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Oxidative damage to the membrane in canine erythrocytes with inherited high Na, K-ATPase activity (HK cells) was compared with that in normal canine cells (LK cells). When 30 mM beta-acetylphenylhydrazine (APH) was applied to HK and LK cells, lipid peroxidation and hemoglobin denaturation occurred. Lipid peroxidation determined from malondialdehyde (MDA) formation was significantly lower in HK than in LK cells so far as endogenous glutathione (GSH) concentration was maintained at appropriate levels. With the depletion of GSH, MDA formation was accelerated and difference between HK and LK cells was not significant. Denatured hemoglobin bound to the membrane protein was less in HK than in LK cells. During incubation with APH, osmotic fragility increased markedly in LK cells, while HK cells showed very little change. The amounts of total lipid, total and free cholesterol, glycolipid, phospholipid and fatty acids were essentially the same in both cell types. Fatty acid compositions showed very small differences. The membrane of HK cells thus appear to have greater protection against oxidative damage induced by APH, owing to the presence of excess GSH in HK cells. The capability of HK cells to withstand oxidative damage would not be due to differences in membrane lipid compositions.  相似文献   
We characterised cultured canine mammary gland adenocarcinoma cells by exhaustive step protein expression analysis to identify factors associated with tumour progression or metastasis of canine mammary gland tumour. Cultured adenocarcinoma cells derived from a total of 3 primary and 3 metastatic lesions from 3 dogs (CHMp/m, CIPp/m and CNMp/m, where CHM, CIP, and CNM indicate the 3 animals) were used in this study. The expression of 24 proteins reported to be related to tumourigenesis or malignancy of human breast cancers were examined by Western blot analysis using 24 antibodies. The expression of sialyl Lewis X [sLe(x)] was only observed in CHMm cells, which were derived from pleural effusion. This expression was further confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The levels of some factors, such as 14-3-3sigma, cyclinD1 and Rb, differed among cells or between the primary and metastatic cells in the pair. Though the difference in their expression was not consistent within the cells from primary and metastatic origin, this characterisation should provide useful information for further molecular analysis of these cultured cells. Since some of the factors, such as sLe(x), 14-3-3sigma, cyclinD1 and Rb, showed different levels of expression in the pair, these cultured cells might be meaningful tools for clarification of distant metastasis in canine mammary gland tumours.  相似文献   
Genetic parameters for sow stayability were estimated from farrowing records of 10,295 Landrace sows and 8192 Large White sows. The record for sow stayability from parity k to parity k + 1 (k = 1, …, 6) was 0 when a sow had a farrowing record at parity k but not at parity k + 1, and 1 when a sow had both records. Heritability was estimated by using single-trait linear and threshold animal models. Genetic correlations among parities were estimated by using two-trait linear–linear and single-trait random regression linear animal models. Genetic correlations with litter traits at birth were estimated by using a two-trait linear–linear animal model. Heritability estimates by linear model analysis were low (0.065–0.119 in Landrace & 0.061–0.157 in Large White); those by threshold model analysis were higher (0.136–0.200 & 0.110–0.283). Genetic correlations among parities differed between breeds and models. Genetic correlation between sow stayability and number born alive was positive in many cases, implying that selection for number born alive does not reduce sow stayability. The results seem to be affected by decisions on culling made by farmers.  相似文献   
