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The onset of action and behavioural effects following intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration of 0.05, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 mg/kg of midazolam were studied for 2 h in 20 awake, healthy cats. All cats, except one that received 0.05 mg/kg i.m., showed effects of the drug, whereas no effects were observed in cats administered only the vehicle in which midazolam was dissolved. The onset of action was rapid following both i.v. and i.m. administration, some cats became ataxic, while others assumed positions of sternal or lateral recumbency. Even after administration of the highest dose (5.0 mg/kg), anaesthesia was not induced, with swallowing reflexes and conscious perception of a clamp placed on the tail still present in all cats. An abnormal arousal state was observed in many cats after administration of midazolam. During the first hour, restlessness was more commonly observed, while from 1 to 2 h, sedation was more prominent in cats that received the highest dose. Ataxia occurred in all but one cat, was short-lived in cats that received the lower doses, but still present at 2 h in all cats that received 2.0 and 5.0 mg/kg. Midazolam caused some of the cats to behave differently when approached and restrained compared with behavioural patterns identified prior to administration of the drug. The cats were more likely to behave abnormally following i.v. administration rather than i.m. administration and, for the most part, abnormal behaviour was equally distributed between the two extremes; cats being easier to approach and restrain and cats being more difficult to approach and restrain. Food consumption increased significantly, during the 2 h period, following all i.m. doses and all but the highest (5.0 mg/kg) i.v. dose, with most of the food being consumed in the first hour after administration.  相似文献   
The effects of intravenous administration of variable-dose midazolam and ketamine (3 mg/kg) were studied in twelve healthy unmedicated cats from time of administration until full recovery. A range of midazolam doses (0.0, 0.05, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 mg/kg) was chosen, so that beneficial and/or detrimental effects could be documented and the therapeutic window for further study determined. One minute after administration of ketamine, all cats had assumed a lateral position, mostly with head up. Muscle tone was increased (100%), apneustic breathing pattern evident in 92% of cats, chewing without stimulation of the oropharyngeal area was observed in most cats (97%), but most cats did not salivate (87%). At 2.5 min after completion of ketamine injection and 1 min after administration of saline, a similar picture was observed, except that salivation was evident. All cats chewed or swallowed in response to a finger or laryngoscope placed in the oropharyngeal area and, while most cats were not aware of a noxious stimulus to the tail, some cats were aware of a noxious stimulus to the paw. Recovery from ketamine alone was rapid and smooth with cats rolling into sternal recumbency and then cautiously walking with ataxia. Recovery to walking without incoordination was also rapid (< 2 h) and no abnormal behavioural patterns were observed during recovery. Administration of midazolam after ketamine, had beneficial effects and the therapeutic window for midazolam was found to lie between 0.05 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg. Administration of any dose of midazolam after ketamine caused a greater proportion of cats to assume a laterally recumbent position with head down compared with ketamine alone, however, the time period of recumbency was only significantly longer with a midazolam dose of 2.0 mg/kg or above. Doses of midazolam of 0.5 mg/kg or above decreased muscle rigidity but did not affect salivation or respiratory pattern observed in cats which received ketamine alone. A significantly greater proportion of cats which received ketamine and midazolam 0.5 mg/kg or above did not swallow in response to a finger or a laryngoscope placed in the mouth compared with that which received ketamine alone. The length of time in which cats did not swallow was only significantly longer at midazolam doses of 1.0 mg/kg and above. At midazolam doses of 0.5 mg/kg or above, the proportion of cats without a nociceptive response to a tail or paw clamp was significantly greater than cats which received ketamine alone. The time period without nociceptive response, however, was not influenced by midazolam administration. The time taken for cats which received ketamine and midazolam 0.05 mg/kg or 0.5 mg/kg to assume sternal position, walk with ataxia, walk without ataxia, behave normally when approached or restrained and recover normal arousal state was not significantly different from cats which received ketamine alone. Ketamine and midazolam 5.0 mg/kg significantly prolonged all recovery times compared with ketamine alone. Unfortunately, a greater proportion of cats which received ketamine and midazolam 0.5 or 5.0 mg/kg exhibited detrimental behavioural effects. These were more likely to be adverse and included restlessness, vocalization and difficulty approaching and restraining cats. In this study, an  相似文献   
