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Abstract This study describes 26 cats with mosquito bite hypersensitivity. Most were short-haired, free-roaming cats. Typical clinical features were seasonal (summer), symmetric miliary dermatitis on the pinnae. Mosquito bite exposure with Aedes albopictus was performed on the pinnae and the lateral thorax in five cases and three healthy cats. All sites showed weals within 20 min. Papules, which revealed eosinophilic dermatitis, were recognized during a 12–48-h period. The control cats showed only slight and transient erythema after being bitten. Intradermal skin tests with an extract of A. albopictus were performed in three cases, and Prausnitz-Küstner tests under A. albopictus bites were performed in three cases. Both tests showed weals in all cases studied, although papules were not observed. Intradermal skin tests with the control cats, and Prausnitz-Küstner tests with saline and healthy cat serum failed to produce any positive reactions. The findings indicate that mosquito bite hypersensitivity in cats is triggered by a type I hypersensitivity reaction to mosquito antigens. Certain other factors may be involved in the formation of delayed papular reactions. Whether this is a normal or abnormal reaction to mosquito bites is also discussed. Résumé— Cette étude a été réalisée sur 26 chats atteints d'hypersensibilité aux piqûres de moustiques. La plupart des chats sont des chats à poils courts vivant à l'extérieur. Les lésions cliniques sont caractérisées par une dermatite miliaire symétrique sur les pavilions auriculaires survenant l'été. Une exposition aux piqûres de moustique (Aedes albopictus) a été réalisée sur les pavilions auriculaires et sur la face latérale du thorax de 5 chats atteints et de 3 chats sains. Tous les sites d'exposition montrent des reactions à 20 minutes. Ces papules qui traduisent une dermite éosinophilique, persistent pendant 12 à 48 heures. Les chats sains ne montrent qu'un érythème transitoire après la piqûre, des tests d'intradermoréaction avec un extrait d'A. albopictus ont été réalisés dans 3 cas, des tests de Prausnitz-Küstner spécifiques dans 3 cas. Les deux tests montrent des reactions dans tous les cas étudiés bien que des papules ne soient pas observées. Ces tests réalisés sur les chats témoins, ne montrent aucune reaction, positive ou significative. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'hypersensibilité aux piqûres de moustiques chez le chat est regie par une hypersensibilité de type I à divers antigènes de moustique. D'autres facteurs doivent intervenir dans la formation des reactions papuleuses retardées. [Mashiko N, Takuo I. Cutaneous reactivity to mosquito bites and its antigens in cats. (Réactivité cutanée aux piqûres de moustiques et à leurs antigènes chez le chat.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 19–26.] Résumén Este estudio describe 26 gatos con hipersensibilidad a la picadura de mosquito. La mayoria eran gatos en régimen abierto de pelo corto. Las caracteristicas clinicas tipicas fueron dermatitis miliar simétrica estacional (verano) en pabellones auriculares. Se llevó a cabo una exposición a la picadura del mosquito Aedes albopictus en los pabellones y en el tórax lateral en 5 casos y 3 gatos sanos. Todas las zonas mostraron ronchas a los 20 minutos. Aparecieron pápulas con dermatitis eosinofilica a las 12 a 48 horas. Los gatos control mostraron solamente eritema leve y transitorio tras la picadura. Se realizaron pruebas cutáneas intradérmicas con extracto de A. albopictus en 3 casos y pruebas de Prausnitz-Küstner bajo picaduras de A. albopictus en 3 casos. Ambas pruebas mostraron ronchas en todos los casos estudíados, aunque no se observaron pápulas. Las pruebas intracutáneas con los gatos control y las pruebas de Prausnitz-Küstner con suero salino y suero de gatos sanos no causaron reacción positiva. Estos hallazgos indican que la hipersensibilidad a la picadura de mosquito se inicia por una hipersensibilidad de tipo I a antigenos del mosquito. Otros factores pueden estar implicados en la formación de reacciones papulares retardadas. Se discute si esta es una reacción normal o anormal a la picadura de mosquito. [Mashiko N, Takuo I. Cutaneous reactivity to mosquito bites and its antigens in cats. (Reactividad cutanea a las picaduras de mosquito y sus antigenos en el gato.