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Rain-water was sampled with 8 wet-only samplers during 42 periods of 2 or 3 days at one coastal site. The following components were determined: H, NH4, Ca, Mg, K, Na, SO4, NO3, Cl, F, Pb, Fe, Br, Mn, V, and Al. The coefficients of variation in the amounts of rainfall did not show a clear relation with wind-speed and amount of rainfall. The same held for the coefficients of variations of the concentrations of the components determined. When the air comes from the land (continental period) the rain shows a larger concentration of components originating from the land. When the air comes from the sea (maritime period) the concentrations of maritime components are greater. Meteorological factors other than winddirection are of minor importance for the determination of the chemical composition of rain-water. On the average NO x is responsible for generating 36% of the H-ions in rain-water. NH3 is the most important neutralizing substance. During continental periods the H-concentration would become 2.55 times as high if there were no neutralization by NH3. Correlations between components are shown. A chemical definition of the continentality of rain is given. The usefulness of this definition is illustrated in connection with a rain-water sample collected during a complicated meteorological event.  相似文献   
The dynamics of hematological, protein, mineral and electrolytic profile was examined clinically in nine calves when the hemoconcentration was induced experimentally. The hemoconcentration occurred after diarrhea caused by the per os application of 12 g saccharose per one kg of live weight. The hemoconcentration culminated six hours after application. The calves where the hemoconcentration did not exceed the critical value were included in the first group, and the calves with the extreme hemoconcentration values in the other group. In the first group (with the increasing hemoconcentration degree), a statistically significant increase was found in the values of hematocrit, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, total protein in blood serum and total immunoglobins and a statistically insignificant increase in the levels of leucocytes, inorganic phosphorus, serum calcium and sodium. Serum potassium and magnesium showed the inverse dynamics, i. e. the decrease. In the second group (with the extreme hemoconcentration), hyperkalemia and slight hypermagnesemia were identified, while the other parameters showed deviations similar to those observed in the first group. After the rehydration of animals by a preparation without any influence on the studied parameters, the hemoconcentration and the parameters under study stabilized, while in the second group the hemoconcentration was increasing even during the rehydration and the levels of serum potassium and magnesium showed different tendencies. As follows from the results, in the calves suffering from scours accompanied by hemoconcentration the correction of the parameters of metabolic profile is necessary.  相似文献   
A comparative trial was conducted with the oral administration of zinc sulphate to pregnant cows and heifers aimed at influencing the selected metabolic parameters in the dam-calf line. The total daily ZnSO4.7H2O dose of 3 g (680 mg Zn++) was given to dry standing cows and heifers for 35 days on an average (15-65) before the expected date of calving. The breeding conditions in the stock were problematic: losses of calves suffered in the last half-a-year period were higher than 30% of born calves; the main causes of this high mortality were coli-septicaemia and coli-enteritis. As compared with the eight control animals, the experimental cows and heifers (12 head) exhibited a transient increase in zincaemia, followed by a tendency to proteinaemia; aspartate aminotransferase activity increased, total immunoglobulins remained unchanged, and decreases were recorded in the activities of alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatine phosphokinase and aldolase. On the other hand, the concentration of total bilirubin tended to increase. In 77% of the cows and first-calvers of the experimental group the quality of colostrum complied with the standard; in the case of the control animals this proportion was 83%. Significant zincaemia occurred in the calves of the experimental cows between the first and 14th day of their age; no differences from the control calves were recorded in immunoglobulinaemia, proteinaemia, albuminaemia and in the activities of alanine aminotransferase and creatine phosphokinase. On the other hand, aspartate aminotransferase activity tended to grow and alkaline phosphatase activity tended to sink. Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia disappeared within the first 14 days of age in both the experimental and the control calves. The results failed to show clearly that the intention to increase the values of the studied parameters of immunopoiesis was met.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of subchronic exposure to the herbicide LASSO MTX (alachlor 42% W/V) on biometric parameters and important liver biomarkers in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). One year old fish were exposed for 28 days to LASSO MTX added to the tank water at concentrations of 240 and 2400 μg L−1. The exposure did not affect fish biometric parameters. Glutathione-S-tranferase (GST) activity in liver (hepatopancreas) remained unchanged in exposed fish when compared to controls. However, significant induction of total cytochrome P 450 (CYP 450), ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity and elevated glutathione (GSH) in liver of exposed fish were detected.  相似文献   
