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Purely symbiotic and NO3-fed nodulated seedlings of Virgilia oroboides (Bergius) T.M. Salter, Cyclopia maculata (L.) Vent and Podalyria calyptrata Willd. were exposed to biologically effective ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) to assess the effects of above- and below-ambient UV-B on growth, symbiotic function and metabolite concentrations. Seedlings were grown outdoors either on tables under ambient or 34 or 66% above-ambient UV-B conditions (UV-B100 control, UV-B134 and UV-B166, respectively), or in chambers providing below-ambient (22% of ambient) UV-B (UV-B22) along with a UV-A control and a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) control. Exposure of seedlings to UV-B166 radiation reduced (P < or = 0.05) leaf and stem dry mass by 34 and 39%, respectively, in C. maculata, and reduced leaf nitrogen concentration (%N) by 12% in V. oroboides. Nodule %N in C. maculata and stem %N in P. calyptrata also decreased (P < or = 0.05) in response to UV-B22 radiation compared with the UV-A control, but not compared with the PAR control. Concentrations of flavonoids, soluble sugars and starch were unaltered by the UV-B treatments. Application of 1 mM NO3 to UV-B166-treated seedlings increased whole-plant dry mass of V. oroboides and P. calyptrata by 47 and 52%, respectively. Dry mass of organs, nodule %N and total N concentration of these species also increased with NO3 application. However, NO3 supply decreased (P < or = 0.05) nodule dry mass, stem %N and leaf %N as well as root and leaf anthocyanin concentrations in C. maculata. In terms of UV-B x N interactions, dry mass of stems, roots, nodules and total biomass of NO3-fed C. maculata seedlings were reduced, and nodule %N, total N and leaf anthocyanins were depressed by the UV-B134 and UV-B166 treatments relative to UV-B100-treated seedlings. Although we found that above-ambient UV-B had no effects on growth and symbiotic function of V. oroboides and P. calyptrata seedlings, feeding NO3 to these species increased (P < or = 0.05) seedling growth. In contrast, purely symbiotic C. maculata seedlings were sensitive to the UV-B166 radiation treatment, and adding NO3 further increased their sensitivity to both the UV-B134 and UV-B166 treatments.  相似文献   
Growth and survival of 0+ perch were studied in 4 ponds with the topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) and without it. In the end of April, all ponds were stocked by free-swimming perch larvae (120,000 ind ha?1). In June, topmouth gudgeon was introduced as forage fish (40 kg ha?1) into two of the experimental ponds. Topmouth gudgeon significantly influenced neither the total abundance of zooplankton nor the abundance of its groups (Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda). The most important food item for perch (TL > 29 mm) was macroinvertebrates (especially Chironomidae). In the ponds with topmouth gudgeon, copepods and cladocerans were more important than in ponds without it. Specific growth rate of perch was 0.01 mm day?1 in all ponds. Final mean total length (TL ± SD) of perch was 73 ± 13 and 70 ± 6 mm in the ponds with topmouth gudgeon and without it, respectively. Only 1 % of the perch reached higher TL than that recorded in the ponds without the topmouth gudgeon. Survival rate of perch varied from 12 to 36 % depending on ponds. Piscivory was recorded in all ponds from the age of 57 days (post-stocking); however, perch siblings were preferred to topmouth gudgeon. The highest asymptotic growth (L∞ = 88 mm) was calculated in the pond stocked with topmouth gudgeon. This corresponded with the highest cannibalism and lowest survival rate (12 %). Perch growth rate increased till 42–53 days of perch age and then started to decrease. There was no significant influence of potential prey fish (topmouth gudgeon) on the growth of 0+ perch; however, two size cohorts were found in the ponds with the topmouth gudgeon. Presence or absence of littoral macrophytes seems to be more substantial for rearing perch in ponds than stocking with the prey fish.  相似文献   
The immune responses in control dogs [1 to 4 years of age, body condition score (BCS): 4 to 5 out of 9] were compared to those of aging dogs (based on breed and body size) either categorized as lean (BCS: 4 to 5 out of 9) or obese (BCS: 8 to 9 out of 9). Of interest were the serum titers to the following common agents found in vaccines, canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV), canine parvovirus (CPV), canine distemper virus (CDV), canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV), and Bordetella bronchiseptica. There were no statistical differences in the antibodies to CPIV, B. bronchispetica, and CRCoV, among the age/weight categories, nor among the age/weight categories and the time, in days, between the date of sample collection and the date of the last recorded vaccination for CPIV, B. bronchiseptica, CPV, and CDV. For CPV, the control dogs had significantly (P < 0.002) higher serum neutralization (SN) titers than the lean geriatric dogs and the obese geriatric dogs. For CDV SN titers, the only statistically significant (P = 0.01) difference was that the control dogs had higher SN titers than the lean geriatric dogs.  相似文献   
The annual dynamics of fish assemblage in a pond-connecting canal of a South Moravian pond aquaculture facility was studied to reveal potential assemblage effects on pond stocks and vice versa. The species richness of fish assemblage and seasonal dynamics of its development were predominantly dependent upon the fish stock of the interconnected ponds (particularly due to escapees during the period of pond harvesting), which contributed to a considerable increase of commercial fish species occurrence. Using a seasonal parameter, the season proved to have a major impact on fish assemblage dynamics (r = −0.71, P < 0.001). Spring samples were dominated by commercial fishes of aquaculture origin (mainly Cyprinus carpio). Occurrence of several fish species originating from the wild (bleak, Alburnus alburnus, chub, Leuciscus cephalus and roach, Rutilus rutilus) was also reported. The pond canal was found to be an important reservoir site of persistent survival and potential subsequent spreading of some undesirable alien fishes such as topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) and gibel carp (Carrasius auratus). Moreover, more attention should be paid to the potential negative impacts of all fishes of aquaculture origin upon the natural ecosystem and to the adverse effects due to the immigration of wild fish into aquaculture pond farming units.  相似文献   