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 19–26.] Zusammenfassung— Diese Studie beschreibt 26 Katzen mit Mückenstichhypersensibilität. Die meisten der Tiere waren kurzhaarig und hatten Freilauf. Die typischen klinischen Bilder bestanden in säsonaler (Sommer), symmetrischer miliarer Dermatitis an den Ohrmuschein. Es wurde eine Exposition auf Mückenstiche mit Aedes albopictus an den Ohrmischein und am lateralen Thorax bei 5 Patienten und 3 gesunden Katzen durchgeführt. Alle Stellen zeigten Quaddeln innerhalb von 20 Minuten. Papeln, die eine eosinophile Dermatitis enthüllten, wurden nach einer Zeitspanne von 12 bis 48 Stunden gesehen. Die Kontrollkatzen zeigten ein nur leichtes und transientes Erythem nach dem Biß. Intradermale Hauttests mit einem Extrakt von A. albopictus wurden in 3 Fallen durchgeführt und Prausnitz-Küstner-Tests unter A. albopictus-Bissen wurden in 3 Fallen durchgeführt. Beide Tests zeigten Quaddeln in alien untersuchten Fallen, obwohl Papeln nicht beobachtet wurden. In den intradermalen Hauttests bei den Kontrollkatzen und Prausnitz-Küstner-Tests mit Kochsalz-Lösung und Serum gesunder Katzen gelang es nicht, irgendweiche positiven Reaktionen zu erzeugen. Diese Befunde zeigen, daß Mückenstichhypersensibilität bei Katzen durch eine Typ 1-Hypersensibilitätsreaktion auf Mückenantigene ausgelöst wird. Bestimmte andere Faktoren können in die Bildung von verzögerten papulären Reaktionen miteinbezogen sein. Ob dies eine normale oder unnormale Reaktion auf Mückenstiche ist, wird ebenfalls diskutiert. [Mashiko N, Takuo I. Cutaneous reactivity to mosquito bites and its antigens in cats. (Hautreaktivität auf Mückenstiche und Antigene bei der Katze.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 19–26.]  相似文献   
Abstract— Two Pugs and two Miniature Schnauzers with multiple pigmented epidermal nevi were investigated. The four dogs had pigmented cutaneous maculae and plaques. Histopathological evaluation showed papillated or digitated epidermal hyperplasia with hypermelanosis and giant keratohyalin granules in the stratum granulosum. Immunohistochemical staining revealed papillomavirus group-specific antigen in the skin specimens from all four dogs. Electron microscopic study of the specimens from two dogs revealed numerous round viral particles within the nuclei of the keratinocytes in the upper stratum granulosum. It was suspected that papillomavirus was the etiologic agent of the lesions, and that Pugs and Miniature Schnauzers might be predisposed to infection. These findings indicate this canine dermatosis resembles epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) of humans, a rare chronic disease caused by human papillomavirus. The potential for transformation of the lesions to squamous cell carcinoma is also suspected and discussed. Résumé— Deux Carlins et deux Schnauzers nains présentant de multiples naevi épidermiques pigmentés sont examinés. Les quatre chiens présentent des macules et des plaques pigmentées. Les lésions histopathologiques montrent une hyperplasie épidermique papillaire ou digitée avec une hypermélanose et la présence de grains de kératohyaline dans le stratum corneum. Les colorations immunohistochimiques révèlent des antigènes spécifiques du groupe des papillomas virus dans les biopsies des quatre chiens. L'étude ultrastructurale à partir des biopsies de deux chiens montrent de nombreuses particules virales rondes dans les noyaux des kératinocytes des couches supérieures du stratum granulosum. II a été suspecté que le papilloma virus était l'agent causal des lésions et que les Carlins et les Schnauzers nains pouvaient être prédisposés à cette infection. Ces éléments font que cette dermatose observée chez le chien ressemble à l'épidermodysplasie verruciforme de l'homme, une dermatose chronique rare causée par un papilloma virus humain. La potentialité de transformation des