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Radiopaque uroliths and nonradiopaque (water density) uroliths are filling defects encountered in the urinary tracts of dogs and cats. Other free luminal and attached soft tissue density filling defects encountered during uroradiographic special procedures include blood clots, air bubbles, hematomas, granulomas, abscesses, inflammatory and neoplastic polyps. Nonradiopaque uroliths cannot be identified on survey radiographs from other soft tissue dense structures. Gray scale ultrasonography can be used to differentiate nonradiopaque (water dense) uroliths from other soft tissue attached or free luminal filling defects of the excretory pathway. The differential radiographic features of filling defects encountered during cystography and urethrography are described and illustrated.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Ambiguous paternity can be incorporated into the mixed model equations (MME) by including the average numerator relatinship matrix (average A), which averages the true sire-offspring relationship over the putative sires. A previous study has shown that some overestimation of genetic trend results from this substitution. A population of 40 breeding females and 2 breeding males was simulated 1,000 times with either random mating or sequential selection continuing for 8 breeding cycles. In the selection case candidates were ranked on estimated breeding values (EBVs) calculated from the MME with an animal model and the average A. Variances of the EBVs and prediction errors were computed. The results showed the average A incorrectly perceives both the variance of family sizes among males and the variance loss due to selection to be smaller. This will lead to an overestimation of genetic trend. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Folgerungen aus der Anwendung einer durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix bei der Zuchtwertsch?tzung für eine Population mit mehreren V?tern in einer Paarungsgruppe In den Mischmodellgleichungen kann eine unklare v?terliche Abstammung durch die Verwendung einer durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix, die die Abstammung zu gleichen Teilen über die m?glichen V?ter aufteilt, berücksichtigt werden. Eine frühere Arbeit hat gezeigt, da? diese Ma?nahme zu einer gewissen übersch?tzung des genetischen Fortschritts führt. Eine Population mit 40 weiblichen und 2 m?nnlichen Tieren wurde 1000mal über 8 Paarungsperioden simuliert und zwar mit und ohne gerichteter Selektion. Im Falle der Selektion wurden die Tiere aufgrund der mit einem Tiermodell und der durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix gesch?tzten Zuchtwerte geordnet. Die Varianzen der Zuchtwerte und der Sch?tzfehler wurden berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, da? durch eine durch-schnittliche Verwandtschaftsmatrix die Varianz der Gr??e der Nachkommensgruppen der V?ter und der Verlust an genetischer Varianz aufgrund der Selektion untersch?tzt wird. Dies führt zu einer übersch?tzung des genetischen Fortschritts.  相似文献   
T. D. Johnston 《Euphytica》1967,16(3):365-369
The construction and use of a variable force penetrometer for measuring the woodiness of kale stems is described.The force required to cause penetration of the probe through the xylem tissue was found to bear a close relationship to estimates of quality based on in vitro digestibility determinations, crude fibre content and visual assessment of lignification in stained transverse sections of stems.  相似文献   
Comparison of mandibular motion in horses chewing hay and pellets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Previous studies have suggested that temporomandibular joint (TMJ) kinematics depend on the type of food being masticated, but accurate measurements of TMJ motion in horses chewing different feeds have not been published. HYPOTHESIS: The temporomandibular joint has a larger range of motion when horses chew hay compared to pellets. METHODS: An optical motion capture system was used to track skin markers on the skull and mandible of 7 horses as they chewed hay and pellets. A virtual marker was created on the midline between the mandibles at the level of the 4th premolar teeth to represent the overall motion of the mandible relative to the skull during the chewing cycle. RESULTS: Frequency of the chewing cycles was lower for hay than for pellets. Excursions of the virtual mandibular marker were significantly larger in all 3 directions when chewing hay compared to pellets. The mean velocity of the virtual mandibular marker during the chewing cycle was the same when chewing the 2 feeds. CONCLUSIONS: The range of mediolateral displacement of the mandible was sufficient to give full occlusal contact of the upper and lower dental arcades when chewing hay but not when chewing pellets. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: These findings support the suggestion that horses receiving a diet high in concentrate feeds may require more frequent dental prophylactic examinations and treatments to avoid the development of dental irregularities associated with smaller mandibular excursions during chewing.  相似文献   
A porcine rapid identification method (PRIME) has been developed for detection of pork in a wide variety of meat products. The test is an adaptation of previously developed field screening immunodiffusion tests for beef and poultry detection. The PRIME test was demonstrated to be specific, sensitive, and accurate in the analysis of samples in the laboratory and in a commercial meat processing establishment.  相似文献   
