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Due to land expansion and an increase in productivity, rice production in sub-Saharan Africa has been growing at a rate of 6% in the past decade. Rainfed rice production systems have accounted for a large share of this expansion. In these systems, the potential growing period not only depends on the length of the rainy season and thus water availability, but is often, especially in the highlands of East Africa, bordered by the onset of the cool period of the year, when low minimum temperatures compromise rice yields. The objective of this study was to investigate the yield potential of 30 rice varieties contrasting in crop duration and cold tolerance in the highlands of East Africa, with its limited length of growing period. A field trial was conducted in the cropping seasons in 2016 and 2017 at the Fogera rice research station, Ethiopia. As a function of the onset of rains, rice was sown mid-July in 2016 and early July in 2017. Early sowing in 2017 led to an extended crop duration and significantly lower yields of the short-duration varieties, and to a shortened duration and significantly higher yields of the medium- and long-duration varieties, when compared to late sowing in 2016. Late sowing compromised yield of the medium- and long-duration varieties because of low temperatures during booting stage, which led to high spikelet sterility. Early sowing resulted in low yields of the short-duration varieties, probably due to low solar radiation during the cloudy rainy season, which coincided with the vegetative stage. Therefore, choice of variety should be a function of the variable onset of the rainy season and related sowing date. However, crop models precisely calibrated for potential varieties and the respective environmental conditions could fully support the selection of a suitable variety, depending on the date of sowing, for example with the help of online tools or smartphone applications.  相似文献   
Fatty acids are the largest component of lipids and have become a useful tool in the determination of live feeds to a variety of cultured species. Bioencapsulation is a technique which allows high-level incorporation of desired components (i.e., fatty acids, vitamins, antibiotics, etc.) in live feeds, which in turn can be supplemented to the consumer organisms. The procedure described in the present study serves as a platform of technology for enriching the Streptocephalus dichotomus. Uptake of two enrichment diets (ALGAMAC2000 and DHA-SELCO) by adult S. dichotomus was investigated. The fatty acid profile supports the hypothesis that the enrichment diet increases the level of essential fatty acids, such as linolic, linolenic, eicosapentenoic, and docosahexaenoic acids. The average content (percent of total fatty acids detected) of the enriched organism by different highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) products were as follows: ALGAMAC2000 showed 14-22% saturated fatty acid (SFA), 17-18% monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), 28-41% polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), 23-34% n-3, and 4.9-7.5% n-6, whereas DHA-SELCO showed about 20-23% SFA, 20-26% MUFA, 38% PUFA, 28-31% n-3, and 7.5-10% n-6. Our present investigation proves that both HUFA-rich diets appear to be an appropriate enrichment diet, and further provides an additional rationale for using fairy shrimp as a maturation diet for any cultivable freshwater organism.  相似文献   
In the present study efficacy of single intradermal Johnin test, acid fast staining of faecal smear and IS 900 faecal polymerase chain reaction tests was evaluated in 200 goats for detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis. Two hundred goats comprising 150 goats from an organised farm in Trichur district and 50 goats reared under field condition at farmers premise from Malappuram district of Kerala state formed the study population. Faecal smear from all the 200 goats was stained by Ziehl–Neelsen acid fast stain and faecal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for M. avium subsp paratuberculosis (MAP); IS 900 was performed on all samples. All the animals were subjected to single intradermal Johnin test. Out of 200 goats screened for paratuberculosis, six goats (3%), 11 goats (5.5%) and 42 goats (21%) were found positive by Ziehl–Neelsen acid fast staining of faecal smear, single intradermal Johnin test and IS 900 PCR respectively. Results of the present study indicate that amplification of IS 900 insertion element was the most specific and sensitive diagnostic detection method. Single intradermal Johnin test and Ziehl–Neelsen acid fast staining did not show any significant difference.  相似文献   
Two field experiments were carried out one after the other to study the effect of date of sowing and soil temperature on the soil nitrogen availability and yield of sorghum (Co. 25). Crops sown at weekly intervals were the treatments. Mean soil temperature at different depths, available soil N at different stages, leaf area index were assessed and correlation among different parameters established. The results indicated that time of sowing sorghum crop influenced the soil available N due to variations in soil temperature and the eanopv development at different levels as measured by leaf area indices.
