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From 1978 to 1991, biomass and abundance have declined in members of the marine fish community on the Newfoundland-Labrador Shelf. This decline was common to all commercial groundfish and to many noncommercial ones as well. Since about 1985, the biomass decline has been accompanied by major shifts in the geographic distribution of almost every species. Some species disappeared from inshore, others disappeared from the north, and others did both. Some species appear to have had major shifts in abundance (north to south or inshore to offshore) whereas other species exhibited a biomass decline in one area but maintained a rather uniform level in others. Multivariate analysis of groundfish survey data identified four groundfish assemblage areas on the shelf, i.e. areas characterized by a homogeneous faunal composition. Distribution patterns of the assemblages remained relatively stable from 1978 until 1987, but have entered a period of dramatic change since then. Changes in the distribution patterns of individual species anticipated changes at the community level. Intense exploitation of groundfish is the most likely explanation for the decline of fish biomass on the Newfoundland-Labrador Shelf. The shifts in distribution observed, however, suggest that broad-scale environmental effects may also be at work.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the role played by the cognitive dimension of social capital on knowledge acquisition in clustered firms. We have applied a structural model to an empirical survey of the Spanish footwear industry. Findings detect a significant indirect effect of the district membership on knowledge acquisition through cognitive social capital development. In contrast with the assumption of direct and free access to common knowledge in territorial agglomerations, findings suggested that knowledge access depends on the capacity of the firms to share visions, goals, values, and culture with other actors in the local neighborhood. The social capital perspective provides a solid base to explain heterogeneity among firm members in the industrial district in order to access common knowledge and capacities. Findings suggested that institutions involved in a district must favour efforts to boost the collective representation as well as common goals and vision.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The spatial distribution of manufacturing in the regions of the European Union over the period 1977–1999 is examined in this article, using a series of nonparametric instruments proposed within the framework of the economic growth literature. These enable us to overcome some of the methodological limitations of the studies of this issue that have appeared to date. The results obtained reveal an increase in geographic concentration in most industrial activities during the whole of the period considered, the relevance of which has been especially important coinciding with the progress made in the economic integration process currently underway in Europe. Indeed, the empirical evidence presented in this respect suggests that this trend will continue in the future. Additionally, the observed degree of intrasectoral mobility is relatively low. Nevertheless, these findings reveal that the probability of further growth or decline in a given sector within a particular region is greater in those areas with an intermediate presence of the sector in question.  相似文献   
We describe the use of ultrasonography‐guided percutaneous splenic injection of agitated saline and heparinized blood for the diagnosis of portosystemic shunts (PSS) in 34 dogs. Agitated saline mixed with 1 ml of heparinized autologous blood was injected into the spleen of 34 sedated dogs under sonographic guidance. The transducer was then sequentially repositioned to visualize the portal vein, the caudal vena cava, and the right atrium through different acoustic windows. It was possible to differentiate between intrahepatic and extrahepatic shunts depending on the entry point of the microbubbles into the caudal vena cava. Portoazygos shunts and portocaval shunts could be differentiated based on the presence of microbubbles in the caudal vena cava and/or the right atrium. In one dog, collateral circulation due to portal hypertension was identified. In dogs with a single extrahepatic shunt, the microbubbles helped identify the shunting vessel. The technique was also used postoperatively to assess the efficacy of shunt closure. All abnormal vessels were confirmed by exploratory laparotomy or with ultrasonographic identification of the shunting vessel. Ultrasound‐guided transsplenic injection of agitated saline with heparinized blood should be considered as a valuable technique for the diagnosis of PSS; it is easy to perform, safe, and the results are easily reproducible.  相似文献   
The head of a newborn dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), that died shortly after birth was imaged using computed tomography (CT). Gross cross-sectional slices of the head were compared with the CT images to identify normal structures of the cranium, brain, and respiratory and digestive pathways. Labelled transverse CT images of the dolphin head are presented sequentially as a reference for normal anatomy.  相似文献   
We assessed the ability of the resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) to allow differentiation between normal, reactive, and neoplastic lymph nodes. Forty-seven medial iliac and 54 mesenteric lymph nodes from 83 dogs were evaluated sonographically. A cytologic sample was obtained in each dog that allowed categorization into one of the categories defined above. We found a significant difference in the RI and PI in nonneoplastic vs. neoplastic medial iliac and mesenteric lymph nodes. Values higher than 0.67 for the RI and 1.02 for the PI in medial iliac lymph nodes and higher than 0.76 for the RI and 1.23 for the PI in mesenteric lymph nodes had a high sensitivity and specificity for differentiating benign from neoplastic lymph nodes.  相似文献   
