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Abstract. In 1969, a new kind of epizootic occurred among eels in Japan and virological investigation was initiated. A new virus designated eel virus european (EVE) was isolated and biological, cytological, serological tests and infectivity trials were carried out. In its CPE on RTG-2 cells and additionally in its biological properties and particle size, EVE was found to be similar to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). Serologically, EVE was similar to the ď Honnincthun, France, strain of IPNV. However, infectivity trials showed that EVE and IPNV differed; EVE killed Japanese eels Anguilla japonica but not rainbow trout fry Salmo gairdneri , while IPN virus killed rainbow trout fry but not eels. We consider EVE to be the primary agent causing the new epizootic and propose the name viral kidney disease for the resulting clinical condition.  相似文献   
The pharmacological effects of the anesthetic alfaxalone were evaluated after intramuscular (IM) administration to 6 healthy beagle dogs. The dogs received three IM doses each of alfaxalone at increasing dose rates of 5 mg/kg (IM5), 7.5 mg/kg (IM7.5) and 10 mg/kg (IM10) every other day. Anesthetic effect was subjectively evaluated by using an ordinal scoring system to determine the degree of neuro-depression and the quality of anesthetic induction and recovery from anesthesia. Cardiorespiratory variables were measured using noninvasive methods. Alfaxalone administered IM produced dose-dependent neuro-depression and lateral recumbency (i.e., 36 ± 28 min, 87 ± 26 min and 115 ± 29 min after the IM5, IM7.5 and IM10 treatments, respectively). The endotracheal tube was tolerated in all dogs for 46 ± 20 and 58 ± 21 min after the IM7.5 and IM10 treatments, respectively. It was not possible to place endotracheal tubes in 5 of the 6 dogs after the IM5 treatment. Most cardiorespiratory variables remained within clinically acceptable ranges, but hypoxemia was observed by pulse oximetry for 5 to 10 min in 2 dogs receiving the IM10 treatment. Dose-dependent decreases in rectal temperature, respiratory rate and arterial blood pressure also occurred. The quality of recovery was considered satisfactory in all dogs receiving each treatment; all the dog exhibited transient muscular tremors and staggering gait. In conclusion, IM alfaxalone produced a dose-dependent anesthetic effect with relatively mild cardiorespiratory depression in dogs. However, hypoxemia may occur at higher IM doses of alfaxalone.  相似文献   
Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 (GYSVd 1) was first detected in Japan from commercial grapevines. The viroid seems to be spreading in Japanese commercial vineyards but without causing noticeable disease symptoms. Two Japanese GYSVd 1 isolates from the cultivars Campbell and Steuben were sequenced. The Campbell isolate is included in the type 2 variant of GYSVd 1, and the Steuben isolate is included in the type 3. Both of the isolates were grouped into the yellow speckle-inducing variants in the nucleotide sequence ; however, the etiological importance of this viroid on the viticulture of Japan has not yet been determined. Received 14 June 1999/ Accepted in revised form 25 August 1999  相似文献   
Abstract. Cyprinid herpesvirus 1 (CHV) or Herpesvirus cyprini was virulent for carp, Cyprinus carpio L., fry following 1 h immersion in water at 20 °C. Cumulative mortality for carp fry was 86–97% in 2-week-old common carp, 20% in 4-week-old fancy carp, and 0% in both 8-week-old common and fancy carp. The virus did not produce mortality in fry of crucian carp, grass carp or other cyprinids. It was also oncogenic in carp, inducing papillomas to the extent of 55% among both common and fancy carp fry. The neoplasms appeared 5–6 months after carp had been exposed to the virus by immersion and recurred at an incidence of 83% in carp 7·5 months post-desquamation of the tumour. The CHV was reisolated from all moribund fish and from all survivors. It also induced papillomas at an incidence of 13% in adult mirror carp and at 10% in adult fancy carp 5 months after intraperitoneal inoculation of 105 TCID50 ml-1 fish. The virus was rcisolated only from the ncoplastic tissue and not from internal organs. The neoplasms were normally located on fin, skin or mandible, at the intraperitoneal inoculation site. Specific fluorescence for CHV antigen was frequently detected in the gills, liver, kidneys and intestine of 2-week-old fry from 3 to 21 days following challenge with CHV. It was found in greater concentrations in experimentally induced papillomata on 2-week-old carp fry survivors examined 24 weeks after challenge than in naturally occurring neoplasms.  相似文献   
