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The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of some aids for detectiong oestrus in 72 Bunaji cows synchronized using two injections of prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) 13 days apart. Blood samples to determine the accuracy of the aids and ovarian activity by radioimmunoassay technique were collected daily from the day of the second PGF2 injection until oestrus or for 168 hours for `non-responders'. The aids for detecting oestrus, tail painting, KaMar detectors and a chin-ball mating device (CMD) were applied at the time of the second injection.The oestrus response rate was 73.6% and 61.1%, from the serum progesterone concentration and visual observation, respectively. Based on the total number of oestrus events observed, unaided visual observation, tail painting, KaMar and CMD detected 52.2%, 82.6%, 82.6% and 76.8%, respectively. Visual observation of standing oestrus alone failed to detect 47.8% of the occurrence of oestrus as shown by the concentration of progesterone in the serum and 30.4%, 30.4% and 24.6%, respectively, of the oestrus periods recorded by tail painting, KaMar and CMD. Twenty-eight cows showed abnormalities in progesterone concentration.These investigations showed that oestrus may be detected by using the aids in cows that have been regarded as `anoestrous' by visual observation of standing heat.  相似文献   
Six intact Balami rams were experimentally infected with Anaplasma ovis. Another six were infected one month after splenectomy and six others served as controls. Clinical manifestations of the disease, first observed between 5 to 7 days post-infection, were more severe and prolonged in the splenectomised-infected than in the intact-infected group. There was progressive deterioration in semen quality, which was also significantly more severe and prolonged in the splenectomised than in the intact-infected rams. Following treatment with long-acting terramycine, clinical recovery occurred earlier in the intact-infected (1–4 weeks) than in the splenectomised-infected group (5–7 weeks). A similar pattern was observed in post-treatment improvement in the spermiogram. However, although the infected animals recovered clinically by 1–7 weeks post-treatment, restoration of the reproductive potential did not occur for 20 to 25 weeks. It appears that stress factors may aggravate the deliterious effects of anaplasmosis.  相似文献   
An abattoir survey of 850 female genital organs of imported camels was conducted at the Kano abattoir between October 1987 and April 1988. An incidence of 4.49% of disorders was recorded, including follicular cystic degeneration (0.12%), ovarian haemorrhagic cysts (0.47%), pyometra (0.35%), early embryonic mortality (0.12%), endometrial haemorrhages (0.47%), fetal maceration (0.12%), abscess (0.24%), vulvar tick infestation (1.77%) and cervical hypoplasia (0.12%).  相似文献   
Four groups of non-pregnant, first second and third trimester pregnant Zebu heifers were used to study and compare the clinical manifestations of Trypanosoma vivax infection. All the infected heifers developed clinical trypanosomiasis manifested by massive parasitaemia, fluctuating pyrexia, anaemia, dull hair coat, emaciation, jugular pulse and enlarged superficial lymph nodes. There were group variations in the severity of signs shown. Infected non-pregnant heifers and heifers in the third trimester of pregnancy developed a more severe form of the disease than pregnant heifers in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.  相似文献   
Effect of stages of reproductive cycle on body weight, feed intake and apparent nutrient digestibility of rabbits was investigated. Pregnant/lactating (PL) does increased their feed intake above pregnant lactating does. Dry matter (DM) digestibility was higher in pregnant does than in lactating, PL or open does. Digestibility of crude fibre, crude protein (CP) and nitrogen-free extractives (NFE) were significantly higher for open and pregnant does than lactating and PL does. Ether extract (EE) digestibility was similar for pregnant, lactating and PL does. Digestible CP requirement of does increased with physiological state from open to PL states. Open and pregnant does were meeting their protein requirement while lactating and PL does were not meeting their requirement. Feed intake was higher for first week pregnant, fourth week pregnant, first week lactating, first week pregnant/fourth week lactating and second week pregnant/fourth week lactating does than open does. DM digestibility was higher for first and fourth week pregnant does than the other physiological stages. EE digestibility was similar for all physiological stages. CP digestibility was higher in fourth week pregnant does than the other physiological stages. Fourth week pregnant does had higher NFE digestibility than first and fourth week lactating and the various stages of concurrent pregnant and lactating does. Open does, first and fourth week pregnant does were meeting their protein requirement while does in the first and fourth week of lactating and stages of concurrent PL were not meeting their requirement.  相似文献   
This paper describes a study on the oestrous and ovarian activity and responses to prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) administration and artificial insemination in zebu heifers.Four cycling heifers were artificially infected with 5×106 Trypanosoma vivax organisms. Two heifers served as controls. Two injections of PGF2 were given 11 days apart, commencing at the peak of parasitaemia in the infected animals, followed by artificial insemination 72 and 96 h after the second administration of PGF2. Sera were analysed for progesterone by radioimmunoassay, while ovarian activity and oestrus were determined by rectal palpation and visual observation, respectively. All the infected heifers developed the clinical disease. All control and infected heifers had progesterone profiles consistent with luteolysis and the occurrence of oestrus following the second administration of PGF2. Progesterone levels did not return to normal luteal values in infected animals, however, whilst they did so in control animals. No control or infected heifers became pregnant.The findings suggest that PGF2 will induce a non- fertile oestrus in zebu heifers acutely infected with T. vivax. Re-ovulation is also inhibited within 22 days in a majority of infected animals.  相似文献   
