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The gymnemic acid contents in various organs of Gymnema sylvestre were investigated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. The results shows that the content of gymnemic acid in various organs, obviously different, was 54.29, 31.66, 28.82, 27.67, 25.39, 20.56 and 1.31 mg·g−1 DW in shoot tips, flowers, nodes, leaves, internodes, roots and seeds, respectively. The highest gymnemic acid content (54.29 mg·g−1 DW) was found in shoot tip, 1.96 fold higher than that in leaves (27.67 mg·g−1 DW). Maximum quantity of gymnemic acid (35.39 mg·g−1 DW) was observed in the young leaves, which was 1.52 times higher than that in old leaves (23.07 mg·g−1 DW). The content of gymnemic acid in young, middle and old internodes was 26.47, 25.77 and 23.94 mg·g−1 DW, respectively, all lower than that in leaves (27.67 mg·g−1 DW), whereas the content of gymnemic acid in young, middle and old nodes was 27.96, 28.81 and 29.66 mg·g−1 DW, respectively, all higher than that in leaves. The study provides the scientific evidences for the rational development and utilization of Gymnema sylvestre resources, since over exploitation of natural stands has caused depletion of these plants in nature. Foundation project: This work was supported by University Grants Commission, New Delhi (No. 33-88/2007 (SR))  相似文献   
The levels of resistance to shoot fly, Atherigona soccata in sorghum germplasm are low to moderate and therefore, we evaluated 17 wild relatives of sorghum under field and greenhouse conditions as an alternate source of genes for resistance to this pest. Thirty-two accessions belonging to Parasorghum , Stiposorghum and Heterosorghum did not suffer any shoot fly damage under multi-choice conditions in the field, while one accession each of Heterosorghum ( Sorghum laxiflorum ) and Chaetosorghum ( S. macrospermum ) suffered very low shoot fly damage. Accessions belonging to S. exstans (TRC 243601), S. stipoideum (TRC 243399) and S. matarankense (TRC 243576) showed absolute non-preference for oviposition under no-choice conditions. Accessions belonging to Heterosorghum , Parasorghum and Stiposorghum were preferred for oviposition, but suffered low deadheart formation. Manual infestation of seedlings with shoot fly eggs did not result in deadheart formation in some of the accessions belonging to S. exstans (TRC 243601), S. stipoideum (TRC 243399), S. matarankense (TRC 243576) and S. purpureosericeum (IS 18944). Larval mortality was recorded in main stems of the Parasorghums . Within section Sorghum , accessions belonging to S. bicolor ssp. verticilliflorum were highly susceptible to shoot fly, as were those of S. halepense . However, a few accessions such as IS 18226 (race arundinaceum ) and IS 14212 ( S. halepense ) resulted in reduced survival and fecundity. Wild relatives of sorghum exhibited very high levels of antibiosis to A. soccata , while only low levels of antibiosis have been observed in the cultivated germplasm. Therefore, wild relatives with different mechanisms of resistance can be used as a source of alternate genes to increase the levels and diversify the basis of resistance to shoot fly, A. soccata .  相似文献   
Furosemide premedication of horses 4 h prior to exercise significantly attenuates exercise-induced pulmonary capillary hypertension which may help diminish the severity of exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage. As pulmonary hemodynamic effects of furosemide may be mediated via a reduction in plasma volume (which is most pronounced 15-30 min postfurosemide administration, with plasma volume recovering thereafter), we hypothesized that administration of furosemide at intervals shorter than 4 h before exertion may be more effective in attenuating the exercise-induced rise in pulmonary capillary blood pressure. Thus, our objective was to determine whether furosemide-induced attenuation of exercise-induced pulmonary arterial, capillary and venous hypertension would be enhanced when the drug is administered at intervals shorter than 4 h before exercise. Using established techniques, right atrial, and pulmonary arterial, capillary and wedge (venous) pressures were ascertained in seven healthy, sound, exercise-trained Thoroughbred horses in a randomized split-plot experimental design. Measurements were made at rest and during exercise performed at maximal heart rate (217 +/- 3 beats/min) in the control (no medications) experiments and following furosemide administration (250 mg intravenously (i.v.)) at 1, 2, 3 and 4 h before exercise. Sequence of treatments was randomized and 7 days were allowed between experiments on each horse. Although furosemide administration in the four treatment groups caused only insignificant changes in the pulmonary arterial, capillary and wedge pressures of standing horses, furosemide-induced reduction in mean right atrial pressure achieved statistical significance in the 2 h postfurosemide experiments. In the control studies, exercise was attended by statistically significant increments in mean right atrial, as well as pulmonary arterial, capillary and wedge pressures. Although exercise in each of the four furosemide experiments was also attended by significant increments in right atrial as well as pulmonary vascular pressures, in the 1, 2 and 3 h postfurosemide experiments, mean right atrial pressure increased to a significantly lower value than in the control study. Exercise-induced changes in pulmonary vascular pressures in the 1 h postfurosemide experiments were not different from the pressures in the control study. There was a significant attenuation of exercise-induced pulmonary capillary and venous hypertension in the 2, 3 and 4 h postfurosemide experiments, but significant differences among these treatments were not found. Thus, these data did not support the contention that administration of furosemide at intervals shorter than 4 h before exercise is more effective in attenuating exercise-induced pulmonary capillary or venous hypertension in Thoroughbred horses.  相似文献   