To assess respiratory function in dogs with tick paralysis, respiratory measurements were recorded on 14 dogs experimentally infested with Ixodes holocyclus. There was a progressive fall in respiratory rate with no change in tidal volume, which resulted in a significant fall in minute respiratory volume in the latter stages of the disease. The fall in respiratory rate was possibly central in origin and was accompanied by an increased alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference, probably caused by pulmonary congestion and oedema. The "grunting" respiration seen in tick paralysis was due to closure of the vocal cords during expiration and could represent an attempt to re-expand collapsed parts of the lung.  相似文献   
The effects of intravenous administration of variable-dose midazolam (0, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 mg/kg) and ketamine (3 mg/kg) were studied in twenty-four healthy unmedicated cats from time of administration until full recovery. End-points were chosen to determine the optimal dose to allow a short period of restraint without noxious stimuli, a short period of restraint with noxious stimuli and endotracheal intubation. Recovery characteristics, as well as undesirable behaviours observed during recovery, were also recorded. The dose of midazolam to achieve lateral recumbency with head down was found to be 0.016 mg/kg in 50% of the population (ED50) and 0.054 mg/kg in 95% (ED95) of the population. A midazolam dose of 0.286 mg/kg was required to prevent conscious perception of a stimulus to the ulnar nerve in 50% of the population and 0.652 mg/kg in 95% of the population. The ED50 and ED95 of midazolam required to prevent swallowing in response to a laryngoscope placed on the back of the tongue were found to be 0.265 mg/kg and 0.583 mg/kg, respectively. The ED50 doses of 0.265 mg/kg for intubation and 0.286 mg/kg for restraint with noxious stimulation were close to the tested dose of 0.3 mg/kg. At that dose, the lack of responses lasted 3.67 ± 2.27 min for laryngoscope and 2.50 ± 2.20 min for ulnar nerve stimulation, with recovery to walking with ataxia taking 41.50 ± 15.18 min and complete recovery taking 3.6 ± 1.3 h. The predominant behavioural pattern during recovery was found to be normal, but some cats also exhibited abnormal behavioural patterns. Nine of the twelve cats exhibited an abnormal arousal state, with 4 being restless and 5 being sedated. Seven of the twelve cats exhibited an abnormal behaviour when approached, with three of the cats being more difficult to approach and four of the cats being easier to approach. Eight of the twelve cats exhibited an abnormal behavioural pattern when restrained, with the cats equally divided between more difficult and easier to restrain. Five of the twelve cats vocalized more during the recovery. The ED50 of 0.042 mg/kg to induce chemical restraint without a noxious stimulus is close to the tested dose of 0.05 mg/kg. At that dose, cats remained lateral with head down for 5.49 ± 4.02 min, took 25.96 ± 5.77 min to walk with ataxia and 1.7 ± 0.4 h for complete recovery. The predominant behavioural patterns during recovery were normal, with several cats exhibiting some abnormal patterns. Two cats were sedated, one cat was more difficult to approach, one cat was easier to restrain and three cats were more vocal.  相似文献   
Six dogs with previously implanted arterial, central venous, pulmonary arterial and left atrial catheters received halothane anaesthesia, and halothane anaesthesia plus administration of a balanced electrolyte solution given over one hour, in a cross-over experiment. Parameters measured included temperature, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f), arterial and mixed venous blood-gases and acid-base parameters, mean arterial pressure ( AP ), mean pulmonary artery pressure ( PAP ), mean left atrial pressure ( LAP ), mean central venous pressure ( CVP ), packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein (TPP), plasma sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations, and urinary sodium and potassium concentrations.
During halothane anaesthesia there were significant decreases in AP , PCV, TPP, f, and significant increases in arterial and mixed venous oxygen, and glucose concentrations, when compared with conscious control values. When intravenous fluid was administered during anaesthesia, there were significant decreases in temperature, AP , PCV and TPP, with significant increases in PAP , CVP and f, when compared with values during anaesthesia alone. After one hour recovery period from anaesthesia, dogs receiving intravenous fluids had significantly decreased PaO2 values and significantly increased pH when compared with anaesthesia alone. There was an average urinary excretion of 7 mmol of sodium and 5 mmol of potassium during anaesthesia, and 36 mmol of sodium and 8 mmol potassium during fluid administration.  相似文献   
Gas gangrene developed in the hindlimb of a dog after open reduction and stabilization of a compound femoral fracture. The condition occurred despite prophylactic ampicillin treatment and failed to respond to local irrigation and intravenous penicillin therapy. Three sessions of hyperbaric oxygenation were given. Used in combination with surgical drainage and high doses of intravenous penicillin, an excellent recovery was achieved.  相似文献   
Arterial blood-gas and pH, haematological and biochemical estimations were carried out on 8 dogs infested with Ixodes holocyclus and 2 uninfested controls. The arterial blood-gas and pH measurements did not change significantly until the dogs were recumbent and unable to lift their heads. When affected dogs became moribund, moderate hypoxaemia with acute ventilatory failure was present. The significant haematological and biochemical abnormalities were difficult to interpret individually, but taken together could reflect sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal cortex or medulla.  相似文献   
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