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A soybean lecithin‐based extender supplemented with hyaluronic acid (HA) was assayed for effectiveness to improve the quality of frozen–thawed ram semen. HA has not been tested yet in an extender containing soybean lecithin for freezing ram semen. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyse the effects of soybean lecithin at 1% or 1.5% along with HA at 0, 0.5 and 1 mg ml‐1 in a Tris‐based extender on the motion characteristics, membrane integrity (HOST), viability, GSH peroxidase (GSH‐PX) activity, lipid peroxidation and acrosomal status after freezing–thawing. Semen was collected from four Mehraban rams during the breeding season and frozen in the six lecithin×HA extenders. The extender containing 1.5% lecithin supplemented with no HA yielded higher total motility (52.5%±1.6), viability (55.8%±1.6) and membrane integrity (44.5%±1.7), but the effects of the lecithin concentration did not reach signification. Linearity‐related parameters, ALH, BCF, lipid peroxidation, GSH‐PX activity, morphology and acrosomal status were not affected by the extender composition. In general, adding HA significantly decreased sperm velocity (1 mg ml‐1 HA), total motility (only with 1.5% lecithin), viability (1 mg ml‐1 HA for 1% lecithin; both concentrations for 1.5% lecithin) and membrane integrity. In conclusion, adding HA to the freezing extender supplemented with soybean lecithin failed to improve quality‐related variables in ram semen. Increasing the lecithin content could have a positive effect, but further studies are needed.  相似文献   
The beneficial effects of different lighting programmes on the incidence of ascites was investigated in an experiment with 360 three-day-old male broiler chickens. At 3 days of age, chicks were randomly divided over three rooms in a high-altitude farm, 2000 m above sea level. During days 14 to 28 ambient temperature decreased during the night but the minimum temperature did not descend below 15 degrees C. In the first room the continuous lighting schedule (CL, 23L:1D) was maintained and in the second room an intermittent lighting schedule (IL, 1L:3D), repeated six times daily, was imposed from 3 days of age. In the third room, an increasing photoperiod schedule (IP, 4 to 14 days, 6L:18D; 15 to 21 days, 10L:14D; 22 to 28 days, 14L:10D; 29 to 35 days, 18L:6D; 36 to 42 days, 23L:1D) was provided. Mortality associated with right ventricular failure and ascites was numerically lower in birds reared under the IL and IP schedules compared to birds reared under the CL schedule, which can be attributed to the temporary reduction in relative growth and feed intake in IL and IP birds. It was concluded that the beneficial effect of lighting schedules could be due to a reduced metabolic rate as a consequence of the altered growth trajectory, as also reflected in the lower haematocrit and plasma T3 levels of IL and IP birds compared to CL birds.  相似文献   
Recently, isolation and in vitro culture of putative spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) in the domestic cat have been conducted. However, the cellular niche conditions that facilitate the establishment and long‐term maintenance of feline SSCs (FSSCs) have not been described. Therefore, we investigated the type of feeder cells used to stimulate colony formation and growth of FSSCs among the various factors in the FSSC niche. Spermatogonial stem cells isolated from feline testes were cultured on mitotically inactivated testicular stromal cells (TSCs) derived from cats, dogs and mice, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The formation and growth of colonies derived from SSCs cultured on each type of feeder cell were identified at passage 0, and the morphology, alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and expression of SSC‐specific genes in surviving colonies were investigated at passage 4. Among these diverse feeder cells, TSCs from cat showed the greatest colony formation, growth and maintenance of FSSCs, and SSC colonies cultured by passage 4 showed a typical dome‐shaped morphology, AP activity and expression of SSC‐specific genes (NANOG, OCT4, SOX2 and CD9). Accordingly, these results demonstrate that feline TSCs could be used as feeder cells to support the establishment and maintenance of SSCs from domestic cats.  相似文献   
Eggs from a broiler line were incubated at two different altitudes and hatched. Relative heart and lung weights, volumes of the heart, lung and thoracic cavity, incidence of right ventricular hypertrophy and ascites, and related physiological parameters were followed in the day-old chickens hatched from the above eggs. Lung and heart weights as a percentage of body weight, lung and heart volumes relative to the volume of the thoracic cavity after removing the heart and lungs were higher in chickens hatched at high altitude. Additionally, embryonic triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels relative to cardiopulmonary parameters were higher in day-old chickens that hatched at high altitude as compared with chickens hatched at low altitude. This was associated with a lower incidence of right ventricular hypertrophy and ascites in chickens hatched at high altitude. Our data indicate that chronic hypoxia interacting with the endogenous functions of embryos during embryonic development at high altitude, as adaptation mechanisms, changed the developmental trajectories of cardiopulmonary parameters in postnatal chickens. This important development facilitates an increase in the gas exchange area in broiler chickens, thus lowering their susceptibility to pulmonary hypertension and ascites.  相似文献   
The coalescence of a neutron star and a black hole in a binary system is believed to form a torus around a Kerr black hole. A similarly shaped magnetosphere then results from the remnant magnetic field of the neutron star. In the strong-field case, it contains a cavity for plasma waves located between the barrier of the gravitational potential and the surrounding torus. This cavity may be unstable to superradiance of electromagnetic waves. Superradiant amplification of such waves, initially excited by turbulence in the torus, should inflate into a bubble in a time as short as approximately 0.75 (1 percent/&cjs3539;epsilon&cjs3539;2)(M/7M middle dot in circle) seconds approximately 0.15 to 1.5 seconds, assuming an efficiency &cjs3539;epsilon&cjs3539;2 = 0.5 to 5 percent and a mass M = 7M middle dot in circle. These bubbles may burst and repeat, of possible relevance to intermittency in cosmological gamma-ray bursts. The model predicts gamma-ray bursts to be anticorrelated with their gravitational wave emissions.  相似文献   
