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A 1 cm defect was created in the proximal medial cortex of 12 tibiae, cancellous bone was removed from the site, and the bones were fractured by loading in torsion. The fractures did not occur through the donor sites and the fracture patterns and loads to fracture were similar for the treated tibiae and their untreated mates. Cancellous bone was harvested from the proximal medial aspect of both tibiae in nine adult horses. The soft tissue wounds were monitored for more than 10 days in seven horses and healing of the osseous defects was evaluated radiographically at regular intervals to month 6 in two horses. The site provided convenient access with the horses in lateral or dorsal recumbency, the anatomic landmarks were reliable, and the surgical procedure was simple and short. Complications occurred in only three incisions.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential of an implant of a GnRH-agonist (deslorelin) to create a progesterone free animal suitable for studying progesterone (P4) metabolism in intact cows by measuring blood P4 and faecal P4 metabolites. METHODS: Experiment 1: Eighteen non-lactating cycling Holstein-Friesian cows, 4 to 7 years old, were allocated to one of three groups to study plasma P4 concentrations preceding an intravaginal insert. These groups comprised: i) a deslorelin group (GnRH-agonist implanted); ii) a PGF group receiving two injections of prostaglandin (PGF2alpha) 12 days apart; and, iii) an ovariectomised (OVX) group. An intravaginal device (CIDR) was inserted into the vagina of each animal and left in place for 11 days. Plasma P4 concentrations were measured during the study period. Experiment 2: Twelve non-lactating cycling Holstein-Friesian cows, 4 to 7 years old, were allocated to two groups: i) a deslorelin group (GnRH-agonist implanted); and ii) an ovariectomised group. Plasma P4 and faecal P4 metabolites (20-oxo-pregnanes, 20alpha-OH and 20beta-OH) were monitored for a period of 5 weeks. RESULTS: Experiment 1: Average plasma P4 concentration did not differ between the three groups (1.28, 1.43 and 1.55 ng/mL for deslorelin, OVX and PGF cows, respectively, P = 0.8) during the period of supplementation. Experiment 2: There was no difference in plasma P4 (mean plasma P4 < 0.02 ng/mL, P = 0.9) and faecal P4 metabolites between deslorelin and OVX cows 2 weeks after the implantation (P = 0.7). CONCLUSIONS: These data showed that a GnRH-agonist (deslorelin) implant may be used as an alternative to ovariectomy to create a progesterone free animal suitable for studying the metabolism of administered P4.  相似文献   
Controlled-environment studies of conidial production by Phaeoisariopsis personata on groundnut are described. With constant relative humidity (RH), conidia were only produced above a threshold (94·5% RH) and there was a linear increase between 94·5% RH and 100% RH. Conidial production was less with continuous leaf wetness (resembling heavy dew) than with continuous 98–99% RH, but it was similar with intermittent leaf wetness and intermittent 98–99% RH (8 h at 70% RH each day). With alternate high (≥97% RH) and low humidity, daily conidial production depended both on the duration of high RH and on the low RH value. With 99% RH at night (12 h), night-time conidial production decreased with the previous daytime RH. After conidial production had started, small numbers of conidia were produced even when the RH was well below the threshold (94·5%). Conidia were produced in continuous light when the photon flux density was 2 μmol/m2/s, but production was completely inhibited with 60 μmol/m2/s. With constant RH, more conidia were produced with a 12 h photoperiod than in continuous darkness. However, more than 75% of the conidia were produced in the dark. With continuous darkness, more conidia were produced during the night (18.00–06.00 h) than during the day, but this biological rhythm was overcome with a (light-night)/(dark-day) regime. With constant 98–99% RH there was a linear increase in conidial production with temperature between 10 and 28°C, and virtually no conidia were produced at 33°C. The daily production of conidia increased with time for 2 to 6 days, depending on the treatment.  相似文献   
Cultivating with a flexible tine harrow in the autumn reduced densities of Stellaria media (L) Vill., Galium aparine L. and Brassica napus L. plants and thinned the wheat crop. Effects were more severe with two passes at right angles (plant stands were approximately halved) than with a single cultivation. Despite crop thinning, wheat yields were not reduced by autumn harrowing owing to compensatory increases in 1000-grain weights. Summer biomass of S. media and G. aparine was reduced more by spring than by autumn harrowing, while biomass of B. napus was only reduced by autumn harrowing. It was concluded that weakly rooted climbing or scrambling species are more easily controlled by cultivating in the spring, while species that develop a tap-root are more readily controlled by cultivating at an early growth stage in the autumn. L'effet de différentes fréquences d'hersage en automne on au printempssur le blé d'hiver, etsur les controles suivants Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Galium aparine L. et Brassica napus L. Les façons culturales effectuées à 1'automne avec une herse à trilles flexibles réduisaient le nombre de Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Galium aparine L. et Brassica napus L. et éclaircissaient la culture de blé. Les effets étaient plus importantes après deux passages perpendiculaires (densité des plantes divisée par environ 2) que par un seul passage. En dépit de l'éclaircissement, les rende-ments du blé n'ont pas été réduits par le hersage d'automne grâce à une compensation par le poids de 1000 grains. La biomasse