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Effects of adding different concentrations of melatonin (10?7, 10?9 and 10?11 M) to maturation (Experiment 1; Control, IVM  + 10?7, IVM  + 10?9, IVM  + 10?11) and culture media (Experiment 2; Control, IVC  + 10?7, IVC  + 10?9, IVC  + 10?11) were evaluated on in vitro bovine embryonic development. The optimal concentration of melatonin (10?9 M) from Experiments 1–2 was tested in both maturation and/or culture media of Experiment 3 (Control, IVM  + 10?9, IVC  + 10?9, IVM /IVC  + 10?9). In Experiment 1, maturated oocytes from Control and IVM  + 10?9 treatments showed increased glutathione content, mitochondrial membrane potential and percentage of Grade I blastocysts (40.6% and 43%, respectively). In Experiment 2, an increase in the percentage of Grade I blastocysts was detected in IVC  + 10?7 (43.5%; 56.7%) and IVC  + 10?9 (47.4%; 57.4%). Moreover, a lower number and percentage of apoptotic cells in blastocysts were observed in the IVC  + 10?9 group compared to Control (3.8 ± 0.6; 3.6% versus 6.1 ± 0.6; 5.3%). In Experiment 3, the IVC  + 10?9 treatment increased percentage of Grade I blastocysts with a lower number of apoptotic cells compared to IVM /IVC  + 10?9 group (52.6%; 3.0 ± 0.5 versus 46.0%; 5.4 ± 1.0). The IVC  + 10?9 treatment also had a higher mRNA expression of antioxidant gene (SOD 2) compared to the Control, as well as the heat shock protein (HSPB 1) compared to the IVM  + 10?9. Reactive oxygen species production was greater in the IVM /IVC  + 10?9 treatment group. In conclusion, the 10?9 M concentration of melatonin and the in vitro production phase in which it is used directly affected embryonic development and quality.  相似文献   
Indigenous chicken (IC) and their production systems were characterized to understand how the whole system operates for purposes of identifying threats and opportunities for holistic improvement. A survey involving 594 households was conducted in six counties with the highest population of IC in Kenya using structured questionnaires. Data on IC farmers’ management practices were collected and analysed and inbreeding levels calculated based on the effective population size. Indigenous chicken were ranked highest as a source of livestock income by households in medium- to high-potential agricultural areas, but trailed goats in arid and semi-arid areas. The production system practised was mainly low-input and small-scale free range, with mean flock size of 22.40 chickens per household. The mean effective population size was 16.02, translating to high levels of inbreeding (3.12%). Provision for food and cash income were the main reasons for raising IC, whilst high mortality due to diseases, poor nutrition, housing and marketing channels were the major constraints faced by farmers. Management strategies targeting improved healthcare, nutrition and housing require urgent mitigation measures, whilst rural access road network needs to be developed for ease of market accessibility. Sustainable genetic improvement programmes that account for farmers’ multiple objectives, market requirements and the production circumstances should be developed for a full realization of IC productivity.  相似文献   
A bio-economic model was developed to evaluate the utilisation of indigenous chickens (IC) under different production systems accounting for the risk attitude of the farmers. The model classified the production systems into three categories based on the level of management: free-range system (FRS), where chickens were left to scavenge for feed resources with no supplementation and healthcare; intensive system (IS), where the chickens were permanently confined and supplied with rationed feed and healthcare; and semi-intensive system (SIS), a hybrid of FRS and IS, where the chickens were partially confined, supplemented with rationed feeds, provided with healthcare and allowed to scavenge within the homestead or in runs. The model allows prediction of the live weights and feed intake at different stages in the life cycle of the IC and can compute the profitability of each production system using both traditional and risk-rated profit models. The input parameters used in the model represent a typical IC production system in developing countries but are flexible and therefore can be modified to suit specific situations and simulate profitability and costs of other poultry species production systems. The model has the capability to derive the economic values as changes in the genetic merit of the biological parameter results in marginal changes in profitability and costs of the production systems. The results suggested that utilisation of IC in their current genetic merit and production environment is more profitable under FRS and SIS but not economically viable under IS.  相似文献   
1. The aim of the study was to evaluate the genetic and economic breeding objectives for an indigenous chicken (IC) breeding programme in Kenya.

2. A closed three-tier nucleus breeding programme with three breeding objectives and two selection schemes was simulated. The breeding objectives included IC dual-purpose (ICD) for both eggs and meat, IC layer (ICL) for eggs and IC broiler (ICB) for meat production.

3. Pure line selection scheme (PLS) for development of IC pure breeds and crossbreeding scheme (CBS) for the production of hybrids were considered. Two-and three-way crossbreeding strategies were evaluated under CBS and the impact of nucleus size on genetic gains and profitability of the breeding programme were investigated.

4. Males were the main contributors to genetic gains. The highest genetic gains for egg number (2·71 eggs) and growth traits (1·74?g average daily gain and 57·96?g live weight at 16 weeks) were realised under PLS in ICL and ICB, respectively.

5. The genetic response for age at first egg was desirable in all the breeding objectives, while that for fertility and hatchability were only favourable under ICL and PLS in ICD. Faecal egg count and immune antibody response had low, but positive gains except under PLS where the later was unfavourable. ICB was the most profitable breeding objective, followed by ICD and ICL under all the selection schemes.

6. Although PLS was superior in genetic gains and profitability and recommended in breeding programmes targeting ICL and ICB, a three line CBS should be considered in development of a dual-purpose breed.