Varicocele is classified as grade I-III regarding its severity. This study was aimed to determine the correlation between height and weight with varicocele grade in 18-30 years age group. We enrolled 400 persons aged 18-30 years referred to the specialist's clinics of Tabriz Medical Sciences University or Medical Commission Since Sep. 2004 to Mar. 2005. First we divided the volunteers in two groups including Varicocele Group and Non-varicocele Group, then varicocele patients were classified to three grades considering the severity of the disease: severe (Grade III), moderate (Grade II) and mild (Grade I). Finally, the correlation between height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) was evaluated. There was a significant relation between height and grades of left-side varicocele; in other words the severity of disease was increased with height (p = 0.004). Also, height increased the prevalence ofvaricocele (p = 0.011). On the other hand, low weight and BMI increased the prevalence of varicocele (p = 0.000, p = 0.004) but did not affect the severity of disease (p = 0.364, p = 0.172). In conclusion, the height of patients directly affected the prevalence and severity of left-side varicocele which probably is related to length of left internal spermatic veins in these patients and increased hydrostatic pressure in taller patients. Also, the weight and BMI is effective on the prevalence of varicocele. It seems that slim and tall persons will benefit from evaluation while puberty.  相似文献   
The concentrations of the hydrogen radicals OH and HO2 in the middle and upper troposphere were measured simultaneously with those of NO, O3, CO, H2O, CH4, non-methane hydrocarbons, and with the ultraviolet and visible radiation field. The data allow a direct examination of the processes that produce O3 in this region of the atmosphere. Comparison of the measured concentrations of OH and HO2 with calculations based on their production from water vapor, ozone, and methane demonstrate that these sources are insufficient to explain the observed radical concentrations in the upper troposphere. The photolysis of carbonyl and peroxide compounds transported to this region from the lower troposphere may provide the source of HOx required to sustain the measured abundances of these radical species. The mechanism by which NO affects the production of O3 is also illustrated by the measurements. In the upper tropospheric air masses sampled, the production rate for ozone (determined from the measured concentrations of HO2 and NO) is calculated to be about 1 part per billion by volume each day. This production rate is faster than previously thought and implies that anthropogenic activities that add NO to the upper troposphere, such as biomass burning and aviation, will lead to production of more O3 than expected.  相似文献   
Little is known about molecular mechanisms involved in gonad differentiation in sturgeon species. In non‐mammalian vertebrates, sox9, dmrt1, cyp17a1 and ar are male specific genes in testicular differentiation and are highly conserved. In order to understand the mechanism underlying testicular development in sturgeon, we investigated sex steroids level of 11‐ketotestosterone (KT) and testosterone (T) and relative expression of sox9, dmrt1, cyp17a1 and ar in great sturgeon gonads during different stages of sexual maturity. The results showed all studied genes had dimorphic patterns in males. In immature gonads (stage I), only cyp17a1 expressed in male gonads, while other genes did not express, and KT and T levels were low. Dmrt1 showed dimorphic expression pattern in male gonads at maturity stage II, III and IV. Furthermore, sox9 and ar mRNA presented significant dimorphic expression pattern in male gonads only at maturity stage 4. Plasma androgens levels were significantly higher in males compared to females during maturity stages II, III and IV. The results showed that among these four genes, only cyp17a1 expressed in male gonads at maturity stage I (immature), suggesting that this gene may be applicable as a sex marker in recently differentiated male great sturgeon. Sexually dimorphic patterns in other studied genes (sox9, dmrt1 and ar) suggesting that these genes may be important for testicular development and differentiation in premature great sturgeon. The obtained results provide a foundation for further research on sex differentiation and developing strategies for the sexing of sturgeon for aquaculture.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the effect of the intramuscular administration of 50 μg of gonadorelin acetate versus natural mating, intrauterine infusion (i.u.) of a physiological relevant dose of either raw llama seminal plasma (SP) or purified beta‐nerve growth factor from seminal origin (spβ‐NGF) on ovulation rate and corpus luteum (CL) development and function in llamas. Females with a follicle (≥8 mm) were assigned to groups: (i) i.m. administration of 50 μg of gonadorelin acetate (GnRH; positive control; = 4); (ii) single mating (mating; = 6); (iii) i.u. infusion of 4 ml of llama SP (SP;= 4); or (iv) i.u. infusion of 10 mg of spβ‐NGF contained in 4 ml of PBS (phosphate‐buffered saline) (spβ‐NGF;= 6). Ovaries were examined by power Doppler ultrasonography at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hr after treatment to determine preovulatory follicle vascularization area (VA), and additionally every 12 hr until Day 2 (Day of treatment = Day 0) to determine ovulation. Afterwards, ovaries were examined every other day until Day 8 to evaluate CL diameter and VA. Blood samples were collected on Days 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 to determine plasma progesterone (P4) concentration. Ovulation rate did not differ (p = .7) among groups, but treatment affected (p < .0001) preovulatory follicle VA. Neither treatment administration nor treatment by time interaction affected (p ≥ .4) CL diameter, VA and plasma P4 concentration. Mating tended (p = .08) to increase CL VA when compared to the seminal plasma group by Day 8. Intrauterine administration of seminal plasma or spβ‐NGF does not increase CL size and function when compared to i.m. GnRH treatment, suggesting that the administration route of spβ‐NGF influences its luteotrophic effect in llamas.  相似文献   
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