% of the soils were correctly separated into responsive and non‐responsive to added Ni by the graphical technique of Brown and co‐workers suggests that this is the most suitable technique.  相似文献   
This article presents the use of a stochastic frontier production function to examine the efficiency of resource utilization in pond fish farming in Uganda. The study draws on data from a field survey administered to 200 small-scale fish farmers in three major fish farming districts in Central Uganda: Mukono, Mpigi and Wakiso. The districts were part of a large aquaculture development project funded by the United States Agency for International Development-Aquaculture and Fisheries Collaborative Research Support Program. Productive efficiency was analyzed using stochastic frontier analysis with a translog production function while assuming a truncated-normal distribution for the inefficiency term. The output variable was total quantity of fish produced, while input variables were quantity or value of inputs used in the production process, namely labor, pond size, stocking density, capital and feeds. The estimated index of resource-use efficiency revealed that small-scale farmers were inefficient in resource allocation by over-utilizing labor with an estimated allocative efficiency index of ?0.94 and grossly under-utilized pond size, feeds and fingerlings with allocative efficient indices of 1.15, 1.64, 3.71, respectively. The results suggest that there is considerable scope to expand output and also productivity by increasing production efficiency at the relatively inefficient farms and sustaining the efficiency of those operating at or closer to the frontier.  相似文献   
Agricultural landscapes are the product of the interaction of the natural environment of an area and the practices of its farmers. In this paper, farmers’ practices are examined in order to describe and understand processes of landscape change in terraced fields on the island of Lesvos, Greece. We examine the changes of the terraced fields of each farmer and the reasons for these changes, practices concerning the maintenance of terraces and how farmers view this landscape change. The concept of farming systems is used to link farmers’ practices at the farm level with changes at the landscape level. Data come from research via questionnaires to farmers in order to record their practices, to explore changes in land use and the landscape elements and the reasons behind these changes, and finally to record their opinions on the landscape change that result. Findings indicate that although farm households in the case study areas depend on farming incomes by very different degrees, they employ similar cultivation and landscape management practices. At the same time, “hobby” farm households may be more prone to abandonment of fields and negligence of landscape elements (here terraces).  相似文献   
Strontium absorption by plants is specific to individual species and also depends on the underlying soil properties. The purpose ofthis study was to evaluate the effect of certain soil characteristics and liming on Sr absorption by twoTrifolium species. One-liter volume of two inorganic and three organic soilswere treated with a combination of three CaCO3 levels, 0, 3.6 and 7.2 g, × two Sr levels, 50 and 100 mg, (treatments) in four replications. Trifolium repens L. was grown in thetreated soils, in pots, harvested twice, and Sr in theabove-ground biomass of each harvest and soil exchangeable Caof each treatment were determined. The experiment was repeatedwith Trifolium subterraneum L., harvested once. For bothspecies, Sr transfer factor (T.F.) values of the varioustreatments were calculated. Shoot Sr concentrations weresignificantly affected by soil characteristics and Sr additionrates and were greater in T. repens. In all cases, theSr concentrations of plants grown in the organic soils, whichwere characterized by higher exchangeable Ca and cationexchange capacity (C.E.C.) values, were lower than those ofplants grown in the inorganic soils. Among the organic soils,Sr concentrations of the plants grown in the soil with thehighest values of C.E.C., organic matter and exchangeable Cawere the lowest. Liming decreased significantly the Srconcentrations in T. repens and T. subterraneumgrown in the two acid soils, while the pH and exchangeable Cawere increased. Shoot Sr concentration (log scale) wassignificantly, negatively correlated with soil exchangeable Ca. Strontium T.F. values were quite similar between the two Sr application rates and were affected by the same soil characteristics.  相似文献   


Contaminated land is a major problem. The remediation cost of brownfields in Europe and the USA exceeds 550 billion €; however, rehabilitation is on a slow pace. It is estimated that the money spent so far correspond to just 5% of the required one to eliminate the problem. The high cost of remediation, along with the inefficiency of the available funds, gives rise to a need for a method to effectively allocate remediation funds.  相似文献   
Sewage sludge treated with 15% bentonite, vermiculite or biochar was evaluated as a soil amendment in comparison to limed and untreated sludge. Seven treatments were established to two soils, an acid and an alkaline, in three replications, i.e. 2% addition of sludge treated with bentonite, vermiculite, biochar and lime and application of 2% untreated sludge, inorganic fertilization and no sludge or inorganic fertilizers (control). Then, the soil treatments were used in a pot experiment with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) as a test plant. Sludge treated with the clay minerals or biochar improved pH of the acid soil and significantly increased organic matter and available nutrients of both soils compared to control. Although no salinity or sodicity hazard was evidenced, the initial salinity of acid and alkaline soil increased by four-eight and two-three times, respectively, upon addition of all sludge treatments, especially that of untreated sludge. Moreover, soil available zinc (Zn) increased by four-eight times. Soil application of sludge treated with the clay minerals or biochar increased the total aboveground biomass yield of ryegrass in the acid and alkaline soil by 133%–171% and 72%–88%, respectively, compared to control and enhanced nutrient uptake by plants. Furthermore the microbial metabolic quotient indicated lack of low pH and heavy metal stress with addition of sludge to the acid soil. After three harvests of ryegrass, the residual effect of sludge on pH of acid soil and salinity, available phosphorus (P), Zn and boron (B) of both soils still persisted. Thus sewage sludge treated with 15% bentonite, vermiculite or biochar could be applied to soils at a rate of 2% (≈80 Mg ha−1) to serve as soil amendment and fertilizer for grasses and pasture species; however, caution is needed regarding possible P build-up, Zn phytotoxicity and salinization risks.  相似文献   
We report a phenomenal increase in strength, modulus, and fracture strain of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber by 103 %, 219 %, and 108 %, respectively through hybridizing this fiber with Nylon 6 as a minor phase and simultaneously reinforcing it with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Loading of Nylon 6 and SWCNTs into UHMWPE was 20.0 wt% and 2.0 wt%, respectively. Hybridized fibers were processed using a solution spinning method coupled with melt mixing and extrusion. We claim that the enhancement in strain-to-failure of the nanocomposites is due to induced plasticity in the hybridized Nylon 6-UHMWPE polymers. The enhancement in strength and stiffness in the nanocomposites is attributed to the load sharing of the SWCNTs during deformation. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) studies showed that changes in percent crystallinity, rate of crystallization, crystallite size, alignment of nanotubes, sliding of polymer interfaces and strong adhesion of CNT/polymer blends were responsible for such enhancements.  相似文献   
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