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The aim of this study was to determine the optimal concentration of curcumin needed for cryopreservation of boar semen. Semen samples (n = 9) were collected from nine Duroc boars which having proven fertility were used for routine artificial insemination. Semen samples were collected and divided into six groups (groups A‐F) according to various concentrations of curcumin in freezing extender (i.e. 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.0 mmol/L, respectively). The semen was frozen by traditional liquid nitrogen vapor method and stored at ?196°C in the liquid nitrogen tank. After storage, frozen semen samples were thawed at 50°C for 12 s and evaluated for progressive motility, viability and acrosome integrity. The present results indicated that the addition of curcumin at 0.25 (group C) or 0.50 mmol/L curcumin (group D) yielded the higher percentage of progressive motility (33.3 and 36.1%, respectively) (P < 0.001). A significantly higher percentage of acrosome integrity was found in groups B (29.7%), C (31.1%) and D (30.2%) than in the other groups (P < 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in percentage of viability among groups. In conclusion, addition to the freezing extender of curcumin during cryopreservation at a concentration of 0.25 or 0.50 mmol/L is the optimal concentration of curcumin for improving the quality (i.e. increased progressive motility and acrosome integrity) of cryopreserved boar semen.  相似文献   
This study investigates the distribution of leucocytes, CD2+, CD4+, CD8+ lymphocyte subpopulations and MHC class II expressing cells in the sow endometrium following post-ovulatory insemination in relation to clinical findings and pregnancy outcome. Crossbred multiparous sows were inseminated once either at 15-20 h after ovulation [experiment 1, slaughtered at 20-25 h (5-6 h after artificial insemination (AI), group 1-A, n = 4), at 70 h after ovulation (group 1-B, n = 4), on day 11 (group 1-C, n = 4, first day of standing oestrus = day 1) or on day 19 (group 1-D, n = 4)] or 30 h after ovulation [experiment 2, slaughtered at 5-6 h after AI (group 2-A, n = 4) or on day 19 (group 2-D, n = 3)]. The uterine horns were flushed to control for the presence of spermatozoa and neutrophils and/or for recovery of oocytes and/or embryos. Mesometrial uterine samples were plastic embedded and stained. Cryofixed uterine samples were analysed by immunohistochemistry using mAbs to lymphocyte subpopulations and MHC class II molecules. Light microscopy was used to examine surface (SE) and glandular epithelia (GE), and connective tissue layers, both subepithelially (SL) and glandular (GL). In experiment 1, group 1-A, only one sow had spermatozoa in the utero-tubal junction (UTJ). Marked/moderated numbers of neutrophils and spermatozoa were observed in the flushings of two sows. In group 1-B, altogether 23 of 48 oocytes were cleaved. Day 11 (1-C), embryos with small diameter were observed. Day 19 (1-D), no embryos were found but small pieces of foetal membrane were observed in one of the sows. In group 1-A, large numbers of neutrophils were found within the SE and SL but with high individual variation. For T lymphocyte subpopulations, in the SE, most CD2+ cells were found in group 1-A. For both SE and GE in all groups, the number of CD8+ cells was significantly larger than that of CD4+ cells. In experiment 2, group 2-A, no sow had spermatozoa in the UTJ or in the uterine flushings. At day 19, no sow was pregnant. In group 2-A, large numbers of neutrophils were found within the SE and SL but with high individual variation. At day 19, high E2 levels showed a hormonal prooestrous stage but the endometrial neutrophil infiltration normally expected at pro-oestrus was absent. In conclusion, post-ovulatory insemination (about 18 h after ovulation) resulted in impaired spermatozoa transport within the uterus and embryonic degeneration. In sows post-ovulatory inseminated at a later stage (30 h after ovulation), no sow was pregnant. In both experiments, disturbed immune cell patterns were observed in some individuals.  相似文献   
The present study determined the effect of different types of sugars (lactose, fructose, glucose and sorbitol) used in egg yolk-based extender on the post-thawed boar semen quality. Twenty-two ejaculates from 6 fertility-proven Yorkshire boars were cryopreserved by liquid nitrogen vapor method. Sperm motility, viability, acrosome integrity and intact functional plasma membrane were determined at 0, 2 and 4 hr after thawing. It was found that the lactose-based extender resulted in a higher percentage of post-thawed sperm motility, viability, intact acrosome and functional plasma membrane than sorbitol-based extender (P<0.05) and fructose-based extender yielded a higher post-thawed sperm motility and viability than sorbitol-based extender (P<0.05). It could be concluded that sorbitol was not an effective sugar for the cryopreservation in boar semen.  相似文献   
Oestrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha), the main subtype in the uterus, is involved in the regulation of uterine growth/proliferation. A relationship between ERalpha and proliferative activity has been shown in the cyclic sow uterus, but to our knowledge, no study has been carried out on early pregnant sows. Therefore, by means of immunohistochemistry and use of mouse monoclonal antibodies to ERalpha and a proliferative marker, Ki-67, the localization of these proteins was investigated in the sow uterus during early pregnancy. Eighteen crossbred multiparous sows were artificially inseminated once at 20-15 h before expected ovulation. After artificial insemination (AI), they were slaughtered at five different times: at oestrus, 5-6 h after AI (n = 4), 20-25 h after ovulation (n =4), 70 h after ovulation (n = 4), on day 11 (the first day of standing oestrus = day 1, n = 3) and on day 19 (n = 3). Immediately after slaughter, uterine samples were collected at the mesometrial side of the uteri, fixed in 10% formaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Immunohistochemistry was performed by using mouse monoclonal antibodies to ERalpha (C-311) and Ki-67 (MM1). All sows slaughtered after ovulation were pregnant. In general, positive immunostaining for ERalpha and Ki-67 was found in the nuclei. Variations in staining intensity and proportion of positive nuclei were observed in different uterine compartments and stages of early pregnancy. The highest level of ERalpha presence in the surface epithelium and myometrium was found at oestrus (5-6 h after AI), and low levels of ERalpha in these compartments were observed as early as 20-25 h after ovulation. In the glandular epithelia, presence of ERalpha was highest at 70 h after ovulation. The largest number of ERalpha-positive cells in the stroma was observed at oestrus and early after ovulation. Low proliferation was observed, and with no significant difference in tissue compartments except in the glandular epithelium. High proliferative activity in the glandular epithelium at 70 h after ovulation indicated involvement in preparation for secretory activity and growth during pregnancy establishment. Significant positive correlation was found between the number of ERalpha-positive cells in the stroma and Ki-67-positive cells in the surface epithelium. In conclusion, the present study showed differences in immunolocalization of ERalpha and the proliferative marker Ki-67 in different tissue compartments of the sow uterus at oestrus and early pregnancy. In some uterine compartments, the patterns of ERalpha and Ki-67 immunostaining seemed to be influenced by insemination and the presence of embryos, in addition to the effects of steroid hormones.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to further investigate the effect of using progestin altrenogest and hCG to synchronize the oestrous cycle and its effect on follicular development, ovulation time and subsequent reproductive performance. Thirty crossbred gilts were divided into three groups. Group A (control) received a 5 ml of normal saline for 18 consecutive days by individually top-dressing. Groups B and C gilts received 20 mg (5 ml) of progestin altrenogest for 18 consecutive days by individually top-dressing. On day 3 (72 h) after withdrawal of progestin altrenogest, Group C gilts received hCG (500 IU, im). The follicular development and ovulation time were examined by transabdominal ultrasonography. Subsequent reproductive performances, i.e. number of total born per litter (NTB), number of live born per litter (NBA), number of stillbirth per litter (NSB), average piglet birth weight (ABW), lactation length (LL) and weaning to oestrous interval (WOI), were recorded. None of the gilts in Group A showed oestrus within 10 days after withdrawal of normal saline. Groups B (eight of 10) and C gilts (four of 10) came into oestrus at 5.6 +/- 0.5 and 6.5 +/- 0.6 days after withdrawal of progestin altrenogest, respectively. The ovulation time of Groups B and C gilts took placed at 25.0 +/- 4.7 and 25.0 +/- 5.0 h after standing oestrus, respectively. The pre-ovulatory follicular size (diameter) of Groups B and C gilts was 8.0 +/- 2.0 and 11.0 +/- 3.0 mm, respectively. A tendency of larger litter size (NTB) in Group B gilts was found when compared with Group A gilts. To conclude, using progestin altrenogest alone can be used to synchronize the oestrous cycle in gilts without unenthusiastic effect on the follicular development, ovulation time and subsequent reproductive performances. However, treatment of gilts with hCG at day 3 (72 h) after withdrawal of altrenogest had unenthusiastic effect on oestrus synchronization.  相似文献   