lésions en épithélioma spinocellulaire est aussi suspectée et discutée. [Nagata, M., Nanko, H., Moriyama, A., Washizu, T., Ishida, T. Pigmented plaques associated with papilloma virus infection in dogs: Is this epidermodysplasia verruciformis? (Plaques hyperpigmentées associées à une infection à papilloma virus chez le chien: est-ce épidermodysplasie verruciforme?). Resumen— Se investigó dos perros de raza Pug y dos de raza Schnauzer Miniatura con múltiples nevos epidérmicos pigmentados. Los cuatro perros presentaban máculas y placas cutáneas pigmentadas. El estudio histológico mostró hiperplasia epitelial con papilas y digitaciones, así como hipermelanosis y gránules de queratohialina gigantes en el estrato granuloso. Las tinciones immunohistoquimicas detectaron antígeno grupo-específico de papilomavirus en las muestras de los cuatro animales. Mediante estudios de microscopía electrónica en muestras de dos de los perros se observaron numerosas particulas virales redondas en el núcleo de los queratinocitos más superficiales del estrato granuloso. Se sospechó que Papilomavirus era el agente etiológico de estas lesiones y que los Pugs y los Schnauzer Miniatura podrian estar predispuestos a la infección. Estos hallazgos indican que esta dermatosis canina es parecida a la Epidermodisplasia Verruciforme (EV) de la especie humana, una enfermedad crónica rara causada por el Papilomavirus Humano. Se sospecha y discute la posible transformación de estas lesiones a carcinoma de células planas. [Nagata, M., Nanko, H., Moriyama, A., Washizu, T., Ishida, T. Pigmented plaques associated with papilloma virus infection in dogs: Is this epidermodysplasia verruciformis? (Placas pigmentadas asociadas con infección por papillomavirus en el perro: se trata de epidermodisplasia verruciforme?)  相似文献   
We developed an analytical method using an on-line column-switching liquid chromatography with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) for quantifying multiple steroids in serum. Using the developed method, we evaluated the serum concentration of nine steroids (cortisol, corticosterone, cortisone, 11-deoxycortisol, 21-deoxycortisol, deoxycorticosterone, progesterone, 17α-OH-progesterone and aldosterone) in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism (HAC). Serum was mixed with stable isotope internal standards and thereafter purified by the automated column-switching system. The limit of detection ranged 2–16 pg/ml for nine steroids. In the baseline samples, five steroids (cortisol, corticosterone, cortisone, 11-deoxycortisol, and 17α-OH-progesterone) were detected in all dogs. The concentrations of cortisone, 11-deoxycortisol, and 17α-OH-progesterone in dogs with HAC (n=19) were significantly higher those in dogs without HAC (n=15, P<0.02). After the adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test, six steroids (cortisol, corticosterone, cortisone, 11-deoxycortisol, 17α-OH-progesterone, and deoxycorticosterone) were above the limit of quantification in all dogs. Cortisol, corticosterone, cortisone, and deoxycorticosterone concentrations of dogs with HAC were significantly higher than those of dogs without HAC (P<0.02). In addition, 11-deoxycortisol and 17α-OH-progesterone concentration was higher in dogs with HAC than in dogs without HAC (P=0.044 and P=0.048, respectively). The on-line column-switching LC/MS/MS would be feasible for measuring multiple steroids in dog serum. The results suggest that cortisone, 11-deoxycortisol, and 17α-OH-progesterone would be related to HAC. Further studies are warranted to assess the clinical feasibility of steroid profile in dogs with HAC.  相似文献   
不同栽培法和收割期对甘蔗单产及含糖量影响的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究利用1975~2008年33年间日本南大东岛甘蔗生产数据, 分析了甘蔗栽培方法[新苗种植(包括夏植和春植)、宿根]和收割时期对其产量、品质和经济性的影响.结果表明, 不同栽培法甘蔗多年平均产量依次为夏植>宿根>春植; 新植甘蔗的种植期越早产量越高; 宿根甘蔗产量与前茬甘蔗的收割期呈二次函数曲线关系, 前茬甘蔗收割过早或过迟均对宿根甘蔗生长不利; 宿根甘蔗产量随宿根次数增加呈下降趋势; 宿根甘蔗含糖量通常高于新植甘蔗, 且不同栽培法下3月下旬前收获的甘蔗含糖量随收割期后延而逐渐增加.在此基础上, 建立了依据栽培方法、收割时期预测甘蔗单产和含糖量的数学模型, 模型对我国甘蔗种植业具有理论和实际的参考价值.  相似文献   
引种日本落叶松原生种源及优树半同胞家系苗期试验初报   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
