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Changes in the staining pattern for the metacarpophalangealjoint in the walking, trotting and galloping positions were studied. For this purpose, horse limbs from the third metacarpal bone distally were harvested and placed in the mid-stance position on a hydraulic press that applied the load required to obtain the palmar fetlock angles corresponding to the walking (218 degrees), trotting (226 degrees) and galloping positions (240 degrees), and a 1:1000 diluted aqueous dilution of methylene blue was injected into the fetlock joint.Based on the results, increasing the palmar fetlockangle in the anatomical specimen caused the contact zones of the proximal phalanx and the proximal sesamoidean bones with the third metacarpal bone joint surface to shift dorsally, thereby increasing the contact surface area between the involved bones.In the galloping position, the proximal phalanx wasfound to extend beyond the dorsal boundary of the third metacarpal bone joint surface and its basal portion to depart from the metacarpus in such a way that the distal sesamoidean ligaments forced the basilar zone of the proximal sesamoidean bones to separate.These phenomena may obviously assist in explaining the intricate biomechanics of the joint as well as its associated pathologies.  相似文献   
Results are presented on sea turtle by-catch observed in pelagic longline sets during research cruises in the south Atlantic in the vicinity of the shelf edge break in southern Brazil. The longline gear was set in a similar manner to that employed by the commercial longline fleet operating out of Santos, Brazil that targets swordfish, Xiphias gladius. Nineteen sea turtles were caught on 14 of 41 sets, which constituted a catch rate of 1.5 turtles per 1000 hooks. Thirty four percentage of all sets captured at least one turtle. The catch included loggerhead, Caretta caretta, leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea, and most likely olive ridley, Lepidochelys olivacea. All turtles, except one loggerhead, were captured live and released. Captures occurred during spring, summer and winter suggesting a year around presence and vulnerability. Given increased levels of longline effort directed at swordfish in the southeast Atlantic, substantial turtle by-catch can be expected. There is a critical need for additional information to be able to assess the potential impact on swordfish longline fisheries on sea turtle populations.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of peripartal administration of a commercially available nonspecific immune stimulant (mycobacterium cell wall fraction; MCWF [Amplimune, NovaVive Inc., Napanee, ON, Canada]) on the incidence of disease during early lactation and subsequent fertility of dairy cows. A second objective was to characterize the dynamics of circulating white blood cells (WBC) and metabolic markers following treatment administration. Cows in an United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic-certified dairy herd were blocked by parity and, based on sequential calving dates, randomly assigned to receive two injections (5 mL s.c.) of either a placebo (saline solution) as a control (CON; n = 71) or MCWF (n = 65) at enrollment (7 d before expected calving) and within 24 h after calving. Blood samples were collected from a subsample of the study population (MCWF = 16; CON = 18) for WBC count at enrollment, at day 2 post enrollment, and at days 1, 3, 7, and 14 after calving. Serum fatty acids, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and Ca concentrations were determined at days 1 and 7 postpartum (MCWF = 21; CON = 21). Main outcome variables included incidence risk of peripartal and early lactation health disorders and pregnancy at first artificial insemination (AI), at 100, and at 150 days in milk (DIM). In addition, the average daily milk yield up to 90 DIM and death and live culling before 305 DIM were compared. Treatment effects were assessed using multivariable logistic regression, time-to-event analyses, and repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). A treatment effect on the incidence risk of some of the health disorders in the study was established. Incidence risk of metritis and clinical mastitis <28 DIM was smaller in MCWF than in CON cows (36.9% vs. 50.7% and 6.3% vs. 19.7%, respectively). On the contrary, the incidence risk of respiratory disease <28 DIM was smaller in CON (0%) than in MCWF (7.7%). Reproductive performance of multiparous cows was affected by MCWF administration: pregnancy at first AI and pregnancy at 100 and 150 DIM were greater in MCWF than in CON (35.6% vs. 19.2%; 51.1% vs. 25.0%; and 64.4% vs. 40.4%, respectively). Overall, median intervals from calving to pregnancy were 90 vs. 121 d in MCWF and CON cows, respectively. No treatment effects on the dynamics of circulating WBC or in postpartum metabolic status were established. No differences for milk yield or for the proportion of cows that survived up to 305 DIM were determined, although cows in MCWF left the herd earlier than cows in CON. In conclusion, incidence risks of metritis and mastitis in early lactation were smaller in cows receiving MCWF, whereas the incidence risk of respiratory disease was smaller in CON. Fertility significantly improved in MCWF compared with CON cows. As this study was performed in an organic-certified dairy, specific health and reproductive management practices may affect the external validity of the current findings.  相似文献   
