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Forty-seven healthy, owned dogs were vaccinated with Madivak and 85 with Rabisin. Geometric mean titres of 17.40 and 1.03 IU/ml were measured by the rapid immunofluorescent focus inhibition test 30–40 and 350–370 days, respectively, after a single injection. Four out of 130 (3.1%) and 18 out of 106 (17% ) dogs had a titre of less than 0.5 IU/ml in serum 30–40 and 350–370 days after vaccination. Twenty-one dogs (19.8%) had a titre of 0.5 IU/ml 350–370 days after vaccinaton. There was no significant difference in antibody levels between animals vaccinated with Rabisin or Madivak. Our results indicate that a booster is always necessary after a single injection to ensure that all dogs have a lasting antibody titre.  相似文献   
Humus chemistry and respiration rate, ATP, ergosterol, and muramic acid concentration as measures of chemical properties, microbial activity, biomass, and indicators of fungal and bacterial biomass were studied in a long-term acid rain experiment in the far north of Finnish Lapland. The treatments used in this study were dry control, irrigated control (spring water, pH 6), and two levels of simulated acid rain (pH 4 and pH 3). Originally (1985–1988), simulated acid rain was prepared by adding both H2SO4 and HNO3 (1.9:1 by weight). In 1989 the treatments were modified as follows. In subarea 1 the treatments continued unchanged (H2SO4+HNO3 in rain to pH 4 and pH 3), but in subarea 2 only H2SO4 was applied. The plots were sampled in 1992. The acid application affected humus chemistry by lowering the pH, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation (due to a decrease in Ca and Mg) in the treatment with H2SO4+HNO3 to pH 4 (total proton load over 8 years 2.92 kmol ha-1), whereas the microbial variables were not affected at this proton load, and only the respiration rate decreased by 20% in the strongest simulated acid rain treatment (total proton load 14.9 kmol ha-1). The different ratios of H2SO4+HNO3 in subareas 1 and 2 did not affect the results.  相似文献   
Ant–aphid mutualisms, in which ants tend aphids, which in turn provide honeydew to the ants, are widespread and have been shown to affect plant growth. In boreal forests the effect of ant–aphid mutualism on tree growth can vary with stand age, because forest clear-cutting harms the ecologically most dominant ant partner in such mutualisms, wood ants (Formica rufa group). We studied whether the mutualism between wood ants and Cinara aphids affects the growth of boreal Norway spruces (Picea abies L. Karst.) in stands of different ages. In boreal forests, conifers, unlike deciduous trees, have only few defoliating insects, and therefore we expected the growth loss of conifers due to sap sucking by aphids not to be compensated by reduced insect herbivory due to predation by wood ants. The study was conducted in medium-fertile spruce-dominated stands in eastern Finland. We used stands of four different age classes (5, 30, 60 and 100 years) and selected ten spruces heavily visited and ten spruces lightly visited by ants around five medium-sized ant mounds in each stand age class. The access of ants was blocked on half of the trees in both groups. In the 5-year-old stands, the mean annual height growth of individual heavily visited seedlings was 16.3% greater than in the ones where ant traffic was blocked, but this difference was not significant. In the 30-year-old stands, the mean annual radial growth of the heavily visited spruces was 7.3% smaller than in trees where ant traffic was blocked, and this difference was significant. The mutualism had no significant effect on the radial growth in the 60- and 100-year-old stands. In the 60-year-old stands, however, the spruces that were visited heavily prior to the beginning of the study grew significantly less relative to their past growth than the initially lightly visited trees during the study. This suggests that the ant–aphid mutualism may have long-term effects on tree growth. The ant–aphid mutualism had no significant effect on the growth at the stand level. The results indicate that ant–aphid mutualism can have a significant effect on the growth of individual spruces, but the effect is negligible at ecosystem level.  相似文献   
The Palaearctic leaf beetle Chrysomela lapponica usually feeds upon willows in the northern region of its occurrence. However, in Central Europe, some populations are known that have specialised on birch. In this study, we investigated the significance of other herbivores occurring together on the same host plants as possible exploitative competitors of C. lapponica. Two populations were studied: a population from Finland specialised on the willow Salix borealis, and a population from the Czech Republic, specialised on the birch Betula pubescens. Abundances of folivorous and suctivorous insects on both host plants were recorded at both population sites. The willow leaf beetle Phratora vitellinae was the most abundant herbivorous insect at both study sites on willow. A field study was conducted to examine the effects of P. vitellinae on the performance of C. lapponica. The presence of P. vitellinae larvae on the same twig upon which C. lapponica larvae were feeding did not affect increase of body weight in C. lapponica larvae. Thus, the high resource availability of both willows and birches suggest that interspecific competition is unlikely to be a selection factor driving the evolution of host shift in C. lapponica.  相似文献   
Chlamydial complement fixing antibodies were followed in 5 small Finnish dairy herds. All 53 animals in the herds were bled. In herds A, B, C and D the blood samples were collected in May and in the following autumn after the pasturing period and in herd E over a period of 2 years at about 1 ½-month intervals. The frequencies of positive reactions among the adults and the calves younger than 1 year did not differ significantly from each other, but there were considerable seasonal variations in the frequencies. The highest frequency was found during springtime and early summer and the lowest in autumn.  相似文献   
The occurrence and distribution of certain enteropathogenic organisms and the manifestation of diarrhea, especially in relation to colostral management, were studied in neonatal calves of eight southern Finnish dairy herds with recurrent outbreaks of enteric disturbances. The fecal samples were obtained from the calves and were provided by the farmers. Potentially pathogenic agents were demonstrated in 52 of the 68 calves studied. Cryptosporidium was found in 36 of them while rotavirus was found in 29 and Escherichia coli in 15 of them, either singly or in combination. Salmonella, coronavirus or parvovirus were not detected in any of the calves. Twenty-six of the 36 calves contracted their Cryptosporidium infection and 18 of the 29 calves their rotavirus infection within the first week of life.

Eighteen of the 52 infected calves developed diarrhea of microbial origin within 20 days of age; the most frequent finding was mixed infection with Cryptosporidium and rotavirus. In addition there were six diarrheic calves where no infection could be demonstrated. Only 10 of the 68 calves had neither infections nor diarrhea. There was a highly significant difference between the mean times of the first colostral feeding of the uninfected non-diarrheic and diarrheic calves and a significant difference between the mean times of the first colostral feeding of the subclinically infected and diarrheic calves. The importance of sucking of colostrum at the first feeding was observed. The smallest amount protecting the calves from infections was 0.75 1 given within 1 h of delivery.  相似文献   

Enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) was recognized among Finnish cattle in 1966. Administrative decisions specifying and refining official control measures were given in 1966, 1976, 1980, and 1993. The measures' key principle always has been 'test and slaughter'. The EBL/bovine leukosis virus (BLV) infection situation was monitored at meat inspection, and hematologically between 1970 and 1977 and serologically between 1978 and 1989. Annual surveys including all dairy herds and samples from beef animals were conducted in 1990-2001. Bulk-tank milk samples represented the dairy herds in the surveys; the beef animals were sampled individually at slaughter. The maximum positive herd-level percentage in the surveys was 0.03%. EBL/BLV infection was evenly dispersed in the southern part of the country and nonexistent in the northern part. We conclude that herd-level prevalence of EBL/BLV infection never exceeded 5%. It nevertheless took 30 years to eradicate the disease and the infection. EBL was eradicated from mainland Finland in 1996 and from the island district of Ahvenanmaa in 1999. Annual monitoring of the EBL situation continues.  相似文献   
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