This report describes a case of spontaneous malignant pinealoma in a 90-week-old male Wistar rat. The tumor mass occurred in the deep cerebral parenchyma and no intact pineal gland was observed in the area between the posterior-dorsal median line of the cerebrum and the cerebellum. The tumor was characterized by a large nodular proliferation occupying the central area of the brain, extending from the dorsal surface to the base of the brain, corresponding to the thalamus. The tumor cells had round to irregular oblong nuclei approximately 5–17 μm in diameter and showed faintly or moderately eosinophilic cytoplasm and indistinct cell boundaries. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were positive for synaptophysin and partially positive for neuron-specific enolase (NSE). The tumor showed malignant features including cellular pleomorphism, high mitotic index, necrotic foci, and invasive and extensive growth and was, therefore, diagnosed as an extremely rare malignant pinealoma in the deep cerebral parenchyma.  相似文献   
Two new species of myxozoans from the Japanese anglerfish, Lophius litulon, are described using myxospore morphology and small subunit rDNA sequences. Ceratomyxa anko sp. n. is a parasite of the gall bladder and had a prevalence of 57%. Mature spores of C. anko sp. n. are arcuate to crescent shaped with valves tapering to rounded tips. A prominent sutural line runs centrally between the round adjacent polar capsules containing the polar filament coiled two to three times. Spore measurements: length 10.8 (9.7-11.9) microm, width 41.9 (36.9-47.2) microm, polar capsule diameter 4.6 (4.1-5.3) microm. Ceratomyxa anko sp. n. can be distinguished from other Ceratomyxa spp. due to its spore dimensions and shape. Zschokkella lophii sp. n. is a parasite of the urinary bladder and had a prevalence of 70%. Mature spores are ellipsoidal to semicircular with bluntly pointed ends. The sutural line is curved or sinuous and the valves have no discernable surface ornamentation. Two almost spherical polar capsules are located separately in the ends of the spore, opening in almost opposite directions and contain the polar filament with five coils. Spore measurements: length 20.1 (16.8-24.0) microm, width 14.9 (12.7-16.8) microm, polar capsule diameter 5.1 (3.6-5.8) microm. Zschokkella lophii sp. n. can be distinguished from other Zschokkella spp. due to the terminal opening of the polar capsules within the spores and the site of infection within the host fish. In the phylogenetic analyses, C. anko sp. n. grouped with other members of the same genus forming a monophyly. Zschokkella lophii sp. n. forms a discrete clade with another Zschokkella sp. that infects the urinary bladder of marine fish. This grouping forms a sister clade to one containing members of the genus Parvicapsula, all of which are parasites of the urinary system in marine fish.  相似文献   
Borate was directly chelate-extracted from foods with 5% 2-ethyl-1,3-hexanediol (EHD) in n-hexane-n-butyl acetate mixture (8 + 2), from which borate was selectively transferred into 1% NaOH, since EHD-chelated boron did not react with curcumin to develop color. Finally, an aliquot of the alkaline solution was acidified with HCl and reacted with curcumin in a rotary evaporator. Color development was increased by heating for 8 min at 80 degrees C under reduced pressure of 16 mm Hg. Frozen shrimp and prawns (peeled and with shells) and salted jelly fish were analyzed by the proposed method. Results were compared with the contemporary official method of Japan based on curcumin reaction on an incinerated sample. Over 90% of the boric acid was recovered by the proposed method when samples were fortified with 20 ppm boric acid. Recoveries were superior to those of the official method especially for shrimp and prawns with shells and salted jelly fish. Detection limit of boric acid is 1 ppm. Moreover, the method requires only about 1 hr for analysis of one sample, making it suitable for routine analysis.  相似文献   
A non-narcotic anesthetic combination (Me/Mi/Bu) of medetomidine (Me), midazolam (Mi), and butorphanol (Bu) has been recommended as the injectable anesthesia in mice. An original dose of Me/Mi/Bu (0.3/4.0/5.0 mg/kg) has provided sufficient anesthetic duration of 40–50 min in mice. In addition, atipamezole is available for reversal of Me/Mi/Bu anesthesia. As an adverse effect of Me/Mi/Bu anesthesia, however, severe hypothermia has been also observed in mice. In the present study, we investigated 1) the main agent in Me/Mi/Bu to cause of hypothermia, 2) the effects of the differential doses of atipamezole on hypothermia induced by Me/Mi/Bu anesthesia and on the plasma levels of creatinine phosphokinase and transaminases, and 3) those recommended doses for preventing hypothermia induced by Me/Mi/Bu anesthesia in mice. The results suggested that 1) the α2-agonist medetomidine is most likely to induce hypothermia in mice under Me/Mi/Bu anesthesia, 2) the antagonism of atipamezole within proper dose range is effective in promoting the recovery from Me/Mi/Bu-induced hypothermia, and 3) Me/Mi/Bu at the recommended dose of 0.2/6.0/10.0 mg/kg enable to provide anesthetic effects for 40 min and is more considerable to prevent the hypothermia than that at the original dose of 0.3/4.0/5.0 mg/kg.  相似文献   