Seven isolates of pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) were compared on selectedPisum sativum L. differentials and by microprecipitin and SDS-gel serology and particle length. All isolates were characterized by 750 nm particle-length modes and were closely related serologically, but some were readily distinguished onP. sativum differentials. Isolate distinctions were of the magnitude typical for virus strains. Differentials, diversePisum germplasm from U.S. Plant Introduction accessions, provided a practical means of PSbMV strain differentiation.Samenvatting Tussen 1966 en 1970 zijn in verschillende landen virussen gerapporteerd, die bij erwt met zaad overgaan, maar in verschillende opzichten leken te verschillen. Isolaten uit Japan en de USA bleken serologisch nauw aan elkaar verwant, zo niet identiek te zijn. Daarom werd de internationale naam pea seed-borne mosaic virus voorgesteld. In Nederland was het virus beschreven onder de naam erwterolmozaïekvirus.Zeven isolaten van het virus uit de USA, Japan, Tsjechoslowakije en Nederland zijn nader met elkaar vergeleken in reactie op geselecteerde differentiërende rassen van erwt (Pisum sativum) en op enkele andere plantessorten, en in serologische eigenschappen zowel als in deeltjeslengte.Serologisch waren de isolaten niet van elkaar te onderscheiden, wel echter van het verwante bonescherpmozaïekvirus. De voor alle vormen van het laatste virus onvatbare Perfection-type erwterassen bleken al eerder alle vatbaar te zijn voor het erwterolmozaïekvirus. Ook verschillen de isolaten niet in deeltjeslengte (750 nm).Bij toetsing in zes verschillende over de wereld verspreide laboratoria bleek de reactie van de differentiërende erwterassen te variëren van een snelle, de hele plant dodende necrose (groep I) tot onvatbaarheid (groep V). Ook tussen de virusisolaten bestonden kleine verschillen in reactie. Het Nederlandse isolaat E224 gedroeg zich opvallend mild. Ook in de, directe vergelijkingsproeven op enkele toetsplantesoorten bleken kleine biologische verschillen te bestaan. De geconstateerde verschillen overschrijden echter niet die tussen stammen van eenzelfde virus. Wellicht gaat het bij het optreden van necrose en van zwakke symptomen om genen die het vatbaarheidsgensbm modificeren.Contribution of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration, Agricultural Research, in cooperation with the Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Technical Paper No. 5192, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.Mention of a trademark of proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.Authors are members of the International Working Group on Legume Viruses.  相似文献   
In recent years, policy‐makers have sought the development of appropriate tools to prevent and manage introductions of invasive species. However, these tools are not well suited for introductions of non‐target species that are unknowingly released alongside intentionally‐introduced species. The most compelling example of such invasion is arguably the topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva, a small cyprinid species originating from East Asia. A combination of sociological, economical and biological factors has fuelled their rapid invasion since the 1960s; 32 countries (from Central Asia to North Africa) have been invaded in less than 50 years. Based on a combination of monitoring surveys (2535 populations sampled) and literature reviews, this paper aims to quantify and characterise important invasion parameters, such as pathways of introduction, time between introduction and detection, lag phase and plasticity of life history traits. Every decade, five new countries have reported P. parva introduction, mainly resulting from the movement of Chinese carps for fish farming. The mean detection period after first introduction was 4 years, a duration insufficient to prevent their pan‐continental invasion. High phenotypic plasticity in fitness related traits such as growth, early maturity, fecundity, reproductive behaviour and the ability to cope with novel pathogens has predisposed P. parva to being a strong invader. The Pseudorasbora parva invasion has provided quantitative data for the development of 1) early warning systems across different spatial scales; 2) rapid eradication programmes prior to natural spread in open systems and 3) sound risk assessments with emphasis on plasticity of life history traits.  相似文献   
Background: The histone code is an established epigenetic regulator of early embryonic development in mammals.The lysine residue K9 of histone H3(H3 K9) is a prime target of SIRT1, a member of NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase family of enzymes targeting both histone and non-histone substrates. At present, little is known about SIRT1-modulation of H3 K9 in zygotic pronuclei and its association with the success of preimplantation embryo development. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of SIRT1 activity on H3 K9 methylation and acetylation in porcine zygotes and the significance of H3 K9 modifications for early embryonic development.Results: Our results show that SIRT1 activators resveratrol and BML-278 increased H3 K9 methylation and suppressed H3 K9 acetylation in both the paternal and maternal pronucleus. Inversely, SIRT1 inhibitors nicotinamide and sirtinol suppressed methylation and increased acetylation of pronuclear H3 K9. Evaluation of early embryonic development confirmed positive effect of selective SIRT1 activation on blastocyst formation rate(5.2 ± 2.9% versus 32.9 ± 8.1% in vehicle control and BML-278 group, respectively; P ≤ 0.05). Stimulation of SIRT1 activity coincided with fluorometric signal intensity of ooplasmic ubiquitin ligase MDM2, a known substrate of SIRT1 and known limiting factor of epigenome remodeling.Conclusions: We conclude that SIRT1 modulates zygotic histone code, obviously through direct deacetylation and via non-histone targets resulting in increased H3 K9 me3. These changes in zygotes lead to more successful pre-implantation embryonic development and, indeed, the specific SIRT1 activation due to BML-278 is beneficial for in vitro embryo production and blastocyst achievement.  相似文献   
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