The authors propose a standard protocol of ultrasonographic exploration of the tarsal region in transversal and longitudinal planes, with the aim to spread with an accurate location of the anatomical structures. For this study, 10 adult horses of different races and ages (ranged 5-10 years) were used, with the characteristic of not having suffered any kind of tarsic pathology. The equipment was a real time ultrasound machine with a 7.5 mHz lineal transducer. Some different anatomical structures in this region of the hind-limb such as the tendons, ligaments, muscles and articular components were identified and labelled as regards their echoic characteristics.  相似文献   
A total of 179 surface sediment samples from shallow waters have been collected in Catalonia (Northwestern Mediterranean) from 2002 to 2010 to analyze heavy metals (Al, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, V, and Zn) concentrations, organic matter content, and sediment size in order (i) to find baseline values, (ii) to investigate metal contamination trends, and (iii) to identify its spatial and temporal distribution. Highest metals concentrations were registered in the Barcelona metropolitan area and in the mouth of Besòs and Llobregat Rivers for Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd. Mercury was also abundant in these areas but the highest record was found close to Tarragona. The concentrations agree with those reported in other studies performed in big river’s mouths and industrialized areas. The absence of large industrial activity and urbanization outside Barcelona and Tarragona explains the low metal contents found at the other sampling sites. Based on enrichment factor (EF), Pb was the most enriched metal. Results will provide a useful aid for sustainable marine management in Catalonia.  相似文献   
Although the culture of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosisis is the gold standard for the diagnosis of paratuberculosis, this bacterium is difficult to grow. In contrast, serological tests like ELISAs are inexpensive, rapid, and easy to perform. The aims of this study were to evaluate the accuracy of three different ELISAs: one with the commercial antigen PPA-3, another one with L5P (a recently described lipopentapeptide), and a third one with an in-house antigen whole cell lysates (WCL) of M. avium (MAA) strain D4ER (Study 1), and to compare them with other tests for paratuberculosis (PTB) diagnosis (Study 2). In Study 1, the sensitivities of the three ELISAs tested were 74.1%, 37% and 74.1%, respectively, whereas their specificities were 98.9%, 100% and 100%, respectively. In Study 2, we compared the three above-mentioned ELISAs with the intradermal reaction test using Avian PPD (PPDa) and fecal culture associated with Ziehl-Neelsen stain and PCR tests, in a dairy herd with 4.6% of cows with clinical signs of PTB. The results showed that fecal samples from 14 cows (16%) were culture-positive and that fecal samples from nine cows (10%) were PPDa-positive. Most of these animals (culture-positive and PPDa-positive) were detected as positive with any of the three ELISAs tested. Serological results showed that 31% of the animals were positive to ELISA-PPA-3, 17% to ELISA-L5P and 42.5% to ELISA-WCL. The combination of these three ELISAs identified 50.6% of the animals as positive in the infected herd. In particular, the results show that the locally developed ELISA seems to be useful for identifying many infected animals in a herd.  相似文献   
Paratuberculosis represents a major problem in farmed ruminants and at the present is considered a potential zoonosis. The disease is caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, and susceptibility to infection is suspected to have a genetic component. Caspase recruitment domain 15 (CARD15) gene encodes for a cytosolic protein implicated in bacterial recognition during innate immunity. Crohn's disease (CD) is an idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease in humans comparable in many features to bovine paratuberculosis involving an abnormal mucosal immune response. The association between mutations in the CARD15 gene and increased risk of Crohn's disease has been described. The objective of this candidate gene case-control study was to characterize the distribution of three polymorphisms in the bovine CARD15 gene and test their association with paratuberculosis infection in cattle. Three previously reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (E2[-32] intron 1; 2197/C733R and 3020/Q1007L) were screened for the study population (431 adult cows). The statistical analysis resulted in significant differences in allelic frequencies between cases and controls for SNP2197/C733R (P<0.001), indicating a significant association between infection and variant allele. In the analysis of genotypes, a significant association was also found between SNP2197/C733R and infection status (P<0.0001); cows with the heterozygous genotype were 3.35 times more likely to be infected than cows with the reference genotype (P=0.01). Results suggest a role for CARD15 gene in the susceptibility of cattle to paratuberculosis infection. These data contribute to the understanding of paratuberculosis, suggest new similarities with Crohn's disease and provide new information for the control of bovine paratuberculosis.  相似文献   
An ultrasonographic study was made at several levels of the palmar metacarpal region of 23 horses (Anglo-Arabian-Andalusian) aged over three years. Lateromedial and palmodorsal measurements were made of tendons and ligaments, following clinical examination to confirm the absence of pathology in this region. Dissection was performed on 23 forelimbs, and these were measured at the same levels to establish a base of reference for the study. These measurements should prove useful in the evaluation of possible pathology in this region.  相似文献   
Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) imposes a significant problem to the world dairy and beef industries and today is considered a potential zoonosis. The disease is caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and is characterized by progressive weight loss and profuse diarrhoea. Susceptibility to infection is suspected to have a genetic component, and moderated values for heritability of infection have been reported. Interferon gamma is an inducible cytokine with a crucial role in the innate host response to intracellular bacteria. Toll-like receptors are trans-membrane structures responsible for coordination of innate and adaptive immune responses. The solute carrier family 11 member 1 (SLC11A1, formerly NRAMP1) gene plays an important role in innate immunity, preventing bacterial growth in macrophages during the initial stages of infection. The objective of this candidate gene case–control study was to characterize the distribution of polymorphisms in three candidate genes related to the immune function; interferon gamma (BoIFNG), toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), and SLC11A1 genes and to test their role as potential risk factors for paratuberculosis infection in cattle. The statistical analysis demonstrated significant differences in allelic frequencies between cases and controls for BoIFNG-SNP12781 and SLC11A1 microsatellites, indicating a significant association between infection and variant alleles. In the analysis of genotypes, a significant association was also found between infection status and BoIFNG-SNP12781 and SLC11A1-275-279-281 microsatellites. However, when variables such as breed and age were included in the multivariate logistic regression analysis, a tendency toward statistical significance for the effect of polymorphisms in the odds of infection was only found for alleles SLC11A1-275 and 279.  相似文献   
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an ensilable tropical plant known as a good alternative to maize crops in regions with scarce rainfall. The objective of this trial was to obtain prediction models based on nutritional contents and end products of sorghum silage fermentation as related to the dry-matter composition of fresh plants before ensiling. Eleven different sorghum cultivars (including silage, graniferous and sweet types) were used. Twenty-five sorghum plots were harvested between 80 and 120 days of growth. Fifty plastic buckets were used as experimental microsilos and opened between 60 and 90 days of storage. Statistical modelling was used to create a prediction equation that could explain the impact of fresh sorghum composition on the chemical and nutritional composition of its silage. A complex model was detected by stepwise multiple regression to predict the difference of in vitro dry-matter digestibility (IVDMD) before and after ensiling, but a simpler model, which involved only the sum of water-soluble carbohydrate (fWSC) and hemicellulose (fHemi) concentrations in the dry matter of fresh forage, was considered to more usable. It had an acceptable coefficient of determination (0.51). The higher amount of WSC and Hemi in fresh sorghum linearly decreased the difference between IVDMD before and after the ensiling process. A WSC concentration of 125.4 g/kg DM in fresh sorghum is recommended for an ideal silage fermentation when considering pH and lactic acid levels, although ethanol levels continued to increase.  相似文献   
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