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Normal reproductive function is dependent upon availability of glucose and insulin‐induced hypoglycaemia is a metabolic stressor known to disrupt the ovine oestrous cycle. We have recently shown that IIH has the ability to delay the LH surge of intact ewes. In the present study, we examined brain tissue to determine: (i) which hypothalamic regions are activated with respect to IIH and (ii) the effect of IIH on kisspeptin cell activation and CRFR type 2 immunoreactivity, all of which may be involved in disruptive mechanisms. Follicular phases were synchronized with progesterone vaginal pessaries and at 28 h after progesterone withdrawal (PW), animals received saline (n = 6) or insulin (4 IU/kg; n = 5) and were subsequently killed at 31 h after PW (i.e., 3 h after insulin administration). Peripheral hormone concentrations were evaluated, and hypothalamic sections were immunostained for either kisspeptin and c‐Fos (a marker of neuronal activation) or CRFR type 2. Within 3 h of treatment, cortisol concentrations had increased whereas plasma oestradiol concentrations decreased in peripheral plasma (p < 0.05 for both). In the arcuate nucleus (ARC), insulin‐treated ewes had an increased expression of c‐Fos. Furthermore, the percentage of kisspeptin cells co‐expressing c‐Fos increased in the ARC (from 11 to 51%; p < 0.05), but there was no change in the medial pre‐optic area (mPOA; 14 vs 19%). CRFR type 2 expression in the lower part of the ARC and the median eminence was not altered by insulin treatment. Thus, disruption of the LH surge after IIH in the follicular phase is not associated with decreased kisspeptin cell activation or an increase in CRFR type 2 in the ARC but may involve other cell types located in the ARC nucleus which are activated in response to IIH.  相似文献   
Summary: The degree to which dog owners complied with instructions to administer a 5 to 10 day course of antimicrobial medication to their pets was assessed using microprocessor based monitoring devices. Twenty two clients gave an average of 84% of prescribed doses of amoxycillin-clavulanate. No difference was found between twice and thrice daily dosing regimens in the overall percentage of prescribed doses given. However, timing of doses was far from ideal in many cases and only 34% of doses were given within the designated optimum time period. Adherence to desired dosing intervals tended to be better with twice daily than with thrice daily dosing, although the difference was statistically insignificant.  相似文献   
Objective To compare different methods for assessing the compliance of veterinary clients administering medication to their dogs.
Procedure Thirty-one owners whose dogs were prescribed amoxycillin-clavulanate, twice and thrice daily, for a duration of five to seven days were recruited from three Sydney veterinary hospitals. Compliance was assessed by electronic monitoring devices, return medication counts, client self-reports and veterinarians' estimation of likely compliance.
Results Electronic monitoring showed owners administered on average 84% (range 7 to 104%) of prescribed medication to their dogs. Both return medication counts and client self-reports tended to overestimate therapeutic compliance when compared with electronic monitoring. When questioned, the majority of owners (71%) claimed perfect compliance with the prescribed regimen. No correlation was found between veterinarians' estimates of owner compliance and that assessed electronically.
