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Traditionally, farmers determine when a crop is ready for harvest by observing sensible attributes. They inspect the color or other physical observables which their crops exhibit and make decisions based on these observations and their past experience. This research presents for the first time a mathematical method employing Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy to quantify the maturation or ripeness of Cameo apple based on the changes in concentrations of selected constituent components (e.g., glucose) in the apple fruit. Cameo apple fruit samples were collected from a single tree every 15 days during the last 60 days of the apple fruit maturation cycle and then analyzed with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The vibrational bands from the Fourier-transform infrared spectra were assigned to specific functional group. The peak intensities of the vibrational bands corresponding to glucose molecule were normalized and plotted against the number of days remaining before the apple fruit maturity and were observed to show a linear relationship. This relationship can be used to calculate the time required for the apple fruit to reach maturity and also to calculate the concentration of constituent components at any stage of its growth cycle.  相似文献   
Assessment of genetic variability in the available germplasm is the prerequisite for development of improved genotypes through planned breeding programmes. In view of this, 39 “hatkora” (Citrus macroptera Mont.) genotypes collected from different locations of Mizoram, India were evaluated for physico-chemical characteristics during 2013–2015. The study reveals that there was significant variation among the collections in these particular traits. Individual fruit weight ranged from 277.78 to 617.69 g; fruit diameter 9.32–12.52 cm; fruit length 7.74–10.19 cm, fruit volume 238.33–583.33 cc; pulp weight 153.75–320.94 g; pulp:peel ratio 1.50–3.24 and seed number 9.33–23.6. Similarly, the chemical parameters also varied significantly among different germplasms. The juice content varied from 13.45 to 32.53 %, ascorbic acid 34.81–73.64 mg/100 mL, TSS 6.15–9.10 %, acidity 5.03–8.75 %, total sugars 5.16–7.97 % and sugar:acid ratio 0.75–1.52. From the analysis of genetic parameters, it could be concluded that characters like fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit volume, pulp weight, pulp–peel ratio, juice, Total soluble solids (TSS), acidity, ascorbic acid, total sugars, and sugar–acid ratio could be used as selection criteria for development of effective and productive plant types in “hatkora”. Wide range of variation in physico-chemical parameters of “hatkora” fruits indicated the great scope of individual plant selection based on these characters for future genetic improvement programme.  相似文献   
Fenoldopam is a selective dopamine-1 receptor agonist that causes peripheral arterial vasodilation, increased renal blood flow, and diuresis. Enthusiasm exists for the use of fenoldopam in nonpolyuric kidney injury in dogs, although pharmacokinetic data are lacking. The purpose of this study was to collect basic pharmacokinetic and hemodynamic effect data for fenoldopam when administered to healthy awake dogs. Six healthy, awake beagles were given a 180-min fenoldopam constant rate infusion at 0.8 μg/kg per minute followed by a 120-min washout period. Citrated blood was collected during and after infusion for the measurement of plasma fenoldopam concentration by HPLC with mass spectrometry. Heart rate and indirect systolic blood pressure were concurrently measured. Mean ± SD, steady-state plasma fenoldopam concentrations of 20 ± 17 ng/mL were achieved within 10 min of starting the infusion. Area under the plasma concentration-time curve was 3678 ± 3030 ng/mL · min, and plasma clearance was 66 ± 43 mL/min per kg. Elimination was rapidly achieved in all dogs. Heart rate and systolic blood pressure were unaffected by the fenoldopam infusion. Based on the results of this study, further evaluation of the effects of fenoldopam in dogs at differing doses and in dogs with clinical conditions such as acute nonpolyuric kidney injury is warranted.  相似文献   
An attempt has been made during 2012–2014 at to enumerate the ethno-medicinal evaluation and socio-economic importance of underutilized and unexploited fruits among the Garo tribe of west Garo hills district, Meghalaya, north-east India. The study was based on extensive field surveys, sample collection and interviews with the traditional healers as well as old aged men and women and survey in rural markets regarding their market demand, price and season of availability. Altogether 66 underutilized and unexploited fruits belonging to 34 families have been enumerated in this paper. The documented fruits were mostly used by the rural people to cure a number of ailments. In addition, these fruits also have socio-economic importance in the rural life of the tribal people like use as constructional timbers, firewood, charcoal, fodder, making dye, yielding oil and a number of value added products. Although, these fruits play an important role in the social and cultural life of Garo people, but these valuable species have been vanishing at very faster rate due to lack of proper documentation. Therefore, the claimed therapeutic values of these species are to be critically studied to establish their safety and effectiveness and both in situ and ex situ conservation measures should be immediately undertaken to safeguard the valuable indigenous rural resources of the world.  相似文献   
Nutrients play an important role in improving productivity and quality of banana. It has been observed that the nutrient applied alone was less effective in improving banana production as compared to nutrients applied in combination with organic manures and biofertilizers. Keeping in view the conservation of soil health and quality production on a long-term basis, a field experiment was conducted during 2009–2011 to find out the influence of Integrated Nutrient Management of banana on leaf characteristics, growth and nutrient status of tissue cultured banana cv. ‘Grand Naine’. The study indicates that combination of inorganic fertilizers with organic manures, biofertilizers and bioagents significantly increased growth parameters, leaf characteristics, and leaf nutrient status of banana. The leaf characteristics in terms of functional leaves, total number of leaves, phyllochron, leaf area, and leaf area index were significantly influenced by the combination of inorganic fertilizers with different biofertilizers and organic manures. Similarly, leaf nutrient status like nitrogen, phosphorus pentoxide, (P2O5), potassium dioxide (K2O), and leaf relative water content were also influenced greatly by different nutrients. Treatment involving combination of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) + Azospirillum+ Trichoderma harzianum showed overall superiority in most of the parameters.  相似文献   
