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The cervical patency of six domestic female cats was monitored under sedation by infusion of contrast medium (Omnipaque) into the cranial vagina during early oestrus, mid‐oestrus, late oestrus and interoestrus or a radiopharmaceutical (99mTc‐HSA) during mid‐ and interoestrus in a non‐ovulatory oestrous cycle. The transport of the contrast medium or the radiopharmaceutical through the cervix and within the uterine horns was observed under fluoroscopy and with the aid of scintigraphy. In three of the queens, transcervical transport of contrast medium was demonstrated in all stages of oestrus, in one queen during mid‐oestrus, late oestrus and 1 day after oestrus, and in two queens only during late oestrus. The relations between the cervical patency to the contrast medium and the oestrous behaviour, cornification of the vaginal cells and the serum oestradiol‐17β concentration were evaluated, and a relationship was found between the cervical patency and the degree of vaginal cornification. Transcervical transport of the radiopharmaceutical was observed in three queens during mid‐oestrus. When the cervix was open, hysterography under a fluoroscope and hysteroscintigraphy were performed. The fluoroscopic and scintigraphic recordings revealed the patterns of the uterine contractions during oestrus in both ascending and descending directions, and the movement of the uterine contents back and forth between the uterine horns. The hysterograms were classified according to the shape of the uterine horns and the appearance of the endometrial lining. Spiral‐shaped uterine horns with a smooth inner contour were observed in two queens, and a corkscrew appearance with irregular filling defects in the uterine lumen was shown in two queens that had developed subclinical cystic endometrial hyperplasia. These findings demonstrated that fluids or particles deposited in the cranial vagina of the cat can be transported into the uterus during some stages of the oestrous cycle. The fluoroscopic and scintigraphic techniques developed in this study may be further modified to permit more detailed studies of uterine contractile patterns and sperm transport in the feline female reproductive tract. Hysterography proved useful to diagnose uterine disease. The information on cervical patency is of value also for the development of techniques for artificial insemination in this species, and should be studied also in the ovulatory cycle.  相似文献   
Abstract – The different reproductive roles of the sexes can predict the direction and magnitude of sexual dimorphism of external and internal morphology. Males should have enlarged structures that enhance the acquisition of mating opportunities, whereas females are predicted to have enlarged organs that are associated with the production of eggs. We tested these predictions in male and female lake whitefish, a species in which both sexes have similar overall body size and shape. After controlling for body size, male lake whitefish had significantly longer jaws and pectoral and pelvic fins, larger hearts, and more muscle than females. Sexual dimorphism in relative muscle mass may be one of the most fundamental morphological differences between males and females. Females had relatively heavier livers than males. Because the liver is important for the breakdown of fats and vitellogenesis, selection should favour an enlarged liver in females for the processing of energy and the production of large numbers of eggs.  相似文献   
1. After 5 generations of selection on income minus food cost between 21 and 40 weeks of age (SECR), a correlated genetic improvement of 14.5% and 16.3% of the base population mean could be observed for income minus food cost between 41 and 60 weeks (IF60) in two lines of laying hens. The total responses up to 60 weeks amounted to 17.2% and 17.3% of the base population mean. A heritability of 0.30 for IF60 and a genetic correlation of 0.61 between SECR and IF60 were estimated.

2. The correlated relative genetic responses for 5 traits of the period between 41 and 60 weeks of age for the two lines were: 4.3% and 5.2% in egg number, 5.8% and 7.4% in egg weight, 8.4% and 10.8% in egg mass, ‐2.7% and ‐0.6% in body weight at 60 weeks, and ‐5.2% and ‐6.3% in food efficiency.

3. The estimated heritabilities of these 5 traits from the whole data set were 0.36, 0.75, 0.34, 0.71 and 0.17. The estimated genetic correlations between SECR and the same 5 traits were 0.30, 0.46, 0.61, ‐0.22 and ‐0.49.

4. A high genetic correlation of income minus food cost with egg weight and a low one with egg number were found in pullets, but the relationships were reversed in older hens.  相似文献   

1. The effect of pelleting process and Trichoderma viride enzymes (TVE) addition on apparent metabolisable energy, corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) and on productive value of practical diets containing 40 and 45% of three different barley cultivars and one wheat were studied in poultry.

2. The effect of the pelleting process on AMEn was inconsistent and was dependent on the cereal included and the addition of enzyme.

3. The growth trial showed a significant effect of enzyme addition to pelleted diets over the whole growth period (0 to 42 d). Addition of TVE improved weight gain and food efficiency by 1.3% and 2.9%, respectively and decreased food intake by 1.6% between 0 and 22 d. In the finisher period (23 to 42 d) TVE improved efficiency by 2.8% and reduced food intake by 2.9%.

4. The incidence of sticky droppings was related to the viscosity of barley used, and enzyme supplementation reduced it. Both pelleting and enzyme addition increased dry matter content of excreta.

5. At the end of the experiment, 14 animals per treatment were slaughtered and carcass yield, viscera weight and abdominal fat were determined.  相似文献   

1. Treatment of rapeseed meal with calcium hydroxide suspension decreased the sinapine content by up to 90%. Smaller decreases were obtained by autolysis, steaming and treatment with ammonia.