Water extracts that were obtained from the flowers and phyllodes of Acacia melanoxylon were used to determine their allelopathic potential in relation to the germination and seedling growth of the native species, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), and common sorrel (Rumex acetosa), as well as a general biotest specie, lettuce (Lactuca sativa), in laboratory bioassays. The flowers and phyllodes of A. melanoxylon were soaked separately in distilled water in a ratio of 1:1 (w/v) for 24 h in order to prepare the aqueous extracts. Distilled water was used as the control. The seeds of the target species were germinated in Petri dishes and counted daily for up to 7 days. The A. melanoxylon flower extract (100%, 75%, and 50%) decreased the seed germination of D. glomerata, R. acetosa, L. perenne, and L. sativa. The flower extract caused the most reduction in the germination index and germination speed in D. glomerata, L. perenne, and L. sativa. The mean LC50 value of the A. melanoxylon flower and phyllode extracts in relation to the germination inhibition of L. perenne was 43% and 41%, respectively, 40% and 38%, respectively, in R. acetosa, and 53% and 41%, respectively, in L. sativa. All four concentrations of the flower extract proved to be more phytotoxic than the phyllode extract, reducing the root length of all four species, while the phyllode extract decreased the root length of L. perenne and R. acetosa at the 100% concentration. The L. perenne and D. glomerata grass seeds were more sensitive regarding germination, as compared to L. sativa and R. acetosa. The flower aqueous extract of A. melanoxylon was more phytotoxic, as compared to the phyllode aqueous extract, even at the lowest concentration (25%).  相似文献   
The existence of hypothyroidism in greyhounds remains controversial and its investigation is complicated by the low circulating thyroid hormone concentrations typically found in healthy dogs of this breed. Quantitative measurement of thyroidal technetium-99m pertechnetate (99mTcO4) uptake is known to be useful in assessing thyroid function in other breeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid scintigraphy as a method of assessing thyroid function in greyhounds suspected of primary hypothyroidism. Twenty greyhounds (eight females, 12 males) were studied. Thirteen had bald thigh syndrome and seven poor performance and low total T4. Total T4 concentrations were decreased in 18 (90%), and free T4 in two (10%) dogs. All canine thyroid stimulating hormone concentrations were within the reference interval. Thyroidal 99mTcO4 uptake values (mean ± SD, 0.76 ± 0.26%) were within the reference limits published for euthyroid dogs (0.39–1.86%) making hypothyroidism highly unlikely. There were no significant differences ( P <0.05) when comparing data between dogs with bald thigh syndrome (13 dogs) and the remaining dogs (seven dogs). Seventeen (85%) dogs had higher uptake in the left thyroid gland than in the right that might reflect an anatomic feature of the greyhound breed. Calculation of percent thyroidal uptake of 99mTcO4 is more accurate than thyroid:salivary gland ratios because of high variability in salivary gland uptake. Percent thyroidal uptake of 99mTcO4 should be used when assessing thyroid function scintigraphically in the greyhound breed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The geography of financial exclusion has mainly focused on exclusion from retail banking. Alternatively, and following the work of David Harvey, this paper presents a geography of access to and exclusion from home mortgage finance. The case of Milan shows that capital switching to the built environment is partly a sign of economic crisis and partly a sign of the intrinsic opportunities that the built environment provides. A major factor in both is the deregulation of the mortgage market that has enabled the loosening of historically stringent lending criteria, leading to a tremendous growth of the mortgage market, while leaving the co‐evolution of family and home ownership intact. In addition, capital switches within sectors of the economy and between places. In Milan, once “unattractive” but currently gentrified nineteenth‐century districts underwent cycles of devalorisation and revalorisation. Even though access to mortgages has increased throughout Milan, geographical disparities in mortgage lending persist: at present, yellowlining (differential access, based on less favourable terms) is common in parts of the Milanese periphery. The creation of boundaries makes the realisation of class‐monopoly rent possible; while the subsequent redrawing of these boundaries creates new submarkets in which surplus value can be extracted. Based on the Milan case, one cannot explain the timing and geography of formation and reformation of submarkets in other cities, but it helps us to see how Harvey's abstract ideas of class‐monopoly rent, submarket creation, and capital switching take place in the real world.  相似文献   
Different stock–recruitment models were fitted to North Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) recruitment and spawning stock biomass data. A classical density dependence hypothesis, a recent environmental‐dependence hypothesis and a combination of both were considered. For the latter case, four stock–environment–recruitment models were used: Ricker, Beverton‐Holt, Deriso's General Model (modified to take into account environmental effects) and conditioned Neural Networks. Cross‐validation analysis showed that the modified Deriso model had the best predictive capability. It detected an inverse effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on recruitment, a Ricker‐type behaviour with density dependent overcompensation when environmental conditions are unfavourable and a Beverton–Holt‐type behaviour towards an asymptotic recruitment carrying capacity with favourable environmental conditions. The Neural Network model also detected that under favourable environmental conditions high spawning stock biomass does not necessarily have a depensatory effect on recruitment. Moreover, they suggest that under extremely favourable environmental conditions, albacore recruitment could increase well above the asymptotic carrying capacity predicted by Beverton–Holt‐type models. However, the general decrease in spawning stock biomass in recent years and increasing NAO trends suggest that there is low probability of exceptionally large recruitment in the future and instead there is a danger of recruitment overfishing.  相似文献   
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