Frequent pathogenetic condition of hemoconcentration in calves results in apparent increase in the parameters of metabolic profile above the standard level. These values, however, do not conform to the actual state and often lead to unsubstantiated diagnostic conclusions with pathological deviations. On the basis of experimental study on the dynamics of some parameters of hematological, protein, mineral and electrolytic profile in the calves with experimental hemoconcentration, a correction table and diagram for the calculation of corrected values for some parameters of metabolic profile were elaborated. At hematocrit value increased above the physiologic limit (0.45--0.60) the correction values of parameters in percent are subtracted from the actual value. The correction table was used to correct actual values of those parameters of metabolic profile which during the experimental hemoconcentration were found to have direct relations to the dynamics (Er, Hb, Le, CB, Ig, serum Ca, P and Na). The correction of serum potassium and of some enzymes (AST, ALT, gMT) is not indicated because no relations were determined. Whereas the actual values of the studied parameters reached their maxima (statistically significant differences in Er, Hb, CB, Ig levels) at the culmination of hemoconcentration (6th hour--1st sampling), the differences between the corrected values and initial values were in all parameters insignificant. The correction of actual values of parameters by means of the diagram or table is simple, expeditious and reliable.  相似文献   
We evaluated the phagocytic capacity of blood neutrophils and monocytes in calves after nonspecific stimulations of the organisms by colloidal charcoal and concentrated blood derivative administered alone, or enriched by immunomodulator (levamizol). Each of the above-mentioned preparations could be characterized by a specific response of the organism with respect to the phagocytic capacity. After administration of colloidal charcoal, both the phagocytic activity (percent of phagocytizing cells) and the particle-ingesting ability, i.e. phagocytic index, which showed two-phase changes in relation to the administration, were simulated. An increase in the phagocytic index was retained until the end of observation (four weeks), but the phagocytic activity (percent of phagocytizing cells) dropped to the level before administration as soon as in 24 hours. The phagocytic activity was also positively stimulated by the concentrated blood derivative administered alone, and the particle-ingesting ability was not influenced very much. The concentrated blood derivative with immunomodulator could be characterized by a fast increase in the phagocytic activity, accompanied by a successive short-time rise of the phagocytic index. A joint feature of all three preparations was a simultaneous increase in the percent of potential phagocytes and in the values of phagocytic activity. In none of the cases was, however, the increase in phagocytic activity accompanied by a rise in the phagocytic index.  相似文献   
The data on the selected humoral and cellular parameters of the immuno-protein profile were evaluated in calves in a critical period of the availability of immunoglobulins (Ig), in dependence on the administration of the blood derivative with levamisole (group AL) and on the administration of levamisole solution (group L). The preparations were administered intramuscularly at a rate of 10 mg levamisole per 1 kg of live weight. No statistical significance was recorded in the comparison of the humoral parameters after repeated administration (interval of five days) of the Algalev (AL) and levamisole (L) preparations. During the same investigation, the administration of AL produced a significant increase in the T lymphocytes of the blood both in comparison with the T lymphocyte concentration before treatment (P less than 0.05 on the 5th, 7th, 11th, 14th and 20th day of experiment) and in comparison with the calves of group L (P less than 0.05 on the 7th, 11th, 14th, and 20th day); in the case of B lymphocytes an increase was recorded only in comparison with the initial value (P less than 0.01 on the 2nd, 5th and 7th day). Administration of levamisole alone led to a positive change in T lymphocyte concentration (P less than 0.05 on the 5th, 7th, 11th, 15th and 20th day) but not in the concentration of the B cells (P greater than 0.05). In another experiment, administration of the AL preparation (repeatedly after six days) led to a significant increase in the percentage of T lymphocytes (P less than 0.01 the 8th day and P less than 0.05 the 2nd, 6th, 15th, 21st and 35th day) and B lymphocytes (P less than 0.01 the 15th and 21st day), in comparison with their levels before administration as well as in comparison with the control (T lymph.: P less than 0.01 the 6th day and P les than 0.05 the 8th, 15th, 21st and 35th day; B lymph.: P less than 0.05 the 15th day). The maximum percent proportion of T lymphocytes after administration of the AL preparation was recorded on the seventh and eighth day after the first administration.  相似文献   
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