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Strains of the Japanese pear pathotype of Alternaria alternata were screened for double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs). Four strains had several dsRNAs; strain N18 was associated with several dsRNAs and had impaired growth phenotypes such as irregular mycelium and abnormal pigmentation. We isolated dsRNA-cured isolates from strain N18 by single-conidium isolation. The dsRNA-cured isolates had recovered normal growth and pigmentation. Enlarged vesicles were observed in mycelial cells of the original dsRNA-carrying N18 strain. DAPI nuclear staining revealed regression of the nuclei in dsRNA-carrying N18 cells. These results indicate that the dsRNAs might have negative effects, such as apoptosis-like cell death, on the host fungus.  相似文献   
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a widely used industrial chemical that disrupts endocrine function. BPA is an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) that has been demonstrated to affect reproductive organ development, brain development, metabolic disease and post-natal behavior. Accordingly, Bisphenol analogs, Bisphenol F (BPF, bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) methane) and Bisphenol AF (BPAF, 4,4-hexafluoroisopropylidene) diphenol) are used as replacements for BPA. BPA is mainly metabolized by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT), UGT2B1, but this effective metabolizing system is weak in the fetus. In the present study, we demonstrated that hepatic UGT activity toward BPAF was very weak, in comparison with BPA and BPF, in the fetus, pups and dams. Conversely, hepatic UGT activity toward BPF was very weak in the fetus and newborn pups, and was increased to the same level as BPA post-partum. In conclusion, BPAF possibly tends to accumulate in the fetus, because of weak metabolism during the perinatal period, suggesting that the metabolism of individual Bisphenol analogs requires assessment to properly gauge their risks.  相似文献   
Barley contains approximately 10% dietary fiber and is easily cooked with rice, the dominant cereal in Japan, to increase the intake of dietary fiber. This research involved three experiments to examine the influence of barley on blood lipids in human subjects. All subjects received a boiled barley-rice (50/50 w/w mix) supplement two times per day in place of rice for 2 or 4 weeks. In the normolipemic subjects, serum lipids were unaffected by the ingestion of barley for 4 weeks. In twenty hypercholesterolemic men aged 41 ± 5 years, the ingestion of barley was associated with a significant fall in serum total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, phospholipids and LDL and VLDL-lipoproteins. In seven mildly hypercholesterolemic women aged 56±7 years, a significant improvement of serum lipid profiles was observed. The present study suggests the possibility that the ingestion of barley-rice could lower serum lipids in hypercholesterolemic subjects.  相似文献   
We developed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to detect and quantify Phomopsis sclerotioides, the causal agent of black root rot of cucurbits. We used internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from representative isolates to search for target sequences. Primer pairs were selected after testing against 40 fungal isolates including 13 Ph. sclerotioides isolates, 9 Phomopsis isolates other than Ph. sclerotioides, and 18 soilborne fungi that were either pathogenic or nonpathogenic to cucurbits. Conventional PCR assays with the primer pair of CPs-1 (forward) and CPs-2 (reverse) produced target DNA amplicons from all Ph. sclerotioides isolates but none of the other isolates tested. From soil and root samples collected from fields naturally infested with black root rot of cucumber and melon, the CPs-1/CPs-2 primer pair successfully amplified target DNA fragments in conventional PCR assays. Moreover, we applied the CPs-1/CPs-2 primer pair in a real-time PCR assay with SYBR Green I, and PCR-amplified products were successfully quantified by reference to a standard curve generated by adding known amounts of target DNA. Target Ph. sclerotioides DNA fragments were similarly detected in artificially inoculated roots of cucumber, melon, pumpkin, and watermelon, but quantities of Ph. sclerotioides DNA in their hypocotyls of the hosts varied as follows: melon ≥ cucumber ≥ watermelon > pumpkin. These results suggest that Ph. sclerotioides infection is not species-specific but the rate of infection may differ among host species.  相似文献   
The detection of bovine foamy virus (BFV) in Vietnamese cattle was performed using conventional PCR targeting pol and gag genes. Out of 243 tested samples, ten (4.1%) and eight (3.3%) samples were positive for BFV gag and pol DNA, respectively. The prevalence of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) estimated by detection of proviral DNA using nested PCR targeting env gene was 26.7% (65/243). The results of nucleotide sequence alignment and the phylogenetic analysis suggested that Vietnamese BFV strains showed high homology to isolates belonging to either European or non-European clades. There was no significant correlation between BLV and BFV. This study provides information regarding BFV infection and confirms the existence of two BFV clades among Vietnamese cattle for the first time.  相似文献   
In order to clarify the growth and reproductive success of seed‐derived Sagittaria trifolia individuals emerging at different times within a season, seeds were sown on May 16, June 16 and July 22 2010 and allowed to grow in pots under shaded and unshaded conditions. The timing of when the first inflorescence of each seedling appeared was recorded, as well as the number of seeds and tubers produced and the dry weight of each organ. In total, 220 seedlings were used, 23–59 in each treatment. As the sowing time was delayed, so too was the appearance of the first inflorescence. Additionally, the number of inflorescences, fruits and seeds produced by the unshaded plants significantly decreased with the sowing time. The total dry weight was significantly greater in the unshaded than in the shaded plants: the July‐sown, shaded plants grew very poorly. The relative resource allocation to the tubers was greater in the late‐emerging, shaded seedlings. Even in the shaded groups, except for the July‐sown plants, most of the plants set seed. Therefore, when addressing weed control in paddy fields, one should keep seedlings in mind, in addition to plants that have grown from tubers.  相似文献   
Although the causal agent of black root rot of Cucurbitaceae in Japan has been proposed as Phomopsis sclerotioides, the species identification of the pathogen has remained inconclusive because of a lack of spore formation. We confirmed that a Japanese isolate of Phomopsis sp. obtained from a diseased pumpkin root produced pycnidia containing α spores in sterilized bean pods. In phylogenetic analyses of rDNA-ITS regions, nine Japanese Phomopsis sp. isolates from melon, watermelon grafted onto bottle gourd, and pumpkin diagnosed with black root rot, formed a single clade with P. sclerotioides standard isolates. We identified the causal agent of the black root rot of melon, pumpkin, bottle gourd, and watermelon in Japan as P. sclerotioides and propose the Japanese name “Phomopsis-negusare-byo” for the disease. Patterns of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) of these Japanese isolates were also similar to those of P. sclerotioides, thus supporting the species identification. However, mycelial incompatibilities were found for many combinations among these P. sclerotioides isolates, suggesting some genotypic variations of this fungus in Japan at a level that the RAPD analyses cannot discriminate. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers AB201430 to AB201444  相似文献   
A rock pigeon (Columba livia) caught in Akihabara, Tokyo, showed neurological symptoms, such as head tilt and circling. Pathological examinations revealed abundant Sarcocystic cysts in the skeletal muscle and myocardium with mild myositis, and numerous schizonts and sarcocysts with severe multifocal granulomatous T-lymphocytic infiltration in the central nervous system. A Sarcocystis calchasi-specific gene was detected in the muscle and brain. This case indicates S. calchasi was distributed in Japan and caused severe encephalitis to rock pigeons.  相似文献   
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