We estimated heritabilities of semen production traits and their genetic correlations with litter traits and pork production traits in purebred Duroc pigs. Semen production traits were semen volume, sperm concentration, proportion of morphologically normal sperms, total number of sperm, and total number of morphologically normal sperm. Litter traits at farrowing were total number born, number born alive, number stillborn, total litter weight at birth, mean litter weight at birth, and piglet survival rate at birth. Litter traits at weaning were litter size at weaning, total litter weight at weaning, mean litter weight at weaning, and piglet survival rate from birth to weaning. Pork production traits were average daily gain, backfat thickness, and loin muscle area. We analyzed 45,913 semen collection records of 896 boars, 6,950 farrowing performance records of 1,400 sows, 2,237 weaning performance records of 586 sows, and individual growth performance records of 9,550 animals measured at approximately 5 mo of age. Heritabilities were estimated using a single-trait animal model. Genetic correlations were estimated using a 2-trait animal model. Estimated heritabilities of semen production traits ranged from 0.20 for sperm concentration to 0.29 for semen volume and were equal to or higher than those of litter traits, ranging from 0.06 for number stillborn and piglet survival rate at birth to 0.25 for mean litter weight at birth, but lower than those of pork production traits, ranging from 0.50 for average daily gain to 0.63 for backfat thickness. In many cases, the absolute values of estimated genetic correlations between semen production traits and other traits were smaller than 0.3. These estimated genetic parameters provide useful information for establishing a comprehensive pig breeding scheme.  相似文献   
We investigated endometrial expression of trophinin mRNA and protein, homophilic cell adhesion molecules, during the estrous cycle of gilts. An immunopositive reaction for trophinin was observed in the luminal and glandular epithelia of the endometrium at all stages of the estrous cycle, but not in endometrial stromal cells or the myometrium. A partial coding sequence of porcine trophinin was similar to sequences in humans and mice, with homologies of 75% and 70%, respectively. As in humans and mice, the trophinin gene is expressed in the endometrium. Trophinin, however, is expressed in the endometrium of the pig throughout the estrous cycle, higher expression levels were observed at some points of the luteal phase, as in humans. These findings suggest that regulation of trophinin gene expression in the pig is different from that in mice, but similar to that in humans. Furthermore, the present results suggest that the pig might be a suitable model for studying the physiological importance of trophinin in early pregnancy in humans.  相似文献   
A soil drench of soluble silicon (liquid potassium silicate) was tested for the control of powdery mildew of strawberry in soil for 2 years in a vinyl house under growers' conditions on two cultivars: very susceptible Toyonoka and slightly susceptible Sachinoka. Soluble silicon suppressed the disease more effectively as a preventive control than as a control to reduce initial incidence. The suppressive effect against this disease was more effective for Toyonoka than for Sachinoka. The control value of soluble potassium silicate was 85.6% for Toyonoka in the first year and 60.2% in the second year, while for Sachinoka it was 58% in the first year and 40.6% in the second year. Strawberry leaf hardness was measured for the control and silicate-treated leaves. Although silicate-treated leaves seemed to be harder than control leaves, leaf hardness did not vary significantly between controls and silicate-treated leaves in either of the 2 years, and the mode of preventive action of liquid potassium silicate remains unknown. A factor other than a physical action may be involved.  相似文献   
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