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1. Tissue-specific profiles of the expression of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase (CAT) and the concentrations of reduced glutathione (GSH) during the development of the chick embryo were investigated. 2. The liver, brain, yolk sac membrane (YSM), kidney, lung, heart and skeletal muscles were collected at the following days of embryo development: 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 and 22 (day-old chicks). 3. The different tissues of the embryo displayed distinct development strategies with regard to the acquisition of antioxidant capacity. In the liver the specific activity of SOD increased between days 10 and 11 of development, then significantly decreased up to day 15 and remained at the same value during the rest of the developmental period. GSH-Px specific activity increased through the time of development. CAT had 2 peaks of specific activity at day 10 of the development and in day-old chicks. 4. The brain was characterised by comparatively high SOD-specific activity especially during the last days of incubation. The specific activities of GSH-Px and CAT were low throughout development. 5. In the YSM maximal GSH-Px and CAT-specific activities were found on day 15 of incubation. In the kidney and heart GSH-Px-specific activity increased at hatching time. CAT-specific activity in the kidney increased just after hatching. 6. It is concluded that each tissue studied expressed a profile of antioxidant defence mechanisms to deal with oxidative stress at hatching time.  相似文献   
1. The effect of supplementing the diet of the parent hen with vitamin E on the vitamin E content of the yolk and of embryonic and neonatal tissues was evaluated and the effects of elevated tissue concentrations of vitamin E on peroxidation susceptibility was examined. 2. Laying hens (Ross 1 broiler-breeder strain) were maintained on diets containing either 147 (control diet) or 365 (high vitamin E diet) microg vitamin E/g feed. 3. In the day-16 embryo, the concentrations of of vitamin E in the yolk sac membrane, liver, brain and lung were respectively 5.0, 4.3, 1.7 and 5.6 times greater for those derived from the hens on the high vitamin E diet compared with those from the control group. 4. In the day-old chick, the concentrations of vitamin E in the yolk sac membrane, liver, brain and lung were respectively 14.8, 2.8, 3.0 and 5.1 times greater for those derived from hens on the high vitamin E diet compared with those from the control group. 5. Homogenates of tissues from the day-old chick were incubated in the absence and presence of Fe2+ in order to determine the extent of spontaneous and iron-stimulated peroxidation as measured by the generation of thiobarbituric acid reacting substances. For the chicks derived from hens on the control diet, the brain was markedly more susceptible to both spontaneous and iron-stimulated peroxidation than were the other tissues. Tissues from the chicks derived from the hens on the high vitamin E diet exhibited significantly reduced susceptibilities to peroxidation. In particular, the susceptibility of the brain was reduced to the same level as that of the other tissues. 6. It is concluded that the high peroxidative susceptibility of the chick's brain can be normalised by supplementation of the parent hen with vitamin E.  相似文献   
Tissue-specific accumulation of tocopherols and tocotrienols in turkey tissues during embryonic development and their susceptibility to lipid peroxidation were investigated. Fertile turkey eggs were incubated using standard commercial conditions. Embryonic tissues were collected at 16, 22, 25 d of incubation and from day-old poults (referred to as day 29) and alpha-; beta- + gamma- and delta-tocopherols and respective tocotrienols were analysed by HPLC. A turkey diet provided to the parent hens contained the complete range of tocopherols and tocotrienols. Between days 16 and 22 of embryo development, the alpha-tocopherol concentration in the liver remained constant and then increased significantly (P<0.01) reaching a maximum just after hatching. Similar changes were observed for the other tocopherols and tocotrienols. The accumulation of alpha-tocopherol in the yolk sac membrane (YSM) started after day 20 of development and at hatching the alpha-tocopherol concentration in the YSM was twice that of beta- + gamma-tocopherols and 15 times greater than that of alpha-tocotrienol. In the kidney, heart, lung, muscle and adipose tissues a gradual increase in tocopherol and tocotrienol concentrations took place between days 20 and 25 of development with a sharp increase in particular of alpha-tocopherol between days 25 and 29. There was a discrimination between tocopherols and tocotrienols during their assimilation from the diet by the parent hen and during metabolism by the developing turkey embryo. Tissue-specific features in the susceptibility to lipid peroxidation were found with the brain being the most susceptible to lipid peroxidation at day 25 and in day-old poults.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate standing, percutaneous, ultrasound-guided, transthoracic liver biopsy in mares, and transabdominal, laparoscopically-guided, liver biopsy under general anaesthesia in foals, as techniques for obtaining tissue for assessment of copper status. The techniques were evaluated with respect to ease of use and effect on the animal.
Procedure Twenty of 24 Thoroughbred mares and 21 of their foals were biopsied. The animals were part of a larger study of the effect of copper supplementation on copper status and the prevalence of developmental orthopaedic disease. Livers were also collected from unrelated horses and sampled to investigate the variability in the distribution of copper in liver tissue.
Result The biopsy technique caused no lasting effect on the mares, but there was an increased risk of viscus penetration associated with taking multiple biopsy cores. The use of ultrasonography to scan the target area for the liver identified four cases that were not appropriate candidates for liver biopsy, because of large intestine being located in the biopsy area. In the foals there were no serious postoperative adverse effects, nor was there any evidence of problems caused by the procedure when the abdomen was examined post-mortem at 5 months of age. In livers collected to investigate the variability of copper concentration, copper appeared to be relatively evenly distributed through the liver.
Conclusion Standing, percutaneous, ultrasound-guided, transthoracic liver biopsy in mares, and transabdominal, laparoscopically-guided, liver biopsy under general anaesthesia in foals are convenient procedures for obtaining liver tissue for assessing copper status in horses. The use of ultrasound to identify liver tissue is recommended, especially in older mares.  相似文献   
柞蚕品种龄期经过与饲料效率的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用16个饲料效率表现、化性、体色及龄期经过各异的品种,春秋分别单头室内育,采用干量折地,各20次重复取平均值,统计春养、秋养和春秋养平均全龄经过,5龄经过日数与饲料效率对比分析、绘图展示等,发现:龄期经过都与品种的饲料效率有关,但无论全龄还是5龄经过最长、最短的,饲料效率表现都不好,而处于龄期经过第二高峰,即全龄比平均值长0.84d左右,5龄长0.73d左右,饲料效率表现最佳,这为高饲料效率品种  相似文献   
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