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Total gastric emptying time was determined in nine mongrel dogs using a barium meal contrast procedure. Within the group, total gastric emptying time ranged from 7.0–15.0 hours. Comparison of the population mean showed a statistical difference (p − 0.01) from previously published values. Individual dogs showed consistent total gastric emptying time over three trials. The technique can be used to test the effect of a procedure on total gastric emptying time when a normal value has been established for the dog. Due to the wide range of normal values observed, evaluation of clinical patients could be difficult unless there is a gross abnormality in function.  相似文献   
Magnetically elicited transcranial motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were studied in 37 dogs with type 1 intervertebral disc (IVD) disease. The waveforms were recorded from both cranial tibial muscles before and after surgery. The latencies and amplitudes obtained were compared to those of a control population (n = 14). MEPs were recordable in all dogs with mild or no neurologic deficits, but they were recordable in only 50% of ambulatory dogs that were severely ataxic. MEPs could not be elicited from nonambulatory dogs. There was a significant attenuation of the amplitudes in all clinical cases, even if the dogs demonstrated back pain alone. Significantly prolonged latencies were associated with neurologic deficits. MEPs were not good predictors of neurologic recovery. The responses obtained from the side where the disc material was found were not different from those recorded from the opposite side. MEPs were very sensitive to lesions of the spinal cord, as indicated by the significant changes in the waves in patients with mild or no neurologic deficits and in the loss of response in dogs that still demonstrated purposeful movement. Neurologic exams provided more accurate diagnoses and prognoses than did MEPs in dogs with IVD disease.  相似文献   
Objective —To describe endoscopic approaches to the calcaneal bursa and clinical findings in 2 horses with calcaneal bursitis.
Study Design —Cadaver evaluations and retrospective case reports.
Animals —12 cadavers and 2 adult horses.
Methods —Cadaver specimens of the calcaneal bursa were evaluated with a rigid arthroscope and gross dissection to determine the endoscopic appearance of anatomic structures located within the bursa. The site(s) for placement of the arthroscope and instrument(s) was determined based on cadaver dissection and endoscopic examination.
Results —Placement of the arthroscope 1 cm dorsal to the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) and 1 cm distal to the medial or lateral aspect of the SDFT retinaculum allowed consistent examination of the tuber calcis, proximal aspect of the long plantar ligament, calcaneal tendon of the gastrocnemius muscle inserting on the tuber calcis, SDFT and the proximal and distal extent of the bursa. Lesions observed and treated with use of endoscopy included local bone necrosis of the proximoplantar aspect of the tuber calcis and damage of the origin of the long plantar ligament in one horse. Mild disruption of the superficial digital flexor tendon and long plantar ligament were observed and debrided in another horse.
Conclusions —Endoscopic exploration of the calcaneal bursa is clinically feasible to treat infectious and noninfectious bursitis and to help identify the cause(s) of undiagnosed bursitis or lameness associated with the calcaneus, superficial digital flexor tendon, tendon of the gastrocnemius muscle, and the long plantar ligament.
Clinical Relevance —An endoscopic approach to the calcaneal bursa is recommended whenever possible to decrease complications associated with surgery in this region and improve the diagnosis of infectious and non-infectious calcaneal bursitis.  相似文献   
Objective— To compare stiffness and strength of a dynamic condylar screw plate combined with dorsal broad dynamic compression plate (DCS–bDCP) fixation with double broad dynamic compression plate (dbDCP) fixation used to repair oblique distal fractures of adult equine radii. Study Design— Experimental. Sample Population— Adult equine radii (n=10 pair). Methods— An unconstrained three‐dimensional loading–measurement system was used to determine stiffness of a 50 mm long intact, and then DCS–bDCP or dbDCP‐plated osteotomized/ostectomized segment of radii when subjected to a nondestructive sequence of compression, torsion, and lateral‐to‐medial (LM), medial‐to‐lateral (ML), cranial‐to‐caudal (CrCa), and caudal‐to‐cranial (CaCr) bending. Uniform load over the entire length of construct identified its weakest characteristics during torsion and LM and CrCa bending to failure. Results— No difference was observed between osteotomized/ostectomized DCS–bDCP and dbDCP construct stiffness for all 6 loading modes, and strength for all 3 failure loads. Ostectomized DCS–bDCP and dbDCP construct stiffness was significantly lower than osteotomized radii, the latter approaching intact for axial, LM, and CrCa bending. Most frequent failure was bone fracture through exit site of a screw located adjacent to osteotomy/ostectomy. Conclusions— DCS–DCP and dbDCP constructs had comparable strength and stiffness when repairing osteotomies/ostectomies in equine adult radius bone. Fracture reduction increased stiffness that approached intact bone for loads that placed the unplated side in compression. Clinical Relevance— DCS–bDCP and dbDCP constructs are comparable in stiffness and strength when applied to oblique distal diaphyseal osteotomies/ostectomies in equine radius bone. However, the DCS's localized effect on distal epiphyseal structure because of additional bone removal remains to be investigated under in vivo articular loading conditions.  相似文献   
