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A group of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was followed through their first year of maturation and spawning. At monthly intervals, starting with juvenile fish in December, 5–7 fish of each sex were killed, and liver and plasma were sampled. The last sampling point was of spawning fish in November a year later. Variables in the cytochrome P450 (P450) system were studied in hepatic microsomes, and estradiol 17 was measured in the plasma of females to assess the maturational status. The P450 1A1-mediated 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) started at high levels in winter, but decreased to non-detectable activities in pre-spawning females. Decreases, but not to the same extent, were also observed during this period in total cytochrome P450, cytochrome b5, NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, and in the content of two immunochemically determined P450 isozymes. At the same time, LSI levels increased in maturing females (starting in July), and GSI levels increased in both sexes (starting in May). Sex specific differences were observed in pre-spawning fish in September and October, with levels of total P450, b5, NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, EROD and P450 isozymes significantly lower in females. At the same time, plasma estradiol-17 levels reached peak values in females. The results point to the important role of sex steroids such as estradiol-17 as major factors in the regulation of final sexual maturation. However, this study also indicates that there may be estradiol-17 independent events of equal importance in the early stages of gonadal maturation that may involve the P450 system. The changes observed in the P450 system (as a major drug and steroid metabolizing system) of Atlantic salmon during sexual maturation may be of importance both in the endogenous transduction of hormonal signals, and as a pharmacological basis for designing therapeutic treatment of diseases in the aquaculture industry.Parts of this work were presented at the 5th International Symposium on Responses of Marine Organisms to Pollutants, April 1989 in Plymouth, United Kingdom (Larsen and Goks\/oyr 1989).  相似文献   
Aβ (beta-amyloid peptide) is an important contributor to Alzheimer's disease (AD). We modeled Aβ toxicity in yeast by directing the peptide to the secretory pathway. A genome-wide screen for toxicity modifiers identified the yeast homolog of phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein (PICALM) and other endocytic factors connected to AD whose relationship to Aβ was previously unknown. The factors identified in yeast modified Aβ toxicity in glutamatergic neurons of Caenorhabditis elegans and in primary rat cortical neurons. In yeast, Aβ impaired the endocytic trafficking of a plasma membrane receptor, which was ameliorated by endocytic pathway factors identified in the yeast screen. Thus, links between Aβ, endocytosis, and human AD risk factors can be ascertained with yeast as a model system.  相似文献   
The residual frost caps of Mars are probably water-ice. They may be the source of the water vapor associated with seasonal polar hoods. A permanent reservoir of solid CO(2) is also probably present within the north residual cap and may comprise a mass of CO(2) some two to five times that of the present atmosphere of Mars. The martian atmospheric pressure is probably regulated by the temperature of the reservoir and not by the annual heat balance of exposed solid CO(2) (37). The present reservoir temperature presumably reflects a long-term average of the polar heat balance. The question of a large permanent north polar cap is reexamined in light of the Mariner 9 data. The lower general elevation of the north polar region compared to the south and the resulting occurrence in the north of a permanent CO(2) deposit are probably responsible for the differences in size and shape of the two residual caps. The details of the processes involved are less apparent, however. It might be argued that the stability of water-ice deposits depends on both insolation and altitude. The present north and south residual caps should be symmetrically located with respect to such a hypothetical stability field. However, the offset of the south cap from the geometrical pole, the non-symmetrical outline of the north cap, and the apparently uniform thickness of the thin, widespread water-ice all argue against control by simple solid-vapor equilibrium of water under present environmental conditions. We think that the present location of the water-ice may reflect, in part, the past location of the permanent CO(2) reservoir. The extreme stability of polar water-ice deposits increases the likelihood that past environmental conditions may be recorded there. Detailed information on elevations in the vicinity of the residual caps is needed before we can further elucidate the nature and history of the residual caps. This, along with measurements of polar infrared emission, should be given high priority in future missions to Mars. Two conclusions follow from the limitation of the mass of solid CO(2) on Mars at present to two to five times the mass of CO(2) in the atmosphere. If all of this CO(2) was entirely sublimated into the atmosphere as a result of hypothetical astronomical or geophysical effects, the average surface pressure would increase to 15 to 30 mbar. Although such a change would have considerable significance for eolian erosion and transportation, there seems to be little possibility that a sufficiently earthlike atmosphere could result for liquid water to become an active erosional agent, as postulated by Milton (38). The pressure broadening required for a green-house effect requires at least 10 to 20 times more pressure (39). If liquid water was ever active in modifying the martian surface, it must have been at an earlier epoch, before the present, very stable CO(2)/H(2)O system developed. There can be no intermittent earthlike episodes now. Furthermore, the present abundance of CO(2) on Mars may be an indicator of the cumulative evolution of volatiles to the surface of the planet (40). Thus, even the possibility of an earlier earth-like episode is dimmed. On Mars, the total CO(2) definitely outgassed has evidently been about 60 +/- 20 g/cm(2). On the earth, about 70 +/- 30 kg/cm(2) of CO(2) have been released to the surface (41). Hence, the total CO(2) devolved by Mars per unit area is about 0.1 percent of that evolved by the earth. Thus, the observational limits we place on solid CO(2) presently located under the north residual cap also may constitute considerable constraints on the total differentiation and devolatilization of the planet. If they are valid, it would seem unlikely that Mars has devolatilized at all like the earth, or ever experienced an earthlike environment on its surface.  相似文献   