This study quantifies the effects of marked weight gain on glucose and insulin metabolism in 16 cats which increased their weight by an average of 44.2% over 10 months. Significantly, the development of feline obesity was accompanied by a 52% decrease in tissue sensitivity to insulin and diminished glucose effectiveness. In addition, glucose intolerance and abnormal insulin response occurred in some cats. An important finding was that normal weight cats with low insulin sensitivity and glucose effectiveness were at increased risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance with obesity. High basal insulin concentrations or low acute insulin response to glucose also independently increased the risk for developing impaired glucose tolerance. Male cats gained more weight relative to females and this, combined with their tendency to lower insulin sensitivity and higher insulin concentrations, may explain why male cats are at greater risk for diabetes. Results suggest an underlying predisposition for glucose intolerance in some cats, which is exacerbated by obesity. These cats may be more at risk of progressing to overt type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
The medical records of 31 dogs diagnosed with prostatic carcinoma at the teaching hospital between January 1970 and October 1987 were reviewed to determine whether gender status had an effect on the clinical features or biologic behavior of the disease. The only significant difference between sexually intact and castrated dogs was increased prevalence of pulmonary metastasis in castrated dogs.  相似文献   
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Lameness has often been suggested to result in altered movement of the back, but there are no detailed studies describing such a relationship in quantitative terms. OBJECTIVES: To quantify the effect of induced subtle forelimb lameness on thoracolumbar kinematics in the horse. METHODS: Kinematics of 6 riding horses was measured at walk and at trot on a treadmill before and after the induction of reversible forelimb lameness grade 2 (AAEP scale 1-5). Ground reaction forces (GRF) for individual limbs were calculated from kinematics. RESULTS: The horses significantly unloaded the painful limb by 11.5% at trot, while unloading at walk was not significant. The overall flexion-extension range of back motion decreased on average by 0.2 degrees at walk and increased by 3.3 degrees at trot (P<0.05). Changes in angular motion patterns of vertebral joints were noted only at trot, with an increase in flexion of 0.9 degrees at T10 (i.e. angle between T6, T10 and T13) during the stance phase of the sound diagonal and an increase in extension of the thoracolumbar area during stance of the lame diagonal (0.7degrees at T13, 0.8 degres at T17, 0.5 degres at L1, 0.4 degrees at L3 and 0.3 degrees at L5) (P<0.05). Lameness further caused a lateral bending of the cranial thoracic vertebral column towards the lame side (1.3 degrees at T10 and 0.9 degrees at T13) (P<0.05) during stance of the lame diagonal. CONCLUSIONS: Both range of motion and vertebral angular motion patterns are affected by subtle forelimb lameness. At walk, the effect is minimal, at trot the horses increased the vertebral range of motion and changed the pattern of thoracolumbar motion in the sagittal and horizontal planes, presumably in an attempt to move the centre of gravity away from the lame side and reduce the force on the affected limb. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Subtle forelimb lameness affects thoracolumbar kinematics. Future studies should aim at elucidating whether the altered movement patterns lead to back and/or neck dysfunction in the case of chronic lameness.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the diurnal composition and concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and to determine VFA composition and concentration differences between stomach compartment 1 (C1) and caecum of alpacas fed grass and alfalfa hay. The study was divided into two experiments. In Experiment 1 (EXP 1), 10 male alpacas (3+ years old, 65 kg BW) were divided into two groups, housed in drylot pens, provided ad libitum water and fed alfalfa (AH) or grass hay (GH) for 30 days. The alpacas were slaughtered and the digestive tract collected, divided into sub‐tract sections, weighed and digesta sampled for pH, dry matter (DM) and NDF. Volatile fatty acid composition and concentration were determined on C1 and caecal material. Four adult male (3+ years old, 60 kg BW), C1 fistulated alpacas were housed in metabolism crates and divided into two forage groups for Experiment 2 (EXP 2). Alpacas were fed the forages as in EXP 1. Diurnal C1 VFA samples were drawn at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 h post‐feeding. There were no differences between forages for tract weight, C1 and caecum digesta DM or NDF. Differences were noted (p < 0.05) for pH between forages and sub‐tract site. Volatile fatty acids concentrations were different (p < 0.05) for forage and site, and total VFA was higher for AH than GH (110.6 and 79.1 mm ) and C1 than caecum (40.7 and 27.6 mm ). Proportion of VFA was significant (p < 0.05) for forage and site, C1 acetate highest for GH (84.8 vs. 74.0 mm ) and caecum acetate 83.7 and 76.2 mm for GH and AH respectively. These data demonstrate the level of VFA produced in C1 and the caecum of alpacas and the diurnal VFA patterns. Composition of VFA is similar to other ruminant species.  相似文献   
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