Colonic luminal pressure (median, range) measured during ventral midline celiotomy in 69 horses with strangulating obstruction (SO) of the large colon (SO; ≥ 270° large colon volvulus; 27 cm H2O: 2 to 80 cm H2O) was greater ( P =.0023) than that measured in 37 horses with nonstrangulating obstruction (NSO) of the large colon (NSO; ≤ 180° volvulus or a nonstrangulating displacement; 18 cm H2O; 6 to 46 cm H2O). Sixty-five percent (45 of 69) of horses with SO and all horses with NSO survived. Survival analysis was restricted to 59 horses with large-colon SO that survived to hospital discharge or met the criteria specified for classification as nonsurvivors. Colonic luminal pressure in nonsurvivors (48.5 cm H2O; 34 to 80 cm H2O) was higher ( P =.0001) than that measured in survivors (18 cm H2O; 2 to 50 cm H2O) of SO. From response operating characteristic curves, a luminal pressure of 38 cm H2O optimized the distribution of horses with SO into survivor and nonsurvivor groups. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for a colonic luminal pressure greater than 38 cm H2O in predicting nonsurvival were 0.89, 0.91, 0.72 and 0.97, respectively. Measurement of colonic luminal pressure may be useful for predicting survival in horses with colonic volvulus.  相似文献   
The distal interphalangeal joint was successfully arthrodesed in two horses using three parallel 5.5-mm cortical screws and an autogenous cancellous bone graft. The screws were directed from the palmar proximal border of the second phalanx dorso-distally across the joint space and into the third phalanx. The technique was first developed on a normal horse. The second horse, a clinical case, ruptured its deep digital flexor tendon with complete luxation of the distal interphalangeal joint. Bony fusion of the distal interphalangeal joint occurred in both horses, but both also had residual lameness at a walk. Twenty-one months after the arthrodesis procedure, the clinical patient died from complications related to a subsolar abscess in the operated limb.  相似文献   
The use of butorphanol as an analgesic in a psittacine species was evaluated by determining its isoflurane-sparing effects. The Effective Dose 50 (ED50) of isoflurane was determined using a bracketing technique based on the purposeful movement elicited by pressure applied to a digit with a hemostat. The ED50 of isoflurane for 11 cockatoos (four greater sulfur crested, three lesser sulfur crested, and four citron crested) was determined to be 1.44 ± 0.07%. After the administration of 1 mg/kg of butorphanol tartrate intramuscularly (IM), the ED50 was significantly ( P < .05) decreased to 1.08 ± 0.05%. Physiological variables that changed significantly included decreases in heart rate, tidal volume (Vt), inspiratory (Tj) and expiratory times (Te), and an increase in respiratory rate. No complications resulted because of these changes. Based on the results, butorphanol produces an isoflurane-sparing effect in cockatoos and has the potential to be a useful analgesic in psittacines.  相似文献   
A sample of 10000 ha of grassland in seven upland districts originally surveyed in 1970–72 was re-surveyed in 1986. Forty percent of the area was above 240 m elevation, 38% had gradients above 81/2°, 29% had poor or bad drainage and 54% was classified as having difficult or severe limitations to management. Twelve percent had been reseeded within the previous 5 years and 39% within 20 years; 6% was classified as arable grassland (in rotation with crops). Thirty-four percent was usually mown, two-thirds of it for silage. In most years 72% of grassland received fertilizer N (average application 123 kg N ha−1) and 35% received organic manure; nearly 20% received neither. Older swards tended to receive lower rates of fertilizer N than reseeds, hay fields and grazed fields less than silage fields, and fields on beef/sheep farms less than those on dairy farms. The proportion of sown species in swards averaged 35%, of which Lolium perenne accounted for 23%. A good contribution of Trifolium repens was recorded in 15% of the grassland. Herb species were recorded in 30% of the grassland, mostly in situations with low fertilizer N under hay or grazing. Agrostis spp., Poa spp., Holcus lanatus and Festuca rubra were the main unsown grasses. The average contribution of L. perenne had increased since 1970–72; it was also present in two-thirds of the area from which it was absent in 1970–72, whilst the contribution of T. repens had decreased. The incidence of Cirsium arvense and Ranunculus spp. had also decreased, whilst that of Pteridium aquilinum had increased.  相似文献   
The proventriculus:keel ratio was evaluated as a prognostic indicator for short-term survival in parrots with proventricular disease. Measurements were made from right lateral radiographs of 41 parrots with proventricular disease. Results were compared with the previously described abnormal proventriculus:keel ratio range and to short-term clinical outcome at 1-month postdiagnosis. The ratio in all parrots was >0.52, and 39% of parrots succumbed to their disease within 1 month of diagnosis. There was no significant association between the proventriculus:keel ratio and survival duration ( P =0.9). The proventriculus:keel ratio is a sensitive indicator of proventricular disease in parrots but is insensitive as a prognostic indicator.  相似文献   
Partial rostral hemimandibulectomy was performed in 10 adult dogs. The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) were examined radiographically and tomographically before surgery, and mandibular stability was evaluated before and immediately after surgery. Radiographic, tomographic, and hemimandibular mobility assessments were made again at months 3 and 6. The TMJs were examined grossly and histologically in five dogs euthanatized at month 3 and in five dogs euthanatized at month 6. Statistically significant hemimandibular instability (p less than 0.05) persisted in all subjects throughout the study. The radiographic appearance of the joints remained unaltered; however, space asymmetry was identified in postoperative tomograms of three dogs at month 3 and four dogs at month 6. The TMJs were grossly normal at necropsy. Histologically, there were degenerative changes in articular cartilage and subchondral bone in all of the joints. The authors conclude that partial rostral hemimandibulectomy causes TMJ degeneration, as a consequence of hemimandibular instability or abnormal loading, or both.  相似文献   
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