Conclusion Electronic monitoring provided valuable information on dose timing and variation, but proved costly and difficult to employ in veterinary practice. Simplicity and low cost of return medication counts makes this method attractive for use in veterinary compliance studies. Client self-reports reliably detected some noncompliers and permitted identification of individual problems or errors. For practical purposes a combination of return medication counts and client self-reports may have merit in future veterinary compliance studies.  相似文献   
Abstract— Twenty-one perennially affected atopic dogs with previous intradermal test reactivity to two or more environmental allergens were retested while receiving either a combination of evening primrose oil and fish oil (EfaVet Regular, Efamol Vet) or a concentrated supplement containing gammalinolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (HGF capsules). Significant differences in the mean number of positive reactions before and during therapy were not found. In addition, the mean histamine, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and housedust wheal diameters before and during therapy were not significantly different. However, the mean human dander wheal diameter was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) at the second test, and the mean Dermatophagoides farinae wheal diameter was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in a group of seven dogs which had received long-term essential fatty acid supplementation with HGF capsules. These results indicate that essential fatty acid supplementation does not abrogate but may reduce intradermal test reactivity in atopic dogs. Résumé— Vingt et un chiens atopiques, présentant des symptômes non saisonniers, ayant eu des tests cutanés positifs à au moins un pneumallergène ont été testés alors qu'ils recevaient une association d'huile d'onagre et d'huile de poisson (Efa Vet Regular, Efamol Vet) ou un supplément concentré d'acides gammalinolénique et éicosapentaénoique (capsules HGF). Aucune différence significative dans le nombre moyen de réactions positives avant et après traitement n'a été observée. En outre les diamètres moyens des réactions à l'histamine. Dermatophagoïdes pteronyssinus et la poussère de maison avant et après traitement n'étaient pas significativement différents. Toutefois, le diamètre moyen des réactions aux squames humaines étaient significativement réduits (P < 0,05) lors du second test, et le diamètre moyen des réactions àDermatophagoïdes farinaeétait significativement réduit (P < 0,05) dans un groupe de sept chiens ayant reçu une supplémentation à long terme de capsules HGF. Ces résultate montrent qu'une supplementation en acides gras essentiel n'anihile pas les tests cutanés mais peu modérer la réactivité cutanée chez certains chiens atopiques. Resumen Veintiún perros atópicos de tipo estacional que presentaban reactividad positiva en la prueba de inyacciones intradérmicas con respecto a dos o más alergenos ambientales, fueron sometidos a una segunda prueba recibiendo simultáneamente una combinación de aceite de Evening Primrose y aceite de pescado (Efa Vet Regular, Efamol Vet) o un concentrado que contenía ácidos gammalinoleico y ecosapentanoico (HGF cápsulas). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la media de las reacciones positivas antes y después de la medicación. Tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las medidas del diámetro de la roncha producida por la histamina, el Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus y el alergeno del polvo. Sin embargo, la media del diámetro producido por el alergeno de la caspa humana se vió considerablemente reducida en el segundo test (P < 0.05), así como la del Dermatophagoides farinae (P < 0.05) en un grupo de siete perros los cuales recibieron suplementación con ácidos grasos esenciales a largo plato con HGF cápsulas. Éstos resultados indican que el uso de ácidos grasos esenciales no produce supresión de las reacciones positivas del test intradérmico en perros atópicos, pero sí de las mismas.  相似文献   
Plasmatic concentrations of von Willebrand Factor (vWF) increase during pregnancy in humans and dogs; however the mechanism of such increase is still not well defined. The aims of this study were: (i) to evaluate changes in vWF concentration during pregnancy and during the subsequent oestrous cycle in bitches affected and unaffected by von Willebrand Disease (vWD); (ii) to correlate the vWF levels and cortisol levels in both groups. Seven vWD affected (GI) and nine unaffected (GII) bitches were used. The animals were assessed during pregnancy, parturition, lactation and non‐gestational oestrous cycle in 11 moments (Pregnancy 1, Pregnancy 2, Parturition, Lactation 1, Lactation 2, Lactation 3, Anestrus, Proestrus, Oestrus, Diestrus 1, and Diestrus 2). The following tests were performed; measurement of von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag), albumin and cortisol. In both groups, vWF concentration remained stable during the non‐gestational oestrous cycle, but increased during pregnancy, with the highest value observed at parturition. Increases of 70% and 124% in vWF were seen in GI and GII, respectively, compared to anestrus. No correlation was found between vWF and cortisol. Values of vWF:Ag changed during pregnancy, with a peak at parturition, both in vWD affected and unaffected animals. Values of vWF were not altered in the different phases of the oestrous cycle following pregnancy in both groups. Evaluation of vWF during pregnancy can cause false negative results for vWD, but assessment can be performed at any point in the oestrous cycle of non‐pregnant bitches.  相似文献   
This review summarizes a number of recent reports in several areas of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. Absorption of dietary lipids, cholesterol synthesis, and biliary cholesterol metabolism are mentioned only briefly to be complete. Comparative aspects of lipoprotein metabolism, however, are detailed in an effort to integrate the myriad metabolic events which characterize these important lipid transport particles. Where comparative information is known, those aspects of lipoprotein metabolism that may be protective against atherogenesis in certain mammalian species are also described. Efforts to understand atherogenic resistance comparatively in animals lends a better understanding of the metabolic events leading to coronary artery disease in humans. They also provide an important basis for understanding lipid metabolism in numerous veterinary species.  相似文献   
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