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Low phosphorus availability in cultivated soils limits sustainable crop production in sub‐Saharan Africa. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of long‐term application of different types of organic amendments on soil P forms, P use efficiency and sorghum yields. A long term experiment established in 1980 at Saria in Burkina Faso, comparing the effects of manure, compost and sorghum straw was used. Manure and compost significantly increased organic P and resin‐P by about 35% and 64%, respectively after 10 and 32 years of sorghum cultivation, and HCl‐P after 32 years of cultivation compared to the control. Manure significantly increased NaHCO3-Pi and NaOH-Pi by 63% and 26%, respectively compared to the control. Sorghum straw had little effect on measured soil P forms. Manure and compost were the best in increasing sorghum grain yield, which effect were strongly correlated to soil pH, carbon and nitrogen. The partial factors productivities of P resulting from the application of studied organic amendments were similar and low, but significantly higher than that of the control treatment. Organic amendments with high P content, maintaining soil carbon and pH could be used to improve soil P availability, sorghum yield and reduce the demand for mineral phosphorus fertilizers.  相似文献   
A study was conducted on the effect of supplemental nitrogen (N) (20 hg/ha) applied as a foliar spray or to the soil on seed production, protein percentage, and protein fractions of rice. Plants were grown in a greenhouse over two different periods of time, i.e., August 1988 to January 1989 (Period I), and December 1988 to April 1989 (Period II). Nitrogen was applied to the leaves 10 and 20 days after anthesis (DAA), and to the soil at anthesis and at 15 DAA. Average temperature was 28.7°C during Period I and 32°C during Period II, corresponding to 18.7 and 22.0 growing degree‐day/day (GDD/day), respectively. The difference in GDD/day reduced the plant cycle from 130 days during Period I to 109 days during Period II. Plants grown during Period II had larger numbers of spikelets, a higher percentage of “full grown grains”;, and higher grain weight. Although percentage crude protein was about the same for the two periods, prolamin content was increased and the albumin+globulin fraction was decreased during Period II, but with no difference in glutelin content. The increase in number of spikelets, percent full grains, and grain weight appeared to result in a greater energy demand for plants grown during Period II. This may explain the increase in prolamins, since prolamin synthesis requires less energy than globulin or albumin synthesis. There was a simultaneous decrease in albumin and globulin synthesis during Period II. The content of glutelins, which represent the major reserve proteins in rice grains, was constant during both periods.  相似文献   
An in vitro model designed to assess protein bioavailability in diets for growing Octopus was developed. The model required a previous assessment of some functional features of protein digestion in this species like the main producing organs, optimum pH for activity and total production per g tissue. The main producing organs identified were the salivary glands and the hepatopancreas (HP), being optimum pH for protease activity quite different in both organs (mostly alkaline in the posterior salivary glands and acid in the HP). In spite of the high‐specific protease activity measured in the salivary glands, a major role of the HP in protein hydrolysis is suggested due to the much bigger size of this viscera. All this information was used as a basis to develop an in vitro two‐step hydrolysis process, which simulated protein hydrolysis performed by these two organs using the Octopus enzymes. The assay was used to evaluate differences in amino acid bioavailability from several protein sources (casein, gelatin, fish meal, squid meal and krill meal) that could be used as feed ingredients for this species. As significant differences were detected both in total amount and in rate of release of the amino acids from such proteins, the model is proposed as a complementary tool in the selection and nutritional evaluation of protein ingredients to be used in diets for Octopus.  相似文献   
