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The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between renal hypoechoic subcapsular thickening observed ultrasonographically and the presence of renal lymphosarcoma in cats. The ultrasonography database was retrospectively searched for cats that underwent ultrasound examination and ultrasound guided needle renal aspirate, renal biopsy, or necropsy. One radiologist unaware of the final diagnosis evaluated the images for the presence of hypoechoic subcapsular thickening and other abnormal findings. Fifty-four cats met the inclusion criteria. Hypoechoic subcapsular thickening was found in 21 cats of which 17 had lymphosarcoma; the remaining four cats had a different diagnosis. Eleven out of 33 cats without hypoechoic subcapsular thickening were positive for lymphosarcoma, and the rest had a different diagnosis. There was a significant association between hypoechoic subcapsular thickening and renal lymphosarcoma (P = 0.001). The positive predictive value of hypoechoic subcapsular thickening for lymphosarcoma was 80.9% and the negative predictive value was 66.7%. The sensitivity and specificity of hypoechoic subcapsular thickening for the diagnosis of renal lymphosarcoma were 60.7% and 84.6%, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the presence of hypoechoic subcapsular thickening in feline kidneys is associated with renal lymphosarcoma.  相似文献   
Objective—To assess feasibility of insertion of 4.5-mm Herbert cannulated bone screws (HS) using fluoroscopic guidance and compare the mechanical shear strength of these HS and 4.5-mm AO cortical bone screws (AO) for fixation of dorsal plane slab osteotomies in equine cadaver third carpal bones (C3).
Animals or Sample Population—Eight equine cadavers.
Methods—Bone mineral composition and density of contralateral C3 were confirmed to be equivalent using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. A standard 10-mm C3 slab osteotomy was reduced using HS or AO instrumentation under fluoroscopic guidance. Specimens were loaded in shear until failure, using a materials testing apparatus.
Results—HS and AO instrumentation allowed accurate reconstruction of the osteotomy, but there was difficulty encountered seating the HS proximal self-tapping threads. There was no significant difference in maximal load to failure, stiffness, or mode of failure of constructs created with the HS and AO screws.
Conclusions —Use of 4.5-mm HS for repair of C3 radial facet, dorsal plane slab fractures may result in a mechanically comparable fixation to a repair using a 4.5-mm AO. Equine dorsal C3 may be too dense, however, to allow placement of the proximal self-tapping threads of the HS without potentially excessive application of torque to the screw itself.
Clinical Relevance —Dorsal plane, radial facet slab fractures of the equine C3 are a significant clinical problem. Accurate reconstruction and stabilization are necessary for return to athletic function.  相似文献   
We tested the hypotheses that mature horses without lameness have a repeatable radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern in the stifle, which is bilaterally symmetric; immature horses have a different radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern; and forelimb lameness alters the radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern in the stifle. The objectives of the study were to describe the normal radiopharmaceutical uptake patterns using region of interest (ROI) analysis; to compare uptake patterns between left and right stifles of the same horse and between mature and immature horses; to compare radiopharmaceutical uptake in mature normal horses with those with forelimb lameness. Lateral scintigraphic images of the stifle from 51 horses aged 2-16 years were evaluated using seven ROIs and a reference site (midfemur). After subtraction of a background count, ratios between the mean counts per pixel for each ROI to the reference site were calculated. There was a repeatable radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern in mature normal horses that was bilaterally symmetrical. The caudoproximal aspect of the tibia and the patella had the highest ratios. Radiopharmaceutical uptake patterns in horses with forelimb lameness were not significantly different. Immature normal horses had a different symmetric pattern, with greatest radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios in the caudoproximal aspect of the tibia and the tibial crest. It was concluded that there are symmetric, repeatable radiopharmaceutical uptake patterns in both immature and mature horses, which are not altered by forelimb lameness.  相似文献   
