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Factors affecting longevity of sclerotia in sandy clay loam (s.c.l.) and sandy loam (s.l.) were examined, using sclerotia from a laboratory culture of S. sclerotiorum and from natural infestations on beans and lettuce.Survival of sclerotia from culture and lettuce was compared in s.l. Recovery and viability were less, and incidence of Fusarium, Mucor and Trichoderma spp. greater, in sclerotia from lettuce than from culture. Rinds of sclerotia from lettuce were more perforated than those from culture.Burial of sclerotia at 4 cm for 35 weeks reduced recovery of sclerotia to zero in s.c.l. and by 50% in s.l. At the soil surface recovery was reduced by 55% in s.c.l. and by 10% in s.l. Less than 50% of sclerotia recovered were viable. Neither a chloropicrin-methyl bromide fumigant nor a tomato compost treatment affected recovery or viability. Fumigation increased incidence of Trichoderma spp. and decreased incidence of Fusurium and Mucor spp. isolated from sclerotia.Apothecia were produced over 6 weeks in s.c.l. and over 20 weeks in s.l. Production was increased by the low rate of fumigant in s.c.l. and by tomato compost in s.l.  相似文献   
A single injection of 0.2 ml diallyl disulphide (DADS) at 0.156% (v/v) into soil containing naturally-produced sclerotia of Sclerotium cepivorum and maintained in the laboratory at 15°C stimulated sclerotial germination and reduced sclerotial numbers by 67%; ungerminated sclerotia remained viable. Higher concentrations of DADS had no additional effect except that at 20% (v/v), germination was slightly inhibited. A similar reduction in sclerotial numbers was obtained when the mixture of soil and sclerotia was exposed to DADS vapour. Four, monthly applications of DADS at 0.2 ml 0.15% (v/v) per application did not give a further reduction.The effect of DADS was temperature dependant, with a reduction in sclerotial numbers of 65 and 9% at 15 and 5°C respectively.  相似文献   
The effect of covering soil with transparent polyethylene sheets, known as soil solarization, on the viability of plant pathogens was determined. The treatment was tested in mid-summer on sandy loams in N.W. and S. Victoria. Columns of moist soil were inoculated with one of a variety of pathogens, viz. Fusarium oxysporum, Pythium irregulare, Plasmodiophora brassicae, Sclerotium cepivorum, S. rolfsii, Sclerotinia minor, Verticillium dahliae and the nematodes Macroposthania xenoplax, Meloidogyne javanica, Pratylenchus penetrans and Tylenchulus semipenetrans. Columns were placed vertically in soil, and then treated either for 4 weeks in N.W. Victoria, or 6 weeks in S. Victoria.Preliminary laboratory tests showed that pathogens were killed by temperatures within the range 38–55°C. The relative sensitivities of pathogens to fluctuating soil temperatures were similar at both sites. The most sensitive were the nematodes, and the fungi V. dahliae, S. cepivorum and S. minor, while F. oxysporum, P. irregulare and P. brassicae were the least sensitive. In N.W. Victoria treatment effects were apparent to 26 cm and most pathogens were not recovered from 0 to 11 cm. In S. Victoria treatment effects were apparent to a depth of 16cm and most pathogens were not recovered from 0 to 6cm.  相似文献   
As shown by density gradient ultracentrifugation and column chromatography, pigs formed IgM antibodies during the first week following vaccination with Brucella abortus, strain 19. At this time their sera reacted in both plate and tube agglutination but not in complement-fixation tests. A few days later, when IgG antibodies had developed, agglutination titers were still high and some activity was recorded in hemolytic complement-fixation tests. A similar sequence was observed in pigs repeatedly inoculated with phenol-killed suspensions of B. abortus. As the proportion of IgM to IgG antibodies decreased, agglutinin titers fell in relation to complement-fixing titers. In some animals the conglutinating complement absorption test became positive earlier than the plate agglutination.  相似文献   
Scrapie I. Transmission and Pathogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Homogenized brain, extracts, and residues of brain from normal and scrapie sheep were inoculated into 116 sheep. Of 72 sheep inoculated with scrapie material 27 developed the disease, whereas four of 44 inoculated with `normal' brain material showed symptoms similar to those of scrapie. The scrapie agent survived extraction for 18 hours with diethyl ether followed by water for 24 hours. Similarly the agent survived extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus with 95 per cent ethanol containing 2.0 per cent 4 M HC1 for 24 hours.

There was no evidence of demyelination in sections of brain and spinal cord supporting the view that allergic encephalomyelitis is not responsible for the scrapie symptoms. Liver function, as measured by the bromsulfalein test, remained normal until just before death. These results preclude that liver dysfunction contributes to the disease but do not exclude the possibilities of other metabolic derangements.

Rabies in Tennessee swine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
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