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Objectives were to determine associations between percentage pregnancy loss (PPL) in dairy cattle and: (i) pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasonography; (ii) pregnancy diagnosis by serum pregnancy‐specific protein B (PSPB) concentrations, with or without serum progesterone concentrations; and (iii) production and environmental factors. This study included 149 822 pregnancy diagnoses conducted over 13 years in Holstein‐Friesian cows in Hungarian dairy herds. The following were determined: PPL in cows diagnosed pregnant by transrectal ultrasonography 29–42 days after artificial insemination (AI; n = 11 457); PPL in cows diagnosed pregnant by serum PSPB 29–35 days after AI (n = 138 365); and PPL and its association with serum progesterone concentrations, PSPB and production/environmental variables. The definition of PPL was percentage of cows initially diagnosed pregnant based on ultrasonography or PSPB, but not pregnant when examined by transrectal palpation 60 –70 days after AI. The PPL was lower (p < 0.001) in cows following ultrasonographic vs PSPB diagnosis of pregnancy at 29–35 days (8.1 vs 19.3%, respectively), but was higher in cows following ultrasonographic pregnancy diagnosis on 29–35 vs 36–42 days (8.1 vs 7.1%, respectively, P < 0.05). Furthermore, 72.9% of pregnancies with ultrasound‐detected morphological abnormalities resulted in pregnancy loss. As a subset of PSPB data, a fully quantitative PSPB assay was used for 20 430 samples; PPL in cows with a high PSPB concentration (>1.1 ng/ml) was lowest (15.0%), whereas cows with low concentrations of both PSPB and progesterone (0.6–1.1 and <2 ng/ml, respectively) had the highest PPL (76.3%; p < 0.0001). Furthermore, PPL was higher in cows with advanced parity and with high milk production, when ambient temperatures were high, although body condition score (BCS) had no effect on PPL. Finally, there were no significant associations between serum PSPB and environmental temperatures or number of post‐partum uterine treatments.  相似文献   
Understanding the major drivers of diversity in forests is crucial for ecologists, conservationists, and particularly forest managers. In most forested habitats, bryophytes are diverse and important primary producers. Here we report the first study of the relative importance of regional macroclimate as compared to local variables on abundance, species richness, and community composition of bryophytes growing in soil and in dead wood in a mountain temperate forest. Using PCA axes, we built predictor sets for macroclimate, microclimate, soil attributes, and dead wood availability. The explanatory power of each set was tested using variance partitioning. Abundance and species richness of soil bryophytes was best explained by microclimate, whereas the community composition did not distinctively differ between the environmental sets. In contrast, dead wood bryophyte abundance, species richness, and community composition was clearly driven by macroclimate. Among the single axes, the component represented best by soil moisture was the main driver for soil bryophyte abundance. In contrast, dead wood bryophyte abundance was mostly affected by components correlated with minimum global radiation and minimum temperatures as well as by the component represented by dead wood. The component represented by canopy openness was superior in explaining the community composition of both soil and dead wood bryophytes. We conclude that (1) dead wood amounts should be increased in closed stands to act as a buffer during climate changes, and (2) open canopy, which provides important habitats for soil-inhabiting bryophytes, should be provided by management with slow reforestation after natural or logging openings.  相似文献   
This study investigated the delivery of an aerosol of monodisperse microspheres to the respiratory tract of birds following aerosol exposure. Adult domestic pigeons (Columbia livia domestica, n = 5 birds per timed treatment) were exposed to an aerosol of fluorescent 1.0 microm diameter carboxylate microspheres for 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 hr. During the aerosolization period, the birds were free-standing in a plexiglass treatment chamber and the aerosol was delivered using a commercial nebulizer. Immediately following aerosol exposure, the birds were euthanatized and the carcasses were intravenously infused with a modified paraformaldehyde/gluteraldehyde fixative. Evaluation of microsphere distribution was performed using a stereoscopic microscope with an epifluorescent module. The results from this study revealed that the amount of aerosolized particles delivered using a commercial nebulizer was proportional to exposure periods. Aerosol exposure periods of 0.5 hr or 1 hr did not result in a readily observable distribution of 1.0 microm fluorescent microspheres to the cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic, or abdominal air sac membranes. This was partly attributed to the relatively low concentration of the individual monodisperse microspheres in the aerosolized suspension. The 2- and 4-hr exposure periods resulted in readily observable deposition of the 1.0 mirom fluorescent microspheres in the cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic, or abdominal air sac membranes, with the 4-hr exposure period resulting in the greatest number of particles on the membrane surfaces. For each of the exposure periods, there was individual animal variation regarding the distribution and relative number of spheres deposited. This study demonstrates the widespread deposition of particles that had an aerodynamic equivalent diameter of approximately 1 microm and provides a better understanding of particle deposition efficiency within the respiratory system following aerosol exposure in birds.  相似文献   
