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Reptiles are one of the fastest growing sectors in the United States pet industry. Reptile‐associated salmonellosis (RAS) continues to be an important public health problem, especially among children. We investigated an outbreak of human Salmonella infections resulting from serotypes Cotham and Kisarawe, predominately occurring among children. An outbreak of illnesses was identified in persons with exposure to pet bearded dragon lizards. Human and animal health officials, in cooperation with the pet industry, conducted epidemiologic, traceback and laboratory investigations. Onsite sampling was conducted at two US breeding facilities, one foreign breeding facility, and a large pet retail chain. A total of 166 patients in 36 states were identified with illness onset dates from 02/2012–06/2014. The median patient age was 3 years (range, <1–79 years), 57% were aged ≤5 years, and 37% were aged ≤1 year. Forty‐four patients (37%) were hospitalized, predominantly children. Sampling at breeding facilities and a national pet store chain resulted in isolation of outbreak serotypes at each facility; isolation proportions ranged from 2%–24% of samples collected at each facility.Epidemiologic, microbiologic and traceback evidence linked an outbreak of uncommon Salmonella serotypes to contact with pet bearded dragons. The high proportion of infants involved in this outbreak highlights the need to educate owners about the risk of RAS in children and the potential for household contamination by pet reptiles or their habitats. Strategies should be developed to improve breeding practices, biosecurity and monitoring protocols to reduce Salmonella in the pet reptile trade.  相似文献   
The emulsifying properties of porcine sarcoplasmic protein (SP) with or without low-molecular weight surfactants were examined. The emulsifying activity (EA) of SP was weaker than that of sodium caseinate (CA), blood plasma (BP) and whey protein isolates at a protein concentration of 0.5–3%. Sodium chloride decreased the EA of SP. The EA of SP was about one quarter that of CA in the presence of 3% sodium chloride. As homogenization time increased, the EAs of SP and BP decreased. The EA of SP was not influenced by sucrose stearate ester (SE) with a hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) value of 16 (SE-16) but was decreased by those with HLB values of 5 and 1. Low-molecular weight surfactants such as SE-16, Tween 80 and sodium cholate improved the EA of SP with the two-step emulsification method: corn oil was previously emulsified with the surfactant before addition of SP and homogenization. In the case of the addition of SE-16 as primary emulsifier, the EA was about twice as high as that of SP alone. The same effect was shown in the emulsions formed by CA and soy protein isolate. These results indicate that the emulsifying properties of meat protein would be improved by the addition of a low-molecular weight surfactant in a two-step emulsification.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) is important for metabolism of not only xenobiotics such as drugs, but also endogenous compounds including arachidonic acids. CYP4A11, CYP4F3v2, CYP4F11, and CYP4F45 have been identified in cynomolgus macaque, an animal species widely used for investigation of drug metabolism due to its evolutionary closeness to human. However, their metabolic functions have not been investigated. In this study, proteins were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and characterized by metabolic assays using arachidonic acids as substrates that are metabolized by CYP4 isoforms in human. The results showed that all four CYPs metabolized arachidonic acids. Therefore, cynomolgus macaque CYP4A11, CYP4F3v2, CYP4F11, and CYP4F45 are functional enzymes.  相似文献   
In order to more accurately evaluate the functional activity of forest stands by canopy production and evapotranspiration, we improved the methods for field measurements and statistical modeling to estimate foliage configuration (spatial distribution of leaves) while simultaneously reconstructing the three-dimensional photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD) distribution (PPFD pattern) in a forest canopy. By using a sensor (photodiode) array, a PPFD pattern was observed in summer 2002 under the canopy in an even-aged, pure stand of Japanese mountain birch Betula ermanii Cham. (17-years old) in Hokkaido, northern Japan. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling technique is developed such that a set of foliage configurations generated by the model referred to as the Gibbs foliage canopy (GFC) approximates the field-measured PPFD pattern. The posterior distribution of the foliage configurations is generated by the parallel tempering MCMC of eight independent series of foliage configurations. The GFC model generated the posterior distribution of the LAI estimates (mean 4.56) that appeared to be appropriate in comparison to other LAI estimates of the B. ermanii stand based on the indirect and nondestructive methods by LAI-2000 (LAI = 3.43) and litterfall traps (LAI = 5.56) because they could be under- and overestimated, respectively. Our evaluations of the canopy production and evapotranspiration rates suggest that the relationship between LAI and canopy functions was not very simple because it depended on the nonlinear functional forms of the leaf responses of photosynthesis and transpiration to PPFD. The current study demonstrates an application of MCMC techniques that can generate a set of possible structures of unobserved/unobservable objects based on the high-resolution dataset obtained by some indirect (or remote-sensing) methods.  相似文献   