Mean soil temperature increased with depths upto 30 cm. Also available N varied at different stages of crop growth but invariably higher in early sown crops Qanuary sown). Soil temperature at 15 cm depth influenced the available soil N most and consequently the leaf area index. This was reflected in the yield also.  相似文献   
Two field trials with paddy crop were raised to study the root distribution characteristics under mechanical impedance. Plots varying in bulk density were created by passing 400 kg stone roller (1 meter width) 8 times and 16 times. After harvest of the first crop 32P was injected to the paddy stubbles and the percentage of total radioactivity at different layers upto 30 cm was calculated to study the root distribution characteristics. The results revealed that 47.2 per cent of the roots are distributed in the first 10 cm of the soil, 29.5 and 23.3. per cent were found in the second and third 10 cm layers, respectively. As the mechanical resistance increased 62.9 to 67.0 per cent of the roots were found in the top 10 cm layer. The root distribution pattern in the second crop was studied by the procedure of N ewman (1966). The trend of results were as for the first crop.  相似文献   
Egg drop syndrome 1976 (EDS-76) is caused by a haemagglutinating adenovirus belonging to group III of the genus Aviadenovirus in the family Adenoviridae. All isolates are serologically identical, but have been divided into three groups based on restriction endonuclease (RE) analysis. In this study the viral DNA of various Indian EDS-76 viral isolates (CEDS-A, CEDS-B, EDS-M, EDS-ML, EDS-1/AD/86, EDS-KC and QEDS) obtained from different avian species and different geographical regions were digested with restriction endonucleases viz., EcoRI, BamHI, HindIII and PstI. The results showed that one Indian isolate obtained from duck (DEDS-KC) was different from all other chicken and quail counterparts. All other isolates were identical to the reference viral strain BC-14, which belong to group I of EDS-76 viruses. The duck isolate EDS-KC could not be placed in any of the three groups reported earlier.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted on 30 male Nellore lambs with average body weight (BW) of 15.45 +/- 0.06 kg to determine the level of the copper (Cu) supplementation in diet from inorganic and organic sources required for optimum immunity and its effect on copper dependent enzymes by allotting them randomly to five groups in completely randomized design. The dietary treatments were viz., basal diet (no Cu supplementation, BD), other four groups were offered BD supplemented with 7 or 14 ppm Cu from copper sulphate (CuSO(4)) and Cu-proteinate, respectively. The lambs were fed the respective diets at 3.5 per cent BW to meet the requirements except Cu for 180 days. The humoral immune response against Brucella abortus and chicken RBC was assessed after 90 days of feeding. The in vivo delayed type hyper sensitivity reaction against PHA-P and in vitro lymphocyte proliferation against Con A indicative of cell mediated immune response (CMI) was assayed at 180 days of feeding. At the end of experiment four lambs from each group were slaughtered for estimation of liver superoxide dismutase activity (SOD). The ceruloplasmin and RBC-SOD activities were higher (P < 0.05) in 14 ppm Cu supplemented lambs from Cu-proteinate at 90 and 180 days, while the liver SOD activity was higher (P < 0.05) in lambs fed 14 ppm Cu from CuSO(4). The STAT titres against B. abortus were higher in Cu supplemented lambs, with no effect of dose of supplementation. Lambs supplemented with Cu-proteinate had higher titers than CuSO(4) on 7 and 14 days of post sensitization. The total immunoglobulin concentration and the CMI response against PHA-P and Con-A was higher (P < 0.05) in lambs fed 14 ppm Cu-proteinae diet. The IgM level was though high in Cu supplemented lambs, no dose or source effect were observed. The study indicated that Cu dependent enzymes activity and immune response were highest and respond better against stress in lambs on 14 ppm supplemented Cu from Cu-proteinate.  相似文献   
Streptococci are one among the major mastitis pathogens which have a considerable impact on cow health, milk quality, and productivity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence and virulence characteristics of streptococci from bovine milk and to assess the molecular epidemiology and population structure of the Indian isolates using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Out of a total of 209 bovine composite milk samples screened from four herds (A–D), 30 Streptococcus spp. were isolated from 29 milk samples. Among the 30 isolates, species-specific PCR and partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis identified 17 Streptococcus agalactiae arising from herd A and 13 Streptococcus uberis comprising of 5, 7, and 1 isolates from