In the dog, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been shown to reside in the bone marrow (bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells: BM-MSCs) as well as in the adipose tissue (adipose tissue-derived stem cells: ADSCs). Potential application fields for these multipotent MSCs in small animal practice are joint diseases as MSCs of both sources have shown to possess chondrogenic differentiation ability. However, it is not clear whether the chondrogenic differentiation potential of cells of these two distinct tissues is truly equal. Therefore, we compared MSCs of both origins in this study in terms of their chondrogenic differentiation ability and suitability for clinical application. BM-MSCs harvested from the femoral neck and ADSCs from intra-abdominal fat tissue were examined for their morphology, population doubling time (PDT) and CD90 surface antigen expression. RT-PCR served to assess expression of pluripotency marker Oct4 and early differentiation marker genes. Chondrogenic differentiation ability was compared and validated using histochemistry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and quantitative RT-PCR. Both cell populations presented a highly similar morphology and marker expression in an undifferentiated stage except that freshly isolated ADSCs demonstrated a significantly faster PDT than BM-MSCs. In contrast, BM-MSCs revealed a morphological superior cartilage formation by the production of a more abundant and structured hyaline matrix and higher expression of lineage specific genes under the applied standard differentiation protocol. However, further investigations are necessary in order to find out if chondrogenic differentiation can be improved in canine ADSCs using different protocols and/or supplements.  相似文献   
Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) represent a promising subpopulation of adult stem cells for tissue engineering applications in veterinary medicine. In this study we focused on the morphological and molecular biological properties of the ADSCs. The expression of stem cell markers Oct4, Nanog and the surface markers CD90 and CD105 were detected using RT-PCR. ADSCs showed a proliferative potential and were capable of adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation. Expression of Alkaline phosphatase (AP), phosphoprotein (SPP1), Runx2 and osteocalcin (OC) mRNA were positive in osteogenic lineages and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (Pparγ2) mRNA was positive in adipogenic lineages. ADSCs show stem cell and surface marker profiles and differentiation characteristics that are similar to but distinct from other adult stem cells, such as bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs). The availability of an easily accessible and reproducible cell source may greatly facilitate the development of stem cell based tissue engineering and therapies for regenerative equine medicine.  相似文献   
Dam removals allow fish to access habitats that may provide ecological benefits and risks, but the extent of fish movements through former dam sites has not been thoroughly evaluated for many species. We installed stationary PIT antennas in 2016 and 2017 to evaluate movements and survival of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in the West Branch of the Wolf River (WBWR) in central Wisconsin following removal of two dams and channel modifications designed to promote fish movement. These changes provided access to lacustrine habitats that might provide suitable winter habitat or act as ecological sinks. We used multistate models to estimate transition probabilities between river sections, to determine whether brook trout: (a) moved between multiple river sections and (b) entered lacustrine habitats as seasonal refuges, but eventually returned to lotic habitat. We also used a Cormack-Jolly-Seber model to evaluate whether apparent survival of brook trout in the WBWR was comparable to other populations. Few fish moved among river sections or used lacustrine habitat (<5% of tagged fish); most brook trout remained in sections where they were initially tagged, potentially due to quality habitat located throughout the river. Like other studies, brook trout in the WBWR appear to experience high mortality based on low number of detections, few physical recaptures and an estimated eight-month apparent survival rate of 0.27. In scenarios where fish can already access suitable habitat, removal of dams may not result in substantial increases in fish movement and colonisation of newly accessible habitat may not occur immediately.  相似文献   
Equine multipotent mesenchymal stem cells can be isolated from different tissues and are capable of differentiating into various organ progenitor cells. Physiological oxygen conditions in diverse tissues in vivo are hypoxic, even when standard culture conditions are normoxic. Here, equine adipose tissue-derived stem cells were used to analyze their behavior and differentiation potential into the adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic lineage under 3% and 21% oxygen tension. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α is an indicator for hypoxic stress sensed by cells. Its expression was similar under both oxygen conditions, which could be a sign for low oxygen tension being sensed as normoxic by those stem cells. Furthermore, it was observed that hypoxia inhibits cell proliferation. Adipogenesis and chondrogenesis showed better results under 3% oxygen; for osteogenesis, an oxygen tension of 21% was more effective. This knowledge may help to improve conditions of stem cell differentiation and consequently their application in tissue engineering.  相似文献   
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