A 9-year-old female Pug was presented to us with chronic diarrhea. Hematologic findings indicated severe hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia, and endoscopy revealed severe edema of the duodenal mucosa. Based on these results and on additional histopathological findings, we made a diagnosis of protein-losing enteropathy caused by lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis with lymphangiectasia. The dog was initially treated with prednisolone and cyclosporine. This treatment regimen was not effective. However, when methotrexate was substituted for cyclosporine, progress was obtained and the diagnosis was confirmed.  相似文献   
The effects of porcine sarcoplasmic proteins (SP) on the physicochemical properties of meat emulsion gel were examined. Meat emulsion was prepared from water‐washed pork meat (WWM), corn oil and SP. Whole SP (W‐SP) enhanced the breaking stress of the WWM emulsion gel as well as other animal proteins in the presence of 0.2 mol/L NaCl. The breaking stress of the emulsion with W‐SP increased with an increase in corn oil content. Furthermore, this tendency was more noticeable at a lower NaCl concentration (0.15 mol/L) rather than at 0.45 mol/L NaCl. Ammonium sulfate (AS) treatment fractionated W‐SP into three portions (SP‐f1, SP‐f2 and SP‐f3), which were the precipitates at 0–50% and 50–75% AS saturation and the supernatant at 75% AS saturation, respectively. The fractions SP‐f2 and SP‐f3 increased the gel strength more than W‐SP. In particular, the fraction SP‐f3 increased the gel strength approximately 10‐fold compared to the control. Sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed that SP‐f3 had several kinds of proteins and a main protein with a molecular mass of 35 kDa, which corresponded to glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase. These results indicate that the influence of SP should not be ignored when processing of low‐salt meat products and the fraction SP‐f3 has a gel‐enhancing factor for myofibrillar proteins.  相似文献   
An 8-year-old female Persian cat was brought in for evaluation of chronic vomiting. The presence of opaque enteric foreign bodies and intestinal obstruction along with azotaemia, hyperphosphataemia, moderate anaemia and peritoneal fluid were revealed following appropriate diagnostic work-up. Exploratory laparotomy confirmed jejunoileal dilation, ileocaecal stenosis, and numerous foreign objects in the jejunoileum. These foreign objects and ileocaecal stenosis were surgically removed, and intestinal resection and anastomosis was performed. The patient recovered favourably. Analysis revealed that the foreign objects were composed of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Intestinal inflammation and stenosis secondary to enterolithiasis may have developed following ingestion of cat litter or a previous unrelated surgical intervention. We were unable to delineate the inciting pathogenesis in this particular case.  相似文献   
Cattle exhibit a range of carcass defects, including blood splash (BLS), intramuscular edema (INE), muscle steatosis (MUS), bruising (BR), trim loss (TRL) and others (OTH). These defects lower the carcass value and can result in significant economic loss to producers. We estimated the incidence, relationship with inbreeding coefficients and genetic parameters of carcass defects in Japanese Black cattle using 561 619 carcass records from Kagoshima, Japan during April 1988 through March 2011. The defect incidence ranged from 0.22% for TRL to 5.73% for BR. The incidence of MUS and BR increased from 1.21% to 6.57% and from 1.06% to 9.31%, respectively. The incidence of INE peaked at 7.44% in 1999 and decreased thereafter. We observed a positive linear relationship between the defect incidence and the inbreeding coefficients in MUS, BR and TRL (P < 0.01). The heritabilities estimated by univariate animal model with Gibbs sampling for BLS, INE, MUS, BR and TRL were 0.24, 0.06, 0.18, 0.05 and 0.02, respectively. The contribution of farm variance to phenotypic variance was negligible (0.01 to 0.04). Significant genetic correlations of TRL were estimated with MUS (0.63) and BR (0.63). Our results suggest that genetic factors contribute to the incidence of BLS and MUS.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to know the effect of supplementation of fish oil with high n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on oxidative stress-induced DNA damage of rat liver in vivo. Male Wistar rats were fed a diet containing fish oil or safflower oil with high n-6 PUFA at 50 g/kg of diet and an equal amount of vitamin E at 59 mg/kg of diet for 6 weeks. Livers of rats fed fish oil were rich in n-3 PUFA, whereas those of rats fed safflower oil were rich in n-6 PUFA. Ferric nitrilotriacetate was intraperitoneally injected to induce oxidative stress. The degree of lipid peroxidation of the liver was assessed by the levels of phospholipid hydroperoxides and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), and the degree of oxidative DNA damage was assessed by comet type characterization in alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine levels. The levels of TBARS of the livers of the fish oil diet group increased to a greater extent than those of the safflower oil diet group, whereas the levels of the hydroperoxides of the livers of both diet groups increased to a similar extent. The vitamin E level of livers of the fish oil diet group was remarkably decreased. The degree of DNA damage of both diet groups was increased, but the increased level of the fish oil diet group was remarkably lower than that of the safflower oil diet group. The above results indicate that fish oil supplementation does not enhance but appears to protect against oxidative stress-induced DNA damage and suggest that lipid peroxidation does not enhance but lowers the DNA damage.  相似文献   
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