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保持饲料新鲜 ,是一个古老的话题 ,但却常常被人忽视。保育期日粮配制成以后 ,其中蛋白质和脂肪的含量并非固定不变。正确进行贮存是极为重要的 ,否则 ,饲料就会迅速发生化学变化 ,导致饲料变性从而降低其中养分的消化率  相似文献   
美国伊利诺斯大学的试验表明 ,采用垫上饲喂法使得新断奶仔猪 (体重 5 5千克 )在断奶后头三天的日增重比对照组增加了一倍以上  相似文献   
在先前的议题中,是以"仔猪营养的最新建议"的最新进展为题开始的,同时也讨论了日粮的配方问题。本月,将发表有关仔猪营养的议题,其中包括日粮的成分和饲料的生产。  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted to determine the effects of omitting vitamin and trace mineral premixes and(or) reducing inorganic phosphorus additions to finishing diets on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and muscle quality in pigs. In Exp. 1, a corn-soybean meal-based diet (.70% lysine, .65% Ca, and .55% P) was used as the control. Pigs (n = 128; average initial BW of 85.7 kg) were fed the control diet or the control diet without 1) the vitamin premix, 2) the trace mineral premix, or 3) both premixes. Omitting the premixes had no effect on ADG (P>.39); gain/feed (P>.17); carcass backfat thickness (P>.42); and marbling, color, and firmness of the longissimus muscle (P>.11). In Exp. 2, pigs (n = 128; average initial BW of 86.2 kg) were fed the control diet (.65% Ca and .53% P) used in Exp. 1 and the control diet without 1/3 (.56% Ca and .46% P), 2/3 (.51% Ca and .40% P), or all (.47% Ca and .31% P) of the added monocalcium phosphate (MCP). Omitting up to 2/3 of the MCP increased ADG (quadratic effect, P<.02) and had no effect on meat quality (P>.12), but backfat thickness increased slightly (quadratic effect, P<.02). In Exp. 3, pigs (n = 160; average initial BW of 86.6 kg) were fed the control diet used in Exp. 1 or the control without 1) the vitamin and trace mineral premixes, 2) 2/3 of the MCP, or 3) the premixes and 2/3 of the MCP. Treatment had no effects on ADG (P>.23), gain/feed (P>.94), stomach lesions (P>.37), or serum gamma globulins (P>.08). In conclusion, vitamin and trace mineral premixes and up to 2/3 of the supplemental MCP can be omitted during late finishing (i.e., approximately the final 30 d) to reduce nutrient excesses that increase cost of feeding and nutrients excreted in waste material.  相似文献   
乳糖是一种缓泻药,也是提高仔猪早期生长性能的促进剂。因此,即使其成本能负担得起,也需要对刚断奶仔猪的饲喂量作详细的评估。  相似文献   
The effects of pelleting and storage of a complex nursery pig diet (28% lactose and 1.4% lysine) on lysine bioavailability were assessed in a chick bioassay. The nursery diet was steam-conditioned at 60 degrees C for 45 s and then pelleted through a 5-mm die with a depth of 38 mm. Samples of meal and pelleted diet were placed in metallic feeders in an occupied nursery facility for 1 wk (warm) or were stored at 4 degrees C (cool). For the standard-curve bioassay, a total of 144 8-d-old chicks were offered the following dietary treatments: 1 to 3) a basal diet (lysine deficient) and two levels (.08 and .16%) of added lysine (from L-lysine-HCl); 4 and 5) two positive controls (.7% added lysine with or without 10% of the nursery diet); and 6 to 9) basal diet plus 10% of one of the four nursery diet samples (meal or pellet stored cool or warm for 1 wk). Pelleting had no effect (P>.10) on lysine bioavailability, probably because pelleting conditions (temperature, humidity, and pellet size) were not aggressive enough to result in detectable effects on lysine utilization. However, storage in the nursery facility for 1 wk reduced (P<.03) lysine bioavailability by an average of 10%. No significant (P>.10) interactions were observed. Furthermore, true digestibility of lysine in the four pig diet samples was estimated in a cecectomized cockerel digestibility assay using 15 adult Single-Comb White Leghorn cockerels. Lysine digestibility in all samples was high (average of 94%) and was not affected (P>.10) by treatment. We conclude that the pelleting conditions used in our experiments did not decrease lysine utilization. More research is needed to define thermal processing conditions that might cause protein quality deterioration. However, typical warm and humid environmental conditions encountered in modern nursery facilities have a negative effect on protein quality of diets rich in reducing sugars and lysine.  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted to determine the effects of enzyme supplementation and particle size of wheat-based diets on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in nursery and finishing pigs. In Exp. 1, 180 weaned pigs (5.7 kg and 21 d of age) were fed diets in a 35-d growth assay without or with a Trichoderma longibrachiatium enzyme product (4,000 units of xylanase activity per gram of product) and with wheat ground to mean particle sizes of 1,300, 600, or 400 microm. Enzyme supplementation had no effect on ADG or gain/feed (P > 0.32), but there was a trend (P < 0.10) for greater digestibility of DM (d 6) in enzyme-supplemented diets. A particle size of 600 microm supported the greatest overall gain/feed (quadratic effect, P < 0.01). An interaction of enzyme supplementation with particle size occurred; gain/feed was improved (P < 0.01) with enzyme supplementation at the coarse (1,300 microm) particle size but not when the wheat was ground to 600 or 400 microm. In Exp. 2, 160 finishing pigs (67 kg) were fed a diet without or with the same enzyme used in Exp. 1 and wheat ground to 1,300 or 600 microm. No interactions occurred between enzyme supplementation and particle size of the wheat (P > 0.15). However, there were trends for greater gain/feed (P < 0.10) during the 67- to 93-kg phase of the experiment and for greater digestibility of DM (P < 0.10) and N (P < 0.07) with enzyme supplementation. When particle size was reduced from 1,300 to 600 microm, gain/feed was improved (P < 0.03) for the 93- to 114-kg phase of the growth assay, and digestibilities of DM (P < 0.02) and N (P < 0.04) were greater. In Exp. 3, 160 finishing pigs (63 kg) were given diets without or with the enzyme product and wheat ground to 600 or 400 microm. Enzyme supplementation improved ADG (P < 0.04) in the 90- to 115-kg phase but otherwise did not affect growth performance, carcass measurements, or stomach lesions. A particle size of 400 microm increased overall gain/feed (P < 0.04), digestibilities of DM and N (P < 0.01), and development of stomach lesions (P < 0.01). In conclusion, pigs did not benefit consistently from enzyme supplementation. However, wheat particle sizes of 600 and 400 microm supported the best overall performance in nursery and finishing pigs, respectively.  相似文献   
你喂给你的断奶猪吃的颗粒料是不是很硬或者是碎的?颗粒比较硬的优点是,从饲料厂经过长途运输直到达到饲槽中为止一直都能够保持其物理形态上的完整。然而,我们有充分的理由相信、很硬的颗粒料不是幼猪所喜欢的。  相似文献   
在猪肉价格低走和饲料价格高涨的时候,对日粮添加剂和养分浓度的必要性和有效性进行严格的重新评估是完全有理由的。维生素和微量矿物质是任何肥育猪日粮的常用添加剂,正因为如此,它们值得得到最广泛的研究。  相似文献   
今年早些时候,在WorldPoultry.net的一篇博文中,作者讨论了当涉及非淀粉碳水化合物(木聚糖、β-葡聚糖和木糖葡聚糖)时选择适宜的酶制剂的话题。这引发了博客读者之间一场激烈的讨论,各自支持两个不同学派中的一个。  相似文献   
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