中国锦紫苏类病毒的检测及其分子生物学特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 从无明显症状表现的11株锦紫苏叶片中抽提低分子量的RNA,经Return-PAGE、RT-PCR和Dot-blot hybridization检测,结果表明11株锦紫苏全部带有锦紫苏类病毒(Coleus blumei viroid,CBVd)。将部分PCR产物克隆到pGEM-3Zf(+)载体上并进行DNA序列测定。序列分析结果,所克隆的序列(GenBank登录号分别为DQ178395、DQ178396、DQ178397、DQ178398和DQ178399)与GenBank中报道的锦紫苏类病毒1号(CBVd-1)序列同源性为85.23%~99.20%。从市场上购买的锦紫苏种子经Return-PAGE和RT-PCR检测不携带锦紫苏类病毒。这是中国发生的锦紫苏类病毒的首次报道。  相似文献   
In our continuing effort to generate transgenic chickens, sonoporation was chosen to insert an exogenous gene into the chicken genome. An EGFP expression vector (pCAG‐EGFPac) and microbubbles were injected into the central disc of stage‐X blastoderm or the germinal crescent of stage‐4 embryos, followed by ultrasonic vibration. Nineteen chicks out of 108 treated embryos hatched, six females and six males out of these 19 chicks grew to sexual maturity and two females and three males lived for 3 years. Genomic DNA from 17 out of 35 gonads from embryos and chicks that died before sexual maturity was EGFP‐positive by PCR. No EGFP sequence was detected in the genomic DNA of 322 embryos from six sexually mature females and the semen from four sexually mature males by PCR. When genomic DNA was obtained from various tissues of five 3‐year‐old chickens, the EGFP sequence was amplified from the genomic DNA of the breast muscle of a female (No. 85). The above sequence was subjected to DNA sequencing and verified to be the EGFP sequence. These results showed that sonoporation is an effective tool for the transduction of exogenous genes into chicken embryos for the generation of transgenic chickens.  相似文献   
A 24-year-old, Thoroughbred gelding presented with difficulty breathing for a few days and intermittent nose bleeding before dying. At necropsy, the bronchoesophageal artery and the bronchial artery that flowed into the left anterior lobe were tortuous and dilated, and it was found that dilated tortuous branches of the bronchial artery ran over the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the left anterior lobe. Histopathologically, an anastomosis between a muscular artery and an elastic artery were demonstrated, which were identified as bronchial and pulmonary arteries, respectively. Based on the gross and histopathological findings, a bronchopulmonary artery fistula was diagnosed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of a pulmonary vascular anastomosis in a horse.  相似文献   
采用同工酶电泳技术 ,对陕西省大规模饲养的 2个蛋用品系鹌鹑群体的遗传多样性进行了分析。结果表明 ,两个群体中每个位点的等位基因平均数为 1.87,多态位点比率为 6 0 % ;引用国外同类研究结果 ,对国内外 2 1个鹌鹑群体用 7个多态位点的基因频率计算标准遗传距离并进行系统聚类 ,结果在 0 .12 5 2 6 7水平上 2 1个群体聚为 2类——野生群体和家养群体 ,家养群体中大体重鹌鹑与一般体重鹌鹑遗传距离较远 ;且 Mpi- IC,Mpi- ID和α- Gpd B基因为野生鹌鹑特有的基因 ,野生鹌鹑群体的基因多样度低于家养鹌鹑 ,在中性位点家养群体比现存同种野生群体保持着更高的基因杂合度。  相似文献   
An 11-year-old Toy Poodle underwent a computed tomography examination with contrast (iohexol) enhancement under anesthesia. Heart rate and R-wave amplitude on electrocardiogram (ECG) increased 2.5 min after iohexol administration, and end-tidal carbon dioxide decreased to 12 mmHg. A progressive ST segment depression was observed on ECG. Subsequently, the ECG waveform changed to ventricular fibrillation. However, spontaneous circulation returned following cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Myocardial ischemia or anaphylactic shock was suspected in the dog, which explains the ST segment depression observed on ECG. When performing radiological examinations with a contrast agent, the ECG waveform changes, such as an increase in heart rate, R-wave amplitude, or ST segment depression, should be carefully monitored. This might enable early detection of cardiac dysfunction and the ensuing cardiac arrest in dogs.  相似文献   
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