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A 10-month-old male domestic short-haired cat was examined because of progressive lameness, a broad face with depressed nasal bridge, small ears, corneal clouding, and multiple bone dysplasia. The cat excreted excessive amounts of glycosaminoglycan (a component of connective tissue) in its urine and had evidence of lysosomal storage of glycosaminoglycans in fibroblasts and neurons. Activity of alpha-L-iduronidase, a lysosomal enzyme involved in glycosaminoglycan degradation, was deficient in cultured fibroblasts and leukocytes. The mucopolysaccharidosis was distinct from that seen in Siamese cats in terms of the pathologic changes and the specific enzyme deficiency.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A syndrome of relative adrenal insufficiency has been identified in septic humans, and is associated with hypotension and death. Relative adrenal insufficiency is generally associated with basal serum cortisol concentration within or above the reference range and a blunted cortisol response to adrenocorticotropic hormone administration. It is unknown whether relative adrenal insufficiency occurs in septic dogs. HYPOTHESIS: That relative adrenal insufficiency occurs in septic dogs, and that relative adrenal insufficiency is associated with hypotension and mortality. ANIMALS: Thirty-three septic dogs admitted to a small animal intensive care unit. METHODS: Dogs were included in the study if they had a known or suspected infectious disease and had systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Dogs were excluded if they had disease or medication history expected to affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Serum cortisol and endogenous plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations were measured before, and serum cortisol concentration measured 1 hour after, intramuscular administration of 250 microg of cosyntropin/dog. The change in cortisol concentration (delta-cortisol) before and after cosyntropin administration was determined in each dog. RESULTS: Hypotension was associated with lower delta-cortisol values (OR 1.3; CI 1.0-1.9; P = .029). delta-Cortisol cutoff of 3.0 microg/dL was most accurate for predicting hypotension, survival to discharge, and 28-day survival. The rate of death in dogs with delta-cortisol < or = 3 microg/dL was 4.1 times that of dogs with delta-cortisol > 3 microg/dL (RR 4.1; CI 1.5-12.3; P = .01). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Delta-cortisol < or = 3 microg/dL after adrenocorticotropic hormone administration is associated with systemic hypotension and decreased survival in septic dogs.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate clinical efficacy of deslorelin for inhibiting reproduction in the bitch. Ten adult healthy bitches or bitches with mammary neoplasia for which owners were requesting suppression of cyclicity without performing gonadectomy were administered a 4.7- or a 9.4-mg deslorelin implant subcutaneously. The first implant of deslorelin was administered in anoestrus (n = 5) or in dioestrus (n = 5). Treatment was repeated every 5 months for as long as necessary based on the clinical situation of the dog and owner's desires. Some of the bitches implanted in anoestrus came in heat within 4–15 days after treatment, while none of the bitches implanted in dioestrus showed heat during treatment. Suppression of reproductive cyclicity was successfully achieved in 6/10 bitches for 1–4 years. No behavioural and local/general side-effects were observed in any of the treated bitches. The 4.7-mg deslorelin implant may work well for suppression of cyclicity provided that it is administered in dioestrus and at intervals of 4.5 months. A 9.4-mg implant may be more suitable for this use although its efficacy may also be shorter than 12 months. Owner compliance is an important limiting factor.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of 2 hydroxyethyl starch (HES) preparations (ie, HES solution with a molecular weight of 600 kd and a degree of substitution of 0.7 [HES 600/0.7] and a calcium-containing polyionic HES solution with a molecular weight of 670 kd and a degree of substitution of 0.75 [HES 670/0.75]) on canine platelet function. SAMPLE POPULATION: Blood samples from 10 healthy adult dogs. PROCEDURES: Dilution of citrated whole blood was performed with saline (0.9% NaCl) solution, HES 600/0.7, and HES 670/0.75 at ratios of 1:9 (ie, 1 part saline solution or colloid to 9 parts whole blood) and 1:3. Measurements of time to platelet plug formation in a capillary tube (ie, closure time) were made by use of a bench-top platelet function analyzer with collagen and ADP platelet agonists. RESULTS: Mean baseline closure time was 68.0 +/- 15.3 seconds. A 1:3 dilution of whole blood with saline solution, HES 600/0.7, and HES 670/0.75 resulted in mean closure times of 85.8 +/- 15.7 seconds, 100.6 +/- 18.6 seconds, and 101.6 +/- 16.2 seconds, respectively. Closure time following 1:3 dilution of whole blood with saline solution was significantly different from baseline and from 1:9 dilution with saline solution. Closure time following 1:3 dilution of whole blood with HES 670/0.75 was significantly different from baseline, 1:3 and 1:9 dilutions with saline solution, and 1:9 dilutions with HES 600/0.7 or HES 670/0.75. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Saline solution, HES 600/0.7, and HES 670/0.75 affect canine platelet function by prolonging closure times; HES solutions prolonged closure time to a greater extent than saline solution.  相似文献   