Emaciated human patients have changes in the fat content in medullary bone that are consistent with serous atrophy of the bone marrow histologically. Serous atrophy has been identified at postmortem examination in horses; however, the magnetic resonance (MR) characteristics have not been documented. Herein we describe the abnormalities of the bone marrow and medullary bone detected by low‐field and high‐field MR imaging of the distal limbs of three emaciated horses. These low‐ and high‐field MR imaging abnormalities are characterized by a decrease in signal intensity on T1‐weighted images in combination with an increase in signal intensity on short tau inversion recovery images in all areas of trabecular bone in the distal limbs, in the absence of lameness. Serous atrophy was confirmed microscopically in two horses. Appreciating the sensitivity of MR imaging for detection of bone marrow changes may assist in assessment of fat atrophy in welfare cases where starvation is suspected.  相似文献   
Under transient conditions, the precipitation of carbonates in a calcareous and a non-calcareous soil was influenced by calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate ions from soil sources. These sources were: the soil solution, the soil exchange complex and the dissolution of aluminosilicates. There was no significant difference between the amount of carbonates which precipitated in the two soils when in contact with the same water. It was found that for small portions of water in contact with the two soils, precipitation of carbonates took place both from under-saturated and the over-saturated waters. As the cumulative amounts of water in contact with the soils increased, the amount of ions contributed by the residual soil solutions and the exchange complexes decreased, and the amount of precipitating carbonates decreased also. At very large cumulative amounts of water, the precipitation of carbonates in the soils was controlled by both the water and the ions released from the soils.  相似文献   
Application of a Hook Plate for Management of Equine Ulnar Fractures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Closed fractures of the proximal aspect of the ulna were repaired in 10 horses younger than or equal to 6 months of age by application of a hook plate using a tension band principle. Ulnar fractures were classified as type 1A (2 horses), type 1B (4 horses), type 2 (1 horse), type 3 (1 horse), and type 4 (2 horses); all fractures had displacement of a proximal fragment. Complications were implant deformation (4 horses), screw pullout (1 horse), osseous sequestration (1 horse), ulnar fracture through a hole used to apply a tension device (1 horse), and metacarpophalangeal deformity associated with a displaced anconeal fragment (1 horse). Hook deformation was likely associated with failure to insert screws in all of the proximal holes of the plate and also in two horses, possibly with difficult recovery from anesthesia. Seven horses were discharged from the hospital and were being used for athletic activities. Insertion of the hook through the tendon of the triceps muscle and incorporation of the fragment within the hook can be used to effectively reduce and stabilize a fragment that might otherwise not hold screws.  相似文献   
Ethylene dibromide effectively controlled Orobanche crenata Forsk. and O. cernua Loefl. but was not effective against O. aegyptiaca Pers. and O. mutelii F. Schultz. Chloropicrin was considerably less effective than ethylene dibromide. Mixtures of both compounds did not result in improved broomrape control but nonetheless had a positive effect on crop yield. Destruction des Orobanches avec du dibromure d'ethylène et de la chloropicrine Le dibromure d'éthylène a été efficace contre Orobanche crenata Forsk et O. Cernua Loefl, mais non efficace contre O. aegyptiaca Pers, et O. mutelii F. Schultz. La chloropicrine est beaucoup moins efficace que le dibromure d'ethylène. Les mélanges des deux matières actives n'ont pas amélioré l'efficacité sur orobanches mais néanmoins ont eu un effet positif sur le rendement de la culture. Bekämpfung von Orobanche-Arten mit Ethylendi-bromid und Chlorpikrin Mit Ethylendibromid konnten Orobanche crenata Forsk. und O. cernua Loefl., aber nicht O. aegyptica Pers. und O. mutelii F. Schultz bekämpft werden. Chlorpikrin war beträchtlich weniger wirksam. Mischungen der beiden Wirkstoffe ergaben keine bessere Wirkung, beeinflussten aber den Ertrag der Kulturpflanzen positiv.  相似文献   
