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Abstact. The potency of a whole-cell bacterin (WCB) and a toxoid enriched whole-cell vaccine (WCEB) administered intraperitoncally into rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Richardson), were compared. The most effective vaccine was further evaluated by bathing turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.). These vaccines were composed of three strains of V. anguillarun , of the serotypes 01 and 02. Both vaccines conferred the highest protection against strains of serotype 01 within 4 weeks. With the toxoid enriched vaccine giving the best results (77 RPS). When trout were revaccinated after 7 weeks with this vaccine, good protection was achieved against strains of serotypes 01 and 02. Interestingly, when the WCEB was administered by bath to turbot, acceptable levels of protection against strains of both serotypes were obtained after 4 weeks of immunization.  相似文献   
During the period March to September 2000, a study was conducted in Oodi village, Kgatleng District, Botswana, to investigate the seasonal fluctuation of internal, external and blood parasites of donkeys. Twelve adult donkeys were randomly selected from a farmer with a herd of 15 donkeys. Monthly visits were made to the farmer when the donkeys were examined for parasites. The only ectoparasites recovered from the donkeys were instars of various tick species. The most prevalent tick was Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (98.4%), followed by Amblyomma hebraeum and Hyalomma species. The only haemoparasite seen on microscopy was Babesia equi at low parasitaemia in 26.8% of the donkeys. However, no clinical babesiosis was evident. Coprological examination showed the presence of strongyle eggs in moderate numbers. Very low numbers of coccidia oocysts were found in the faecal samples. High tick numbers and worm egg counts coincided with the warm, wet months in contrast to the low numbers recovered during the cold, dry months. An interview conducted by the authors indicated that donkeys were nutritionally marginalised by owners. Supplementary feeding was therefore recommended, especially during the winter months when grazing is poor.  相似文献   
The influence of long-term administration of high-carbohydrate/low-protein and high-fat/non-carbohydrate diets were studied in relation to kinetic behaviour of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in liver and kidney of rainbow trout. In all cases studied, the saturation curves of these enzyme showed typical hyperbolic kinetics without evidence of sigmoidicity. After 30 days of feeding with a high-fat diet (170 g kg?1), there was a significant decrease in Vmax and specific activity (45%) as well as catalytic efficiency (39%) without changes in Km or activity ratio of hepatic glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These changes agree more with a clearly decreased cell concentration than with an inhibition of the pre-existing enzyme. The administration of a high-carbohydrate diet (60 g kg?1), contrary to what was previously thought, decreased Vmax by 21% and specific activity and catalytic efficiency by 30%, without significant changes in the other kinetic parameters of the hepatic enzyme. The kinetic behaviour under these nutritional conditons was due to the rejection of this diet by the fish and thus could be considered a low-feeding situation. On the other hand, no variations in the kinetics of renal glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase were found, clearly demonstrating that in this organ, the pentosephosphate pathway showed no adaptive response related to fattyacid and other lipid synthesis. The activity of the renal enzyme was consistently half that of the hepatic enzyme.  相似文献   
Effects of concentrate supplementation on carcass and meat quality of feedlot finished Small East African (SEA) goats were assessed using 23 animals (14.5 months old and 20.1 kg body weight). Goats were subjected to four levels of concentrate supplementation: ad libitum concentrate allowance (T100), 66% of ad libitum concentrate allowance (T66), 33% of ad libitum allowance (T33) and no concentrate (T0). All goats were slaughtered after 90 days of experimental period. The ad libitum concentrate intake attained by the goats was about 370 g DM/d. All concentrate-supplemented goats had similar (P > 0.05) total dry matter intake. T100 goats had 31 g and 14 g higher (P < 0.05) daily body weight gain than T33 and T66 goats, respectively. T100 and T66 goats were comparable in final live weight and empty body weight but both were heavier (P < 0.05) than that of T33 and T0 goats. Hot and cold carcass weights for both T100 and T66 goats were 3 kg heavier (P < 0.05) than that of T0 goats. Concentrate-supplemented goats had similar (P > 0.05) EUROP scores for carcass fatness. T100 and T66 goats had 6.5 and 3 units higher (P < 0.05) scores for conformation than T0 and T33 goats, respectively. Dressing percentage increased with levels of concentrate supplementation in a curvilinear fashion, with highest values in T66 goats. At 6 h post-mortem, muscle pH for concentrate-supplemented animals was significantly lower compared with T0 goats. Carcass fat content was 9% higher (P < 0.05) in concentrate-supplemented goats than in their contemporaries. No differences in cooking loss or shear force were observed among treatments, while these variables were affected by the type of muscle. It is concluded that feedlot finishing of SEA had limited effects on meat quality. Finishing SEA goats at 66% of their ad libitum concentrate intake, however, significantly improved weight gains and carcass fatness. Cost–benefit analyses are recommended before embarking on a large scale feedlot finishing of SEA goats.  相似文献   
Malignant catarrhal fever was induced in cattle and rabbits inoculated intranasally with cell-free wildebeest-calf nasal and ocular secretions. This method of reproducing the disease is similar to that occurring in nature and should prove useful as a means of challenging experimentally induced immunity.  相似文献   
Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) was demonstrated in malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) virus-infected rabbits intradermally injected with homologous viral antigens.The response was first detected four days post-infection (pi) and was maximal on day 7 pi. DTH could not be demonstrated after the onset of pyrexia. The abrogation of DTH in MCF virus-infected rabbits is discussed in relation to the pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   
An indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) test for antibody to wildebeest-derived strains of malignant catarrhal fever virus (MCFV) was developed using infected bovine embryonic kidney cells as antigen. This IIF technique and a microtitre method for the assay of virus-neutralizing (VN) antibody were then applied to sequential serum samples from rabbits and calves infected experimentally with a virulent strain of MCFV, which caused lethal disease.Antibody of the IIF type appeared in both species about 6–7 days prior to the onset of pyrexia and increased continuously until death. Neutralizing antibody was detected shortly before the end of the incubation period in the majority of rabbits but was not produced in calves which were killed up to 3 days after reaction. The presence of either antibody did not affect the fatal outcome in rabbits.  相似文献   
Serum levels of the third component of complement (C3) were reduced only in the terminal stages in malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) virus-infected steers. Haemolytic complement and immunoglobulin (IgM, IgG1 and IgG2) levels were not altered. C3 and immunoglobulin deposits were also not demonstrated in the vascular lesions induced by MCFV. MCF virus infection of cattle is probably not a typical immune complex-mediated disease as previously suggested.  相似文献   
Six different commercial feeds used in weaning and postweaning of marine fish were analysed from the perspective of some of their main physico‐chemical features and in vitro digestibility. While the range of particle sizes in dry state closely agreed to those claimed by the producing companies, dramatic changes were observed after suspension in water. Sedimentation rates measured in some of the feeds with higher particle sizes may be too high to ensure intake by young fish. The label claims of the products overestimate the amount of total protein but underestimate that of lipids. The analysis of amino acid profiles evidenced important differences in total amino acid composition between feeds of the same company but a great similitude in the profile of free amino acids (FAA). The evaluation of leaching evidenced that the fraction of FAA, which represented <2% of dry matter of the feeds, is quickly released in water, acting mainly as attractants. The in vitro digestibility assay evidenced significant differences in the bioaccessibility of the nitrogen fraction in some of the feeds by the digestive proteases of the sea bream (Sparus aurata).  相似文献   
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