d'été de S. media et G. aparineétait plus réduite par un hersage de printemps que d'automne, alors que la biomasse de B. napus n'était réduite que par un hersage d'automne. Les espéces grimpantes et faible-ment enracinées sont done plus facilement com-battues par des travaux de printemps, alors que celles qui présentent un racine pivotante sont plus facilement combattues par un hersage d'automne, à un stade précoce. Die Wirkung verschieden häufigen Eggens im Herbst oder im Frühjahr auf Wintenveizen und auf die Bekämpfung von Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Galium aparine L. und Brassica napus L. Eggen im Herbst mit einer beweglichen Zinkenegge verringerte die Dichte von Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Galium aparine L. und Brassica napus L. und reduzierte den Weizenbestand. Die Wirkungen waren durch 2 Arbeitsgänge im rechten Winkel zu einander, wobei der Pflanzenbestand ungefähr halbiert wurde, gegenüber einer einzelnen Bearbeitung ver-stärkt. Aufgrund eines ausgleichenden Anstiegs des Tausendkorngewichts wurden die Weizenerträge trotz Ausdünnung der Bestände nicht durch Eggen im Herbst reduziert. Die Sommerbiomasse von S. media und G. aparine wurde mehr durch Eggen im Frühjahr als durch Eggen im Herbst verringert, während die Biomasse von B. napus nur durch Eggen im Herbst reduziert wurde. Daraus folgt, daß schwach wurzelnde und kletternde Arten einfacher durch Eggen im Frühjahr bekämpfbar sind, Arten mit einer Pfahlwurzel besser im Herbst zu einem früheren Entwicklungsstadium.  相似文献   
Various control strategies for Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) were investigated in a dense stand of the weed at Lincoln College in 1977–1978. In early spring plots were either rotary cultivated or left undisturbed. In late spring, plots of both previous treatments were either left undisturbed, rotary cultivated or sprayed with glyphosate at 1·5 kg ha?1. The whole experiment was rotary cultivated twice 1 week later and sown with Hordeum vulgure L. cv. Zephyr (barley) at 144 kg seed ha?1. MCPA + dicamba at 0·9+0·15 kg ha?1 was applied to half of each plot when the second node was detectable (Zadok 32). Rotary cultivation and glyphosate both substantially reduced the regrowth of A. millefolium but glyphosate reduced regrowth by a greater proportion when applied to undisturbed plants than when applied to plants regenerating after cultivation. Both gave a more than 95% reduction compared to the control (rotary cultivation only at sowing time) in the amount of A. millefolium present in the barley stubble in the autumn. MCPA + dicamba caused seedling mortality but did not affect the numbers of primary shoots from rhizome fragments. The grain yield of the barley increased from 2·91 t ha?1 when A. millefolium was not controlled to 4·23 t ha?1 with good control. The barley yield appeared to be restricted by competition from regenerating A. millefolium and by a nitrogen deficiency induced in some regimes by nitrogen immobilization in decaying rhizomes.  相似文献   
SnakeMap is a national cloud-based, veterinary snakebite registry. It was designed to prospectively collect data of the clinical circumstances and temporospatial information on cases of snake envenomation in dogs and cats. We herein introduce the project and summarise the data from the first 4 years of SnakeMap. The registry is a veterinary community-based online database allowing case entry from veterinary hospitals across Australia. Registry data comprise hospital characteristics, patient characteristics, envenoming snake type, treatment and outcome variables, including time and geolocation of the snake bite. We present summative information on select key variables from the SnakeMap registry (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2019). Twenty-eight hospitals from 6 states/territories entered 624 cases into the registry, including 419 dogs (67%) and 205 cats (33%). Bite time was available in 216 animals of which 90 (42%) were reported to be bitten in the 3 hours between 03:00 pm and 05:59 pm; median bite to presentation interval was 60 (interquartile range [IQR] 30, 211) minutes in dogs and 95 (IQR 41, 238) minutes in cats. Bites occurred in the owner's yard in 356 dogs (85%) and 53 cats (26%). A snake venom detection kit was used in 172 cases (28%) and antivenom was administered in 523 cases (85%). Most animals (n = 534, 88%) survived to discharge (median hospitalisation of 25 [IQR 16, 62] hours). SnakeMap effectively collects relevant clinical data from dogs and cats with presumed snake bite and provides locally specific information on the epidemiology of snake envenomation in small animals.  相似文献   
Theileria orientalis (also known historically as T. sergenti and T. buffeli) is responsible for benign or non-transforming theileriosis, and exerts its major effect through erythrocyte destruction. The life cycle of T. orientalis is essentially similar to that of other Theileria species, except that the schizonts do not induce transformation and fatal lymphoproliferation. The pathogenesis of anaemia as a result of infection is not clearly established and may be multifaceted. Clinical signs of weakness, reluctance to walk and abortion are early but non-specific indications of disease, particularly if accompanied by a history of cattle being moved. Physical examination may reveal pallor (pale eyes, vaginal mucosa), pyrexia, and elevated heart and respiratory rates. T. orientalis is an economically important parasite of cattle in New Zealand, Australia and Japan, especially where naïve animals are introduced into an endemic area or in animals under stress. Increased awareness of the risks posed by the parasite is required to enable management practices to be implemented to minimise its impact.  相似文献   
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