On the basis of the biological activities exhibited by the phenolic constituents of Yucca schidigera, the antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of Yucca gloriosa roots was evaluated in the TEAC assay. The strong activity exerted by this extract prompted investigation of its phenolic constituents, yielding three new phenolic derivatives, gloriosaols C, D, and E, along with gloriosaols A and B previously isolated from Y. gloriosa roots and yuccaols C-E isolated from Y. schidigera. ESIMS and NMR data of gloriosaols C-E closely resembled those reported for gloriosaols A and B, two diasteroisomers characterized by unusual spirostructures. Careful inspection of ROESY spectra revealed that gloriosaols C-E are diastereoisomers of gloriosaols A and B. A possible assignment of the relative configuration of gloriosaols C-E, derived according to an integrated NMR-quantum mechanical (QM) approach, which was already applied to the determination of the stereostructures of gloriosaols A and B, is also proposed. Gloriosaols A-E exhibited potent antioxidant activity measured by the TEAC assay, showing the potential use of Y. gloriosa as a source of antioxidant principles.  相似文献   
Summary Foliar absorption consists of penetration of a cuticular membrane and uptake by living cells within the leaf. A detailed analysis of nutrient absorption by these two systems has revealed that ionic penetration of the cuticular membrane is by diffusion, and that the coupling between active transport and metabolism is at the cellular level. Urea penetrates the cuticular membrane and is absorbed by leaf cells much more rapidly than are nutrient ions. Furthermore, urea facilitates penetration and absorption of other materials simultaneously applied. Penetration of nutrient ions through cuticular membranes has been localized by microautoradiography as occurring around stomatal pores and along periclinal cell walls. Chelation of metals such as iron, manganese and zinc reduces the rate of foliar absorption, but increases the translocation of the absorbed nutrient. At the cellular level the nutrient ion is absorbed and the ligand is excluded.
Zusammenfassung Blattabsorption erfolgt durch Eindringen in Kutikularschichten der Membran und durch Aufnahme durch die lebenden Zellen innerhalb des Blattes. Eine detaillierte Analyse der N?hrstoffabsorption nach diesen beiden Systemen zeigte, da? die Ionen-Aufnahme über die Kutikularmembran durch Diffusion und da? die Koppelung des aktiven Transports mit dem Stoffwechsel im Zellbereich erfolgt. Harnstoff dringt durch die Kutikularmembran ein und wird viel schneller als N?hrstoff-Ionen durch die Blattzellen absorbiert. Weiterhin erleichtert Harnstoff das Eindringen und die Absorption anderer, gleichzeitig applizierter Substanzen. Die Fixierung der Eindringungsstelle von N?hrstoff-Ionen in Kutikularmembrane wurde durch Mikroautoradiographie ermittelt. Das Eindringen erfolgt um die Stomata-?ffnungen und entlang der periklinalen Zellw?nde. Metallgelate von Eisen, Mangan und Zink mindern die Zellabsorption, vermehren aber die Translokation der absorbierten N?hrstoffe. Im Bereich der Zellen werden N?hrstoff-Ionen absorbiert, aber Verbindungen ausgeschlossen.

Résumé L'absorption foliaire consiste en une pénétration à travers la membrane cuticulaire, et l'assimilation par les cellules vivantes à l'intérieur de la feuille. Une analyse détaillée de l'absorption des éléments nutritifs par ces deux systèmes a révélé que la pénétration des ions à travers la membrane cuticulaire se fait par diffusion, et que le couplage entre le transport actif et le métabolisme se fait au niveau cellulaire. L'urée pénètre à travers la membrane cuticulaire et est absorbée par les cellules de la feuille beaucoup plus rapidement que ne le sont les ions nutritifs. D'autre part l'urée facilite la pénétration et l'absorption d'autres substances appliquées simultanément. La pénétration des ions nutritifs à travers la membrane cuticulaire a été localisée par microautoradiographie comme se faisant autour des pores stomatiques, et le long des parois des cellules périclinales. La chélation de métaux tels que fer, manganèse, zinc, réduit la vitesse d'absorption foliaire mais augmente la vitesse de transport de l'ion nutritif absorbé. Au niveau de la cellule, l'ion nutritif est absorbé, et le complexant est exclu.

