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A survey was carried out to determine the prevalence and seasonal abundance of the egg and adult stages of nematode parasites of sheep and goats in the semi-arid zone of north-eastern Nigeria between January and December 2002. Faecal samples collected from 102 sheep and 147 goats and examined by the modified McMaster technique using saturated solution of sodium chloride as the floating medium revealed that 44 (43.1%) and 82 (55.8%) of the samples, respectively, contained at least one nematode egg type. Three nematode egg types were recovered with strongyle egg type (22.5% in sheep and 35.4% in goats) being the most prevalent followed, respectively, by Trichuris (5.9% in sheep and 4.1% in goats) and Strongyloides (4.9% in sheep and 4.1% in goats) egg types. Mean faecal egg counts were generally moderate in both sheep (1052+/-922 strongyle, 1000+/-590 Strongyloides and 380+/-110 Trichuris eggs, respectively, per g of faeces) and goats (2092+/-3475 strongyle, 958+/-854 Strongyloides and 683+/-512 Trichuris eggs, respectively, per g of faeces) and showed the same trend irrespective of the age or sex of the animals. The prevalence and counts of strongyle nematode eggs showed a definite seasonal sequence that corresponded with the rainfall pattern in the study area during the period. In both sheep and goats, counts of strongyle egg type increased with the rains and reached peak levels at about the peak of the rainy season in September. The other egg types encountered during the study did not show much variation with the season of the year. Out of the 45 sheep and 75 goats examined at necropsy, 27 (60%) and 39 (52%), respectively, contained adult nematode species. Seven genera of adult nematodes including Strongyloides, Trichostrongylus, Haemonchus, Trichuris, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Bunostomum species were encountered during the study. Bunostomum species were recorded only in sheep. Adult worm burdens were generally low and showed seasonal variation that corresponded with the rainfall pattern in the study area during the period. Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus species attained peak counts together in both goats (June) and sheep (August). Strongyloides species were encountered throughout the year in both sheep and goats irrespective of the season. Other genera of nematodes encountered occurred in very low numbers and did not allow any meaningful comparison of seasonal sequence. The results suggest that Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus and Strongyloides species may be the major contributors to small ruminant helminthiasis in the study area.  相似文献   
For migratory birds, early arrival and physical condition on the breeding grounds are important determinants of reproductive success and fitness. Differences in arrival times often exceed a month, and later arriving individuals are often in poorer condition. Habitat-specific isotopic signatures indicate that the quality of winter habitats occupied by American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) determines their physical condition and spring departure dates, which in turn result in variable arrival schedules and condition on temperate breeding grounds. These findings link events in tropical winter grounds with those in temperate breeding areas for a migratory songbird and provide evidence that winter habitats may be limiting.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to characterize the daily profile of testosterone secretion and its mean concentrations in the four seasons as well as to evaluate the semen characteristics and testicular biometry of Mangalarga Marchador stallions throughout the year in a tropical region. Three stallions were submitted to semen collections and evaluation of testicular biometry every 14 days along a year. Blood samples were collected once at the middle of each season, in a 20‐min interval during 24 hr in order to evaluate the testosterone secretion profiles among seasons. Testosterone concentrations along the day were higher at the beginning of the afternoon (from 12:00 to 15:00 hr), but a circadian secretion was not clearly observed. Mean testosterone concentrations did not differ among seasons (p > .05), but a pattern of secretion along the day showed variations with higher concentrations in the afternoon during the winter. Ejaculate volume was higher during summer; however, sperm motility decreased in summer and spring. Total sperm in ejaculate, sperm morphology and testicular biometry kept constant along the year showing no differences among the seasons. The results demonstrated that in a tropical region, reproductive aspects of stallions did not show a clearly defined seasonal variation, and months of autumn and winter were not unsuitable for reproduction of the males.  相似文献   
The study of lipids and fatty acids (FAs) has been used in the assessment of egg quality because their composition can influence the fertilization rate, hatching, survival and growth of marine fish larvae. For these reasons, the lipid content (TL) and fatty acid composition of common sole (Solea solea) eggs were measured and correlated to egg and larval viability parameters throughout an entire reproductive season. Seventeen batches of fertile eggs obtained from natural spawning of captive breeders were characterized for the TL, FA profile, hatching rate (HR) and survival rate of larvae (SR) at 0–6 days post‐hatching (dph). The egg FA composition reflected the composition of the feed supplied to the broodstock during summer and autumn (before and during vitellogenesis) rather than that supplied during the spawning season. In general, the egg FA profile showed minimal differences among the early‐, mid‐ and late‐spawning periods (possibly due to the change of the diet and/or water temperature) indicating that it is possible to obtain a similar egg quality in terms of egg FA profile over 2 months of spawning. Saturated FAs and monounsaturated FAs (MUFA) were positively correlated with HR, while TL, 22 : 6n‐3 (DHA), 20 : 4n‐6 (ARA), polyunsaturated FAs of the (n‐3) series (n‐3 PUFA) and polyunsaturated FAs of the (n‐6) series were negatively correlated (p  0.05). MUFA, 20 : 5n‐3 (EPA), n‐6/n‐3 were positively correlated with SR, while DHA, n‐3 PUFA, DHA/EPA were negatively correlated (p  0.05). In conclusion, the feed supplied before and during vitellogenesis has a major role in determining the egg FA profile in common sole. The relationships found between TL and FAs with egg and larval viability parameters differ from many other farmed marine fish species, which may suggest the need for a specific broodstock feed for this species.  相似文献   
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