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Broth cultures of Treponema hyodysenteriae and colonic content from pigs with swine dysentery were tested for cytotoxicity in cell cultures, erythrocyte suspensions and in ligated segments of pig colon. Live cells of T. hyodysenteriae attached to the surface of cells in all cultures tested but did not penetrate them nor cause morphologic change detectable by light microscopy. Only live T. hyodysenteriae caused erythrolysis. Broth cultures or colonic content sterilized by filtration or by disruption with ultrasound had no visible effect on the cell cultures, erythrocyte suspensions or the mucosa of ligated colonic segments.  相似文献   
The Krupin-Denver valve was implanted unilaterally in 2 normotensive and in 6 glaucomatous Beagles. The fellow eye of each dog had an external trabeculectomy. Before and after surgery, all dogs were evaluated serially by gonioscopy, biomicroscopy, tonometry, and tonography. The valve implant remained patent in 2 normotensive and in 2 glaucomatous Beagles throughout the 12 months of observation. Valve function was lost in 4 glaucomatous Beagles 4 to 6 weeks (3 dogs) and 6 months (1 dog) after implantation. Light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic evaluations of early loss of implant function revealed occlusion of the lumen and/or valve mechanism by inflammatory debris and cells. The late loss of valve function was related to chronic inflammatory response and fibrosis about the valve mechanism and tubing within the sclera.  相似文献   
Clinical and pathologic variables of Salmonella typhisuis infections were studied in weanling pigs. The influence of daily feeding of low concentrations of chlortetracycline, penicillin, and sulfamethazine on S typhisuis infection also was determined. Ten pigs (group 1) given feed containing low concentrations of chlortetracycline, penicillin, and sulfamethazine when orally inoculated with S typhisuis became pyretic, developed a mild neutrophilia, and had increased serum agglutinating antibody titers, but were clinically normal. Lesions were not present, and S typhisuis was not isolated from 2 group-1 pigs that were killed and necropsied on postinoculation day 8. Then, the antimicrobial agents were withdrawn from the feed of the remaining 8 pigs for 6 days. The pigs were reinoculated with S typhisuis on postinoculation day 16 and developed mild clinical disease with sustained high rectal temperatures. Severe necrotizing typhlocolitis and ulcerative proctitis were found at necropsy in all 8 of the pigs. Similar findings were induced in 7 additional pigs (group 2) that were concurrently inoculated with S typhisuis, but that had no previous exposure to S typhisuis. Successful isolation of S typhisuis required special care and media.  相似文献   
Canine kidney measurements were obtained in vivo using ultrasound before and after anesthesia and were compared with direct caliper measurements at laparotomy. Following excision, the kidney dimensions were also measured ultrasonically in a water bath and the results were used to calculate kidney -volume by a modified parallel planimetric method and three variations of a prolate ellipsoid method. The calculated volume was compared with actual kidney volume determined by volume displacement. All methods were found to underestimate actual volume so that a linear correction of ultrasonically calculated volume was required to predict actual volume. The modified parallel planimetric method and a prolate ellipsoid method using height and width determinations cranial and caudal to the renal pelvis were the best models. The prolate ellipsoid model was chosen for subsequent kidney volume calculations because of its simplicity. The noninvasive calculation of kidney volume using ultrasound was sufficiently accurate to be clinically useful, particularly when serially evaluating kidney size changes in the same dog.  相似文献   
Fifteen goat kids were experimentally inoculated with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Five were given a strain of caprine origin (nitrate-negative biotype) intradermally, 5 were given a strain of equine origin (nitrate-positive biotype) intradermally, and 5 were inoculated intranasally with the caprine-origin strain. Animals were monitored for 127 days. The goats given the inocula intradermally developed abscesses; those given caprine-origin strain had multiple lesions both peripherally and in visceral locations (primarily endothoracic abscesses), whereas those given the equine-origin strain had abscesses only at injection sites and draining nodes. The difference in extent of lesions could be due to biotypic bacterial differences or to the individual strains used. Intranasally inoculated goats did not develop abscesses and were essentially no different from controls. The cranial part of the respiratory tract may not be an important portal of entry for C pseudotuberculosis. Serum samples obtained monthly from all animals were subjected to the synergistic hemolysis-inhibition test, which measures antibodies to the exotoxin of C pseudotuberculosis. Animals with abscesses developed titers within 1 month of inoculation. Animals without abscesses remained seronegative. The synergistic hemolysis-inhibition test may be a reliable diagnostic assay for caseous lymphadenitis in goats.  相似文献   