2. When this treated meal was fed to susceptible ("tainting") hens the concentration of trimethylamine in the eggs was decreased to much less than that required to cause taint.  相似文献   

1. The growing embryo uses about 1% of the total protein available in the egg during the first week of incubation.

2. Injecting the growing embryo with amino acids equivalent to the amount of protein used resulted in higher weight of chicks at all stages up to 56 d.  相似文献   

Ring- and carboxyl-labelled [14C]2,4-D were incubated under laboratory conditions, at the 2 g/g level, in a heavy clay, sandy loam, and clay loam at 85% of field capacity and 20 1C. The soils were extracted at regular intervals for 35 days with aqaeous acidic acetonitrile, and analysed for [14C]2,4-D and possible radioactive degradation products. Following solvent extraction, a portion of the soil residues were combusted in oxygen to determine unextracted radioactivity as [14C]carbon dioxide. The remaining soil residues were then treated with aqueous sodium hydroxide, and the radioactivity associated with the fulvic and humic soil components determined. In all soils there was a rapid decrease in the amounts of extractable radioacitivity, with only 5% of that applied being recoverable after 35 days. All recoverable radioactivity was attributable to [14C]2,4-D, and no [14C]-containing degradation products were observed. This loss of extractable radioactivity was accompanied by an increase in non-extractable radioactivity. Approximately 15% of the applied radioactivity, derived from carboxyl-labelled [14C]2,4-D, and 30% from the ring-labelled [14C]2,4-D was associated with the soil in a non-extractable form, after 35 days of incubation. After 35 days, less than 5% of the radioactivity from the carboxyl-labelled herbicide, and less than 10% of the ringlabelled material, was associated with the fulvic components derived from the three soils. Less than 5% of the applied radioactivities were identifiable with any of the humic acid components. It was considered that during the incubation [14C]2,4-D did not become bound or conjugated to soil components, and that non-extractable radioactivity associated with the three soil types resulted from incorporation of radioactive degradation products, such as [14C]carbon dioxide, into soil organic matter.  相似文献   
1. Under summer conditions in north Iraq, 2 000 chicks were reared for 56 d in two broiler houses. One house was provided with two air‐coolers. The birds were housed at densities of eight to 16 birds/m2.

2. Differences in weight gain between birds in cooled and uncooled houses ranged from 101.5 g at eight birds/m2 to 385 g at 16 birds/m2. Food consumption increased gradually with increasing bird density. Food conversion efficiency, meat yield and carcass conformation were much better in the cooled house than under conventional conditions.

3. The financial return/m2 ranged from 2.30 to 4.51 ID1 in the cooled house, compared with 2.01 to 2.77 ID in the uncooled house at different floor densities.  相似文献   

The persistence of 2,4-D, 2,4-DB, dichlorprop, 2,4,5-T, and fenoprop at the 2 ppm level was studied in the laboratory on three prairie soils at 85% of field capacity and 20°C. Following extraction of the soils with aqueous acetonitrile containing acetic acid, the herbicidal acids remaining were analysed gas chromatographically. Breakdown was rapid on all soils and the average half-lives for 2,4-D, 2,4-DB, dichloroprop, 2,4,5-T, and fenoprop were < 7, < 7, 10, 12, and 12 days respectively. Degradation on air-dried soils (15% of field capacity) was negligible with over 85% of the applied herbicides being recoverable after incubation periods during which the herbicides remaining in the moist soils accounted for less than 30% of the original treatments. Persistance relative des acides di et tri-chlorophénoxy-alkanoï-ques herbicides dans des sols du Saskatchewan. La persistance du 2,4-D, du 2,4-DB, du dichlorprop, du 2,4,5-T et du fénoprop, à la concentration de 2 ppm, a étéétudiée au laboratorire, sur trois sols de prairie, a 85% de la capacité au champ et a 20°C. Après leur extraction des sols par l'acétonitrile aqueux contenant de l'acide acétique, les acides herbicides restants ont été analysés par chromatographie en phase gaseuse. La dégradation a été rapide pour tous les sols et les demi-vies moyennes du 2,4-D, du 2,4-DB, du dichlorprop, du 2,4,5-T, et du fénoprop ont été respectivement de <7, <7, 10, 12 et 12 jours. La dégradation sur des sols séchés a l'air (15% de la capacité au champ), a été négligeable, plus de 85% des quantités d'herbicides appliquées étant récupérables après des périodes d'incubation durant lesquelles les herbicides restant dans les sols humides ne représentaient plus que moins de 30% des quantités apportées à l'origine. Relative Persistenz von Di-und Trichlorphenoxyalkansäure-Her-biziden in Böden Saskatchewan In Laborversuchen wurde die Persistenz von 2,4-D, 2,4-DB, Dichlorprop, 2,4,5-T und Fenoprop in drei Prärieböden festgestellt. Die Versuche wurden bei 20°C, 85 % der Feldkapazität und einem anfänglichen Herbizidgehalt der Böden von 2 ppm durchgeführt. Die Extraktion der Böden erfolgte mit wässerigem Acetonitril mit einem geringen Anteil an Essigsäure. Die Herbizide wurden gaschromatographisch nachgewiesen. In allen Böden wurde ein schneller Abbau festgestellt. Die Halbwertszeiten betrugen für 2,4-D, 2,4-DB, Dichlorprop, 2,4,5-T und Fenoprop < 7, < 7,10, 12 bzw. 12Tage. Der Abbau im lufttrockenen Boden (15% der Feldkapazität) war zu vernachlässigen. Hier waren noch mehr als 85% der ausgebrachten Herbizidmenge vorhanden, wenn in den feuchten Böden die Konzentration bereits weniger als 30% betrug.  相似文献   
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