7. Increasing the nucleus size beyond 5% of the IC population was not attractive as it resulted in declining profitability of the breeding programme.  相似文献   
Cost-benefit analysis using net present value (NPV) as the economic evaluation criterion was used to investigate the economic merits of four breeding strategies used for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. The breeding strategies were evaluated over a 25-year period. The costs involved in setting up and running each strategy were obtained from large-scale dairy cattle farms, and government and private institutions involved in genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Only benefits from genetic improvement were considered. The impact on NPV due to changes in genetic and economic parameters was investigated. The ranking of the breeding strategies greatly differed with genetic ranking. Among the local selection programs, a strategy utilizing young bulls, sons of local bulls, was more profitable than one utilizing old progeny tested bulls. Continuous semen importation was not an economically viable alternative. The strategy utilizing young bulls progeny of imported bulls (PIB) was only viable if imports were from countries which are >2.00 SD in genetic merit above the local dairy cattle population. The ranking of strategies was not sensitive to changes in genetic parameters but to economic parameters. The use of local semen from young bulls progeny of local proven bulls is recommended. Alternatively, PIB can be utilized but the semen will have to be imported from countries which are >2.00 SD above the local dairy cattle population or the cost of imported semen should be ≤ US$40 per straw.  相似文献   
The economic values for productive (egg number, average daily gain, live weight, and mature weight) and functional (fertility, hatchability, broodiness, survival rate, feed intake, and egg weight) traits were derived for three production systems utilizing indigenous chicken in Kenya. The production systems considered were free-range, semi-intensive, and intensive system and were evaluated based on fixed flock size and fixed feed resource production circumstances. A bio-economic model that combined potential performances, feeding strategies, optimum culling strategies, farmer's preferences and accounted for imperfect knowledge concerning risk attitude of farmers and economic dynamics was employed to derive risk-rated economic values. The economic values for all the traits were highest in free-range system under the two production circumstances and decreased with level of intensification. The economic values for egg number, average daily gain, live weight, fertility, hatchability, and survival rate were positive while those for mature weight, broodiness, egg weight, and feed intake were negative. Generally, the economic values estimated under fixed feed resource production circumstances were higher than those derived under fixed flock size. The difference between economic values estimated using simple (traditional) and risk-rated profit model functions ranged from -47.26% to +67.11% indicating that inclusion of risks in estimation of economic values is important. The results of this study suggest that improvement targeting egg number, average daily gain, live weight, fertility, hatchability, and survival rate would have a positive impact on profitability of indigenous chicken production in Kenya.  相似文献   
Although embryo cryobanking was applied to Syrian golden and to Campbell's hamsters, no attempt has been made at freezing embryos in Djungarian hamsters. Four‐cell stage embryos were flushed from the reproductive ducts of pregnant females before noon of the third‐day post coitum and frozen in 0.25‐ml straws according to standard procedures of slow cooling. A mixture of permeating (ethylene glycol) and non‐permeating (sucrose) cryoprotectants was used. The thawing was performed by incubating at RT for 40 s followed by 40 s in a water bath at 30.0°C. Most (66.7%) of the non‐frozen four‐cell embryos developed up to the morula stage in rat one‐cell embryo culture medium (R1ECM). The use of hamster embryo culture medium (HECM) yielded fewer morulas (18.2%) during the same 24‐h period of culture. The rate of embryo's surviving the freezing–thawing procedures, as estimated by light microscopy, was 60.7–68.8%. After 24‐h culturing in R1ECM, 64.7% of frozen–thawed four‐cell embryos developed and all of them reached the morula stage. Supplementation of R1ECM with GM‐CSF (2 ng/ml) improved the rate of Djungarian hamster frozen–thawed embryo development: 100% of the four‐cell stage embryos developed, 50% of them achieved the morula stage, and 50% developed even further and reached the blastocyst stage within 24 h of culturing. This study reports the world's first successful transfer of frozen–thawed Djungarian hamster embryos yielding term pups. Taken together, the results of this study demonstrate the possibility of applying some key reproductive technologies, that is, embryo freezing/cryopreservation and in vitro culture, to Djungarian hamsters.  相似文献   
椪柑果皮精油成分的GC-MS分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以椪柑果皮精油为试材,采用GC-MS对其精油成分和相对含量进行了系统分析.结果表明,从椪柑精油中共分离出78种组分,鉴定出53种组分,占精油的97.56%,主要组分是D-柠檬烯(60.4%)、1-甲基-1,4-环己二烯(4.35%)、佛手柑油烯(3.09%)、(E,E,E)-2,6,10-三甲基-2,6,9,11-十二烷四烯-1-醛(1.6%)、β-月桂烯(0.87%)等萜烯成分和不饱和脂肪酸,如月桂酸(3.34%)、亚油酸甲酯(3.09%)、棕榈酸(1.39%)和(Z)-9-十八烯酸甲酯(3.08%).  相似文献   
Cost-benefit analysis using net present value (NPV) as the economic evaluation criterion was used to investigate the economic merits of four breeding strategies used for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. The breeding strategies were evaluated over a 25-year period. The costs involved in setting up and running each strategy were obtained from large-scale dairy cattle farms, and government and private institutions involved in genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Only benefits from genetic improvement were considered. The impact on NPV due to changes in genetic and economic parameters was investigated. The ranking of the breeding strategies greatly differed with genetic ranking. Among the local selection programs, a strategy utilizing young bulls, sons of local bulls, was more profitable than one utilizing old progeny tested bulls. Continuous semen importation was not an economically viable alternative. The strategy utilizing young bulls progeny of imported bulls (PIB) was only viable if imports were from countries which are >2.00 SD in genetic merit above the local dairy cattle population. The ranking of strategies was not sensitive to changes in genetic parameters but to economic parameters. The use of local semen from young bulls progeny of local proven bulls is recommended. Alternatively, PIB can be utilized but the semen will have to be imported from countries which are >2.00 SD above the local dairy cattle population or the cost of imported semen should be?≤?US$40 per straw.  相似文献   
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