herds B, C, and D respectively. PCR based screening for virulence genes revealed the presence of the cfb and the pavA genes in 17 and 1 S. agalactiae isolates, respectively. Similarly, in S. uberis isolates, cfu gene was present in six isolates from herd C, the pau A/skc gene in all the isolates from herds B, C, and D, whereas the sua gene was present in four isolates from herd B and the only isolate from herd D. On MLST analysis, all the S. agalactiae isolates were found to be of a novel sequence type (ST), ST-483, reported for the first time and is a single locus variant of the predicted subgroup founder ST-310, while the S. uberis isolates were found to be of three novel sequence types, namely ST-439, ST-474, and ST-475, all reported for the first time. ST-474 was a double locus variant of three different STs of global clonal complex ST-143 considered to be associated with clinical and subclinical mastitis, but ST-439 and ST-475 were singletons. Unique sequence types identified for both S. agalactiae and S. uberis were found to be herd specific. On PFGE analysis, identical or closely related restriction patterns for S. agalactiae ST-483 and S. uberis ST-439 in herds A and B respectively, but an unrelated restriction pattern for S. uberis ST-474 and ST-475 isolates from herds D and C respectively, were obtained. This signifies that the isolates of particular ST may exhibit related PFGE patterns suggesting detection of a faster molecular clock by PFGE than MLST. Since all the isolates of both the species belonged to novel sequence types, their epidemiological significance in global context could not be ascertained, however, evidence suggests that they have uniquely evolved in Indian conditions. Further research would be useful for understanding the role of these pathogens in bovine sub-clinical mastitis and implementing effective control strategies in India.  相似文献   
The looming water crisis and water-intensive nature of rice cultivation are driving the search for alternative management methods to increase water productivity in rice cultivation. Experiments were conducted under on-station and on-farm conditions to compare rice production using modified methods of irrigation, planting, weeding and nutrient management with conventional methods of cultivation. Farm surveys were used to evaluate adoption of modified rice cultivation method. On-station experiments showed that, a combination of water-saving irrigation, young seedling or direct seeding, mechanical weeding and green manure application increased the rice water productivity though the largest yields were obtained for a combination of conventional irrigation, young seedling or direct seeding, mechanical weeding and green manure application. On-farm experiments demonstrated a yield advantage of 1.5 t ha−1 for the modified method over conventional method. We found, however, that yield advantages were not the sole factor driving adoption. Associated changes required in management, including the increased labour demand for modified planting, unwillingness of agricultural labourers to change practices, difficulties with modified nursery preparation and the need to replace cheaper women’s labour for hand weeding with more costly men’s labour for mechanical weeding, all reduced the chance of adopting the modified rice cultivation method. Risks associated with water-saving irrigation, such as uncertainty about the timing and amount of water release for irrigation affect adoption adversely as well. There was no incentive for farmers to adopt water-saving irrigation as water from reservoirs and electricity for pumping well-water are both free of charge. To date farmers continue to experiment with the modified cultivation method on a small part of their farms, but are unlikely to adopt the modified method on a large-scale unless policies governing water management are changed.  相似文献   
The Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) group of islands is immensely rich in plant biodiversity. Andaman’s native tribes are hunter-gatherers, sustaining on wild or marine food and practically do not have any cultivation. Diversity in cultivated crops is presently maintained in home gardens by settlers from the mainland and other adjoining countries. The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) through explorations either alone or in association with CARI or with other ICAR institutes has collected 1234 accessions in 48 exploration and collection missions. Variability was collected in rice, cowpea, black gram, green gram, okra, Chinese spinach, ash gourd, taro, cucumber, pumpkin, bottle gourd, ridge gourd, bitter gourd, chilli, greater yam and coconut. Indigenous landraces are absent. The in situ conservation of the wild relatives of crops is well taken care of by a large number of protected forest reserves.  相似文献   
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