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This case report describes a distinctive deep cutaneous lesion in a 1-year-old Quarter Horse filly with hyperelastosis cutis. The horse had a typical clinical presentation of hyperelastic skin associated with a 6-month history of cutaneous wounds that developed following minor cutaneous trauma. Punch biopsies of skin from the affected horse were thinner than similar biopsies from an age- and breed-matched control. Significant microscopic lesions were not seen in cutaneous punch biopsies stained with haematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome stains, but the ultrastructure of the dermis from the affected horse was characterized by variation in collagen fibre diameter and loose packing of collagen fibres within bundles. The horse was euthanized and necropsied, and full-thickness sections of skin were collected and examined microscopically. Affected skin was of normal thickness; however, the deep dermis contained a distinctive horizontal linear zone in which separation of collagen bundles resulted in the formation of large empty cleft-like spaces between the upper and lower regions of the deep dermis. We suggest the term 'zonal dermal separation' for this microscopic lesion. Incisional full-thickness skin biopsies should be taken in suspected cases of equine hyperelastosis cutis because punch biopsies may not obtain enough deep dermis to adequately represent pathological change in the skin of horses with this disorder.  相似文献   
The ability of polysulfated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAG) to inhibit the complement cascade was evaluated. The role of complement in inflammation and infection has been well documented. Inhibition of the complement cascade by PSGAG could explain why intra-articularly administered PSGAG diminish diarthrodial joint inflammation and potentiate septic arthritis in horses. Hemolytic complement testing was performed to evaluate the effect of PSGAG on the equine classical and alternate pathways of complement, using rabbit erythrocytes as the target cells. Concentration of PSGAG between 0.2 mg/ml and 0.6 mg/ml significantly (P less than 0.05) inhibited equine complement in dose-related fashion. Further increase in complement inhibition was not observed at PSGAG concentration greater than 0.6 mg/ml. Difference was not apparent in the extent of inhibition of complement from each of the 4 horses tested. Polysulfated glycosaminoglycans appeared to inhibit the classical and alternate complement pathways equally, indicating possible effect on complement components common to both pathways. Heat inactivation of complement function completely inhibited (P less than 0.01) the hemolytic activity of the serum from all horses.  相似文献   
Sarcocystis species sporocysts were found in intestinal scrapings from 24 of 72 opossums (Didelphis virginiana) from rural Mississippi. The number of sporocysts in each opossum varied from a few ( < 100000) to 187 million. Sporocysts from 24 opossums were bioassayed for Sarcocystis neurona infections by feeding to gamma-interferon knockout (KO) mice. S. neurona was detected in the brains of KO mice fed sporocysts from 19 opossums by immunohistochemical staining with anti-S. neurona specific polyclonal rabbit serum, and by in vitro culture from the brains of KO mice fed sporocysts. The isolates of S. neurona from opossums were designated SN16-OP to SN34-OP. Merozoites from 17 of 19 isolates tested at the 25/396 locus were identical to previously described S. neurona isolates from horses. The high prevalence of S. neurona sparocysts in D. virginiana suggests that this opossum constitutes an ample reservoir of infection in the southern United States.  相似文献   
Sarcocystis neurona is the most important cause of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) in horse in the Americas. The only known definitive host for this parasite in the United States is the opossum (Didelphis virginiana); however, despite the importance of the disease, the epidemiology of the parasite in the definitive host is poorly understood. To begin addressing these data gaps, potential risk factors were evaluated for their association with the presence of sporocysts of S. neurona in opossums live-trapped in March 1999 and November 1999 to May 2000. Sporocysts of S. neurona were found in 19 of the 72 animals examined. Potential risk factors evaluated were locality, trap date, age, gender, the presence of young in the pouch of females, and body condition score. Variables that were associated with the presence of S. neurona sporocysts were used in logistic regression analysis. Of the factors examined, season and body condition score were associated with increased odds of an animal harboring sporocysts.  相似文献   
Two Quarter Horse mares with hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA) were diagnosed with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) associated with chronic nonhealing wounds. The lesions were similar to the development of SCC from chronic nonhealing ulcers, known as Marjolin’s ulcers in humans. The horses showed recurrent skin wounds in the saddle and paralumbar regions and were confirmed by molecular techniques as having HERDA. Both horses were maintained as research animals for prolonged periods and received regular veterinary care and wound treatment. Both horses were ultimately euthanized because of their chronic progressive wounds, coupled with declining health. At necropsy, the nonhealing wounds were found to be complicated by infiltrative SCC; both horses had metastasis to lungs. Chronically inflamed, recurrent skin wounds that heal slowly and incompletely as a consequence of HERDA are proposed as a major pathogenetic factor in tumorigenesis. Consistent findings with respect to proliferation index (Ki-67) and mutations of p53 tumor suppressor gene were confirmed by immunohistochemistry in one horse. SCC consistent with Marjolin’s ulcer has been previously suggested in association with chronic ulcers or burn scars in horses, but this is the first report of an association with chronic poor healing wounds in HERDA horses.  相似文献   
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