In recent years, increasing attention has been focused on the physiological responses of the horse to maximal exercise. Cardiovascular response in near maximally exercised galloping ponies (heart rate 225 +/- 7 beats/min; whole body oxygen consumption 122 +/- 12 ml/min/kg) comprised a marked increase in blood flow to the cerebellum, myocardium, diaphragm and the working muscles, while renal blood flow decreased precipitously. Cerebral and brainstem perfusion did not vary from resting values. Transmural homogeneity of myocardial blood flow persisted during near maximal exercise. It was reported that tachycardia of exercise contributed about one-third of the total increment in left ventricular coronary blood flow. Considerable unutilised coronary vasodilator capacity was also demonstrated in near maximally exercised ponies and it was suggested that maximally exercising ponies were not limited from further exertion because of the coronary circulation.  相似文献   
Distribution of blood flow among various respiratory muscles was examined in 8 healthy ponies during submaximal exercise lasting 30 minutes, using radionuclide labeled 15-microns diameter microspheres injected into the left ventricle. From the resting values (40 +/- 2 beats/min; 37.3 +/- 0.2 C), heart rate and pulmonary arterial blood temperature increased significantly at 5 (152 +/- 8 beats/min; 38.6 +/- 0.2 C), 15 (169 +/- 6 beats/min; 39.8 +/- 0.2 C), and 26 (186 +/- 8 beats/min; 40.8 +/- 0.2 C) minutes of exertion, and the ponies sweated profusely. Mean aortic pressure also increased progressively as exercise duration increased. Blood flow increased significantly with exercise in all respiratory muscles. Among inspiratory muscles, perfusion was greatest in the diaphragm and ventral serratus, compared with external intercostal, dorsal serratus, and scalenus muscles. Among expiratory muscles, blood flow in the internal abdominal oblique muscle was greatest, followed by that in internal intercostal and transverse thoracic muscles, in which the flow values remained similar. The remaining 3 abdominal muscles had similar blood flow, but these values were less than that in the internal intercostal, transverse thoracic, and internal abdominal oblique muscles. Blood flow values for all inspiratory and expiratory muscles remained similar for the 5 and 15 minutes of exertion. However, at 26 minutes, blood flow had increased further in the diaphragm, external intercostal, internal intercostal, transverse thoracic, and the external abdominal oblique muscle as vascular resistance decreased. On the basis of our findings, all respiratory muscles were activated during submaximal exercise and their perfusion had marked heterogeneity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A radiographic technique was used to identify and characterize segmental diaphragmatic movement in anesthetized ponies breathing spontaneously and with controlled ventilation with and without muscle relaxant-induced paralysis. Paralyzed mechanically ventilated ponies were also studied at varying peak inspiratory pressures. Controlled ventilation induced a change in pattern of diaphragmatic displacement which was accentuated by paralysis and increased inspiratory pressure. In conclusion, these results indicate that uneven distribution of inspired gases is not corrected by mechanical ventilation. Furthermore, increased tidal volume during mechanical ventilation is largely wasted because this increased volume is distributed principally to the poorly perfused nondependent lung. Thus, while mechanical ventilation can alleviate hypoventilation, i.e., will decrease PaCO2, it will be of limited value in relieving arterial hypoxemia due to venous admixture in anesthetized patients.  相似文献   
The population status and regeneration of a data-deficient tree species were examined in both protected and unprotected areas. The target species was found in six habitat types, seven aspects between 2,100- to 3,300-m altitude, and sites dominated by different species. The species was best represented in a shady moist habitat, north and northwest aspects, altitudinal range >2,700 m, and sites dominated by Acer caesium in both protected and unprotected sites; but the generalized linear model indicated nonsignificant effect of sites, habitat, altitude, and dominance except for aspects. Difference in sapling and seedling density among aspects and sites only was significant. Probability of use and resource use index indicated poor preference and less pressure as fuel. It can be concluded that the species is not under any significant threat in the study area. But, further studies on population status, regeneration, and relationship with environmental factors in a wider geographic region are suggested to evaluate species and place under suitable priority category.  相似文献   
AIM: To detect the presence of bovine herpesvirus (BoHV) type 4 in New Zealand dairy cows with clinical metritis.

METHODS: Serum samples taken from 92 dairy cows with clinical metritis, each from a different farm, were tested for the presence of antibodies against BoHV-4 using a commercially available, indirect ELISA. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were collected from 10 BoHV-4 seropositive cows, and PBMC were examined by a pan-herpesvirus nested PCR to detect herpesvirus. PCR products were sequenced directly and a proportion of the PCR products were cloned and sequenced to identify the virus present.

RESULTS: Antibodies to BoHV-4 were detected in 23/92 (25%) serum samples. The pan-herpesvirus PCR was positive in 8/10 PBMC samples. Cloning and sequencing identified that all of the eight PCR-positive PBMC contained bovine lymphotropic herpesvirus (BLHV); no BoHV-4 DNA was detected.

CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the finding of the presence of apparent antibodies to BoHV-4, and BLHV DNA in New Zealand dairy cows affected by metritis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bovine herpesvirus type 4 and BLHV are reported to have the potential to cause reproduction failure in cows. This is the first report of apparent BoHV-4 antibodies, and BLHV in New Zealand. The importance and epidemiology of these viruses in cattle in New Zealand requires further investigation.  相似文献   
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