We investigated fecal contamination of Finnish lakes and rivers on the basis of 132 476 observations of total coliform bacteria (TC), thermotolerant coliform bacteria (ThC) and fecal streptococci (FS) enumerated in a nationwide monitoring programme during the period 1962–1984. The number of analyses of TC was 19 672, of ThC 16 456 and of FS 96 348. The waters were classified into three groups, influenced mainly by municipal wastewaters, industrial wastewaters or diffuse loading. Annual median bacterial concentrations were used for presenting the trends. All the concentrations decreased until about 1976, except TC concentrations in the industrialized and diffuse load areas. Since 1976 the concentrations decreased more slowly or occasionally even increased, especially those of TC. In the whole data the dynamics of bacterial loads (CFU s?1) were similar to those of annual median bacterial concentrations. The most probable explanations for the declining bacterial concentrations are increase in the human population served by wastewater treatment plants, improved sewage treatment processes, decreased wastewater volumes of the forest industry and decrease in the number of cattle. The monitoring programme continues.  相似文献   
Stress diffusion along the san andreas fault at parkfield, california   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Beginning in January 1990, the epicenters of microearthquakes associated with a 12-month increase in seismicity near Parkfield, California, moved northwest to southeast along the San Andreas fault. During this sequence of events, the locally variable rate of cumulative seismic moment increased. This increase implies a local increase in fault slip. These data suggest that a southeastwardly diffusing stress front propagated along the San Andreas fault at a speed of 30 to 50 kilometers per year. Evidently, this front did not load the Parkfield asperities fast enough to produce a moderate earthquake; however, a future front might do so.  相似文献   
There are both positive and negative impacts on wildlife associated with wildlife tourism. In Sweden, the endangered Arctic fox is subject to a growing tourist interest. In the Helags mountain region there are guided Arctic fox safari tours that provide visitors with information about the Arctic fox. A survey of five separate groups of visitors in the region revealed that knowledge about the status of Arctic foxes and awareness of the behavioral guidelines for Arctic fox encounters improved after participation in a safari tour and with increasing Arctic fox interaction. We propose a schematic model summarizing the diverse ways in which wildlife tourism affects wildlife and their relative importance for conservation. The Arctic fox population in Sweden is small and sensitive to disturbance, but the positive impacts of Arctic fox tourism seem to compensate for the negative and contribute to their conservation under the current level of tourism pressure.  相似文献   
麻林 《当代农机》2010,(5):34-36
1.国内中轮拖主流产品品牌介绍 通常国内把18.38~44.12 kW(25~60马力)的轮式拖拉机称为中轮拖,比较2009年与2010年的<国家支持推广的农机产品补贴目录>全国通用类产品目录可以发现,与2009年相比,2010年新增了14家大中拖生产企业.目前为止,具有规模化生产能力,进入国家农机补贴目录的中轮拖生产企业已经增加到了50家.  相似文献   
Members of the euryarchaeotal genera Methanolobus and Halobacterium as well as group 1.1c Crenarchaeota were enriched from ectomycorrhizal samples and cultured under anaerobic conditions. 16S rRNA gene sequences of Methanolobus were obtained in a H2 + CO2 atmosphere and autofluorescent putatively methanogenic microbial cells were detected by epifluorescence microscopy of the anaerobic methane-producing enrichment cultures. Halobacterium and group 1.1c Crenarchaeota grew anaerobically when either H2 or CH4 was added to the atmosphere. Group 1.1c Crenarchaeota were also enriched under aerobic conditions on mineral media, but only when methane or methanol was added as carbon sources. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of 1.1c Crenarchaeota grown under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions were highly similar. Our study demonstrates the growth of group 1.1c Crenarchaeota and Halobacteria derived from non-extreme soil environment in non-saline enrichments under anaerobic conditions. The results suggest that 1.1c Crenarchaeota may play a role in the cycling of C-1 substrates in the boreal forest soil ecosystem.  相似文献   
The properties of a white wheat bread could be changed by adding normal or heat‐treated barley flour in small amounts (2 and 4%) to a white wheat bread recipe. Differences regarding gelatinization as well as retrogradation properties were found when analyzing the two flours in model systems. The heat‐treated flour was fully gelatinized due to prior time, temperature, and pressure treatment and could therefore absorb larger amounts of water than the other flours. In gelatinized model systems with 40% flour (dwb), the heat‐treated barley flour contained less retrograded amylopectin as compared with normal barley flour after storage for up to 14 days, whereas no differences were found with 20% flour (dwb). However, stored breads showed an increased retrogradation of amylopectin (as measured by differential scanning calorimetry [DSC]) when 2% pretreated barley flour was added as compared with addition of 2% normal barley flour. On the other hand, there were no significant differences at the 4% level. Addition of either of the barley flours resulted in less firm breads during storage as compared with the control breads. Increased water absorption in barley flour and thus increased water content in the breads or different water‐binding capacities of the flour blends could explain these results. The present study indicated that water had a stronger influence on bread firmness than the retrogradation of amylopectin. This conclusion was based on breads with pretreated barley flour being less firm than breads with normal barley flour, although the retrogradation, as determined by DSC, was higher.  相似文献   
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