Report No. COO-888-51 in cooperation with the Division of Biology and Medicine of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Contract AT (11-1)-888. Journal Article No. 3692 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
Intestinal commensal bacteria induce protective and regulatory responses that maintain host-microbial mutualism. However, the contribution of tissue-resident commensals to immunity and inflammation at other barrier sites has not been addressed. We found that in mice, the skin microbiota have an autonomous role in controlling the local inflammatory milieu and tuning resident T lymphocyte function. Protective immunity to a cutaneous pathogen was found to be critically dependent on the skin microbiota but not the gut microbiota. Furthermore, skin commensals tuned the function of local T cells in a manner dependent on signaling downstream of the interleukin-1 receptor. These findings underscore the importance of the microbiota as a distinctive feature of tissue compartmentalization, and provide insight into mechanisms of immune system regulation by resident commensal niches in health and disease.  相似文献   
The reliability of genomic evaluations depends on the proportion of genetic variation explained by the DNA markers. In this study, we have estimated the proportion of variance in daughter trait deviations (DTDs) of dairy bulls explained by 45 993 genome wide single‐nucleotide poly‐ morphism (SNP) markers for 29 traits in Australian Holstein‐Friesian dairy cattle. We compare these proportions to the proportion of variance in DTDs explained by the additive relationship matrix derived from the pedigree, as well as the sum of variance explained by both pedigree and marker information when these were fitted simultaneously. The propor‐ tion of genetic variance in DTDs relative to the total genetic variance (the total genetic variance explained by the genomic relationships and pedigree relationships when both were fitted simultaneously) varied from 32% for fertility to approximately 80% for milk yield traits. When fitting genomic and pedigree relationships simultaneously, the variance unexplained (i.e. the residual variance) in DTDs of the total variance for most traits was reduced compared to fitting either individually, suggesting that there is not complete overlap between the effects. The proportion of genetic variance accounted by the genomic relationships can be used to modify the blending equations used to calculate genomic estimated breeding value (GEBV) from direct genomic breeding value (DGV) and parent average. Our results, from a validation population of young dairy bulls with DTD, suggest that this modification can improve the reliability of GEBV by up to 5%.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To validate four scales -- outcome expectancies for purchasing fruit and for purchasing vegetables, and comparative outcome expectancies for purchasing fresh fruit and for purchasing fresh vegetables versus other forms of fruit and vegetables (F&V). DESIGN: Survey instruments were administered twice, separated by 6 weeks. SETTING: Recruited in front of supermarkets and grocery stores; interviews conducted by telephone. SUBJECTS: One hundred and sixty-one food shoppers with children (18 years or younger). RESULTS: Single dimension scales were specified for fruit and for vegetable purchasing outcome expectancies, and for comparative (fresh vs. other) fruit and vegetable purchasing outcome expectancies. Item Response Theory parameter estimates revealed easily interpreted patterns in the sequence of items by difficulty of response. Fruit and vegetable purchasing and fresh fruit comparative purchasing outcome expectancy scales were significantly correlated with home F&V availability, after controlling for social desirability of response. Comparative fresh vegetable outcome expectancy scale was significantly bivariately correlated with home vegetable availability, but not after controlling for social desirability. CONCLUSION: These scales are available to help better understand family F&V purchasing decisions.  相似文献   
This study aimed to determine the distribution of diseases causing fever in dogs in France. Dogs with fever were reviewed and 50 dogs were retrospectively assigned to disease groups. Fever profile and intensity, the time taken to reach a diagnosis, and inflammatory status were compared among groups. Almost half the dogs (48%) were diagnosed with non-infectious inflammatory diseases. No final diagnosis was reached in 14 dogs, 13 of which belonged to owners who did not wish to pursue the investigations. No association was found between disease group and the intensity of fever, fever profile, or serum C-reactive protein concentration. Cytological examinations were most frequently found to be the most important determinant for diagnosis (55.7%). This study confirms the predominance of non-infectious inflammatory diseases as causes of fever. Neither clinical nor biological factors were found to be predictive of disease group.  相似文献   
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