引种日本落叶松原生种源及优树半同胞家系苗期试验研究结果表明:原生种源问高生长具有明显差异,确定松本、伊那、日光为优良种源;家系间的高生长也具有明显差异,确定县诹访1号等20个家系为优良家系;原生种源的遗传变异幅度极大,具有相当的遗传改良潜力和遗传资源保存价值。  相似文献   
The urinary corticoid to creatinine ratio (UCCR) is one of the most commonly used screening tests for canine hypercortisolism (HC). In this study, a reference interval was established for UCCR using IMMULITE 2000 XPi, the latest chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay. The diagnostic performance of this method for UCCR in canine HC was also evaluated. The median UCCR was 1.06 × 10−5 (range: 0.28–2.49) for 58 healthy dogs, and an upper reference limit of 1.98 × 10−5 (90% confidence interval: 1.76–2.15) was determined. The median UCCR in the 12 dogs with HC (7.38 × 10−5, range 1.86–29.98) was significantly higher than that in the 16 dogs with mimic-HC (1.59 × 10−5, range 0.47–3.42, P<0.001). The area under the curve for UCCR to differentiate HC dogs from mimic-HC dogs was 0.971, with a sensitivity of 91.7% and specificity of 100% when the cut-off value was set at 3.77 × 10−5. The UCCR of 16 paired urine samples collected at home and in hospital showed that the UCCR of samples collected in the hospital was significantly higher than that of samples collected at home (mean difference 3.30 × 10−5, 95% confidence interval: 0.70–5.90, P=0.001). In summary, we established the upper reference limit for UCCR using IMMULITE 2000 XPi in dogs and confirmed that UCCR is a useful diagnostic test for HC in dogs if urine samples are collected at home.  相似文献   
In north-east Thailand where rainfed paddy cultivation is commonplace, direct dry seeding is replacing transplanting to increase the frequency of successful plantings and to save labor. The present study shows the impact of this change on paddy vegetation from agricultural and ecological viewpoints. One hundred and seventy-nine paddy fields from a wide range of climatic, topography, soil and hydrological conditions were used in this study. Authors visited these fields every 3 weeks during the rainy seasons of 1996–1998 to collect data about water conditions, rice growth, progress of cultivation, paddy vegetation and roughness (unevenness) of the soil surface. Analysis of this data revealed that direct dry seeded fields are resource-poor and have a wider range of water conditions within a field than transplanted fields due to a rougher soil surface. This results in lower productivity of total vegetation for rice growing in direct dry seeded fields. However, weed productivity was not significantly different between the direct dry seeding and transplanted fields. Direct dry seeded fields have more species-rich vegetation and greater diversity than the transplanted fields. Previous planting methods for particular fields did not influence productivity and diversity of paddy vegetation. It is concluded that the use of direct dry seeding increases biomass production of rice and the diversity of the paddy vegetation. The present results also suggest that an analytical framework be used to integrate agricultural and ecological studies of paddy vegetation in order to harmonize agricultural productivity with biological diversity.  相似文献   
A 13-year-old intact Pomeranian bitch presented with a 2-month history of abdominal distension and anorexia. Ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed a large tumor in the abdominal cavity without metastases. The tumor was surgically resected and histopathologically characterized by spindle-shaped to atypical-shaped neoplastic cells with basophilic stroma in the omental adipose tissue. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the neoplastic cells were positive for vimentin but negative for cytokeratin, S-100 protein, and α-SMA. The bitch was diagnosed as a myxosarcoma arising from the greater omentum. Postoperatively, metronomic chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide and piroxicam was initiated. The tumor recurred on postoperative day 49. Although the bitch died 102 days after the initial examination, her general condition was maintained until death.  相似文献   
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