In recent years, pain arising from the proximal metacarpal and metatarsal regions has become well recognized as a cause of lameness and various disease entities have been identified. However, our knowledge of normal patterns of radiopharmaceutical uptake is limited, making interpretation of images problematic. It is therefore important to characterize normal patterns of radiopharmaceutical uptake at specific sites to ensure valid interpretation of images in clinical cases with subtle lesions. The purpose of this study was to describe the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions in clinically sound horses. Scintigraphic images from 64 clinically normal horses were evaluated. All the images were assessed subjectively. The lateral, dorsal, and plantar scintigraphic images were assessed qualitatively using horizontal line profiles through the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions. Mean ratios of radiopharmaceutical uptake were calculated from three regions of interest sited over the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions and a reference site. In 78% of forelimbs the peak of radiopharmaceutical activity was at the dorsal to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region. Seventy-five per cent of the dorsal plane profiles of activity were symmetrical, with the highest peak over the medial to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region. In 80% of hindlimb lateral images the peak radiopharmaceutical activity was at the central to plantar aspect of the proximal metatarsal region. All (100%) plantar image profiles of activity were symmetrical, with the highest peak being over the lateral portion of the proximal metatarsal region. There was no significant left and right variation between sites for mean ratios on the lateral and dorsal images of the proximal metacarpal region. However, using lateral images the mean ratios from all regions of the right proximal metatarsal were greater than left (dorsal P = 0.003, plantar P < 0.0001 and whole proximal metatarsal, P = 0.0006). There was no significant variation in mean ratios between left and right on plantar images. However, the mean ratio for the lateral proximal metatarsal region was significantly greater than for the medial proximal metatarsal regions (P < 0.0001). There was no significant effect of age. Left/right symmetry of radiopharmaceutical uptake was shown in the proximal metacarpal region. However, there was a significant difference between left and right proximal metatarsal regions. There was higher radiopharmaceutical uptake in the right proximal metatarsal region than the left, which agrees with previous studies of the tarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints. There were differences in the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake between the forelimbs and hindlimbs. In the forelimbs maximum radiopharmaceutical uptake was located at the dorsal to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region in the lateral image, with peak activity over the medial to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region on dorsal images. In the hindlimbs the maximum radiopharmaceutical uptake was at the central to plantar aspect of the proximal metatarsal region in the lateral image, with peak activity over the lateral portion of proximal metatarsal region on plantar images. The results of this study support the hypothesis that there would be a standard pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake across the proximal metacarpal and l metatarsal regions, but the pattern of uptake observed would be different in the proximal metacarpal region compared with the proximal metatarsal region. There was left/right symmetry of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metacarpal region. However, there was a significant difference between left and right proximal metatarsal regions, with higher radiopharmaceutical uptake in the right. There was no variation of radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern with age.  相似文献   
The pharynx is anatomically complex and evaluation can be difficult even with cross‐sectional imaging. Eight animals had computed tomography (CT) studies of the head performed with the mouth open and closed. The studies were anonymized and evaluated by four radiologists for visibility of six anatomic regions (dorsal wall of nasopharynx, lumen of nasopharynx, dorsal margin of the soft palate, ventral margin of the soft palate, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx) and for certainty of a normal or abnormal diagnosis of four different anatomic regions (nasopharynx, soft palate, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx). Mean visual scores differed significantly between mouth positions and were improved when the mouth was open. The ability of radiologists to classify anatomic regions as normal or abnormal vs. unsure also varied between mouth positions, and there was greater uncertainty when the mouth was closed. In addition, estimated volume of the air‐filled nasopharynx differed significantly as a function of mouth position and was greater when the mouth was open (mean=1.187 cm3, SE=0.177) vs. closed (mean=0.584 cm3, SE=0.116). Computed tomographic evaluation of the pharynx can be improved with the mouth open.  相似文献   
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