Grouping of sows is a stressful event until the ranking is established. The purpose of this study was to simulate stress by repeated administration of porcine corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)/tetracosactide and to study its influence on endocrine profile and ovulation. Four multiparous sows were used and blood was collected every 2 h from the onset of pro-oestrus until 12 h after ovulation. The first oestrus after weaning was used to check ovulation and acclimate the sows to their environment. The second oestrus after weaning was used as control. At their third oestrus CRH (0.6 microg/kg) and at their fourth oestrus ACTH (5 microg/kg) were given every 4 h from onset of oestrus until ovulation. The total 'area under the curve' of cortisol was twofold larger in two of four sows during the CRH treatment period, and two- to fourfold larger (p < or = 0.05) during the ACTH treatment period, compared with the corresponding control period. In three sows, there was no clear effect of either CRH or ACTH on the levels of oestradiol 17beta, luteinizing hormone (LH) or on the timing of ovulation. One sow was different in all hormonal patterns and also in the timing of ovulation. In all four sows, ACTH treatment lowered the baseline level of prostaglandin F(2 alpha)-metabolite. Therefore, we conclude that stage of the oestrous cycle seems to be of importance when investigating the influence of exogenous administration of CRH/ACTH on hormonal pattern and ovulation time in the sow.  相似文献   
The aim of present study was to study the effect of post-ovulatory insemination on the subsequent embryonic loss, oestrous cycle length and vaginal discharge in sows. Ten Large White multiparous sows were divided into two groups. Group A sows were inseminated once at 15 h after ovulation. Thereafter, they were ovariohysterectomized on day 11 (n = 5, first day of standing oestrus = day 1) and flushed for recovery of embryos. Group B sows were also inseminated once at 15 h after ovulation. They were further observed for return to oestrus and vaginal discharge (n = 5) after insemination. The endometrium tissues were biopsied from sows with vaginal discharge, embedded with paraffin, stained with haematoxylin and eosin and examined under light microscope. Only two embryos were observed in one of four sows from group A. All embryos had a spherical shape but differed in size (range 1-2 mm). In group B, only one sow had a regular return to oestrus (i.e. on day 23) and another sow had an irregular return to oestrus (i.e. on day 27). The other two sows in this group had shown vaginal discharge on days 20 and 38 after standing oestrus. For the number of leucocytes in the endometrium of sows with vaginal discharge, a large number of lymphocytes and plasma cells were observed in the connective tissue of the subepithelial layer. In conclusion, post-ovulatory insemination resulted in early embryonic loss, a subsequent prolonged oestrus interval and also vaginal discharge (i.e. endometritis) in sows.  相似文献   
Seventeen multiparous cross-bred sows (Swedish Land-race x Swedish Yorkshire) were inseminated in their second oestrus after weaning and divided into two groups. One group (ACTH, n = 9) was given an intravenous injection of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) every 6 h commencing 4-8 h after ovulation, whereas another group (control, n = 8) was given saline solution at the same times. The sows were slaughtered 35-53 h after ovulation. Uterine samples, taken from the mesometrial side of the uterine horns immediately after slaughter, were fixed, embedded in plastic resin and stained with toluidine blue. The endometrium was then examined by light microscopy. There was no significant effect of the ACTH treatment on the distribution of lymphocytes and macrophages, but there was a tendency of an effect on the distribution of neutrophils (P = 0.1) in the sow endometrium.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of boar breed on the optimal concentration of gamma‐oryzanol on the qualities of cryopreserved boar semen. Semen was collected from 20 boars (10 Duroc, 5 Large white and 5 Landrace boars). The semen sample was divided into five groups (A–E) according to the concentration of gamma‐oryzanol in extender II, that is 0, 0.08, 0.16, 0.24 and 0.32 mm , respectively. The semen was cryopreserved by nitrogen vapour and storage in nitrogen tank (?196°C). After storage for a week, samples were thawed at 50°C for 12 s and evaluated for progressive motility, sperm viability and acrosome integrity. The results demonstrated that gamma‐oryzanol significantly improved progressive motility, viability and acrosome integrity of frozen–thawed boar semen. Considering the influence of breeds on the optimal concentration of gamma‐oryzanol, for Duroc boar, gamma‐oryzanol at 0.16 mm (group C) yielded the highest percentage of progressive motility, sperm viability and acrosome integrity. For Large white and Landrace boars, gamma‐oryzanol at 0.24 mm (group D) showed a significantly higher percentage of progressive motility, viability (not significant in Landrace) and acrosome integrity than other concentrations. In conclusion, the optimal concentration of gamma‐oryzanol needed for boar semen cryopreservation in lactose–egg yolk (LEY) freezing extender is not only depended on individual boar but also breed of boar, that is 0.16 mm for Duroc and 0.24 mm  for Large white and Landrace.  相似文献   
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