Spermatogenesis in bulls (Bos indicus) indigenous to Nigeria, and the significance of Sertoli cell index (SCI) as a measure of testicular degeneration were studied. The mean testicular weights and dimensions were lower than reported forBos taurus breeds. The diameters of the seminiferous tubules were lower than reported forBos taurus, although within the same range. Inter-month and intra-month variations were highly significant (P<0.01). A mean annual spermatogenesis of 77.60% was reported. Active spermatogenesis was observed throughout the year, with a peak during the rainy season and extending toward the predry season. This was consistent with previous reports. Severe testicular degeneration was found to influence spermatogenesis. This was reflected in the decrease in SCI. Mild degeneration had no significant effect on spermatogenesis, and did not significantly change the SCI. The SCI was defined as the ratio of the number of germinal cells to the number of Sertoli cells in the same cross sections of tubules.  相似文献   
In a study involving 7,477 pregnant cows (5,426 Holstein-Friesians and 2,051 Guernseys), each pregnancy was diagnosed by rectal palpation, using the membrane slip technique. Each cow was examined twice, first by a veterinary student, then by a clinician. Of the cows diagnosed pregnant, 7,058 (94.4%) calved. The embryonic death rate in cows examined during the first 50 days of gestation was significantly (P less than 0.001) greater than that associated with examinations after 50 days of gestation. A significant difference was found between herds in different years (P less than 0.05). There was no conclusive indication that embryonic loss at the time of or shortly after early examination was iatrogenic abortion resulting from the membrane slip technique.  相似文献   
Severe pathological changes were observed in the adrenal and thyroid glands of Zebu (Bos indicus) heifers infected with Trypanosoma congolense. In the adrenal glands, severe inflammatory changes characterised by mononuclear cellular infiltration in the subcapsular areas, zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata and zona reticularis were observed. In addition, there were hyperaemia, haemorrhage and hyperplasia resulting in increased adrenal weight in the two heifers slaughtered on Days 50 and 70 post-infection (p.i.). In the medullary areas of these two heifers, there was only mononuclear cellular infiltration. In the two heifers slaughtered on Day 113, localised mononuclear cellular infiltration was observed in addition to cortical cell depletion and fibrosis, resulting in reduced adrenal weight when compared with the controls. In the thyroid glands of the infected heifers, gross enlargement of the follicles filled with pale staining colloids were observed in association with squamous metaplasia of the follicular epithelium and fibroplasia. Serum cortisol concentrations showed an appreciable but non-significant increase (P less than 0.05) between Weeks 2 and 6 p.i. in the infected heifers (5.6 +/- 0.86 ng ml-1 vs. 4.4 +/- 0.34 ng ml-1) when compared with the uninfected controls or the pre-infection level. Thereafter, cortisol levels declined though non-significantly throughout the rest of the study. However, there was a steady increase towards normal levels from Week 12 p.i. until the end of the experiment. Changes in the basal serum concentrations of thyroxine (T4) were also measured weekly. There was a progressive decrease in the levels of T4 from the third until the 11th week p.i., when the decrease became significant (P less than 0.05) and remained so until the 16th week when the experiment ended.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken to determine the oestrus response and fertility rates of zebu cows treated with PRID alone or in combination with PGF2alpha. A total of 184 non-suckled cycling Bunaji cows were allotted randomly to four treatment groups of 46 animals per group as follows: group 1 (PRID-12), PRID was inserted for 12 days; group 2 (PRID+7+PGF2alpha-6, PRID was inserted for 7 days and PGF2alpha was administered intramuscularly 1 day prior to PRID withdrawal; group 3 (PRID-7+PGF2alpha-7, PRID was inserted for 7 days and PGF2alpha was administered intramuscularly on the day of PRID withdrawal; group 4 (2 x PGF2alpha-13, two intramuscular injections of PGF2alpha 13 days apart. At the end of each treatment period, the cows were observed for 7 days for behavioural oestrus and were inseminated 12 h following detection of oestrus. Pregnancy was diagnosed by rectal palpation 30-40 days post-insemination. The respective oestrus response rates were 78.3%, 76.1%, 87.0% and 89.1% for groups 1-4. While the corresponding pregnancy rates were 39.1%, 41.3%, 52.2% and 52.2%, the conception rates were 50.0%, 54.3%, 60.3% and 58.6% for groups 1-4. Although individual variations in progesterone levels were observed, the progesterone profiles were generally typical and normal. The results of the study have confirmed the effectiveness of the four regimes in synchronizing and controlling oestrus and ovulation in Bunaji cows. However, groups 3 and 4 showed some superiority over the other treatments. The results of this study provide feasible options from which clinicians involved in intensive breeding programmes and herd health fertility programmes can choose.  相似文献   
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