Objective: To determine the continuous changes in blood volume in response to fluid administration using an in‐line hematocrit monitor. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Research laboratory. Animals: Four healthy dogs. Interventions: Each dog received intravenous boluses of 80 mL/kg of 0.9% saline (S), 4 mL/kg of 7.5% saline (HS), 20 mL/kg of dextran 70 (D), 20 mL/kg of hetastarch (HES), or no fluids (control, C) on separate occasions. Fluids were administered at 150 mL/min in the S, D, and HES groups, and at 1 mL/kg/min in the HS group. Measurements and main results: Blood volume changes were measured every 20 seconds for 240 minutes using an in‐line hematocrit monitor. There was a rapid rise in blood volume during all infusions. Immediately after the administration of crystalloid fluids, the rapid rise in blood volume ceased. Subsequently, there was a steep decline in blood volume for 10 minutes, and a slower decline thereafter. In contrast, the rise in blood volume continued for at least 10 minutes after the infusion of the colloids was complete, and a plateau was observed for the remainder of the experiment. The blood volume effect, as measured by area under the curve, was significantly greater in the saline group than the other groups during the infusion time and for the 0–240 minutes time period. The areas under the curve for the two colloid solutions were not significantly different from each other during any time periods. The percent increase in blood volume immediately following the infusions was 76.4±10.0 in the S group, 17.1±3.2 in the HS group, 23.0±10.5 in the D group, and 27.2±6.4 in the HES group. At 30 minutes from the start of the infusion, the mean percent increases in blood volumes were 35.2±9.3 in the S group, 12.3±0.9 in the HS group, 35.9±7.3 in the D group, and 36.8±6.5 in the HES group. At 240 h post‐infusion, the mean percent increases in blood volume were 18.0±9.7 in the S group, 2.9±6.1 in the HS group, 25.6±16.1 in the D group, and 26.6±8.6 in the HES group. The C group had a mean percent change in blood volume of ?3.7±3.4 at the end of the experiment. Conclusions: This study indicates that the rapid administration of saline at clinically relevant doses leads to the largest immediate increase in blood volume, although this change is transient because of rapid redistribution of the fluid. Despite a brief increase in blood volume that was almost 3 times the volume administered, hypertonic saline led to the smallest increase in blood volume post‐infusion. The synthetic colloid solutions increased the blood volume by an amount greater than that infused and the effect was sustained for a longer period of time than seen following crystalloid administration, but the maximum increase in blood volume was significantly less than saline. The measurement of continuous changes in blood volume, using an in‐line hematocrit monitor, was a useful means of assessing the dynamic effects of fluid administration in dogs in a research setting.  相似文献   
Weaning from mechanical ventilation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patients that require positive pressure ventilation to maintain sufficient alveolar ventilation or pulmonary gas exchange may eventually reach a point in the course of their care wherein mechanical ventilation is no longer necessary. This process of transferring the work of breathing from the ventilator back to the patient is referred to as ventilator weaning. The term "ventilator weaning" may be used to refer to all methods by which this transfer of workload may be accomplished. In many patients, particularly those with short-lasting or readily correctable causes of respiratory insufficiency (e.g., general anesthesia), the discontinuation of positive pressure ventilation may be easily achieved. Indeed, in patients awakening from general anesthesia, the axiom "awake enough to blink, awake enough to breath" may prove to be a sufficient guideline. However, in those patients requiring long-term mechanical ventilatory support, the process can prove to be both frustrating and exceptionally challenging. It is of crucial importance to identify those patients that may be successfully weaned because of both the financial impact of prolonged intensive care unit hospitalization and the risks imposed on the patient by the process of positive pressure ventilation. To be able to predict which patients may be ready to be weaned from the ventilator requires an understanding of the balance between the work of breathing (ventilatory load) and the ability of the patient's respiratory pump to meet those needs (ventilatory capacity). The management of patients experiencing difficulty during the weaning process requires that the clinician recognize imbalances between ventilatory load and capacity and to correct these imbalances once identified.  相似文献   
The ability of the SAV 6 high-frequency jet ventilator to effectively ventilate three anesthetized, paralyzed cats (3.2–4.2 kg), two small dogs (7.2 and 10.0 kg), six medium-sized dogs (20.5–25.0 kg), and three large dogs (36.0–43.0 kg) via a 14-gauge (dogs) or a 16-gauge (cats) catheter placed percutaneously into the trachea via the cricothyroid membrane or into a preplaced endotracheal tube was evaluated. The lowest driving pressure within the range of 0.25 to 2.0 kg/cm2 (1 kg/cm2= 14.2 psi) and the highest cycle rate within the range of 60 to 240 per minute that would generate a PaCO2 of 30 ± 3 mm Hg were determined.
All animals could be ventilated to a PaC02 of 30 ± 3 mm Hg by the endotracheal tube and transtracheal route, except the largest dogs, which couid be ventilated to an average PaC02 of 36 mm Hg by the transtracheal route. The transtracheal route consistently required higher driving pressures and lower cycle rates than did the endotracheal tube route. Cats could be ventilated with a driving pressure of 0.25 kg/cm2; small dogs could be ventilated with 0.5 to 1.0 kg/cm2; medium-sized dogs with 1.0 to 1.5 kg/cm2; and large dogs with 1.5 to 2.0 kg/cm2.
The SAV 6 high-frequency jet ventilator can effectively ventilate cats and dogs (7.2–43.0 kg) via a transtracheal catheter and an endotracheal tube.  相似文献   
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