Morphologic changes that develop sequentially in the large colon during experimentally induced ischemia were documented in 14 halothane-anesthetized horses. Colonic ischemia was induced by 4 types of vascular occlusion, 24 cm proximal and distal to the pelvic flexure. The effect of transmural (colonic wall) vascular compression combined with either venous occlusion (3 horses, group A) or venous and arterial occlusion (3 horses, group B) of the colonic vessels was studied for 1, 2, and 6 hours of occlusion. Also observed was the effect of reperfusion for 0.5 hour after release of the clamps for the 1- and 2-hour occlusions and for 1 hour after release of the clamps for the 6-hour occlusion. Effects of occluding only the colonic veins (4 horses, group C), or the colonic veins and arteries (4 horses, group D) were studied for 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 hours of occlusion and during reperfusion for 0.5 hour. Full-thickness intestinal biopsy specimens were obtained from the antimesenteric border of the pelvic flexure at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, and 2 hours during occlusion and at 0.5 hour after release of vascular occlusion. Biopsy specimens were obtained at hourly intervals from the 2 horses in which 6-hour occlusion was performed and at 1 hour after release of vascular occlusion. Macroscopic changes (serosal color, mucosal color, serum leakage) in the colon were recorded.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Microvascular circulation of the ascending colon in healthy horses was studied using microangiography, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The pelvic flexure with 30 cm of ventral and dorsal colon attached was removed from 14 adult horses immediately after horses were euthanatized. The lumen was flushed with warm water, and this section of the ascending colon was placed in a 37-C bath of isotonic NaCl. In sections from 8 horses, colic vessels were perfused with a radio-opaque medium for microangiography. After angiographic evaluation, tissue sections were prepared for light microscopic observation, using standard histologic methods. In sections from 6 horses, injection replicas were made by perfusing the vessels with 2 types of plastics. The results of microangiography, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy of vascular replicas were correlated, providing a comprehensive documentation of the microvasculature of the ascending colon at the pelvic flexure. Arteries branched from mesenteric colic vessels approximately every 2 cm toward the colonic tissue. Immediately after branching, arterial vessels formed an anastomotic plexus, the colonic rete. However, each branch from the colic vessel eventually continued into the colonic tissue. A second set of vessels originated from the colonic tissue. A second set of vessels originated from the colonic rete and supplied the mesenteric lymph nodes. Arterial vessels penetrated the tunica muscularis into the submucosa 3 to 4 cm toward the antimesenteric border forming a submucosal vascular network. From the submucosal arterioles, branching took place at right angles to supply the mucosal capillaries. Capillaries surrounded the colonic glands and anastomosed at the luminal surface, forming a superficial luminal honeycomb-appearing vascular plexus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Physical examination and exploratory celiotomy were performed on five neonatal foals presented with signs of acute colic. Atresia coli was confirmed in each foal during surgery. The most consistent finding on physical examination was the absence of meconium staining following repeated enemas. The large, transverse and/or small colon were involved in all foals. One eight month aborted foetus was submitted for necropsy and diagnosed as having atresia coli and congenital hydrocephalus. Atresia coli should be considered for neonatal foals with signs of acute colic.  相似文献   
Real-time ultrasonography was used to assist percutaneous renal biopsies in seven normal horses. Ultrasound (US) guidance and blind biopsy following US localization were compared. Ten biopsies (seven right kidney and three left kidney) were performed. A transverse approach to the lateral border of the right kidney through the 17th intercostal space was favored, with the needle angle being approximately perpendicular to the body wall. Both biopsy techniques were effective, but blind biopsy following US localization was favored as it was easily performed by one operator without the need for specialized biopsy equipment. The spleen had a variable location and its penetration with the biopsy needle was necessary to obtain two left kidney biopsies. Macroscopic and microscopic hematuria was observed postbiopsy in one and four horses, respectively, out of six horses examined. Perirenal hemorrhage was a prominent finding on necropsy in five of six horses euthanized.  相似文献   
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