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Brucellosis is an important zoonosis worldwide. In livestock, it frequently causes chronic disease with reproductive failures that contribute to production...  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted at Mizoram University, Aizawl, India during 2015-2017 to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of lemon cv. ‘Assam lemon’ (Citrus limon Burm.). The experiment was comprised of nine treatments viz. T1: 100% recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) through inorganic fertilizers (IF); T2: 100% N through Farm Yard Manure (FYM); T3: 75% N through FYM + 25% through IF; T4: 50% N through FYM + 50% through IF; T5:75% N through FYM +25% through IF + Azotobacter + phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB)+ potash solubilizing bacteria (KSB); T6: 50% N through FYM + 50% through IF+ Azotobacter + PSB?+?KSB; T7: 75% N through FYM + 25% through IF?+?Azospirillum + AMF?+?KSB; T8: 50% N through FYM + 50% through IF+ Azospirillum + arbuscular mychorrhizal fungi (AMF) + KSB; T9: control. Among all treatments, T5 recorded highest value with respect to growth, yield and soil quality. While, T7 showed superiority in quality characters.  相似文献   
To achieve higher yields and better soil quality under rice–legume–rice (RLR) rotation in a rainfed production system, we formulated integrated nutrient management (INM) comprised of Azospirillum (Azo), Rhizobium (Rh), and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) with phosphate rock (PR), compost, and muriate of potash (MOP). Performance of bacterial bioinoculants was evaluated by determining grain yield, nitrogenase activity, uptake and balance of N, P, and Zn, changes in water stability and distribution of soil aggregates, soil organic C and pH, fungal/bacterial biomass C ratio, casting activities of earthworms, and bacterial community composition using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting. The performance comparison was made against the prevailing farmers’ nutrient management practices [N/P2O5/K2O at 40:20:20 kg ha−1 for rice and 20:30:20 kg ha−1 for legume as urea/single super-phosphate/MOP (urea/SSP/MOP)]. Cumulative grain yields of crops increased by 7–16% per RLR rotation and removal of N and P by six crops of 2 years rotation increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots over that in compost alone or urea/SSP/MOP plots. Apparent loss of soil total N and P at 0–15 cm soil depth was minimum and apparent N gain at 15–30 cm depth was maximum in Azo/Rh plus PSB dual INM plots. Zinc uptake by rice crop and diethylenetriaminepentaacetate-extractable Zn content in soil increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots compared to other nutrient management plots. Total organic C content in soil declined at 0–15 cm depth and increased at 15–30 cm depth in all nutrient management plots after a 2-year crop cycle; however, bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots showed minimum loss and maximum gain of total organic C content in the corresponding soil depths. Water-stable aggregation and distribution of soil aggregates in 53–250- and 250–2,000 μm classes increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots compared to other nutrient management plots. Fungal/bacterial biomass C ratio seems to be a more reliable indicator of C and N dynamics in acidic soils than total microbial biomass C. Compost alone or Azo/Rh plus PSB dual INM plots showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher numbers of earthworms’ casts compared to urea/SSP/MOP alone and bacterial bioinoculants with urea or SSP-applied plots. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on similarity matrix of DGGE profiles revealed changes in bacterial community composition in soils due to differences in nutrient management, and these changes were seen to occur according to the states of C and N dynamics in acidic soil under RLR rotation.  相似文献   
Studies on wild edible fruits of Mizoram, India used as ethno-medicine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The traditional knowledge system has gained a prime importance in context with conservation, utilization and sustainable development of plant resources. The ethno-medicinal plants play a major role amongst the tribal and rural people in their traditional healthcare system. Considering the importance of ethno-medicines amongst the tribal people, a study was undertaken to enumerate the ethno-medicinal uses of wild edible fruits among the Mizo tribes of Aizawl district, Mizoram, India. The study was based on extensive field surveys, plant collection and the interviews with the traditional healers. Altogether 60 wild edible fruit species belonging to 35 families have been enumerated in this paper. The documented wild edible fruits are mostly used to cure gastrointestinal disorders, dermatological problems, respiratory problems, cardiovascular compliance, ENT diseases, mental problem, muscular illness, bone diseases, gynecological problem, cancers, snake bite, allergy and malaria. This indigenous system of treatment based on wild edible fruits is still an important part in Mizo social life and culture but this traditional knowledge of the local people has been transferred orally from generation to generation without proper documentation. Therefore, the claimed therapeutic values of the reported species are to be critically studied to establish their safety and effectiveness and to preserve these high valued wild edible fruits.  相似文献   
The special conditions during in vitro culture results in the formation of plantlets of abnormal morphology, anatomy and physiology. Tissue culture conditions that promote rapid growth and multiplication of shoots often results in the formation of structurally and physiologically abnormal plants. They are often characterized by poor photosynthetic efficiency, malfunctioning of stomata and a marked decrease in epicuticular wax. Qualitatively also, the waxes present on the surface of the leaves of in vitro cultured plants may vary. The conditions under which most laboratories done tissue culture is high relative humidity and low light, no supplemental CO2, high sucrose and nutrient containing medium may contribute to a phenotype that cannot survive the environmental conditions when directly placed in a greenhouse or field. Understanding these abnormalities is a prerequisite to develop efficient transplantation protocols. The present review summaries the major abnormalities in in vitro culture of plants and also highlight the current and developing methods that are satisfactory for acclimatization of in vitro cultured plantlets.  相似文献   
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